60 research outputs found

    Rak szyjki macicy w świadomości młodzieży ponadgimnazjalnej : na przykładzie projektu kampani społecznej dotyczącej profilaktyki raka szyjki macicy

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    Among many problems which should be provided with health promotion one of the most important is a cervical cancer (WHO, 2009). In Poland are being run many social campaigns but none of them is directed toward highschool youths. An unique project of social campaign aimed at youths was created in close collaboration of University of Silesia with Medical University of Silesia. The campaign is being run since September 2009. The project is divided into two stages. Firstly, we diagnosed level of awareness and attitudes toward cancer among high school youths (622 respondents). Secondly, basing on the knowledge from the first stage we created an interactive workshop. Students who are participating in workshops are filling in two questionnaires diagnosing change of their attitudes towards health (in the process). The analyse of scientific material from the first stage shows that most of respondents have not visited gynaecologist so far. 39,5% students are unrealistic optimists as far as their own potential illness is considered. There are serious lacks in knowledge about cervical cancer, moreover, the lowest level of health awareness is observed among girls who are sexually active (23% of respondents)

    Wyznaczniki efektywnego funkcjonowania jednostki w grupie w warunkach polarnych

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    Each year a small group of Polish researchers and technicians goes to Spitsbergen to work in the Polish Polar Scientific Station. The work conditions they face are undoubtedly unique and affect strongly each individual. In the polar psychology literature such work environment is characterised as: Isolated – Confined – Extreme (ICE; Sandal, Leon, Palinkas, 2006). All polar expeditions are exposed to similar environmental conditions, however, their adaptation level can be extremely different. Human behaviour in the Arctic seems to be more determined by the situation rather than by individual features (Palinkas, Suedfeld, 2008). Since the first psychological researches were conducted in the Arctic, the polar explorers living conditions have improved greatly (Mocellin and oth., 1991). However, in spite of this betterment, various difficulties can still be observed in the adaptation to ICE. Most of those difficulties are believed to have psychological origins (Palinkas, Browner, 1995). According to the most recent meta-analysis of the polar psychology research, so far, no sufficient explanation has been provided that would describe the factors determining the well-functioning of a man in the Arctic (Palinkas, Keeton, Shea, & Leveton, 2011). This thesis is an attempt to identify both individual and group characteristics which are crucial to adaptation to the arctic surroundings. The theoretical analyses are supported by findings from the one-year long psychological monitoring of the group working in the Polish Polar Station. The results show that the Polish polar group stands against other polar expeditions. The group perceived themselves as highly productive and well adapted to ICE. They performed their tasks effectively and although during the year the group productivity varied, in the end it was assessed highly. The group was also satisfied with the leadership, and coped with stress effectively. The level of conflict in the group was moderate and not many cliques were created. Beside of this positive characteristic, the group coherency was not very high, and the frequency of contacts among members of the group as well as the level of provided mutual support were moderate. Generally, the natural surroundings provided a lot of positive experiences to the winterers. Although arctic fauna posed a considerate threat to them, Arctic was not perceived as an oppressive territory. Polar people were very satisfied with their living conditions, the polar base satisfied most of explorers needs. On the other hand, although the group dynamics was variable, the thesis about superiority of the influence on the psychological well-being of the group phases over surrounding influence has not been supported. Moreover, indicators applied to measure the group development do not support Tuckmana & Jensen (1977) group dynamic model assumptions. The presented research has two aspects. Not only can they be treated as basic research but they have strong applied dimension too. On the one hand, Arctic is the natural laboratory for the psychological research where current psychological knowledge can be verified in the context of extreme conditions. On the other hand, psychological monitoring of polar expeditions is strongly desirable in order to minimize psychological costs incurred by people facing harsh polar conditions. As far as applied aspects of research are concerned, theoretical considerations and research results show that changes can be introduced in three main fields: seclect in/out procedures for station workers, pre-expedition training and constant yearly psychological monitoring run in the station

    Wykorzystanie wielowymiarowych technik analizy widm 1H MRS in vivo w różnicowaniu wrodzonych wad metabolizmu

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    The thesis is based on a series of publications A.1 - A.3. The primary aim was to assess the utility of 1H MRS in vivo technique and multivariate data analysis methods in diagnosis of inborn errors of metabolism in children. 1H MRS in vivo technique provides valuable insight into brain biochemistry. However, relatively low spectral resolution and sensitivity of the technique hamper differentiation of various disorders. Application of multivariate data analysis techniques making use of covariances or correlations between metabolites is expected to facilitate extraction of clinically useful spectral features. In publications A.1 and A.2 visualization of metabolic differences between rare inborn errors of metabolism and other neurological disorders commonly encountered in clinical practice was achieved using dimensionality reduction of 1H MRS data acquired from the regions of interest located in brain white matter. Both water scaled metabolite levels determined with LCModel software (publication A.1) and unresolved 1H MRS in vivo spectra normalized to the sum of low-molecular metabolites (publication A.2) were subjected to principal component analysis. The obtained results proved the usefulness of the method in differentiation of various white matter neurometabolic disiorders (van der Knaap disease, metachromatic leukodystrophy, globoidal leukodystrophy and Canavan disease) from other neurological disorders (cerebral palsy, global developmental delay and epileptic encephalopathy). As neurometabolic disorders individually are extremely rare, it was necessary to pool 1H MRS in vivo data acquired during a relatively long period of time. The publication A.3 was devoted to assessment of long-term MRI scanner reproducibility and application of unsupervised change point detection technique in the analysis of phantom metabolite levels time series. Although multivariate techniques of data analysis are increasingly used for detection of complex 1H MRS derived metabolic signatures in pathological conditions, multivariate analysis of regional heterogeneity of the normal human brain has not been paid attention so far. Thus, the secondary aim of this work was to determine metabolic coordinates of various brain regions in 1H MRS in vivo derived multivariate space. A.1 Polnik A (Skorupa A), Sokół M, Jamroz E, Paprocka J, Wicher M, Banasik T, Marszał E, Kiełtyka A, Konopka M. Contribution of 1H MRS to differential diagnosis of neurologic disorders in children. W: Some aspects of medical physics - in vivo and in vitro studies. Eds.: Z. Drzazga, K. Ślosarek, Polish Journal of Environmental Studies. Series of Monographs. Vol.1, 2010, str. 27-33. A.2. Skorupa A., Jamroz E, Paprocka J, Sokół M, Wicher M, Kiełtyka A. Bridging the gap between metabolic profile determination and visualization in neurometabolic disorders: a multivariate analysis of proton magnetic resonance in vivo spectra. J Chemometrics. 2013;27:76–90. A.3 Skorupa A, Wicher M, Banasik T, Jamroz E, Paprocka J, Kiełtyka A, Sokół M, Konopka M. Fourand- one-half years' experience in monitoring of reproducibility of an MR spectroscopy systemapplication of in vitro results to interpretation of in vivo data. J Appl Clin Med Phys. 2014;15(3):4754

    Między genami a środowiskiem : różnice indywidualne i ich społeczne konsekwencje na przykładzie filmu "Miasto Boga"

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    Chapter is focused on reflections about genetic and environmental determinants of individual differences and their social consequences. The illustration of those issues we can find in franco‑brasilian movie production entitled “City of God” (2002, directors: Fernando Meirelles and Kátia Lund). The action of the film takes place in an authentic Rio de Janeiro’s shanty town. Brazilian favelas are full of poverty, violence, drug trafficking, uncontrolled access to guns, as well as, they provide very limited career paths. Chapter is an attempt of finding the answer on such questions as: To what level inborn potential of individuals can be realised in environment full of deprivation? Why some individuals are sharing their sad lot with others and why some individuals can fully realise themselves in favelas? The analyse is done from the individual differences perspective

    Circadian rhythm and heart disease - what is the link? A review

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    Introduction and purpose: Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is still the leading cause of death worldwide and causes 49% of mortality in Europe. This makes CVD is the most important reason for premature mortality and Disability Adjusted Life Years (“DALYS”) in that continent. It is associated with variables such as blood pressure, heart rate, circulating catecholamines, markers of blood coagulation and vascular endothelial function which are dependent on different times of the day. The epidemiological data indicate that the biggest number of CVD incidents occur during the early morning hours. In this work we try to discuss the circadian rhythm and its impact on variables which, according to data, are most crucial on CV incident rate. Brief description of the state of knowledge: The cardiovascular disease and mortality risk is associated with variables such as morning blood pressure, fluctuations in metabolism rate or even in immunological response. These variables are dependent on the circadian rhythm. This article covers the most crucial components affected by the daily fluctuations considering the heart according to the literature from the last five years.  Conclusions: This review highlighted the link between circadian rhythm and cardiovascular disease with the purpose of focusing on the most important clinically aspects of that machinery from blood pressure to inflammation. Despite all of these exciting findings which could possibly have future implications in the field of cardiology, there is still a significant need to explore this complicated relationship between the biological clock and the heart.&nbsp

    O psychologii w filmach słów kilka

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    The present chapter emphasizes a special role of the relationship between psychology and the film, focusing on one of the areas of this relation, namely on psychology in films. In a synthetic form, the origin of the relationship between psychology and the film is outlined, which comes down not only to co-occurring historical events, but also to the field of interest, which is man and his behaviour. Also, the problems of defining the notion of the so-called psychological film are explained, as are two potential ways of its understanding. Moreover, the chapter draws attention to the challenge of detecting psychological facts and myths in film productions and encourages reflection on the impact of films. In its final part, the chapter introduces the readers into the method of psychological work with films, which is developed by the authors

    Psychologiczna praca z filmem "W głowie się nie mieści" (Inside Out)

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    Artykuł omawia znaczenie filmu animowanego W głowie się nie mieści (Inside Out) w kontekście wartości edukacyjnej, jaką ze sobą niesie. Analizie poddana zostaje treść filmu, która koncentruje się na roli emocji w życiu człowieka. Jednocześnie jako badacze i praktycy chcemy w niniejszym tekście podzielić się osobistymi refleksjami dotyczącymi pracy z filmem w ogóle i staramy się wytłumaczyć, dlaczego akurat ten konkretny film jest świetnym przykładem pokazującym wyzwania stojące przed każdym, kto zdecyduje się wykorzystać go w swojej pracy warsztatowej, terapeutycznej czy psychoedukacyjnej. The article focuses on the meaning of the animation Inside Out, especially concerning its educational message. Emotions in human’s life are the main topic of this analysis. Furthermore, we share our views on the psychological role of the movie used while teaching, that are based on the gained knowledge and practical experience. In addition to that, we intend to explain why work with this specific film makes such a great example of the challenges standing before everyone who has decided to use it in one’s workshops, therapy or psychoeducational work

    Editorial: Social relevance of polar research: Part 1

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    Linguistic analysis of psychological inventory : a variety of interpretations of inventory points and the issue of inventory credibility

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    Testy psychologiczne to narzędzia służące do pomiaru natężenia danej cechy psychicznej u osoby badanej. Pomiar ten w wielu przypadkach odbywa się za pośrednictwem pytań lub stwierdzeń, do których ustosunkowują się badani. Choć narzędzia psychologiczne podlegają wysokiej standaryzacji i przykłada się dużą wagę do ich parametryzacji, sfery językowa testów zdaje się być uznawana za drugoplanową. Sposób sfomułowania pytań testowych, w zależności od tego, czy oparte będą na hiponimach lub hiperonimach, może w znacznym stopniu wpłynąć na udzieloną przez badanego odpowiedź, a przez to obniżyć trafność teoretyczną narzędzia. Autorki artkułu przeprowadziły badanie, w którym 637 osób wypełniało test psychologiczny FCZ-KT (Strelau, Zawadzki 1995), a następnie opisywało sytuacje, które przywołali w pamięci ustosunkowując się do 20 ze 120 pytań z tegoż testu (pytania zostały wyłonione wcześniej podczas badania pilotażowego). Odpowiedzi otwarte udzielone przez badanych zostały skategoryzowane przez sędziów kompetentnych. W niniejszym artykule przedstawione zostanie spektrum różnorodnych skojarzeń jakie u osób badanych budzi ten sam item. Refleksji poddana zostanie sfera językowa testów psychologicznych jako wpływająca w sposób istotny na wiarygodność narzędzia.Psychological inventories are tools used to measure intensity of a given trait in an examined person. Many inventories are based on written questions to which people respond. Although psychological inventories are standardized and their parameterization is a matter of great importance, the linguistic sphere of tests seems to be considered as secondary. The way in which the inventory questions are structured, depending on whether they are based on hyponyms or hyperonyms, has a significant impact on the response given by people diagnosed. Moreover, it can reduce theoretical validity of the tool. The authors of the article conducted a study in which 637 people completed the FCZ-KT inventory (Strelau, Zawadzki 1995). Next, the respondents described situations in which they recalled answering 20 out of 120 questions from the inventory (questions were selected earlier during the pilot study). Open answers given by the respondents were categorized by competent judges. This article presents the spectrum of various associations that the same item evokes in different respondents. The linguistic aspect of psychological tests and the issue of credibility of tools related to it is the main subject of the article

    Motivational aspects of wintering in polar stations

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    For over one hundred years, humans have been actively exploring polar regions. At present, each year, several thousand people work at polar stations in the Arctic and Antarctica. Polar stations have unique workplace characteristics; the conditions are classified as isolated, confined, and extreme. This leaves the important question of what motivates people to carry out professional tasks in such a context, particularly during wintering over in a polar station. The current study was designed to answer that question. Eighty-six winterers (22 women and 64 men) from ten different countries described their motivation to winter over. The qualitative approach, thematic analysis, was applied to data analysis. Two coding cycles were applied: initial coding and theming of the data. Fifty-six detailed categories were identified and then grouped thematically, resulting in 17 main categories. The three main motivation categories were challenge and adventure (N = 36), unique experience (N = 16), and performance of the job (N = 15). There were also differences in motivation between explorers from different countries, from Arctic and Antarctic polar stations, from civilian and military polar stations, and between female and male polar expeditioners. Obtained results can be applied to improve selection procedures and better support expeditioners during their stay in the polar station