39 research outputs found
Professionalization and trust in public sector interpreting.
This article approaches interpreting in the public sector or “community” from the vantage point of the sociology of professions. The aim is to examine the interpreter function in light of the process of professionalization and concepts such as professional trust and the exercise of discretion. How welldoes the interpreter function fulfill the criteria of being a profession? What is holding the process of professionalization back? In exploring these issues, I observe the interpreter function through the prism of a model of professionalization outlined by a group of Scandinavian sociologists (Molander &Terum, 2008; Grimen 2008ab; Grimen & Molander, 2008). The model divides professionalization into performative and organizational aspects. What is the professional status of the interpreter in the public sector in terms of these aspects? The empirical data originate from chat discussions where studentswith different working languages (WL) who are going through a blended course (30 ECTS) on interpreting, discuss issues of professionalization. The analysis shows that the interpreter function fulfills the criteria of the performative aspect, while the organizational aspect is less developed
Professionalization and trust in public sector interpreting.
This article approaches interpreting in the public sector or “community” from the vantage point of the sociology of professions. The aim is to examine the interpreter function in light of the process of professionalization and concepts such as professional trust and the exercise of discretion. How welldoes the interpreter function fulfill the criteria of being a profession? What is holding the process of professionalization back? In exploring these issues, I observe the interpreter function through the prism of a model of professionalization outlined by a group of Scandinavian sociologists (Molander &Terum, 2008; Grimen 2008ab; Grimen & Molander, 2008). The model divides professionalization into performative and organizational aspects. What is the professional status of the interpreter in the public sector in terms of these aspects? The empirical data originate from chat discussions where studentswith different working languages (WL) who are going through a blended course (30 ECTS) on interpreting, discuss issues of professionalization. The analysis shows that the interpreter function fulfills the criteria of the performative aspect, while the organizational aspect is less developed
Tandem teaching in the education of public service interpreters
This chapter addresses the question of how to perform tandem teaching within an experiential-dialogic approach to learning and focuses on how course co-ordinators assist in the facilitators’ preparation for their joint activities in the classroom. There are two types of facilitators in the model: facilitators of inter-preting strategies and facilitators of language strategies cooperating in the su-pervision of role-played exercises. The chapter first presents the training mod-el developed at Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet). Then, it describes the basic ideas, aims, and organization applied in coaching the facilitators on how to cooperate in the classroom. The model’s foundation is on-the-job training that includes seminars, follow-up meetings both on-campus and online, and group and individual feedback and evaluations. After presenting the training model, we discuss some advantages and challenges associated with the ap-proach
A blended approach to interpreter education
After a brief description of the Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Public Sector Inter-preting (PSI) at OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University, its overall structure and the rationale behind the choice of a blended approach model in interpreter education, this chapter examines the didactics of selected learning activities that illustrate the BA’s overall experiential-dialogical approach towards learning. The analysis of the didactic experiences is presented, and different factors that necessitate the chosen approach are discussed: some of them pertain to inher-ent didactic aspects (e.g., who are the students in terms of age, gender, previous education, and language background, and what do they need to learn?) or to broader societal perspectives, such as societal and systemic factors that are ad-vancing or inhibiting the development of interpreter education. Against this background, the main part of the chapter focuses on organised collaborative learning activities, specifically a) onsite role-play and b) online activities, both synchronous (chats) and asynchronous (discussions). Particular attention is given to how online and onsite activities fit together
Fredrik VI som politisk aktør 1807-1814. Ei historiografisk undersøking av Fredrik VI som politisk aktør, med hand om militær- og utanrikspolitikken
Vi nærmar oss eit stort jubileum i Noreg. I 2014 er det 200 år sidan "det forunderlege året" - 1814. Denne oppgåva undersøker historielitteraturen, med særleg fokus på kong Fredrik VI (1768-1839). Formålet er å kartlegge skildringane av kongen som politisk aktør, og freiste å danne eit større bilete av Fredrik i krigsåra 1807-1814. Mot slutten av avhandlinga vil resultata verte testa mot den nye kongebiografien, Den Standhaftige Tinsoldat, som kom i 2009
"Regner med at tolken har superevner". Refleksjoner rundt skjermtolkingens pas de trois
Cecilia Wadensjö (1992, 1998) describes the onsite interpreting of dialogues as a pas de trois. In this contribution I explore how interpreting students experience the ‘dance for three’ during video mediated interpreting (VMI). In dialogue interpreting, when interpreters meet the interlocutors face-to-face and render their utterances in short sequences in both language directions, they coordinate the talk with subtle signals known from monolingual conversations, for instance gaze. What happens to such turn-taking signals during VMI? The experiences of 46 interpreting students attending an online course on VMI at Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet) form the base for analysis, as the students discuss their experiences from the course and the Norwegian market of Public Sector Interpreting. The data, chatlogs from the students’ synchronous online chats, show that the turn-taking strategies applied in the coordination of onsite dialogue interpreting appear less efficient during VMI. Typically, subtle signals such as gaze, hand or body movements that are efficiently applied to grab the floor and coordinate turn-taking in onsite encounters have a reduced or altered effect on the screen. Moreover, paralinguistic signals such as marked breath-taking, sighing or hawking are not functional due to sound interference. Accordingly, the students find that during VMI close cooperation with the professional in charge of the encounter is necessary for communication to succeed
Web Services / Distributed Systems : Can Web Services Be Used as Foundation for Distributed Systems?
This thesis analyse distributed systems and web services to see if web services can be used as a foundation for distributed systems. The thesis looks at the theoretical and practical aspects of both distributed systems and web services. The thesis is divided into four parts: Distributed systems, web services, web services development and evaluation.
Distributed systems
Distributed systems have been a part of computer science for decades. They are systems where different components in a network, communicate with each other and coordinate their actions only by passing messages. A component may be a program execution on a computer or a device such as a computer or a printer. It is a rather simple definition, but it covers the entire range of systems that can be called distributed systems. Both the general characteristics and some of the specific characteristics of distributed systems are explored.
Web services
Web services technology is a relatively new development. It is based upon the principles of distributed systems. A web service is a set of functions that are published to a network for use by other programs. Many people regard web services as a technology only for publishing software services on the Internet via browsers, while others regard them as the "new big thing" in distributed computing that is working as general purpose architectures. Both the general characteristics and some of the specific characteristics of web services are explored.
Web services development
Two distributed applications and their web services counterpart are described using the same programming language. This way the differences between the distributed applications and the web service applications are better highlighted. The distributed applications are developed using Java RMI. Both development solutions for both applications are regarded and evaluated.
Both the theoretical and the practical parts are evaluated as a whole. The intention is to try to find an answer to the given problem description "can web services be used as foundation for distributed systems". By only looking at the definitions of distributed systems and web services it may seem as if web services are only applicable to some areas of distributed computing. Web services contain many features which satisfy the goals of distributed systems. And in many cases they will probably be the appropriate way of designing a distributed system. However there are limits to when web services can be used as foundation for distributed systems. It is probably better to use a distributed solution internally in an organisation or system and to use a web service solution in smaller and less trivial solutions, especially if the web service is made by an external party. However, there is no single correct answer to the question of whether to use a distributed or web service solution for any given task and as the technology evolves and new and better ideas are developed, the interest for and the quality of web services will probably grow. This may produce better and faster web services and less trivial publicly available web services
Some Considerations on the Testing of Interpreting Skills
The overall aim of the Qualitas project is to achieve quality communication in legal systems that are in need of interpreter services. In addition to accommodating the relevant context for interpreting, this entails engaging interpreters with documented interpreting skills. The activity of interpreting rests on a multitude of sub-skills, each of which is quite complex. Accordingly, the testing of such skills may present the test administrators with reliability and validity issues. Are the tests equal to all candidates? Are they testing the skills they are supposed to test? The aim of this section is to draw attention to some general and specific challenges associated with the testing of interpreting skills, i.e. in short, the ability to coordinate and render in another language other persons’ talk (Wadensjö 1998).Qualitas: Assessing Legal Interpreting through Testing and Certificatio
Hjerte- og lungeredning minus: når kan sykepleieren unnlate å starte hjerte- og lungeredning?
NORSK: I oppgaven stilles spørsmålet: Når kan sykepleieren unnlate å starte HLR når legen ikke har besluttet HLR minus? Introduksjon: Grunnen til at vi har valgt dette temaet er på grunn av den usikkerheten vi opplever at sykepleierne har vist/ gitt uttrykk for i samhandling med denne pasientgruppen. Hensikt: det er å se hvilke etiske og juridiske forpliktelser sykepleieren har i forhold til HLR minus. Metode: Metodedelen beskriver hvordan det er gått frem for å finne relevant litteratur. Dette er gjort gjennom søk i databaser. Det er drøftet syv forskningsartikler som omhandler temaet, men med forskjellige vinklinger. Drøftingen tar for seg sykepleierens rolle, HLR minus, lovverk og etikk. Konklusjon: Er at sykepleieren kan unnlate å starte HLR i situasjoner hvor pasienten har et så omfattende sykdomsbilde at HLR som behandling ikke vil ha noen nytte. Det er lovverket som påpeker dette og etikken sier at en alltid skal velge det alternativet som gir flere positive utfall enn negative