24 research outputs found

    Viability of Lactobacillus paraplantarum DSM 14485 in human gastrointestinal tract and its molecular and biochemical identification after fermented vegetable consumption

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    Abstract In this study the viability of a potentially probiotic Lactobacillus paraplantarum DSM 14485 in the intestinal tract of 22 healthy test subjects was qualitatively assessed in a randomised double blinded cross-over study design lasting 2 x 4 weeks (interventions I and II) with a 4-week washout period. The subjects were given in their diet either spontaneously fermented vegetables (SF) or vegetables fermented by starter bacteria which contained  Lb. paraplantarum DSM 14485 (P). The numbers of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) in fecal samples were at the level of 105 cfu g-1 in both groups. The presence of Lb. paraplantarum DSM 14485 was confirmed by biochemical and molecular methods. We were able to show that Lb. paraplantarum DSM 14485, isolated from spontaneously fermented cucumbers, was viable in the intestine of ten test subjects after taking P-diet when the numbers of LAB were sufficiently high in the product

    A Four-kallikrein Panel and β-Microseminoprotein in Predicting High-grade Prostate Cancer on Biopsy : An Independent Replication from the Finnish Section of the European Randomized Study of Screening for Prostate Cancer

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    Background: A panel of four kallikrein markers (total, free, and intact prostate-specific antigen [PSA] and human kallikrein-related peptidase 2 [hK2]) improves predictive accuracy for Gleason score ≥7 (high-grade) prostate cancer among men biopsied for elevated PSA. A four-kallikrein panel model was originally developed and validated by the Dutch center of the European Randomized Study of Screening for Prostate Cancer (ERSPC). The kallikrein panel is now commercially available as 4Kscore™. Objective: To assess whether these findings could be replicated among participants in the Finnish section of ERSPC (FinRSPC) and whether β-microseminoprotein (MSP), a candidate prostate cancer biomarker, adds predictive value. Design, setting, and participants: Among 4861 biopsied screening-positive participants in the first three screening rounds of FinRSPC, a case-control subset was selected that included 1632 biopsy-positive cases matched by age at biopsy to biopsy-negative controls. Outcome measurements and statistical analysis: The predictive accuracy of prespecified prediction models was compared with biopsy outcomes. Results and limitations: Among men with PSA of 4.0-25. ng/ml, 1111 had prostate cancer, 318 of whom had high-grade disease. Total PSA and age predicted high-grade cancer with an area under the curve of 0.648 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.614-0.681) and the four-kallikrein panel increased discrimination to 0.746 (95% CI 0.717-0.774). Adding MSP to the four-kallikrein panel led to a significant (Wald test; p = 0.015) but small increase (0.003) in discrimination. Limitations include a risk of verification bias among men with PSA of 3.0-3.99. ng/ml and the absence of digital rectal examination results. Conclusions: These findings provide additional evidence that kallikrein markers can be used to inform biopsy decision-making. Further studies are needed to define the role of MSP. Patient summary: Four kallikrein markers and β-microseminoprotein in blood improve discrimination of high-grade prostate cancer at biopsy in men with elevated prostate-specific antigen. Four kallikrein markers and β-microseminoprotein (MSP) in blood improve discrimination of high-grade cancer at biopsy in men with elevated prostate-specific antigen. These kallikrein markers can be used to inform biopsy decision-making. Further studies are needed to define the role of MSP

    Recurrent SKIL-activating rearrangements in ETS-negative prostate cancer

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    Prostate cancer is the third most common cause of male cancer death in developed countries, and one of the most comprehensively characterized human cancers. Roughly 60% of prostate cancers harbor gene fusions that juxtapose ETS-family transcription factors with androgen regulated promoters. A second subtype, characterized by SPINK1 overexpression, accounts for 15% of prostate cancers. Here we report the discovery of a new prostate cancer subtype characterized by rearrangements juxtaposing the SMAD inhibitor SKIL with androgen regulated promoters, leading to increased SKIL expression. SKIL fusions were found in 6 of 540 (1.1%) prostate cancers and 1 of 27 (3.7%) cell lines and xenografts. 6 of 7 SKIL-positive cancers were negative for ETS overexpression, suggesting mutual exclusivity with ETS fusions. SKIL knockdown led to growth arrest in PC-3 and LNCaP cell line models of prostate cancer, and its overexpression led to increased invasiveness in RWPE-1 cells. The role of SKIL as a prostate cancer oncogene lends support to recent studies on the role of TGF-β signaling as a rate-limiting step in prostate cancer progression. Our findings highlight SKIL as an oncogene and potential therapeutic target in 1-2% of prostate cancers, amounting to an estimated 10,000 cancer diagnoses per year worldwide.This article has supplementary files, which can be found here:http://dx.doi.org/10.18632/oncotarget.335

    Myönteiset muutokset parisuhteessa lapsen kuoleman jälkeen

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    MTT ja Novia valottavat ledeillä

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    Asiakkaan ääni kuuluvaksi : Verkonkutoja-mittaristo ja asiakasraati laatutyön apuna

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    Kun sosiaali- ja terveyspalveluja kehitetään, on asiakkaiden osallistuminen entistä tärkeämpää. Tulevaisuuden haaste on asiakkaan osallisuuden ja vaikutusvallan lisääminen organisaatioiden laadunhallinnassa ja palvelujen laadun arvioinnissa. Julkaisussa kuvataan ”Verkonkutoja”-hankkeessa luotu Verkonkutoja-mittaristo ja Asiakasraati-toimintamalli, jotka mahdollistavat asiakkaan tasavertaisen osallistumisen palveluiden laadun kehittämiseen yhdessä yksityisten palveluntuottajien kanssa. Lisäksi eri hanketoimijat tarkastelevat artikkeleissaan toimintamallin vaikuttavuutta omissa kunnissaan, yksiköissään tai kolmannen sektorin alueella. ESR-rahoitteisen ”Verkonkutoja”-hankkeen (2009–2012) tavoitteena oli hyvinvointialan toiminnan systemaattinen kehittäminen yhdessä yritysten, kuntien, koulutusorganisaatioiden ja muiden sidosryhmätoimijoiden kanssa. Hankkeen tuloksena syntyi asiakaspalautteen keruu- ja käsittelymalli asiakas-lähtöisten palveluiden kehittämiseksi, asiakastyytyväisyyden lisäämiseksi ja asiakkaiden osallistamiseksi. Hanke on osa Turun ammattikorkeakoulun Terveysala-tulosalueen ”Lääkehoito- ja terveysosaaminen” -T&K-ohjelmaa