2,497 research outputs found

    Students’ learning preferences of English for academic purposes - A KUiTTHO Affair

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    Kolej Universiti Teknologi Tun Hussein Onn (KUiTTHO) aims to produce graduates who are competent in English and other core skills in order to be in parallel with other established institutions. Communication and soft skills play important roles in making a graduate a success in the working world and to meet the demands of globalization especially where English is becoming more important. English for Academic Purposes was introduced as one of the required subjects for KUiTTHO students. Students whose MUET results are below than Band 3 and achieved only 50% or less in the placement test are required to take this course. This subject is aimed to facilitate students to undertake MUET again so they are able to achieve at least a Band 3. The study aims to find the learner’s preference in learning English for Academic Purposes as a new subject. Learning preferences in this case include how they want to learn, which language skills they prefer to learn and types of activities they prefer. This research will adapt the qualitative method using questionnaire and observation in gaining data. It is hoped through this research a comprehensive needs analysis can be developed to enhance the learning and the teaching of English for Academic Purposes later

    Timetabling System for Medical Officer

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    The idea was proposed due to the issues that Medical Officer face which is unorganized and unstructured duty roster management. Thus, inspired by Prototyping – based methodology, Timetabling System for Medical officer was developed. This research studied about the scheduling algorithm, tools and knowledge required for system development and the development process involved. Feasibility study was carried out to ensure the timetabling system can be develop within scope, time and constrains. Beside the main constrains, other minor constrains such as cultural, technical and operational was included. Methodology analysis is carried out in order to choose the suitable methodology to develop the system. The prototype architecture is shown in the result and discussion. At the end of the report, few recommendations were listed for the betterment of the system. Besides that, it also can be used as the reference for the custodian to understand the current status of the project

    Removal of Water Vapour from Natural Gas by Using Membrane Separation (Study on Percent of Water Vapour Removal)

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    The purpose of this report is to study on `The Removal of Water Vapour from. Natural Gas by Using Membrane Separation'. This report includes the objectives, scopes of study, problem statement, literature review, methodology, results, discussion, conclusion and recommendations. The main objective of this project is to analyze the performance and efficiency of membrane to remove water vapour from natural gas. Literature review is studied to obtain the properties and characteristics of flat membrane. Experimental lab is conducted to test the performance of the membrane under various operating pressure. The percentage of water vapour removal from methane and hydrocarbon loss under various pressures is plot. It is observed that the removal of water vapour increases as pressure increases, which means the membrane separate more water vapour from methane at high pressure. Unfortunately, the percentage of hydrocarbon loss also increases as the pressure increases. Thus, it is recommended for next study that optimization is to be conducted based on cost analysis in order to minimize hydrocarbon loss and maximize water vapour removal by the membrane. As the conclusion, the objective of this protect to analyze the perfonnnce of the membrane is achieved. The flat membrane used in this project is classified as asymmetry, integrally skinned and dense top layer membrane. The membrane consists of mainly O-H, NH, C=O and C- H functional groups. The degradation temperature of the membrane is 430.60°C. As for performance analysis, it is obtained that the percent of water vapour removal and hydrocarbon loss increase as the pressure increase

    Empowering the powerful: a critical discourse analysis of public discourse on graduate employability

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    This study explores the issue of graduate employability in Malaysia as construed in public discourse in English, a language of power in Malaysia. The term employability itself has many definitions depending on the requirements of government and industry, and in the case of Malaysia, the English-language ability of graduates is inseparable from graduate employability. Data were collected from three socially significant English-language publications: a mainstream newspaper (the New Straits Times), an alternative newspaper (The Malaysian Insider), and a government document outlining the national approach to improving graduate employability in universities (the Graduate Employability Blueprint). The data were collected between 2012 and 2013, a significant two-year period of time due to the publication of the Graduate Employability Blueprint in 2012, and the five-yearly Malaysian General Election in 2013. Applying Critical Discourse Analysis (Fairclough, 1995), the study employs Transitivity analysis (Halliday & Matthiessen, 2004) and Appraisal analysis (Martin & White, 2005) from Systemic Functional Linguistics. The analysis looks at the grammatical roles and evaluation of important social actor groups in the graduate employability issue (e.g. government, government link companies, employers, graduates, parents and teachers). The findings show that government, the government programs and the employers are construed favourably, while the graduates are depicted unfavourably. Parents and teachers are largely excluded from the discourse. Significant government expenditure and national resources from public and private organizations are dedicated to improving the employability of graduates in Malaysia. However,the public discourse on graduate employability in the powerful English language appears unlikely to contribute to a social context where the aims of the groups with a key interest in graduate employability will be achieved

    Penerapan metode Drill sebagai upaya meningkatkan hasil belajar membaca Al Quran pada siswa SMK negeri I kelas XI Samarinda tahun pelajaran 2014

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    Pendidikan sangat penting bagi semua manusia, karena pendidikan akan mencerminkan kepribadian untuk menjalani kehidupan yang lebih baik. Oleh karena itu pendidikan Islam dapat dicapai dengan sukses jika siswa dan guru berperan aktif. Diharapkan memiliki motivasi untuk belajar dan cara belajar efektif, karena kedua hal ini sangat membutuhkan dalam proses belajar-mengajar. Siswa yang memiliki motivasi yang baik untuk belajar dan cara belajar efektif akan mendapatkan hasil belajar yang maksimal. Metode aplikasi untuk Meningkatkan Bor Untuk Hasil Belajar Siswa Membaca Quran di kelas XI SMK Samarinda tahun akademik 2014. Keberhasilan tujuan pembelajaran ditentukan oleh banyak faktor termasuk faktor guru dalam melaksanakan proses pembelajaran, karena guru secara langsung dapat mempengaruhi, membina dan meningkatkan kecerdasan dan keterampilan siswa. Untuk mengatasi permasalahan di atas dan untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan secara maksimal, peran guru sangat penting dan diharapkan guru memiliki cara / model mengajar yang baik dan model pembelajaran yang mampu memilih yang tepat dan sesuai dengan konsep-konsep mata pelajaran yang akan disampaika

    HUBUNGAN KONSEP DIRI GURU TERHADAP REGULASI DAN DISIPLIN DIRI ANAK USIA DINI: Penelitian Korelasional pada Guru dan Peserta Didik PAUD Usia 4-5 Tahun di Kecamatan Sumedang Selatan Kabupaten Sumedang

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi oleh masih banyaknya guru PAUD yang belum menangani peserta didiknya dengan tepat sehingga timbul masalah-masalah kemandirian yang tidak terlatih dengan baik. Demikian pula masalah-masalah persepsi diri guru tentang kompetensi dirinya dalam berbagai aspek. berdasarkan hal tersebut penelitian ini bertujuan memaparkan tentang konsep diri guru PAUD, dan seperti apa hubungan antara konsep diri guru dengan regulasi dan disiplin diri pada anak usia dini. Data peneltian diambil dengan metode survey terhadap 75 orang guru dan peserta didiknya menggunakan kuesioner SPPA (Self Perception Profile for Adult) dari konsep multidimensi persepsi diri Susan Harter. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan desain analisis korelasi ganda dengan 0.05% . Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sig = 0,384 atau tidak terdapat korelasi antara konsep diri guru dengan regulasi dan disiplin diri peserta didik, Gambaran lain hasil nilai persepsi diri guru menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar guru memiliki angka diskrepansi yang mempengaruhi skala keberhargaan atau self esteem guru. Hal tersebut menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar guru mengalami ketidakselarasan atau incongruency sehingga memunculkan diskrepansi nilai yang berpengaruh terhadap self worth atau rasa keberhargaan diri guru. Atas berbagai temuan dalam penelitian ini, maka rekomendasi yang dapat diberikan adalah penelitian lanjutan dengan pendekatan kualitatif, pengembangan diri guru dengan berbagai pelatihan yang berbasis kepribadian dan kesinambungan proses pendidikan di sekolah dan rumah agar terbangun regulasi dan disiplin diri anak dengan baik. Kata kunci : konsep diri, regulasi diri, disiplin diri. This research is motivated by early childhood teachers that are still many who have not dealt with appropriately so that the student participants raised issues of independence that is not trained properly. Similarly, the problems of teacher self-perception about her competence in many aspects. based on that research aims elaborated on the concept and perception of early childhood teachers themselves and how was the relationship between self-concept of teachers with regulation and self-discipline in early childhood. The research data was taken by the survey method against 75 teachers and learner using a questionnaire SPPA (Self Perception Profile for Adult) from a multidimensional concept of self perception by Harter. This study uses a quantitative approach using multiple correlation analysis of 0.05%. Multiple correlation found that sig = 0,384. It means that was no correlation between teacher self-concept to self-regulation and self-discipline of learners. Another description of the results of the self-perception of teachers showed that most teachers have the numbers discrepancy affecting the teachers self-worth or self-esteem scale. It shows that most teachers have experienced inconsistencies or discrepancies incongruency which raises the value of having an effect on self worth or self-teacher making much sense. The higher the discrepancy scale, the lower rate of the self-worth or self esteem associated with the individual concerned, and vice versa. On the findings in this study, the recommendations can be given is further research with a qualitative approach, teacher self-development training based on personality competence and sustainable educational process both in schools and homes in order to build self-discipline and self-regulation for early childhood education learner. Key words :self concept, self regulation, self disciplin

    Hubungan Antara Kebiasaan Sarapan Pagi Dan Kebiasaan Jajan Dengan Prestasi Belajar Siswa Sekolah Dasar Di SDN Banyuanyar III Surakarta

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    Latar Belakang : Sarapan pagi bagi anak sekolah dapat meningkatkan konsentrasi belajar dan memudahkan dalam menyerap pelajaran sehingga dapat meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa. Berdasarkan penelitian observasi di dapatkan data tentang kebiasaan sarapan sebagian besar siswa tidak melakukan sarapan pagi 40% dan data tentang kebiasaan jajan sebesar 62% siswa memiliki kebiasaan jajan sedangkan prestasi belajar siswa yaitu sebesar 50% mempunyai prestasi belajar baik, sebesar 42,5% mempunyai prestasi belajar cukup dan 7,5% mempunyai prestasi belajar kurang. Tujuan : Mengetahui hubungan kebiasaan sarapan pagi dan kebiasaan jajan terhadap prestasi belajar siswa sekolah dasar di SDN Banyuanyar III Surakarta. Metode Penelitian : Jenis penelitian bersifat observasional dengan pendekatan yang digunakan adalah crossectional. Sampel penelitian ini adalah 64 siswa. Data kebiasaan sarapan pagi dan kebiasaan jajan diperoleh dengan cara wawancara dengan acuan kuesioner. Data prestasi belajar didapat dari ulangan harian siswa. Uji statistik yang digunakan adalah uji Chi-Square Hasil : Hasil penelitian menunjukkan sebagian besar sampel tidak biasa sarapan pagi sebesar 67% dan sebagian besar sampel melakukan jajan di sekolah sebesar 78%. Hasil uji hubungan kebiasaan sarapan pagi dengan prestasi belajar nilai p = 0,03. Hasil uji hubungan antara kebiasaan jajan dengan prestasi belajar nilai p = 0,00. Kesimpulan : Ada hubungan antara kebiasaan sarapan pagi dan kebiasaan jajan terhadap prestasi belajar siswa sekolah dasar di SDN Banyuanyar III Surakarta

    Formulation of Liquorice Root Extract (Glycyrrhiza Glabra L.) as Skin Whitening Cream

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    Liquorice root extract (Glycyrrhiza glabra L.) contains glabridin, an isoflavane as inhibitors of tyrosinase. This enzyme is responsible in melanin synthesis. The aim of this research was to determine the tyrosinase inhibition activity of liquorice root extract and to formulate into a cream with a variety of emulsifier agent glyceryl monostearate. Liquorice root was macerated using ethanol 96%, invitro tyrosinase inhibition assay was conducted using kojic acid as positive control in 96-well plate. The physical quality parameters of the cream were also evaluated. The results showed that liquorice root extract inhibits tyrosinase with the IC50 126.75 µg/mL. Creams containing 1.01% liquorice root extract were yellowish white, aromatics odour, soft texture, homogen and no segregation in O/W emulsion type. It also showed plastic thixotropic rheological property, viscosity of (2800±0.00) – (4000±0.00) Ps, spreadability of (3029.72±0.81) – (3531.79±6.15)mm2, droplet size of (60.00±0.00) – (65.12±0.01)μm, pH of (4.55±0.03)–(4.63±0.04) and inhibited tyrosinase 10.14 - 19.30%. It can be concluded that the formula with 0.1% of glyceryl monostearate was the best formula that conforms physical quality test and potentially to be developed as a skin whitening cream

    Functional characterization of flower morphogenesis and senescence related genes using virus induced gene silencing technique in petunia hybrida

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    In floricultural crops, flower morphology, such as large petals and double flower formation, and flower longevity are important factors that influence their quality. Petunia has been proved to be an excellent model plant for the study of flower development and senescence. However, even in petunia, there are a lot of genes whose function in flower development and senescence have not yet been characterized. Recently, techniques using virus induced gene silencing (VIGS) have been developed as efficient reverse genetics tools to test gene function. In this study, VIGS system that visualizes silencing induced-flower was established in petunia. Using this system, functional characterization of petunia candidate genes involved in flower morphogenesis and senescence was conducted. In parallel, identification and expression analysis of flower development related-genes that had not yet been identified in petunia was performed. Disadvantage of VIGS is that silencing is induced in a chimeric manner and it is sometimes difficult to identify flowers on which silencing is induced. To overcome the disadvantage of VIGS, system that use silencing of the chalcone synthase (CHS) gene, one of genes regulating anthocyanin biosynthesis, as a reporter to visualize silencing induced-flower was established. Tandem pTRV2 constructs containing a Ph-CHS fragment and target gene fragment(s) are prepared and agrobacterium cultures possessing these constructs are infiltrated onto petunia leaves of 2 to 3 weeks old seedlings. Five different petunia cultivars with blue or purple flowers, 'Cutie Blue', 'Fantasy Blue', 'Picobella Blue', 'Mambo Blue' and 'Mambo Purple' were infected with the construct and differences in silencing patterns. was observed among cultivars. In 'Cutie Blue' and 'Fantasy Blue' complete white flowers were observed as a results of silencing of Ph-CHS; however, no white color was noted in flowers or tissues in 'Picobella Blue', 'Mambo Blue' and 'Mambo Purple'. This indicated that effectiveness of this VIGS system differs dependent on flower genetic background. It is also revealed to be dependent on environmental factors such as temperature to get complete silencing phenotypes. Second, using the VIGS system, redundant function of two C-class MADS-box genes, pMADS3 and FBP6 genes on flower morphogenesis was revealed. In flowers induced by either pMADS3-VIGS or FBP6-VIGS, only small changes in commercial appearance were recognized regardless of cultivar, whereas in those induced by pMADS3/FBP6-VIGS, complete conversion of stamens into petaloid tissues and marked enlargement of upper limb- like tissues were observed, resulting in a decorative appearance in all the four cultivars. Moreover, cultivar-dependent conversion of carpels into new flowers was noted in pMADS3/FBP6-VIGS flowers. Of the four cultivars, only 'Mambo Purple' exhibited the development of new flowers instead of carpels and the emergence of ectopic new flowers from the axil of petaloid organs, which created an ornamental appearance with a high commercial value. Further, investigation of large and small petaloid stamens induced by pMADS3/FBP6-VIGS and pMADS3 -VIGS, respectively, revealed only small differences in cell size compared to the large difference in total surface area indicating that the sie of petaloid stamens in C-class genes suppressed flower was determined at early stage of flower development and the suppressed C-class gene function at the late stage of flower development has little influence on the final size of petaloid tissue. Third, function of genes encoding ethylene signal components, Ethylene Insensitive 2 (EIN2) and EIN3 like (EIL), on flower senescence was characterized. A cDNA encoding EIN2 (Ph-EIN2) and five cDNAs encoding EILs (Ph-EILJ to 5) were cloned from petunia petals and VIGS of these genes together with Ph-CHS were conducted. VIGS of all Ph-EILs were attempted at once by using a conserved region of the Ph-EILs. The flower longevity of VIGS-induced flowers was compared to those of non-VIGS flowers under the condition with or without pollination. The results showed prolonged longevity of VIGS-induced flowers indicating the involvement of Ph-EIN2 and Ph-EILs on petal senescence. When flowers were treated with propylene, an ethylene analogue, marked delay in petal senescence was observed in Ph-EIN2-VIGS flowers in comparison to non-VIGS flower. Thus, it has been clarified that Ph-EIN2 is functioning as ethylene signaling factor and involved in the petal senescence. Fourth, petunia orthologues of pollen formation-related genes Tapetum Determinant 1 (Ph-TPDJ) and Excess Male Sporocytes] (Ph-EMS]) were identified and their expression patterns during flower bud development were determined. Quantitative real time analysis of Ph-TPD] in stamen of flower buds at four different developing stages (5 mm to 15 mm in length buds) showed that Ph-TPDJ expression can be detected only in the youngest stage. Expression of Ph-EMS 1 was detected in stamen at all stages with highest expression at the youngest stage. Analysis in various tissues of the buds (sepal, petal, stamen and style) at youngest stage showed that Ph-TPDJ and Ph-EMS] are expressed not only in stamen but also in developing pistils and petals. In sepal, expression of Ph-TPD] was not detected, whereas expression of Ph-EMS] was detected at lower level than in the other tissues. These results suggest that Ph-TPDJ and Ph-EMS] cloned in this study interact with each other to regulate early steps of pollen development. It is also indicated that they are involved in development of style. The findings obtained in this study would be valuable for breeding new cultivars and developing technology to improve quality of petunia and other floricultural crops


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh permainan tradisional terhadap kebugaran jasmani siswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen. Desain penelitian one-group pretest-posttest design. Populasi adalah siswa SMAN 1 Soreang kelas X sejumlah 330 siswa, sedangkan sampel sebanyak 20 siswa yang diambil melalui teknik purposive sampling .Instrumen tes kebugaran jasmani adalah TKJI untuk rentang usia 16-19 tahun. Hasil pengujian data diperoleh nilai rata-rata tes awal kebugaran jasmani kelompok eksperimen 16,25 dan rata-rata tes akhir sebesar 17,05. Berdasarkan hasil uji signifikansi rata-rata satu pihak aktivitas pemanasan menggunakan permainan tradisional t_hitung 1,081 lebih kecil dari t_tabel 1,725, sedangkan aktivitas pembelajaran inti dengan menggunakan permainan tradisional t_hitung 4,782 lebih besar dari t_tabel 1,725 . Kesimpulan bahwa aktivitas pemanasan menggunakan permainan tradisional tidak berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap kebugaran jasmani siswa, sedangkan aktivitas pembelajaran inti menggunakan permainan tradisional berpengaruh besar terhadap kebugaran jasmani siswa
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