94 research outputs found

    Cold War Cultural Language Transference into Modern Media: Fallout 3

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    Video games are fun. The fictional environments and plots they generate are designed with solely this purpose: to entertain. Some try to accomplish this goal by creating environments that are novel to most gamers, but most get by with reusing plots, settings, and language from older games, movies, books or historical periods. One such game, Bethesda\u27s Fallout 3, draws on the imagery, language, and structure of Cold War America to create a chilling, post apocalyptic Washington D.C., complete with anit-communist propaganda posters and giant, irradiated cockroaches. While entertaining in its own right, a basic knowledge of the Cold War culture it draws upon adds a campy flair to Fallout that actually strengthens the gamer\u27s connection to the environment and increases the entertainment derived from it. The game-world is just familiar enough give the player with such knowledge an eerie chill, but ridiculous enough to dispel that chill with a fit of laughter moment later


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    Revolusi industri 4.0 memberikan kemudahan dan memunculkan dampak negatif salah satunya ialah akses internet bebas. Salah satu pendidikan yang harus diberikan kepada para remaja adalah pendidikan seksual, yang bertujuan untuk menghindarkan remaja dari risiko negatif perilaku seksual. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui dan memperoleh informasi mengenai pola pendidikan seks kepada remaja dalam keluarga berdasarkan strata pendidikan orang tua. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Cinunuk, Kabupaten Bandung. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dan metode studi deskriptif analisis, yang menekankan pada eksplorasi dan mendeskripsikan masalah dengan batasan terperinci dan mendalam. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara, observasi, studi dokumentasi, dan studi literatur. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa: (1) peran orang tua dalam pelaksanaan pendidikan seks, orang tua berpendidikan dasar menekankan penanaman nilai agama; orang tua berpendidikan menengah memberi nasehat; orang tua berpendidikan tinggi mengawasi anak remaja melalui perantara gadget dan pemberian fasilitas lengkap. (2) Kendala orang tua berpendidikan dasar pengetahuan terbatas dalam pemahaman pendidikan seks dan pengoperasian teknologi; Orang tua berpendidikan (SMP) menyampaikan materi pendidikan seks terkesan monoton; Orang tua berpendidikan (SMA) bingung memilih bahasa dan menjelaskan pada anak; orang tua berpendidikan tinggi kurang komunikasi dan memahami kondisi anak. (3) Solusi yaitu orang tua berpendidikan dasar memberikan aturan tegas dalam bergaul; orang tua berpendidikan (SMP) mencabut fasilitas anak; orang tua berpendidikan (SMA) memberi kebebasan dan mengatur jadwal penggunaan gadget; orang tua berpendidikan tinggi merespon lebih dulu mengenai seks. Secara keseluruhan orang tua memberi dukungan dalam berbagai kegiatan positif remaja untuk mengaktualisasikan dirinya di lingkungan masyarakat. Kata Kunci : Keluarga, Pendidikan Seks, Remaja, dan Tingkat Pendidikan Orang Tua. THE PATTERN OF SEX EDUCATION TO ADOLESCENTS IN FAMILIES BASED ON THE LEVEL OF EDUCATION OF PARENTS (A Descriptive Analysis of the Study in Cinunuk Village, Bandung Regency) Sitka Veranda 1504798 ABSTRACT The 4.0 Industrial Revolution provides easiness and raises the negative impact of one of them is free internet access. One of the education that must be given to teenagers is sexual education, which aims to avoid teenagers from negative risks of sexual behavior. The purpose of this research is to know and obtain information about the sex education pattern for adolescents in the family based on the strata of parental education. This research was conducted in the village of Cinunuk, Bandung regency. The study used a qualitative approach and a descriptive analysis study method, which emphasized exploration and describing problems with detailed and profound constraints. Data collection is done by interview, observation, documentation study, and literature study. The results of the study stated that: (1) The role of parents in the implementation of sex education, elementary educated parents emphasized the planting of religious values; Medium-educated parents give advice; High-educated parents watched teens through intermediary gadgets and the provision of complete facilities. (2) Basic educated parental constraints limited knowledge in understanding sex education and the operation of Technology; Educated parents (Junior High School) convey a monotonous sex education material; Educated parents (Senior High School) are confused in choosing a language and explaining to the child; High educated parents lack communication and understand the condition of the child. (3) The solution is that the elementary educated parents give strict rules in associating; Educated parents (Junior High School) revoke children's facilities; Educated parents (Senior High School) give freedom and manage the schedule of use of gadgets; High educated parents responded first about sex. Overall parents provide support in a variety of positive adolescents ' activities to actualize themselves in a community environment. Keywords: Family, Sex Education, Teenagers, and Parental Education Level

    A multiphase Cahn--Hilliard--Darcy model for tumour growth with necrosis

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    We derive a Cahn–Hilliard–Darcy model to describe multiphase tumour growth taking interactions with multiple chemical species into account as well as the simultaneous occurrence of proliferating, quiescent and necrotic regions. A multitude of phenomena such as nutrient diffusion and consumption, angiogenesis, hypoxia, blood vessel growth, and inhibition by toxic agents, which are released for example by the necrotic cells, are included. A new feature of the modelling approach is that a volume-averaged velocity is used, which dramatically simplifies the resulting equations. With the help of formally matched asymptotic analysis we develop new sharp interface models. Finite element numerical computations are performed and in particular the effects of necrosis on tumour growth are investigated numerically. In particular, for certain modelling choices, we obtain some form of focal and patchy necrotic growth that have been observed in experiments

    Identification of threshold levels for Warner-Bratzler shear force of beef value cuts

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    This study was conducted to determine threshold levels for Warner-Bratzler shear (WBS) force of the beef value cuts. USDA Choice and USDA Select M. biceps femoris, M. gluteus medius, M. infraspinatus, M. longissimus lumborum, M. rectus femoris, M. triceps brachii, and M. vastus lateralis steaks were evaluated for palatability characteristics and tenderness acceptability by a consumer panel (n = 205). Steaks also were evaluated by WBS analysis. The relationship between consumer tenderness-like ratings and WBS was investigated through regression analysis. Threshold WBS levels could not be determined due to the low correlation between consumer tenderness ratings and WBS. Within a muscle, percent tenderness acceptability was determined for each of the tenderness-like ratings. After analyzing the consumer ratings, tenderness acceptability, and WBS values, it was apparent that there may not be a single WBS threshold value suitable for all muscles. Research indicates that there may be muscle-specific WBS threshold levels; these values were not established from this research

    Decision Making of Maritime Junior Watch Officers: A Phenomenological Study

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    The tanker Exxon Valdez and cruise ship Empress of the North were each involved in a major incident involving poor decision making by the junior officer on watch, resulting in the grounding of their vessels. The purpose of this hermeneutic phenomenological qualitative study was to describe the decision-making process of 15 maritime junior watch officers in a high-resolution simulation in adverse-condition scenarios. Data collection utilized observations, interviews and a self-efficacy assessment. For data analysis I used the constant comparative method applied to the data, developing codes, which were analyzed and reduced to 3 key themes: (a) the Decision-Making Process, (b) Factors in Decision Making, and (c) Motivations and Solutions to Decision Making. The findings suggested that working or short-term memory; emotional intelligence; self-efficacy; and skills, rules and knowledge were major factors of how successfully novice decision makers made their decisions. At least 2 of these factors are within the affective domain. The results indicated that maritime educators who utilize teaching aids and methods that stimulate the affective domain as early as possible in the education process will be promoting growth in the decision-making skills of students. The results also indicated that implementation of a mentoring program within the maritime industry and making it a part of the normal practice for new officers will continue to foster strong decision-making skills. To that end, curriculum for leadership and managerial skills courses required in maritime education should include benefits of a mentoring program and how such a program should be implemented

    Narcolepsy vs. idiopathic hypersomnia: differentiating groups using cluster analysis

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    This thesis aims to address several issues encountered in the differential diagnosis of narcolepsy. According to the ICSD 3, narcolepsy is divided into two subtypes, narcolepsy type 1 and type 2. Narcolepsy type 1 has been shown to be caused by a loss of hypocretin releasing neurons in the hypothalamus and diagnosis is often simplified by the occurrence of cataplexy. The diagnosis of narcolepsy type 2, on the other hand, essentially relies on the results of the MSLT, which renders the differentiation from idiopathic hypersomnia difficult. In the course of this thesis, several statistic methods are employed to further investigate these diagnostic difficulties. A dataset of the Sleep Medicine Center of Regensburg is used for this task, which consists of 141 cases of narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia and 73 additional MSLT measurements of healthy controls. First, linear regression analysis is used to investigate the correlation between SOREM count und MSLT sleep latency. For both narcolepsy subtypes as well as for the healthy controls, a negative affine linear correspondence is found. Regarding the parameter Delta, which has recently been suggested by Pizza, for narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia only a small positive correlation with the usual sleep latency is found. As a next step, principal component analysis is performed, which serves two main purposes in the context of this thesis. On the one hand, the dominant principal demonstrates the actual importance of the commonly used MSLT and polysomnography parameters for the differentiation between narcolepsy and idiopathic hypersomnia. On the other hand, the principal components serve as foundation for the algorithmical selection of suitable cluster variables. Three cluster analyses form the core of this thesis. Corresponding to the different concepts behind the three clustering approaches, notable differences can be observed between the three obtained cluster solutions. Nevertheless, some common qualitative features emerge. All employed cluster algorithms detect two relevant clusters, which are dominated by narcolepsy type 1 and idiopathic hypersomnia cases, respectively. Furthermore, narcolepsy type 2 cases are separated into these two clusters in a consistent fashion. Several explanations for this observation are offered which address well described clinical and methodical issues. As the final part of this thesis, a possible interpretation of these results is further elaborated, which proposes an alternate classification of the dataset into two instead of three nosological entities, which emerge when the narcolepsy type 2 cases are assigned to narcolepsy type 1 or idiopathic hypersomnia in the way suggested by the cluster analysis results. This line of thought concludes with the introduction of a linear score derived from the principal component, which might simplify differential diagnosis with respect to these alternate diagnostic categories

    Impacts on medical staff`s reporting when suspected child abuse or neglect

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    A Cahn-Hilliard-Darcy model for tumour growth with chemotaxis and active transport

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    Using basic thermodynamical principles we derive a Cahn--Hilliard--Darcy model for tumour growth including nutrient diffusion, chemotaxis, active transport, adhesion, apoptosis and proliferation. The model generalise earlier models and in particular include active transport mechanisms which ensures thermodynamical consistency. We perform a formally matched asymptotic expansion and develop several sharp interface models. Some of them are classical and some new ones which for example include a jump in the nutrient density at the interface. A linear stability analysis for a growing nucleus is performed and in particular the role of the new active transport term is analysed. Numerical computations are performed to study the influence of the active transport term for specific growth scenarios

    Auditoría integral y su influencia en la gestión de riesgos en Almacenes de la Selva SAC, Tarapoto, 2022

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    El estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar la influencia de la auditoría integral en la gestión de riesgos en Almacenes de la Selva SAC, Tarapoto, 2022, de tipo aplicada, diseño no experimental, descriptivo simple, correlacional y transversal, teniendo como población a 28 trabajadores y los 06 accionistas de la empresa Almacenes de la Selva SAC, Tarapoto, y la muestra de 30 trabajadores definida por el método de conveniencia, a quienes se aplicó la encuesta como técnica y el cuestionario como instrumento. Los resultados indican que el nivel de la auditoría integral en la empresa Almacenes de la Selva SAC, Tarapoto, 2022, en promedio se valora como Medio con 66.7%, Bajo con 20.0% y Alto con 13.3%; y el nivel de la gestión de riesgos en promedio se valora como Medio con 56.7%, Bajo con 10.0% y Alto con 33.3. Se concluye que, existe influencia significativa de la auditoría integral en la gestión de riesgos en Almacenes de la Selva SAC, Tarapoto, 2023, valorado con el R de Pearson que asume r=0.513 con una significancia igual a 0.00
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