272 research outputs found
I choose Swedish! Or do I?
In Sweden, the population is encouraged to choose food produced in Sweden. This is encouraged since food produced in Sweden includes many sustainable advantages like Swedenâs good conditions for cultivation, the food is produced in a safe way with low antibiotic use and good animal welfare. Despite this, almost 50 percent of the food in Sweden is imported. A large amount of imported food competes directly with Swedish food production such as various meats, fruits and dairy products. Studies in Sweden show that even if consumers express that they purchase sustainable products, they are shown to choose the opposite at the time of purchasing.
It has been shown that there is relatively low awareness and knowledge concerning environmental labels and thereof could rather confuse the consumers than help. This could mean that consumers think they choose Swedish food but are actually not. The store managers have the power of influencing the consumersâ buying decisions, whereby the aim is to increase the understanding of how managers at large grocery stores work with marketing of food produced in Sweden. The study is based on two research questions that have been implemented to answer the purpose;
How do the department managers at the ICA Maxi storesâ meat, diary, fruits and greens departments work with marketing to promote food produced in Sweden?
What are the drivers and barriers affecting ICAâs marketing strategies of food produced in Sweden?
To answer the aim, a qualitative case study has been applied. To collect the empirical data, nine semi-structured interviews have been conducted with ICA Maxi's department managers for meat, dairy, fruit and greens at ICA Maxi, in the cities of Stockholm, Uppsala and Gothenburg. The study was based on the theoretical framework that forms the basis for analyzing the empirical data. The theories used in the study are the sustainability marketing mix, labeling and nudging.
The results of the study showed that all ICA's department managers apply many different marketing strategies, to varying degrees. Also, the study showed that there were many drivers to increase the marketing of Swedish-produced food shown in table VI, at the same time, there were barriers that affected the grocery stores' marketing of Swedish-produced food table V. The results of this study therefore imply there is a need to implement a clearer marketing strategy at all the ICA stores in order to increase sales of Swedish produced food that could contribute to a sustainable development.I Sverige uppmuntras befolkningen att vÀlja mat som produceras i Sverige dÄ svensk mat produceras hÄllbart. Sveriges matproduktion har goda förutsÀttningarna för odling, mat produceras pÄ ett sÀkert sÀtt med lÄg antibiotikaanvÀndning samt uppfyller god djurvÀlfÀrd. Trots detta importeras nÀstan 50 procent av maten i Sverige. En stor mÀngd av den importerade maten konkurrerar direkt med den svenska livsmedelsproduktionen sÄsom olika kött, frukt och mejeriprodukter. Studier visar Àven att om konsumenter uttrycker att de köper hÄllbara produkter vÀljer de det motsatta vid köptillfÀllet.
Kunskapen om olika mÀrken har visat sig vara relativt lÄg och kan förvirra, snarare Àn att hjÀlpa, konsumenterna. Detta kan innebÀra att konsumenterna handlar mat i tron om att den Àr svensk utan att den Àr det. Butikspersonal har möjlighet att pÄverka konsumenternas köpbeslut genom marknadsföring, varvid syftet av denna studie var att öka förstÄelsen för hur chefer pÄ stora livsmedelsbutiker jobbar med marknadsföringen av mat som Àr producerad i Sverige. Studien bygger pÄ tvÄ forskningsfrÄgor som implementerats för att besvara syftet;
Hur arbetar avdelningschefer i ICA Maxi-butiker pÄ avdelningarna kött, mejeri, frukt och grönsaker med deras marknadsföring för att frÀmja de svenska produkterna i Sverige.
Vilka Àr de drivkrafter och hinder som pÄverkar ICAs marknadsföringsstrategier av livsmedel som produceras i Sverige?
För att svara pÄ syftet har en kvalitativ fallstudie tillÀmpats. För att samla den empiriska data har nio semistrukturerade intervjuer utförts med ICA Maxis avdelningsansvariga för kött, mejeri, frukt och grönt pÄ ICA Maxi, i stÀderna Stockholm, Uppsala och Göteborg. Empirin har genom en innehÄllsanalys analyserats utifrÄn den teoretiska referensramen som utgjort grunden i studien. Teorierna som anvÀnts var the sustainability marketing mix, labeling och nudging.
Resultaten av studien visade att alla ICAs avdelningsansvariga tillÀmpar mÄnga olika marknadsföringsstrategier, i olika grad. Studien visade Àven att det fanns mÄnga drivkrafter till att öka marknadsföringen av svenskproducerad mat, samtidigt som det fanns en del hinder som pÄverkade matbutikernas marknadsföring av svenskproducerad mat. Studiens resultat visar att det finns ett behov av att implementera en tydligare marknadsföringsstrategi i alla ICA butiker för att öka försÀljningen av svenska livsmedel, som bidrar till en hÄllbar utveckling
Whole-genome sequencing redefines Shewanella taxonomy
The genus Shewanella encompasses a diverse group of Gram negative, primarily aquatic bacteria with a remarkable ecological relevance, an outstanding set of metabolic features and an emergent clinical importance. The rapid expansion of the genus over the 2000 s has prompted questions on the real taxonomic position of some isolates and species. Recent work by us and others identified inconsistencies in the existing species classification. In this study we aimed to clarify such issues across the entire genus, making use of the genomic information publicly available worldwide. Phylogenomic analyses, including comparisons based on genome-wide identity indexes (digital DNA-DNA hybridization and Average Nucleotide Identity) combined with core and accessory genome content evaluation suggested that the taxonomic position of 64 of the 131 analyzed strains should be revisited. Based on the genomic information currently available, emended descriptions for some Shewanella species are proposed. Our study establishes for the first time a whole-genome based phylogeny for Shewanella spp. including a classification at the subspecific level
Swedish sheep wool â a good resource : a case study on creating added value in Swedish sheepwool
Miljö, hÄllbarhet och resurser har blivit allt viktigare i samhÀllet och för företag. Jordens resurser Àr begrÀnsade och det Àr viktigt att ta tillvara pÄ de resurser som finns. I Sverige klipps Ärligen stora mÀngder ull frÄn svenska fÄr och majoriteten av ullen slÀngs istÀllet för att anvÀndas som en resurs. Samtidigt som svensk ull slÀngs sÄ importeras stora mÀngder ull. Ull Àr ett naturligt material som Àr miljövÀnligt och hÄllbart. Det finns flera anvÀndningsomrÄden för ull och den kan anvÀndas inom flera olika industrier, som exempelvis klÀd-, heminrednings- och byggindustrin. Trots detta anses ull ha ett lÄgt vÀrde och ullen slÀngs istÀllet för att anvÀndas. Syftet med denna uppsats Àr att skapa förstÄelse för vilka möjligheter och hinder som finns för aktörer i den svenska ullkedjan för att tillsammans skapa mervÀrde pÄ den svenska ullen.
Uppsatsen antar en kvalitativ ansats med en fallstudie av svensk ulls vÀrdekedja. VÀrdekedjan för svensk ull har studerats utifrÄn ett teorifÀlt bestÄende av teorierna supply chain management, value chain och co-creation. För att svara pÄ forskningsfrÄgorna har kvalitativa intervjuer gjorts med aktörer frÄn kedjan för att spegla olika perspektiv pÄ svensk ull. Uppsatsen Àr avgrÀnsad till att undersöka och skapa förstÄelse för ullens vÀrdekedja utifrÄn fÄrföretag som har annan inriktning Àn ullproduktion dÄ Àven dessa företag producerar ull som skulle kunna anvÀndas av andra aktörer. Förutom fÄrföretag tar uppsatsen Àven upp perspektiv frÄn ett svenskt företag som producerar klÀder och anvÀnder svensk ull i sin produktion. Tillsammans genererar dessa aktörer olika perspektiv pÄ vÀrdekedjan för svensk ull för att se vilka hinder och möjligheter som finns inom kedjan.
De hinder som identifierats Àr att det saknas ett system för att klassificera ullen, det saknas kunskap och det finns olika mÄl och intressen i ullkedjan. Möjligheterna i kedjan Àr att det finns potential till att utveckla samarbete för att skapa mervÀrde pÄ svensk ull. Genom att skapa ett samarbete kan kommunikationen förbÀttras och kunskap spridas mellan aktörer. Resultatet i uppsatsen Àr inte nödvÀndigtvis applicerbart eller generaliserbart till andra kontexter eller aktörer i kedjan, utan bör ses som en inspirationskÀlla till att se svensk ull som en resurs att ta till vara pÄ och anvÀnda.Environment, sustainability and resources have become increasingly important in society and for companies. The resources on the earth are limited and it is important to make the best use of the resources available. In Sweden, large amounts of wool are harvested from Swedish sheep every year, and the majority of the wool is thrown away instead of being used as a resource. At the same time as Swedish wool is thrown away, large amounts of wool are imported. Wool is a natural material that is environmentally friendly and sustainable. There are many areas of use for wool and it can be used in several industries, for example the clothing, home decorating and construction industries. However, wool is considered to be of low value and the wool is thrown away instead of being used. The purpose of this essay is to create a better understanding of the possibilities and obstacles that exist for operators in the Swedish wool chain to jointly create added value for the Swedish wool.
The essay assumes a qualitative approach with a case study of the Swedish wool value chain. The value chain for Swedish wool has been studied based on a theory field consisting of the theories supply chain management, value chain and co-creation. In order to answer the research questions, qualitative interviews have been conducted with operators in the chain to reflect different perspectives on Swedish wool. The essay is limited to investigating and understanding the wool value chain based on sheep companies that have another focus than wool production, as these companies also produce wool that could be used by other parties. In addition to sheep companies, the essay also deals with the perspective of a Swedish company that produces clothes and uses Swedish wool in its production. Together, these operators offer different perspectives on the Swedish wool value chain, illustrating what obstacles and opportunities exist within the chain.
The obstacles identified are that there is no system for classifying the wool, there is a lack of knowledge and there are different goals and interests in the chain. The possibilities in the chain are that there is potential for developing cooperation to create added value in Swedish wool. By creating cooperation, communication can be improved and knowledge disseminated between operators. The result of the essay is not necessarily applicable or generalizable to other contexts or other operators in the chain, but should be seen as an inspiration to seeing Swedish wool as a resource to take advantage of and utilize
P02.185. The effects of tactile massage (TM) on blood pressure, heart rate and blood glucose in a sample of women suffering from primary insomnia
The overall objective of this pilot study was to study the direct effects of tactile massage (TM) on blood pressure, heart rate and blood glucose in a sample of women suffering from primary insomniaThe study had an experimental prospective design, with a total of 10 women (mean age; 53 years, ±5.4). The participants underwent TM twice a week for six weeks resulting in a total of 120 treatments. For short term effects, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, heartrate and blood glucoses were assessed by the therapist before and after each treatment. Long term assessments were made at baseline, at week 7, and at week 13.As a short term result after the treatment with TM, the participants reached a statistically significant reduction of; systolic blood pressure (-5.5 mmHg, ± 5.0), diastolic blood pressure (-2.0 mmHg, ± 4.4), Heartrate (-5.1 beats per minute, ± 3.4) and blood glucose (-0.2 mmol, ± 0.5). No long term effects with respect to the studied variables can be observed.In summary, we have shown in a normotensive but highly stressed sample of women, that TM has beneficiary effects on parameters of stress and cardiovascular function. In total, 120 TM treatments was analyzed with respect to the objective of the study, but in order to more understand the practical effects, and to more deeply evaluate TMâs place in the modalities of stress reduction, we recommend further studies with larger samples
Swedish sheep wool â a good resource : a case study on creating added value in Swedish sheep wool
Miljö, hÄllbarhet och resurser har blivit allt viktigare i samhÀllet och för företag. Jordens resurser Àr begrÀnsade och det Àr viktigt att ta tillvara pÄ de resurser som finns. I Sverige klipps Ärligen stora mÀngder ull frÄn svenska fÄr och majoriteten av ullen slÀngs istÀllet för att anvÀndas som en resurs. Samtidigt som svensk ull slÀngs sÄ importeras stora mÀngder ull. Ull Àr ett naturligt material som Àr miljövÀnligt och hÄllbart. Det finns flera anvÀndningsomrÄden för ull och den kan anvÀndas inom flera olika industrier, som exempelvis klÀd-, heminrednings- och byggindustrin. Trots detta anses ull ha ett lÄgt vÀrde och ullen slÀngs istÀllet för att anvÀndas. Syftet med denna uppsats Àr att skapa förstÄelse för vilka möjligheter och hinder som finns för aktörer i den svenska ullkedjan för att tillsammans skapa mervÀrde pÄ den svenska ullen.
Uppsatsen antar en kvalitativ ansats med en fallstudie av svensk ulls vÀrdekedja. VÀrdekedjan för svensk ull har studerats utifrÄn ett teorifÀlt bestÄende av teorierna supply chain management, value chain och co-creation. För att svara pÄ forskningsfrÄgorna har kvalitativa intervjuer gjorts med aktörer frÄn kedjan för att spegla olika perspektiv pÄ svensk ull. Uppsatsen Àr avgrÀnsad till att undersöka och skapa förstÄelse för ullens vÀrdekedja utifrÄn fÄrföretag som har annan inriktning Àn ullproduktion dÄ Àven dessa företag producerar ull som skulle kunna anvÀndas av andra aktörer. Förutom fÄrföretag tar uppsatsen Àven upp perspektiv frÄn ett svenskt företag som producerar klÀder och anvÀnder svensk ull i sin produktion. Tillsammans genererar dessa aktörer olika perspektiv pÄ vÀrdekedjan för svensk ull för att se vilka hinder och möjligheter som finns inom kedjan.
De hinder som identifierats Àr att det saknas ett system för att klassificera ullen, det saknas kunskap och det finns olika mÄl och intressen i ullkedjan. Möjligheterna i kedjan Àr att det finns potential till att utveckla samarbete för att skapa mervÀrde pÄ svensk ull. Genom att skapa ett samarbete kan kommunikationen förbÀttras och kunskap spridas mellan aktörer. Resultatet i uppsatsen Àr inte nödvÀndigtvis applicerbart eller generaliserbart till andra kontexter eller aktörer i kedjan, utan bör ses som en inspirationskÀlla till att se svensk ull som en resurs att ta till vara pÄ och anvÀnda.Environment, sustainability and resources have become increasingly important in society and for companies. The resources on the earth are limited and it is important to make the best use of the resources available. In Sweden, large amounts of wool are harvested from Swedish sheep every year, and the majority of the wool is thrown away instead of being used as a resource. At the same time as Swedish wool is thrown away, large amounts of wool are imported. Wool is a natural material that is environmentally friendly and sustainable. There are many areas of use for wool and it can be used in several industries, for example the clothing, home decorating and construction industries. However, wool is considered to be of low value and the wool is thrown away instead of being used. The purpose of this essay is to create a better understanding of the possibilities and obstacles that exist for operators in the Swedish wool chain to jointly create added value for the Swedish wool.
The essay assumes a qualitative approach with a case study of the Swedish wool value chain. The value chain for Swedish wool has been studied based on a theory field consisting of the theories supply chain management, value chain and co-creation. In order to answer the research questions, qualitative interviews have been conducted with operators in the chain to reflect different perspectives on Swedish wool. The essay is limited to investigating and understanding the wool value chain based on sheep companies that have another focus than wool production, as these companies also produce wool that could be used by other parties. In addition to sheep companies, the essay also deals with the perspective of a Swedish company that produces clothes and uses Swedish wool in its production. Together, these operators offer different perspectives on the Swedish wool value chain, illustrating what obstacles and opportunities exist within the chain.
The obstacles identified are that there is no system for classifying the wool, there is a lack of knowledge and there are different goals and interests in the chain. The possibilities in the chain are that there is potential for developing cooperation to create added value in Swedish wool. By creating cooperation, communication can be improved and knowledge disseminated between operators. The result of the essay is not necessarily applicable or generalizable to other contexts or other operators in the chain, but should be seen as an inspiration to seeing Swedish wool as a resource to take advantage of and utilize
Clonal Relatedness of Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) Strains Expressing LT and CS17 Isolated from Children with Diarrhoea in La Paz, Bolivia
BACKGROUND: Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) is a major cause of traveller's and infantile diarrhoea in the developing world. ETEC produces two toxins, a heat-stable toxin (known as ST) and a heat-labile toxin (LT) and colonization factors that help the bacteria to attach to epithelial cells. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this study, we characterized a subset of ETEC clinical isolates recovered from Bolivian children under 5 years of age using a combination of multilocus sequence typing (MLST) analysis, virulence typing, serotyping and antimicrobial resistance test patterns in order to determine the genetic background of ETEC strains circulating in Bolivia. We found that strains expressing the heat-labile (LT) enterotoxin and colonization factor CS17 were common and belonged to several MLST sequence types but mainly to sequence type-423 and sequence type-443 (Achtman scheme). To further study the LT/CS17 strains we analysed the nucleotide sequence of the CS17 operon and compared the structure to LT/CS17 ETEC isolates from Bangladesh. Sequence analysis confirmed that all sequence type-423 strains from Bolivia had a single nucleotide polymorphism; SNP(bol) in the CS17 operon that was also found in some other MLST sequence types from Bolivia but not in strains recovered from Bangladeshi children. The dominant ETEC clone in Bolivia (sequence type-423/SNP(bol)) was found to persist over multiple years and was associated with severe diarrhoea but these strains were variable with respect to antimicrobial resistance patterns. CONCLUSION/SIGNIFICANCE: The results showed that although the LT/CS17 phenotype is common among ETEC strains in Bolivia, multiple clones, as determined by unique MLST sequence types, populate this phenotype. Our data also appear to suggest that acquisition and loss of antimicrobial resistance in LT-expressing CS17 ETEC clones is more dynamic than acquisition or loss of virulence factors
Swedish sheep wool â a good resource : a case study on creating added value in Swedish sheep wool
Miljö, hÄllbarhet och resurser har blivit allt viktigare i samhÀllet och för företag. Jordens resurser Àr begrÀnsade och det Àr viktigt att ta tillvara pÄ de resurser som finns. I Sverige klipps Ärligen stora mÀngder ull frÄn svenska fÄr och majoriteten av ullen slÀngs istÀllet för att anvÀndas som en resurs. Samtidigt som svensk ull slÀngs sÄ importeras stora mÀngder ull. Ull Àr ett naturligt material som Àr miljövÀnligt och hÄllbart. Det finns flera anvÀndningsomrÄden för ull och den kan anvÀndas inom flera olika industrier, som exempelvis klÀd-, heminrednings- och byggindustrin. Trots detta anses ull ha ett lÄgt vÀrde och ullen slÀngs istÀllet för att anvÀndas. Syftet med denna uppsats Àr att skapa förstÄelse för vilka möjligheter och hinder som finns för aktörer i den svenska ullkedjan för att tillsammans skapa mervÀrde pÄ den svenska ullen.
Uppsatsen antar en kvalitativ ansats med en fallstudie av svensk ulls vÀrdekedja. VÀrdekedjan för svensk ull har studerats utifrÄn ett teorifÀlt bestÄende av teorierna supply chain management, value chain och co-creation. För att svara pÄ forskningsfrÄgorna har kvalitativa intervjuer gjorts med aktörer frÄn kedjan för att spegla olika perspektiv pÄ svensk ull. Uppsatsen Àr avgrÀnsad till att undersöka och skapa förstÄelse för ullens vÀrdekedja utifrÄn fÄrföretag som har annan inriktning Àn ullproduktion dÄ Àven dessa företag producerar ull som skulle kunna anvÀndas av andra aktörer. Förutom fÄrföretag tar uppsatsen Àven upp perspektiv frÄn ett svenskt företag som producerar klÀder och anvÀnder svensk ull i sin produktion. Tillsammans genererar dessa aktörer olika perspektiv pÄ vÀrdekedjan för svensk ull för att se vilka hinder och möjligheter som finns inom kedjan.
De hinder som identifierats Àr att det saknas ett system för att klassificera ullen, det saknas kunskap och det finns olika mÄl och intressen i ullkedjan. Möjligheterna i kedjan Àr att det finns potential till att utveckla samarbete för att skapa mervÀrde pÄ svensk ull. Genom att skapa ett samarbete kan kommunikationen förbÀttras och kunskap spridas mellan aktörer. Resultatet i uppsatsen Àr inte nödvÀndigtvis applicerbart eller generaliserbart till andra kontexter eller aktörer i kedjan, utan bör ses som en inspirationskÀlla till att se svensk ull som en resurs att ta till vara pÄ och anvÀnda.Environment, sustainability and resources have become increasingly important in society and for companies. The resources on the earth are limited and it is important to make the best use of the resources available. In Sweden, large amounts of wool are harvested from Swedish sheep every year, and the majority of the wool is thrown away instead of being used as a resource. At the same time as Swedish wool is thrown away, large amounts of wool are imported. Wool is a natural material that is environmentally friendly and sustainable. There are many areas of use for wool and it can be used in several industries, for example the clothing, home decorating and construction industries. However, wool is considered to be of low value and the wool is thrown away instead of being used. The purpose of this essay is to create a better understanding of the possibilities and obstacles that exist for operators in the Swedish wool chain to jointly create added value for the Swedish wool.
The essay assumes a qualitative approach with a case study of the Swedish wool value chain. The value chain for Swedish wool has been studied based on a theory field consisting of the theories supply chain management, value chain and co-creation. In order to answer the research questions, qualitative interviews have been conducted with operators in the chain to reflect different perspectives on Swedish wool. The essay is limited to investigating and understanding the wool value chain based on sheep companies that have another focus than wool production, as these companies also produce wool that could be used by other parties. In addition to sheep companies, the essay also deals with the perspective of a Swedish company that produces clothes and uses Swedish wool in its production. Together, these operators offer different perspectives on the Swedish wool value chain, illustrating what obstacles and opportunities exist within the chain.
The obstacles identified are that there is no system for classifying the wool, there is a lack of knowledge and there are different goals and interests in the chain. The possibilities in the chain are that there is potential for developing cooperation to create added value in Swedish wool. By creating cooperation, communication can be improved and knowledge disseminated between operators. The result of the essay is not necessarily applicable or generalizable to other contexts or other operators in the chain, but should be seen as an inspiration to seeing Swedish wool as a resource to take advantage of and utilize
P02-11. Correlate of local adjuvanticity and inflammation for experimental vaginal adjuvants in mice
Co-variations of Cholera with Climatic and Environmental Parameters in Coastal Regions of Tanzania
The bacterium causing cholera, Vibrio cholerae, is essentially a marine organism and its ecological dynamics have been linked to oceanographic conditions and climate. We used autoregressive models with external inputs to identify potential relationships between number of cholera cases in the coastal regions of mainland Tanzania with climatic and environmental indices (maximum air temperature, sea surface temperature, wind speed and chlorophyll a). Results show that between 2004 and 2010 coastal regions of mainland Tanzania with approximately 21% of the total population accounted for approximately 50% of the cases and 40% of the total mortality. Significant co-variations were found between seasonally adjusted cases and coastal ocean chlorophyll a and to some degree sea surface temperature, both lagged by one to four months. Cholera cases in Dar es Salaam were also weakly related to the Indian Ocean Dipole Mode Index lagged by 5 months, suggesting that it may be possible to predict Cholera outbreaks for Dar es Salaam 5 months ahead of time. The results also suggest that the severity of cholera in coastal regions is set by conditions in the ocean and that longer-term environmental and climate parameters may be used to predict cholera outbreaks along the coastal regions
Publisher Correction: Identification and characterization of the novel colonization factor CS30 based on whole genome sequencing in enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC).
A correction to this article has been published and is linked from the HTML and PDF versions of this paper. The error has been fixed in the paper
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