280 research outputs found

    Norwegian rural jewelry traditions in the era of globalization

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    The globalization process has led to universalness and sameness, but at the same time an increased appreciation of difference.1 The display of specific identities has become necessary to be visible in the universalness. They express our self-conception, but also how we want to be regarded by others. It reflects our ambitions towards the outside world both at a personal and social level. As potential tools for displaying these identities, local cultural traditions have increased in importance. They have become necessary ingredients in the societal communication process.2 The situation has enhanced the significance of personal adornment. With its symbolic function, jewelry constitutes an exceptionally powerful way of expressing them. The market for such items is flourishing. In Norway the habit of wearing jewelry based on rural traditions constitutes a continuous tradition, which is even stronger than in the other Scandinavian countries.3 In the era of globalization it has increased, and the demand for such objects is substantial. The various professional groups within the designer community have responded according to their internal aesthetic preferences, which are not always congruent with those of the surrounding society. This has caused a discrepancy between demand and innovative design.4 The paper consists of an investigation of the historical background for this, seen at the backdrop of the situation in two widely different countries, India and Italy, where societal and market oriented innovation is playing a major role

    The Imposition of Rule 11 Sanctions After a Voluntary Dismissal

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    Sexual function and lifestyle behavior among lymphoma survivors after high dose chemotherapy with autologous stem-cell transplantation

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    Background/Aims: Lymphoma is one of the most prevalent malignancies among young persons. The survival rate is high, though comes with a risk of late effects including secondary cancer, cardiovascular disease (CVD) and chronic fatigue (CF). Some lymphoma patients require especially intensive treatment, high dose chemotherapy with autologous stem-cell transplantation (auto-SCT), to achieve curation or prolonged survival. This thesis aimed to investigate sexual function and lifestyle factors among auto-SCT survivors and to compare the results to controls. Methods: A national cross-sectional survey was conducted, inviting 399 survivors who were >18 years at auto-SCT, treated during 1987-2008 and without ongoing cancer treatment. Participants responded anonymously on a mailed multi-item questionnaire. Independent t-test and Χ2-test were performed for comparison of mean and prevalence, respectively, between groups. Age-adjusted and multivariable logistic and linear regression models were used to assess associations between explanatory variables and categorical and linear outcome variables, respectively. Effect size was estimated to assess clinical significance of differences. Controls were randomly drawn from three normative cohorts, using frequency matching. Results: In total, the response rate was 78%, 60% was men and median follow-up time was 8.5 years. In paper I, male survivors had lower sexual functioning and satisfaction than controls. In multivariable models, lower sexual functioning was related to increasing age, less physical activity and CF. Reduced erectile function was related to CVD. In paper II, female survivors more frequently reported personal-issues as cause of sexual inactivity than controls. Sexual activity was related to younger age, being in a relationship and hormone replacement therapy among the postmenopausal women. Sexually active survivors had more sexual discomfort (vaginal dryness and coital pain) and were more often too tired to have sex compared with controls. Reduced sexual functioning was related to younger age, total body irradiation, mental distress and CF. In paper III, 55% was sedentary and overweight while 18% smoked. Compared to controls, more survivors were adhering to lifestyle recommendations. Among survivors, an unhealthier lifestyle was related to male gender, less chemotherapy prior to auto-SCT, a higher burden of somatic disease and CF. Conclusions: Sexual function was lower among survivors than controls and there was a potential for improvement of healthy lifestyle factors among survivors

    Learning methods in outdoor life: How shoud you teach outdoor life?

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    Bacheloroppgave faglærerutdanning i kroppsøving og idrettsfag, 2016Forfatter: Sondre Skjerven, faglærerutdanningen i kroppsøving og idrettsfag 2013 - Høgskolen i Hedmark avd. Elverum Tittel: Læringsmetodikk i friluftsliv Problemstilling: Hvordan kan økt fokus på metodikk i friluftslivsundervisningen i grunnskolen være med på å øke læringsutbyttet hos elevene og bidra til en god allmenndannelse? Metode For å finne svar på min problemstilling har jeg benyttet litteraturstudie, der jeg har tatt for meg tidligere utført forskning og relevant teori for å undersøke dette temaet. Resultat: Ved å variere og se an læringsmetodene ut fra hver enkelt situasjon man havner i vil elevene mest sannsynlig sitte igjen med ett økt læringsutbytte og en god allmenndannelse. Situasjonsbasert læring er nøkkelordet

    Hvordan det historiske reality programmet Anno uttrykker historiebevissthet

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    Historisk reality-TV har blitt en populær sjanger de siste årene, og er dermed en viktig formidlingskanal av historie til allmenheten. Historiske reality-program, slik som Anno, forsøker å utforske hvordan det er å leve i en annen tid, samtidig som deltakerne i programmet reflekterer over fortiden i lys av nåtiden. Det medfører at realityserien også handler om nåtiden slik at dette kan brukes til å anta fremtiden. Serien uttrykker dermed begrepet historiebevissthet, et begrep som alle mennesker behøver for å skape mening i tilværelsen og for å orientere seg i livet. På bakgrunn av dette er masteravhandlingens problemstilling som følgende: «Hvordan kan NRK-serien Anno sikte mot å etablere historiebevissthet hos seerne?» Hovedteorien er Jorn Rüsens teorier om historiebevissthetsbegrepet, som jeg har valgt som teoretiske rammeverk. Det sentrale fra hans teori dreier seg om meningsskaping og orientering, og hvordan dette kommer til uttrykk fra ulike narrativ. Det betyr at empiren blir behandlet som et narrativ, og dermed har jeg valgt metoden visuell narrativ analyse, som er skapt av Riessman (2008). Den visuelle narrative analysen består av visuell, strukturell, tematisk og dialogisk tilnærming som jeg har benyttet meg av for å undersøke hvordan budskapene formidles i serien. Den visuelle studerer ulike måter å kommuniserer mening, slik som bilder, kroppsspråk og gester. Den strukturelle handler om hvordan narrativ er organisert, mens den dialogiske har jeg valgt bort fordi det innebærer undersøkeren i prosessen. Den siste tematiske analysen handler om innholdet, det betyr å sette søkelys på det som fortelles. Funnene fra denne forskningen er at Anno-serien forteller ulike narrativ som frembringer ulike budskap. Det tradisjonelle forsøker å fremstille likhetstrekk mellom fortiden og nåtiden, slik at seerne skal oppleve forankring til historien. Ved å vise til det opprinnelige fra fortiden som er aktuelt i nåtiden, skaper serien trygghet i den globaliserte «moderne» verden. Det eksemplariske narrativ skal lære seerne om nytteverdien av demokratiet og miljøvennlighet ved å trekke fram hvordan dette utspilte seg i senmiddelalderen. Det betyr at fortiden skal lære seerne noe, slik at det har en pedagogisk funksjon. Det kritiske narrativ uttrykker kritiske tilnærminger til det som engang var, for å illustrere at dette ikke er ønskelig i nåtid. De kritiske holdningene kommer spesielt til uttrykk fra deltakerne som representerer «moderne» verdier, og dermed mennesker som «oss». Det siste genetiske narrativ dreier seg om samfunnsendringer, og hvordan dette har medført innvirkninger på nåtiden. Mennesker er med andre ord både skapte og skapere av historie. De ulike budskapene oppnås i serien ved at seerne kan identifisere seg med deltakerne, ved at det benyttes «fakta», og ved at serien taler direkte til publikum og påvirker deres følelser. Følelser har innvirkning på seernes handlinger, slik at det etablerer orientering.Historic reality TV has become a popular genre the last years and is therefore an important channel to convey history out to the general public. Historic reality shows, like Anno, try to explore everyday life in another time. Meanwhile, the participants of the show reflect over the past in light of the present. The reality series also deals with the present and how it can be used to predict the future. Hence, the show uses the term historical consciousness, which is useful for all to find meaning in the existence and to orient oneself in life. This forms the basis of the problem to be addressed in this Master’s Thesis: «How can the NRK series Anno aim to establish historical consciousness with the viewers?». The main theory is Jorn Rüsens theories about historical consciousness, which I have chosen as theoretical background. His theory is about creating meaning and orientation, and how it is expressed in different narratives. This means the empirical is treated as a narrative. I have therefore chosen the method visual narrative analysis, created by Riessman (2008). The visual narrative analysis is based on a visual, structural, thematical and dialogical approach, which I have used when examining how the messages are conveyed in the series. The visual studies different ways of communicating meaning, like images, body language and gestures. The structural is about how narratives are organized. I have chosen not to write about the dialogical because it involves the examiner in the process. The last thematical analysis is about the content, this means to illuminate what is being told. The findings from this research is that the Anno series tells a variety of narratives with different messages. The traditional tries to find similarities between the past and the present so that the viewers can relate to the story. The story creates a feeling of safety in the “modern” globalized world by highlighting elements in the past that are relevant in the present. The exemplary narrative is supposed to demonstrate to the viewers the value of democracy and environmental friendliness by highlighting elements of the society of late Middle Ages. The past is therefore supposed to teach the viewers something, bringing a pedagogical function. The critical narrative expresses critical approaches to what has been, to illustrate that it is not wanted in the present. The critical point of view is especially expressed from the participants who represent «modern» values, who are like «us». The last genetic narrative involves societal change and how this has had an impact on the present. In other words, people are both made of history and makers of history. The different messages are conveyed when the viewers can identify with the participants, with the use of «facts» and by the series speaking directly to the audience and affecting their emotions. Emotions can impact the viewers actions, so that it establishes orientation

    Felles behandlingsansvar mellom helseforetak ved samarbeid etter pasientjournalloven § 9

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    Oppgaven tar sikte på å redegjøre for reglene om felles behandlingsansvar når virksomheter samarbeider om behandling av pasientopplysninger i forbindelse med helsehjelp. Hovedmålet er å redegjøre for vilkårene for at felles behandlingsansvar skal foreligge, med særlig fokus på å belyse anvendelsen av vilkårene i en kontekst der to eller flere virksomheter samarbeider om behandling av opplysninger med helsehjelp som formål. Oppgaven redegjør derfor inngående for vilkårene for felles behandlingsansvar slik disse følger av personvernforordningen. Deretter sammenholdes redegjørelsen for de generelle vilkårene med § 9 i den norske pasientjournalloven, for å klarlegge rettstilstanden for virksomheter som samarbeider etter denne bestemmelsen. Endelig belyses anvendelsen av vilkårene for felles behandlingsansvar for opplysninger som skal brukes i helsehjelp gjennom noen eksempler