26 research outputs found
Mapping and Evaluating Marine Protected Areas and Ecosystem Services: A Transdisciplinary Delphi Forecasting Process Framework
Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are an important tool for management and conservation and play an increasingly recognised role in societal and human well-being. However, the assessment of MPAs often lacks a simultaneous consideration of ecological and socio-economic outcomes, and this can lead to misconceptions on the effectiveness of MPAs. In this perspective, we present a transdisciplinary approach based on the Delphi method for mapping and evaluating Marine Protected Areas for their ability to protect biodiversity while providing Ecosystem Services (ES) and related human well-being benefits - i.e., the ecosystem outputs from which people benefit. We highlight the need to include the human dimensions of marine protection in such assessments, given that the effectiveness of MPAs over time is conditional on the social, cultural and institutional contexts in which MPAs evolve. Our approach supports Ecosystem-Based Management and highlights the importance of MPAs in achieving restoration, conservation, and sustainable development objectives in relation to EU Directives such as the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), the Maritime Spatial Planning Directive (MSPD), and the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP)
âMonstret sĂ€ger Aaaaaâ en undersökning om surfplattan i förskolan
Syfte: Studiens syfte var att undersöka tvÄ olika förfaranden att introducera en ny ABC-app för barnen. DÄ de
förfaranden var nÄgot vi observerat i verksamheten ville vi Àven undersöka om pedagogerna anvÀnder dessa som
ett medvetet sÀtt att arbeta.
Metod: Vi har anvÀnt oss av en kvalitativ metod i form av observationer, dÀr vi observeradebarn, vi har Àven
intervjuat pedagoger pÄ tre förskoleavdelningar. VÄr dokumentation har skett med löpande anteckningar och
Resultat: Resultaten i vÄr undersökning visar att surfplattan Àr ett anvÀndbart verktyg i arbetet med barns tidiga
sprÄk, lÀs och skrivutveckling. Resultatet visar att barnen interagerade pÄ liknande sÀtt i bÄda förfaranden men
att pedagogen har stora möjligheter till att pÄverka situationen. I undersökningen framgÄr vikten av att
pedagogen tar en aktiv roll i arbetet med surfplattan. Det framgÄr Àven att pedagogerna reflekterar och diskuterar
kring arbetet med surfplattor men det Àr en del av verksamheten som fortfarande Àr under utveckling
Impact of pregnancies on ovarian cancer : Risk, prognosis and tumor biology
Ovarian cancer is the most lethal gynecological malignancy. The etiology is complex and not fully understood, partly since ovarian cancer is not one distinct disease, but rather several histologically and clinically different subtypes. The two main groups are epithelial (90%) and non-epithelial (10%) cancers, further divided into five epithelial and two main non-epithelial subtypes. Women who have given birth have a lower risk of developing epithelial ovarian cancer, and the risk is further reduced with each additional childbirth. However, the association between several pregnancy-related factors, such as pregnancy length, maternal age at birth, offspring size, and subsequent risk of ovarian cancer has been unclear. In addition, the impact of pregnancy-related risk factors on non-epithelial ovarian cancer is unknown. Further, the underlying mechanism behind the protection of childbirth has not been revealed and the prognostic impact of pregnancies is not established. In my first two studies, I evaluated associations between pregnancy-related factors and risk of epithelial ovarian cancer and its different subtypes [Study I] and non-epithelial ovarian cancer [Study II]. These case-control studies were based on linked data from the population-based medical birth registers and cancer registers in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. In Study I, preterm birth was associated with an increased risk of epithelial ovarian cancer among parous women, whereas increased number of births and pregnancies at older age were associated with decreased risk. In Study II, increasing age at last birth was associated with lower risk of sex cord-stroma cell tumors (SCSTs), as was shorter time since last birth. In Study III, the prognostic impact of parity on both epithelial and non-epithelial ovarian cancer by subtype was investigated by linkage of data from the Swedish medical birth register, the cancer register and the cause of death register. Parity was associated with reduced cancer-specific mortality in ovarian germ cell tumors. We found no prognostic impact of parity in patients with SCSTs or epithelial ovarian cancer. In Study IV, we investigated whether hormones and proteins involved in pregnancy and tumor development differed according to the womanâs parity status in patients with high-grade serous ovarian cancer. Parous women more often had progesterone receptor (PR) positive tumors, in comparison with nulliparous women, and increased number of children was associated with PR positive tumors. In summary, a womanâs reproductive history will not only impact on the risk of developing ovarian cancer, but also have a long-lasting influence on the tumor biology
Impact of pregnancies on ovarian cancer : Risk, prognosis and tumor biology
Ovarian cancer is the most lethal gynecological malignancy. The etiology is complex and not fully understood, partly since ovarian cancer is not one distinct disease, but rather several histologically and clinically different subtypes. The two main groups are epithelial (90%) and non-epithelial (10%) cancers, further divided into five epithelial and two main non-epithelial subtypes. Women who have given birth have a lower risk of developing epithelial ovarian cancer, and the risk is further reduced with each additional childbirth. However, the association between several pregnancy-related factors, such as pregnancy length, maternal age at birth, offspring size, and subsequent risk of ovarian cancer has been unclear. In addition, the impact of pregnancy-related risk factors on non-epithelial ovarian cancer is unknown. Further, the underlying mechanism behind the protection of childbirth has not been revealed and the prognostic impact of pregnancies is not established. In my first two studies, I evaluated associations between pregnancy-related factors and risk of epithelial ovarian cancer and its different subtypes [Study I] and non-epithelial ovarian cancer [Study II]. These case-control studies were based on linked data from the population-based medical birth registers and cancer registers in Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. In Study I, preterm birth was associated with an increased risk of epithelial ovarian cancer among parous women, whereas increased number of births and pregnancies at older age were associated with decreased risk. In Study II, increasing age at last birth was associated with lower risk of sex cord-stroma cell tumors (SCSTs), as was shorter time since last birth. In Study III, the prognostic impact of parity on both epithelial and non-epithelial ovarian cancer by subtype was investigated by linkage of data from the Swedish medical birth register, the cancer register and the cause of death register. Parity was associated with reduced cancer-specific mortality in ovarian germ cell tumors. We found no prognostic impact of parity in patients with SCSTs or epithelial ovarian cancer. In Study IV, we investigated whether hormones and proteins involved in pregnancy and tumor development differed according to the womanâs parity status in patients with high-grade serous ovarian cancer. Parous women more often had progesterone receptor (PR) positive tumors, in comparison with nulliparous women, and increased number of children was associated with PR positive tumors. In summary, a womanâs reproductive history will not only impact on the risk of developing ovarian cancer, but also have a long-lasting influence on the tumor biology
Spasticity : an elusive problem after spinal cord injury
The aim of this thesis was to characterize spasticity in individuals and
in a near total prevalence population with traumatic spinal cord (SCI)
injury by assessment of:
Article I
Relation between Self-reporting of symptoms, neurologic examination
(ASIA), physical therapy examination, ROM and complications
Article II
Repeated self-rating (VAS), and the relation between movement- provoked
MAS rating and self-rating after a repetitive passive movement
Article III
Correlation between movement-provoked MAS rating during simultaneous
recording of EMG thigh muscle activity
Article IV
Correlation between Isokinetic movement-provoked resistive torque
measurements during recording of EMG thigh muscle activity
Article V
FES induced changes in body composition evaluated by CT and in spasticity
by using the methods from articles II-IV
Article I comprised the near-total prevalence population (n=354) of
individuals with traumatic SCI in Stockholm. Article II comprised 45
individuals with various levels and degrees of injury. Articles III- V
comprised 15 male individuals with a cervical motor complete SCI.
Problematic spasticity was significantly more common in individuals with
a cervical incomplete (ASIA B-D) injury. Reports of beneficial effects of
spasticity were significantly less common in females and in subgroups
with duration of injury less than 4 years. Spasticity was elicitable by
movement provocation in only 60% of the individuals reporting spasticity.
Spasticity of SCI subjects with a cervical injury fluctuated
significantly (p<0.05) during time of the day, unlike spasticity of SCI
subjects with thoracic injury. Immediately after intervention with
passive movements, spasticity ratings (VAS) in SCI patients with a
thoracic motor complete injury decreased by 11-14 mm (90%, p<0.001) as
self-rated on VAS and by 1-2 grades (50%, p<0.001) as measured with MAS.
Spasticity was provoked in 50% of the subjects. while correlations
between MAS grades and EMG values were calculated both including and
excluding the MAS 0-grade ratings. 80% of spasticity MAS ratings
(0-grades included) correlated significantly (p<0.05) with simultaneous
EMG values. The flexion movement correlated significantly (p<0.05)
irrespective of side and regardless whether O-grades were included or
excluded as opposed to extension movement. Significantly higher
isokinetic resistance (p=0.049) was provoked for extension movement
compared to that of flexion. Contrary, the maximum EMG thigh muscle
activity was significantly higher (p=0.009) during flexion provocation
compared to that during extension. No change in FES induced spasticity
(evaluated as in studies II-IV) was seen in the training group when
compared with the control group. The training group increased their leg
muscle volume by an average of 1300 cm3 (p<0.001) as compared to the
control group who experienced no change. No significant changes were
found in the subject's lower extremity or abdomen with regard to
subcutaneous and visceral adipose tissue (AT).
This thesis has highlighted in subjective and objective data sets of
spasticity in SCI man, the elusive nature of this prevalent symptom.
Careful comparisons of self-assessments, clinical assessments, and in
occasional systematic studies objective measures are recommended
HÀlso- och sjukvÄrdspersonals uppfattningar av att genomföra en orosanmÀlan vid misstanke om barn som far illa
Sammanfattning Bakgrund: MÄnga barn i vÀrlden far illa. Barnkonventionen arbetar för att vÀrldens barn ska fÄ en trygg uppvÀxt och lagar finns som förbjuder barnaga. Av vÀrldens 195 lÀnder har 62 infört förbud mot barnaga. Barnmisshandel Àr bÄde fysisk och psykisk och barnen utsÀtts oftast av den person som barnet litar mest pÄ, den som tar hand om barnet i vardagen. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka hÀlso- och sjukvÄrdspersonals uppfattningar av att göra eller inte göra en orosanmÀlan vid misstanke om barn som far illa i primÀrvÄrden och skolan. Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie genomfördes med databassökningar i Medline via PubMed med söktermerna barnmisshandel och obligatorisk rapportering. Tio vetenskapliga artiklar av kvantitativ (n=4), kvalitativ (n=4) och mixad ansats (n=2) ingick i litteraturstudiens resultat. Huvudresultat: Det framkom att hÀlso- och sjukvÄrdspersonal önskade mera utbildning och kunskap om barnmisshandel. Bristande information om hur rapporteringen gick till gjorde att hÀlso- och sjukvÄrdspersonalen inte orosanmÀlde och mÄnga uttryckte att ett fÀrdigt rapporteringsformulÀr skulle öka rapporteringsfrekvensen. Slutsats: Utbildning inom barnmisshandel och rapportering av orosanmÀlan var det som deltagarna i mÄnga studier efterfrÄgade. Om hÀlso- och sjukvÄrdspersonalen skulle fÄ utbildning kontinuerligt sÄ kanske rapporteringen av orosanmÀlningarna ökade och barnen fÄ en bÀttre vardag. Nyckelord: Barnmisshandel, hÀlso- och sjukvÄrdspersonal och obligatorisk rapportering
Kvinnors och mÀns motiv och ambivalens till att donera Àgg och spermier i Sverige
Involuntary childlessness is a big problem around the world. One way to solve the problem is to receive oocytes or semen from a donor. In Sweden, semen donation has been regulated by law since 1985 and oocyte donation since 2003. The aim of this study was to investigate what motivations women and men in Sweden have to donate gametes, if they feel any ambivalence to donate, and to compare if there is any difference in motivation and ambivalence between women and men. Motivation was measured with eight statements based on previous results and clinical experience. Ambivalence was measured with a scale consisting of seven statements that addressed thoughts and feelings about the donation. The participants in the study were donors at some of the seven infertility clinics in Sweden. The dropout rate for the sperm donors was 19 %. For the egg donors the dropout rate was 17 %.. The main result showed that the main motivation for donating oocytes or semen was helping childless couples. The significant differences between womenâs and menâs motivations for donating oocytes or semen were that the women were keener to helping others, while the men to a higher extent wanted to do something important, spread their genes and find out about their own fertility. The oocyte and semen donors did not feel any particular ambivalence about the decision to donate, most of them did not find it difficult to make the decision, and they would have been disappointed if they had not been allowed to donate for some reason. The conclusions to be drawn from this study are that once the donors have decided to donate, they donât feel any particular ambivalence about the donation, and women and men have different motivations to why they are donating, even if the main motivation is the same.Ofrivillig barnlöshet Ă€r ett stort problem vĂ€rlden över. Ett sĂ€tt att lösa problemet Ă€r att ta emot Ă€gg eller spermier ifrĂ„n en donator. I Sverige har spermiedonation varit reglerat i lag sedan 1985 och Ă€ggdonation sedan 2003. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilka motiv kvinnor och mĂ€n i Sverige har till att donera Ă€gg respektive spermier, om de kĂ€nner nĂ„gon ambivalens till att donera, samt att jĂ€mföra om det Ă€r nĂ„gon skillnad i motiv och ambivalens mellan kvinnor och mĂ€n. Motiv mĂ€ttes med Ă„tta pĂ„stĂ„enden konstruerade utifrĂ„n tidigare resultat och klinisk erfarenhet. Ambivalens mĂ€ttes med en skala som bestod av sju pĂ„stĂ„enden som behandlade tankar och kĂ€nslor kring donationen, Deltagarna i studien var donatorer vid nĂ„gon av de sju infertilitetscentra i Sverige. Bortfallet för spermiedonatorerna var 19 %. För Ă€ggdonatorerna var bortfallet 17 %. Huvudresultatet visade att det frĂ€msta motivet hos kvinnor och mĂ€n till att donera Ă€gg respektive spermier i Sverige var att hjĂ€lpa barnlösa par. De signifikanta skillnaderna mellan kvinnors och mĂ€ns motiv till att donera Ă€gg respektive spermier var att kvinnor var mer mĂ„na om att hjĂ€lpa andra, medan mĂ€nnen i högre grad ville göra nĂ„got betydelsefullt, sprida sina gener och fĂ„ reda pĂ„ hur det stod till med den egna fertiliteteten. Ăgg- och spermiedonatorerna kĂ€nde ingen större ambivalens inför beslutet om att donera, de flesta tyckte inte att beslutet var svĂ„rt att ta, och de skulle ha blivit besvikna om de inte fick donera av nĂ„gon anledning. Slutsatser som har dragits Ă€r att nĂ€r Ă€gg- respektive spermiedonatorer vĂ€l har bestĂ€mt sig för att donera kĂ€nner de ingen större ambivalens inför donationen, och mĂ€n och kvinnor har skilda motiv till varför de donerar Ă€ven om huvudmotivet Ă€r detsamma
HÀlso- och sjukvÄrdspersonals uppfattningar av att genomföra en orosanmÀlan vid misstanke om barn som far illa
Sammanfattning Bakgrund: MÄnga barn i vÀrlden far illa. Barnkonventionen arbetar för att vÀrldens barn ska fÄ en trygg uppvÀxt och lagar finns som förbjuder barnaga. Av vÀrldens 195 lÀnder har 62 infört förbud mot barnaga. Barnmisshandel Àr bÄde fysisk och psykisk och barnen utsÀtts oftast av den person som barnet litar mest pÄ, den som tar hand om barnet i vardagen. Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie var att undersöka hÀlso- och sjukvÄrdspersonals uppfattningar av att göra eller inte göra en orosanmÀlan vid misstanke om barn som far illa i primÀrvÄrden och skolan. Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie genomfördes med databassökningar i Medline via PubMed med söktermerna barnmisshandel och obligatorisk rapportering. Tio vetenskapliga artiklar av kvantitativ (n=4), kvalitativ (n=4) och mixad ansats (n=2) ingick i litteraturstudiens resultat. Huvudresultat: Det framkom att hÀlso- och sjukvÄrdspersonal önskade mera utbildning och kunskap om barnmisshandel. Bristande information om hur rapporteringen gick till gjorde att hÀlso- och sjukvÄrdspersonalen inte orosanmÀlde och mÄnga uttryckte att ett fÀrdigt rapporteringsformulÀr skulle öka rapporteringsfrekvensen. Slutsats: Utbildning inom barnmisshandel och rapportering av orosanmÀlan var det som deltagarna i mÄnga studier efterfrÄgade. Om hÀlso- och sjukvÄrdspersonalen skulle fÄ utbildning kontinuerligt sÄ kanske rapporteringen av orosanmÀlningarna ökade och barnen fÄ en bÀttre vardag. Nyckelord: Barnmisshandel, hÀlso- och sjukvÄrdspersonal och obligatorisk rapportering
Parity is associated with better prognosis in ovarian germ cell tumors, but not in other ovarian cancer subtypes
Ovarian cancer is influenced by reproductive factors, with a reduced risk of epithelial ovarian cancer in parous women. Nonepithelial ovarian cancer frequently affects young women and often precedes or occurs during the childbearing years. However, the impact of reproductive factors on ovarian cancer survival remains unclear: in epithelial ovarian cancer, data are conflicting, and subtype-specific associations have not been examined, and in nonepithelial ovarian cancer, it has not been studied. Using Swedish registers, we evaluated associations between women's reproductive history and cancer-specific mortality by subtype of epithelial and nonepithelial ovarian cancer in 3791 women born 1953 and later, diagnosed from 1990 to 2018. Hazard ratios (HRs) with 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) were calculated using Cox-proportional hazard models. Parity was associated with a 78% decreased risk of cause-specific mortality in 243 women with germ cell tumors (GCTs) (parous vs nulliparous, adjusted for age at diagnosis: HR: 0.22 [95% CI 0.07-0.62]), with a decreased risk with increasing number of births (per birth: HR: 0.60 [95% CI 0.38-0.95]). We found no evidence of associations between parity and cause-specific mortality among the 334 patients with sex-cord stromal tumors, nor among the 3214 patients with epithelial ovarian cancer; neither overall, nor by subtype. In conclusion, in our large, population-based study, parity was associated with a clearly better prognosis in GCTs but not in the other ovarian cancer subtypes. Future research on how hormone exposure impacts GCT development may lead to a better understanding of mechanisms affecting survival. What's new? While risk of epithelial ovarian cancer is known to be influenced by pregnancy, the mechanisms underlying this association remain unclear. In this population-based study, the impact of reproductive history on ovarian cancer prognosis was evaluated by ovarian cancer subtype. Among women with germ cell tumors, parity was associated with 78 percent reduction in risk of cause-specific mortality. No associations were detected between parity and prognosis among women with sex-cord stromal tumors or epithelial ovarian cancer. These observations raise new questions about relationships between ovarian cancer prognosis and reproductive factors, including possible impacts of hormone exposure in pregnancy