137 research outputs found

    Parameter estimation from measurements along quantum trajectories

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    The dynamics of many open quantum systems are described by stochastic master equations. In the discrete-time case, we recall the structure of the derived quantum filter governing the evolution of the density operator conditioned to the measurement outcomes. We then describe the structure of the corresponding particle quantum filters for estimating constant parameter and we prove their stability. In the continuous-time (diffusive) case, we propose a new formulation of these particle quantum filters. The interest of this new formulation is first to prove stability, and also to provide an efficient algorithm preserving, for any discretization step-size, positivity of the quantum states and parameter classical probabilities. This algorithm is tested on experimental data to estimate the detection efficiency for a superconducting qubit whose fluorescence field is measured using a heterodyne detector.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, submitte

    Regards sur un ouvrage à trois temps

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    Regards sur un ouvrage à trois temps

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    Quantum state tomography with non-instantaneous measurements, imperfections and decoherence

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    Tomography of a quantum state is usually based on positive operator-valued measure (POVM) and on their experimental statistics. Among the available reconstructions, the maximum-likelihood (MaxLike) technique is an efficient one. We propose an extension of this technique when the measurement process cannot be simply described by an instantaneous POVM. Instead, the tomography relies on a set of quantum trajectories and their measurement records. This model includes the fact that, in practice, each measurement could be corrupted by imperfections and decoherence, and could also be associated with the record of continuous-time signals over a finite amount of time. The goal is then to retrieve the quantum state that was present at the start of this measurement process. The proposed extension relies on an explicit expression of the likelihood function via the effective matrices appearing in quantum smoothing and solutions of the adjoint quantum filter. It allows to retrieve the initial quantum state as in standard MaxLike tomography, but where the traditional POVM operators are replaced by more general ones that depend on the measurement record of each trajectory. It also provides, aside the MaxLike estimate of the quantum state, confidence intervals for any observable. Such confidence intervals are derived, as the MaxLike estimate, from an asymptotic expansion of multi-dimensional Laplace integrals appearing in Bayesian Mean estimation. A validation is performed on two sets of experimental data: photon(s) trapped in a microwave cavity subject to quantum non-demolition measurements relying on Rydberg atoms; heterodyne fluorescence measurements of a superconducting qubit.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figures, submitte

    N2O isotopocule measurements using laser spectroscopy:analyzer characterization and intercomparison

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    For the past two decades, the measurement of nitrous oxide (N2O) isotopocules – isotopically substituted molecules 14N15N16O, 15N14N16O and 14N14N18O of the main isotopic species 14N14N16O – has been a promising technique for understanding N2O production and consumption pathways. The coupling of non-cryogenic and tuneable light sources with different detection schemes, such as direct absorption quantum cascade laser absorption spectroscopy (QCLAS), cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) and off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy (OA-ICOS), has enabled the production of commercially available and field-deployable N2O isotopic analyzers. In contrast to traditional isotope-ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS), these instruments are inherently selective for position-specific 15N substitution and provide real-time data, with minimal or no sample pretreatment, which is highly attractive for process studies. Here, we compared the performance of N2O isotope laser spectrometers with the three most common detection schemes: OA-ICOS (N2OIA-30e-EP, ABB – Los Gatos Research Inc.), CRDS (G5131-i, Picarro Inc.) and QCLAS (dual QCLAS and preconcentration, trace gas extractor (TREX)-mini QCLAS, Aerodyne Research Inc.). For each instrument, the precision, drift and repeatability of N2O mole fraction [N2O] and isotope data were tested. The analyzers were then characterized for their dependence on [N2O], gas matrix composition (O2, Ar) and spectral interferences caused by H2O, CO2, CH4 and CO to develop analyzer-specific correction functions. Subsequently, a simulated two-end-member mixing experiment was used to compare the accuracy and repeatability of corrected and calibrated isotope measurements that could be acquired using the different laser spectrometers. Our results show that N2O isotope laser spectrometer performance is governed by an interplay between instrumental precision, drift, matrix effects and spectral interferences. To retrieve compatible and accurate results, it is necessary to include appropriate reference materials following the identical treatment (IT) principle during every measurement. Remaining differences between sample and reference gas compositions have to be corrected by applying analyzer-specific correction algorithms. These matrix and trace gas correction equations vary considerably according to N2O mole fraction, complicating the procedure further. Thus, researchers should strive to minimize differences in composition between sample and reference gases. In closing, we provide a calibration workflow to guide researchers in the operation of N2O isotope laser spectrometers in order to acquire accurate N2O isotope analyses. We anticipate that this workflow will assist in applications where matrix and trace gas compositions vary considerably (e.g., laboratory incubations, N2O liberated from wastewater or groundwater), as well as extend to future analyzer models and instruments focusing on isotopic species of other molecules.ISSN:1867-1381ISSN:1867-854

    N2_{2}O isotopocule measurements using laser spectroscopy: analyzer characterization and intercomparison

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    For the past two decades, the measurement of nitrous oxide (N2O) isotopocules – isotopically substituted molecules 14^{14}N15^{15}N16^{16}O, 15^{15}N14^{14}N16^{16}O and 14^{14}N14^{14}N18^{18}O of the main isotopic species 14^{14}N14^{14}N16^{16}O – has been a promising technique for understanding N2O production and consumption pathways. The coupling of non-cryogenic and tuneable light sources with different detection schemes, such as direct absorption quantum cascade laser absorption spectroscopy (QCLAS), cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) and off-axis integrated cavity output spectroscopy (OA-ICOS), has enabled the production of commercially available and field-deployable N2_{2}O isotopic analyzers. In contrast to traditional isotope-ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS), these instruments are inherently selective for position-specific 15^{15}N substitution and provide real-time data, with minimal or no sample pretreatment, which is highly attractive for process studies. Here, we compared the performance of N2_{2}O isotope laser spectrometers with the three most common detection schemes: OA-ICOS (N2_{2}OIA-30e-EP, ABB – Los Gatos Research Inc.), CRDS (G5131-i, Picarro Inc.) and QCLAS (dual QCLAS and preconcentration, trace gas extractor (TREX)-mini QCLAS, Aerodyne Research Inc.). For each instrument, the precision, drift and repeatability of N2_{2}O mole fraction [N2_{2}O] and isotope data were tested. The analyzers were then characterized for their dependence on [N2_{2}O], gas matrix composition (O2_{2}, Ar) and spectral interferences caused by H2_{2}O, CO2_{2}, CH4_{4} and CO to develop analyzer-specific correction functions. Subsequently, a simulated two-end-member mixing experiment was used to compare the accuracy and repeatability of corrected and calibrated isotope measurements that could be acquired using the different laser spectrometers. Our results show that N2_{2}O isotope laser spectrometer performance is governed by an interplay between instrumental precision, drift, matrix effects and spectral interferences. To retrieve compatible and accurate results, it is necessary to include appropriate reference materials following the identical treatment (IT) principle during every measurement. Remaining differences between sample and reference gas compositions have to be corrected by applying analyzer-specific correction algorithms. These matrix and trace gas correction equations vary considerably according to N2_{2}O mole fraction, complicating the procedure further. Thus, researchers should strive to minimize differences in composition between sample and reference gases. In closing, we provide a calibration workflow to guide researchers in the operation of N2_{2}O isotope laser spectrometers in order to acquire accurate N2_{2}O isotope analyses. We anticipate that this workflow will assist in applications where matrix and trace gas compositions vary considerably (e.g., laboratory incubations, N2_{2}O liberated from wastewater or groundwater), as well as extend to future analyzer models and instruments focusing on isotopic species of other molecules

    A portable prototype magnetometer to differentiate ischemic and non-ischemic heart disease in patients with chest pain

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    Background: Magnetocardiography (MCG) is a non-invasive technique used to measure and map cardiac magnetic fields. We describe the predictive performance of a portable prototype magnetometer designed for use in acute and routine clinical settings. We assessed the predictive ability of the measurements derived from the magnetometer for the ruling-out of healthy subjects and patients whose chest pain has a non-ischemic origin from those with ischemic heart disease (IHD). Methods: MCG data were analyzed from a technical performance study, a pilot clinical study, and a young healthy reference group. Participants were grouped to enable differentiation of those with IHD versus non-IHD versus controls: Group A (70 IHD patients); Group B (69 controls); Group C (37 young healthy volunteers). Scans were recorded in an unshielded room. Between-group differences were explored using analysis of variance. The ability of 10 candidate MCG predictors to predict normal/abnormal cases was analyzed using logistic regression. Predictive performance was internally validated using repeated five-fold cross-validation. Results: Three MCG predictors showed a significant difference between patients and age-matched controls (P<0.001); eight predictors showed a significant difference between patients and young healthy volunteers (P<0.001). Logistic regression comparing patients with controls yielded a specificity of 35.0%, sensitivity of 95.4%, and negative predictive value for the ruling-out of IHD of 97.8% (area under the curve 0.78). Conclusion: This analysis represents a preliminary indication that the portable magnetometer can help rule-out healthy subjects and patients whose chest pain has a non-ischemic origin from those with IHD

    Organic matter cycling along geochemical, geomorphic and disturbance gradients in forests and cropland of the African Tropics – Project TropSOC Database Version 1.0

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    The African Tropics are hotspots of modern-day land-use change and are, at the same time, of great relevance for the cycling of carbon (C) and nutrients between plants, soils and the atmosphere. However, the consequences of land conversion on biogeochemical cycles are still largely unknown as they are not studied in a landscape context that defines the geomorphic, geochemically and pedological framework in which biological processes take place. Thus, the response of tropical soils to disturbance by erosion and land conversion is one of the great uncertainties in assessing the carrying capacity of tropical landscapes to grow food for future generations and in predicting greenhouse gas fluxes (GHG) from soils to the atmosphere and, hence, future earth system dynamics. Here, we describe version 1.0 of an open access database created as part of the project &ldquo;Tropical soil organic carbon dynamics along erosional disturbance gradients in relation to variability in soil geochemistry and land use&rdquo; (TropSOC). TropSOC v1.0 contains spatial and temporal explicit data on soil, vegetation, environmental properties and land management collected from 136 pristine tropical forest and cropland plots between 2017 and 2020 as part of several monitoring and sampling campaigns in the Eastern Congo Basin and the East African Rift Valley System. The results of several laboratory experiments focusing on soil microbial activity, C cycling and C stabilization in soils complement the dataset to deliver one of the first landscape scale datasets to study the linkages and feedbacks between geology, geomorphology and pedogenesis as controls on biogeochemical cycles in a variety of natural and managed systems in the African Tropics. The hierarchical and interdisciplinary structure of the TropSOC database allows for linking a wide range of parameters and observations on soil and vegetation dynamics along with other supporting information that may also be measured at one or more levels of the hierarchy. TropSOC&rsquo;s data marks a significant contribution to improve our understanding of the fate of biogeochemical cycles in dynamic and diverse tropical African (agro-)ecosystems. TropSOC v1.0 can be accessed through the supplementary material provided as part of this manuscript or as a separate download via the websites of the Congo Biogeochemistry observatory and the GFZ data repository where version updates to the database will be provided as the project develops.</p

    Attribution of N₂O sources in a grassland soil with laser spectroscopy based isotopocule analysis

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    Nitrous oxide (N2O) is the primary atmospheric constituent involved in stratospheric ozone depletion and contributes strongly to changes in the climate system through a positive radiative forcing mechanism. The atmospheric abundance of N2O has increased from 270 ppb (parts per billion, 10−9 mole mole−1) during the pre-industrial era to approx. 330 ppb in 2018. Even though it is well known that microbial processes in agricultural and natural soils are the major N2O source, the contribution of specific soil processes is still uncertain. The relative abundance of N2O isotopocules (14N14N16N, 14N15N16O, 15N14N16O, and 14N14N18O) carries process-specific information and thus can be used to trace production and consumption pathways. While isotope ratio mass spectroscopy (IRMS) was traditionally used for high-precision measurement of the isotopic composition of N2O, quantum cascade laser absorption spectroscopy (QCLAS) has been put forward as a complementary technique with the potential for on-site analysis. In recent years, pre-concentration combined with QCLAS has been presented as a technique to resolve subtle changes in ambient N2O isotopic composition. From the end of May until the beginning of August 2016, we investigated N2O emissions from an intensively managed grassland at the study site Fendt in southern Germany. In total, 612 measurements of ambient N2O were taken by combining pre-concentration with QCLAS analyses, yielding δ15Nα, δ15Nβ, δ18O, and N2O concentration with a temporal resolution of approximately 1 h and precisions of 0.46 ‰, 0.36 ‰, 0.59 ‰, and 1.24 ppb, respectively. Soil δ15N-NO−3 values and concentrations of NO−3 and NH+4 were measured to further constrain possible N2O-emitting source processes. Furthermore, the concentration footprint area of measured N2O was determined with a Lagrangian particle dispersion model (FLEXPART-COSMO) using local wind and turbulence observations. These simulations indicated that night-time concentration observations were largely sensitive to local fluxes. While bacterial denitrification and nitrifier denitrification were identified as the primary N2O-emitting processes, N2O reduction to N2 largely dictated the isotopic composition of measured N2O. Fungal denitrification and nitrification-derived N2O accounted for 34 %–42 % of total N2O emissions and had a clear effect on the measured isotopic source signatures. This study presents the suitability of on-site N2O isotopocule analysis for disentangling source and sink processes in situ and found that at the Fendt site bacterial denitrification or nitrifier denitrification is the major source for N2O, while N2O reduction acted as a major sink for soil-produced N2O.ISSN:1726-4170ISSN:1726-417

    Annexin-V positive extracellular vesicles level is increased in severe COVID-19 disease

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    ObjectivesTo evaluate extracellular vesicles levels in a cohort of SARS-CoV-2’s patients hospitalized in an intensive care unit with and without COVID-19 associated thromboembolic events.MethodsIn this study, we aim to assess endothelial and platelet membrane-derived extracellular vesicles levels in a cohort of SARS-CoV-2 patients with and without COVID-19-associated thromboembolic events who were hospitalized in an intensive care unit. Annexin-V positive extracellular vesicles levels were prospectively assessed by flow cytometry in one hundred twenty-three critically ill adults diagnosed with acute respiratory distress syndrome associated with a SARS-CoV-2 infection, ten adults diagnosed for moderate SARS-CoV-2 infection and 25 healthy volunteers.ResultsOn our critically ill patients, thirty-four patients (27.6%) had a thromboembolic event, Fifty-three (43%) died. Endothelial and platelet membrane-derived extracellular vesicles were drastically increased in SARS-CoV-2 patients hospitalized in the ICU compared to healthy volunteers. Moreover a slighty higher small/large ratio for platelets membrane-derived extracellular vesicles in patients was linked to thrombo-embolic events.ConclusionA comparison between total annexin-V positive extracellular vesicles levels in severe and moderate SARS-CoV-2 infection and healthy controls showed a significant increase in patients with severe infection and their sizes could be considered as biomarkers of SARS-CoV-2 associated thrombo-embolic events