Rak szyjki macicy w świadomości młodzieży ponadgimnazjalnej : na przykładzie projektu kampani społecznej dotyczącej profilaktyki raka szyjki macicy


Among many problems which should be provided with health promotion one of the most important is a cervical cancer (WHO, 2009). In Poland are being run many social campaigns but none of them is directed toward highschool youths. An unique project of social campaign aimed at youths was created in close collaboration of University of Silesia with Medical University of Silesia. The campaign is being run since September 2009. The project is divided into two stages. Firstly, we diagnosed level of awareness and attitudes toward cancer among high school youths (622 respondents). Secondly, basing on the knowledge from the first stage we created an interactive workshop. Students who are participating in workshops are filling in two questionnaires diagnosing change of their attitudes towards health (in the process). The analyse of scientific material from the first stage shows that most of respondents have not visited gynaecologist so far. 39,5% students are unrealistic optimists as far as their own potential illness is considered. There are serious lacks in knowledge about cervical cancer, moreover, the lowest level of health awareness is observed among girls who are sexually active (23% of respondents)

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