146 research outputs found

    Revealing hidden information in osteoblast’s mechanotransduction through analysis of time patterns of critical events

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    Background Mechanotransduction in bone cells plays a pivotal role in osteoblast differentiation and bone remodelling. Mechanotransduction provides the link between modulation of the extracellular matrix by mechanical load and intracellular activity. By controlling the balance between the intracellular and extracellular domains, mechanotransduction determines the optimum functionality of skeletal dynamics. Failure of this relationship was suggested to contribute to bone-related diseases such as osteoporosis. Results A hybrid mechanical and agent-based model (Mech-ABM), simulating mechanotransduction in a single osteoblast under external mechanical perturbations, was utilised to simulate and examine modulation of the activation dynamics of molecules within mechanotransduction on the cellular response to mechanical stimulation. The number of molecules and their fluctuations have been analysed in terms of recurrences of critical events. A numerical approach has been developed to invert subordination processes and to extract the direction processes from the molecular signals in order to derive the distribution of recurring events. These predict that there are large fluctuations enclosing information hidden in the noise which is beyond the dynamic variations of molecular baselines. Moreover, studying the system under different mechanical load regimes and altered dynamics of feedback loops, illustrate that the waiting time distributions of each molecule are a signature of the system’s state. Conclusions The behaviours of the molecular waiting times change with the changing of mechanical load regimes and altered dynamics of feedback loops, presenting the same variation of patterns for similar interacting molecules and identifying specific alterations for key molecules in mechanotransduction. This methodology could be used to provide a new tool to identify potent molecular candidates to modulate mechanotransduction, hence accelerate drug discovery towards therapeutic targets for bone mass upregulation

    Analysis of mechanotransduction dynamics during combined mechanical stimulation and modulation of the extracellular-regulated kinase cascade uncovers hidden information within the signalling noise

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    Osteoporosis is a bone disease characterized by brittle bone and increased fracture incidence. With ageing societies worldwide, the disease presents a high burden on health systems. Furthermore, there are limited treatments for osteoporosis with just two anabolic pharmacological agents approved by the US Food and Drug Administration. Healthy bones are believed to be maintained via an intricate relationship between dual biochemical and mechanical (bio-mechanical) stimulations. It is widely considered that osteoporosis emerges as a result of disturbances to said relationship. The mechanotransduction process is key to this balance, and disruption of its dynamics in bone cells plays a role in osteoporosis development. Nonetheless, the exact details and mechanisms that drive and secure the health of bones are still elusive at the cellular and molecular scales. This study examined the dual modulation of mechanical stimulation and mechanotransduction activation dynamics in an osteoblast (OB). The aim was to find patterns of mechanotransduction dynamics demonstrating a significant change that can be mapped to alterations in the OB responses, specifically at the level of gene expression and osteogenic markers such as alkaline phosphatase. This was achieved using a three-dimensional hybrid multiscale computational model simulating mechanotransduction in the OB and its interaction with the extracellular matrix, combined with a numerical analytical technique. The model and the analysis method predict that within the noise of mechanotransduction, owing to modulation of the bio-mechanical stimulus and consequent gene expression, there are unique events that provide signatures for a shift in the system's dynamics. Furthermore, the study uncovered molecular interactions that can be potential drug targets

    Peak strain magnitudes and rates in the tibia exceed greatly those in the skull: An in vivo study in a human subject

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    Bone mass and architecture are the result of a genetically determined baseline structure, modified by the effect of internal hormonal/biochemical regulators and the effect of mechanical loading. Bone strain is thought to drive a feedback mechanism to regulate bone formation and resorption to maintain an optimal, but not excessive mass and organisation of material at each skeletal location. Because every site in the skeleton has different functions, we have measured bone strains induced by physiological and more unusual activities, at two different sites, the tibia and cranium of a young human male in vivo. During the most vigorous activities, tibial strains were shown to exceed 0.2%, when ground reaction exceeded 5 times body weight. However in the skull the highest strains recorded were during heading a heavy medicine/exercise ball where parietal strains were up to 0.0192%. Interestingly parietal strains during more physiological activities were much lower, often below 0.01%. Strains during biting were not dependent upon bite force, but could be induced by facial contortions of similar appearance without contact between the teeth. Rates of strain change in the two sites were also very different, where peak tibial strain rate exceeded rate in the parietal bone by more than 5 fold. These findings suggest that the skull and tibia are subject to quite different regulatory influences, as strains that would be normal in the human skull would be likely to lead to profound bone loss by disuse in the long bones

    Time-course of exercise and its association with 12-month bone changes

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Exercise has been shown to have positive effects on bone density and strength. However, knowledge of the time-course of exercise and bone changes is scarce due to lack of methods to quantify and qualify daily physical activity in long-term. The aim was to evaluate the association between exercise intensity at 3, 6 and 12 month intervals and 12-month changes in upper femur areal bone mineral density (aBMD) and mid-femur geometry in healthy premenopausal women.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Physical activity was continuously assessed with a waist-worn accelerometer in 35 healthy women (35-40 years) participating in progressive high-impact training. To describe exercise intensity, individual average daily numbers of impacts were calculated at five acceleration levels (range 0.3-9.2 <it>g</it>) during time intervals of 0-3, 0-6, and 0-12 months. Proximal femur aBMD was measured with dual x-ray absorptiometry and mid-femur geometry was evaluated with quantitative computed tomography at the baseline and after 12 months. Physical activity data were correlated with yearly changes in bone density and geometry, and adjusted for confounding factors and impacts at later months of the trial using multivariate analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Femoral neck aBMD changes were significantly correlated with 6 and 12 months' impact activity at high intensity levels (> 3.9 <it>g</it>, <it>r </it>being up to 0.42). Trochanteric aBMD changes were associated even with first three months of exercise exceeding 1.1 <it>g </it>(<it>r </it>= 0.39-0.59, <it>p </it>< 0.05). Similarly, mid-femoral cortical bone geometry changes were related to even first three months' activity (<it>r </it>= 0.38-0.52, <it>p </it>< 0.05). In multivariate analysis, 0-3 months' activity did not correlate with bone change at any site after adjusting for impacts at later months. Instead, 0-6 months' impacts were significant correlates of 12-month changes in femoral neck and trochanter aBMD, mid-femur bone circumference and cortical bone attenuation even after adjustment. No significant correlations were found at the proximal or distal tibia.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The number of high acceleration impacts during 6 months of training was positively associated with 12-month bone changes at the femoral neck, trochanter and mid-femur. These results can be utilized when designing feasible training programs to prevent bone loss in premenopausal women.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>Clinical trials.gov NCT00697957</p

    Systemic treatment with pulsed electromagnetic fields do not affect bone microarchitecture in osteoporotic rats

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    Purpose: Pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) are currently used in the treatment of spinal fusions and non-unions. There are indications that PEMF might also be effective in the treatment of osteoporosis. In this study we examined whether whole-body PEMF treatment affects the bone microarchitecture in an osteoporotic rat model. Methods: Twenty-week-old female rats were ovariectomised (n020). Four different PEMF treatment protocols based on previous experimental studies and based on clinically used PEMF signals were examined (2 h/day, 5 days/week). A control group did not receive PEMF. At zero, three and six weeks cancellous and cortical bone architectural changes at the proximal tibia were evaluated using in vivo microCT scanning. Results: PEMF treatment did not induce any changes in cancellous or cortical bone compared to untreated controls. Conclusions: Although previous studies have shown strong effects of PEMF in osteoporosis we were unable to demonstrate this in any of the treatment protocols. Using in vivo microCT scanning we were able to identify small bone changes in time. Subtle differences in the experimental setup might explain the differences in study outcomes in the literature. Since PEMF treatment is safe, future experimental studies on the effect of PEMF on bone can better be performed directly on humans, eliminating the potential translation issues between animals and humans. In this study we found no support for the use of PEMF in the treatment of osteoporosis

    Early life vitamin D depletion alters the postnatal response to skeletal loading in growing and mature bone

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    There is increasing evidence of persistent effects of early life vitamin D exposure on later skeletal health; linking low levels in early life to smaller bone size in childhood as well as increased fracture risk later in adulthood, independently of later vitamin D status. A major determinant of bone mass acquisition across all ages is mechanical loading. We tested the hypothesis in an animal model system that early life vitamin D depletion results in abrogation of the response to mechanical loading, with consequent reduction in bone size, mass and strength during both childhood and adulthood. A murine model was created in which pregnant dams were either vitamin D deficient or replete, and their offspring moved to a vitamin D replete diet at weaning. Tibias of the offspring were mechanically loaded and bone structure, extrinsic strength and growth measured both during growth and after skeletal maturity. Offspring of vitamin D deplete mice demonstrated lower bone mass in the non loaded limb and reduced bone mass accrual in response to loading in both the growing skeleton and after skeletal maturity. Early life vitamin D depletion led to reduced bone strength and altered bone biomechanical properties. These findings suggest early life vitamin D status may, in part, determine the propensity to osteoporosis and fracture that blights later life in many individuals

    Ketamine Influences CLOCK:BMAL1 Function Leading to Altered Circadian Gene Expression

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    Major mood disorders have been linked to abnormalities in circadian rhythms, leading to disturbances in sleep, mood, temperature, and hormonal levels. We provide evidence that ketamine, a drug with rapid antidepressant effects, influences the function of the circadian molecular machinery. Ketamine modulates CLOCK:BMAL1-mediated transcriptional activation when these regulators are ectopically expressed in NG108-15 neuronal cells. Inhibition occurs in a dose-dependent manner and is attenuated after treatment with the GSK3Ξ² antagonist SB21673. We analyzed the effect of ketamine on circadian gene expression and observed a dose-dependent reduction in the amplitude of circadian transcription of the Bmal1, Per2, and Cry1 genes. Finally, chromatin-immunoprecipitation analyses revealed that ketamine altered the recruitment of the CLOCK:BMAL1 complex on circadian promoters in a time-dependent manner. Our results reveal a yet unsuspected molecular mode of action of ketamine and thereby may suggest possible pharmacological antidepressant strategies

    Measuring ethnicity: challenges and opportunities for survey research

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    Measuring ethnic identity in social surveys has traditionally been problematic, often using a single question and allowing the respondent to choose one category from a pre-defined list. In this paper we discuss the rationale for and limitations of measuring a complex and multi-dimensional concept with a simple, uni-dimensional question. We propose that operationalizing ethnicity as multi-dimensional requires multiple questions to capture the complexity of the concept. Giving researchers a number of different measures enables them to focus on the dimensions of interest to them, and has the potential to open up the rich resources of theoretically robust survey research to researchers from a range of disciplines concerned with questions of ethnic identification
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