684 research outputs found

    Negosiasi Saat Ini : Semua Menang

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    Kata kunci : Negosias


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    PT. PLN (Persero) Distribusi Jawa Timur is one of the main implementing unit under PT. PLN (Persero) is engaged in the distribution and sale of electric power in East Java. Achievement of organizational performance can be supported by the application of total quality management within the company. Factors that can affect organizational performance are customer focus, top management, employee engagement and empowerment, training education, and continuous improvement. This study aims to examine and analyze the effect of total quality management implementation on organizational performance at PT. PLN (Persero) Distribusi Jawa Timur. Type of research with method of quantitative approach. The sample in this study amounted to 83 respondents PT. PLN (Persero) Distribusi Jawa Timur with sampling technique that is slovin method. Statistical analysis used in this study is multiple linear regression with the help of SPSS Version 21 program. The result of this study explains the focus of customer positively influence to organizational performance, top management have positive effect on organizational performance, involvement and empowerment have positive effect to organizational performance, training education have positive effect to organizational performance, continuous improvement have positive effect to organizational performance, total quality management simultaneously have a positive effect on organizational performance. Keywords : total quality management, organizational performance


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    Keberadaan air minum dalam kemasan yang mengandung bahan pengawet sempat meresahkan masyarakat belakangan ini. Beberapa minuman kemasan yang beredar di pasaran saat ini mengandung bahan pengawet dalam kandungan yang cukup besar seperti natrium benzoat, sitrat dan askorbat. Pada penelitian ini akan dilakukan pengujian terdapatnya bahan pengawet pada sampel minuman. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk membuktikan apakah kadar bahan pengawet dalam produk minuman dalam kemasan masih dibawah standar baku mutu dalam artian masih aman dikonsumsi masyarakat dan mengenai jenis serta kadarnya sesuai yang tertera dalam label kemasan sehingga dari sini masyarakat tidak akan terbohongi lagi dan dapat memilih produk minuman dalam kemasan mana yang baik untuk dikonsumsi. Alat yang digunakan untuk menganalisis ada tidaknya bahan pengawet yang terkandung, dengan menggunakan HPLC dengan detektor UV-Vis. Fase gerak yang digunakan yaitu acetonitril dan KH2PO4, buffer pH 2.65 (60:40) v/v, laju alir 0.400 ml/menit dan dengan panjang gelombang 254 nm. Pada tiap injeksi sampel kondisi kolom dibuat tetap. Variabel berubah yang digunakan adalah jenis sampel minuman dengan dua kali masa produksi. Bahan pengawet yang dianalisa yaitu natrium benzoat, asam sitrat dan asam askorbat. Hasil uji yang ditemukan, bahan sample minuman mizone passion fruit mengandung 316.18 ppm natrium benzoate,28.34 ppm asam sitrat, dan 5 ppm asam askorbat. Sedangkan sample minuman fresh tea fruitcy mengandung 28.46 ppm natrium benzoate,157.8 ppm asam sitrat, dan 207.52 ppm asam askorbat. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa semua minuman yang diuji memiliki kandungan bahan pengawet yang masih berada dibawah standar baku mutu sehingga masih layak untuk dikonsumsi. Kata Kunci : natrium benzoat, asam askorbat, asam sitrat, HPL

    Pengaruh Exhaust Terhadap Kinerja Tungku Gasifikasi Sekam Padi Tipe Downdraft Continue

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    Seeing the impact of the fossil energy crisis is increasingly scarce government tackle by utilizing biomass energy. The use of gasification will generally save fuel costs. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of exhaust diameter variation on combustion temperature, initial ignition time and effective flame time on the rice husk gasification type downdraft continue. The study was conducted by varying the diameter of the exhaust, with a 10 mm diameter exhaust, 20 mm exhaust diameter and 30 mm diameter exhaust. then taken the data include combustion temperature, initial startup time and effective flame time. The results showed that the exhaust diameter variation influenced the combustion temperature, the initial ignition time and the effective ignition time produced. The highest average temperature of 30 mm diameter exhaust is 534,268°C, the fastest ignition time is 10 mm diameter exhaust at minute 5 and the longest effective flame is in the exhaust diameter of 10 mm to 53 minutes

    Complicaciones maternas y neonatales del manejo activo y expectante de la ruptura prematura de membranas en gestantes pretérmino

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    Objetivo: Determinar las complicaciones maternas y neonatales del manejo activo y expectante de la ruptura prematura de membranas en gestantes pretérmino. Materiales y Métodos: Se llevó a cabo un estudio de tipo observacional y diseño de cohorte anidado retrospectivo. La población de estudio estuvo constituida por gestantes pretérmino con ruptura prematura de membranas las cuales cumplieron los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Se obtuvo un grupo de 78 gestantes que recibieron manejo activo y 20 gestantes con manejo expectante. Se utilizó la prueba de Chi cuadrado para el análisis de datos. Resultados: No hubo diferencia significativa en los resultados de las complicaciones maternas del manejo activo en comparación con el manejo expectante (p=0.2107). El resultado de los manejos y los efectos en el neonato, concluyó que hay menos complicaciones en el manejo activo (p=0,003). Conclusiones: No hay diferencia significativa respecto a las complicaciones maternas con ambos tipo de manejo; sin embargo, el manejo activo es un factor protector para el neonato por presentar menos complicaciones en éste.Objective: To determine the maternal and neonatal complications of the active and expectant management of premature rupture of membranes in preterm pregnant women. Materials and Methods: An observational study and retrospective cohort design was carried out. The study population consisted of preterm pregnant women with premature rupture of membranes which met the inclusion and exclusion criteria, a nested cohort study was carried out since not enough patients were collected in the group of pregnant women with expectant management. A group of 98 pregnant women, 78 women received active management and 20 pregnant women with expectant management was obtained. Results: The result of maternal complications obtained from active management and expectant management, did not have a significant difference (p=0.2107). The result of the management and the effects on the neonate, concluded that there are fewer complications in active management, this being a protective factor (p = 0.003). The Conclusions: There is no significant difference regarding maternal complications with both type of management; however, active management is a protective factor for the newborn because of its fewer complications.Tesi

    Teaching Methods for Reading Skill in Inclusive Class

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    This study is aimed to investigate the teaching method used for reading skill in inclusive class. The type of study is categorized into a qualitative research designed in a case study. It is placed in an inclusive class at MAN 2 Klaten which consists of a mix among twenty eight normal learners and three special need learners on second semester in 2019/2020 academic year. The technique of collecting data is applied through observation, interview, and documentation. Then, the analyzing data is done by data reduction, data display, and verification based on the theory of Miles and Hubberman. The results shows that the teacher applies the traditional teaching methods namely Grammar Translation Method, Direct Method, and Cognitive Code Learning which reflect the humanistic way in teaching without exception among normal and special need learners in class. Those methods are very effective in developing the reading skill in inclusive class which focused to vocabulary mastery, active orally communication in a discussion, and grammar comprehension
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