363 research outputs found

    Climate Change Reporting: A Resource Based Perspective

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    Kajian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji tahap serta faktor yang mengalakkan laporan pemanasan global di antara syarikat-syarikat yang tersenarai di Bursa Malaysia. This study investigates the extent of climate change disclosure among Malaysian public listed companies

    Etika Profesi Hakim Dalam Perspektif Hukum Islam

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    Wacana pemikiran tentang kode etik profesi hakim berangkat dari realitas para penegak hukum (khususnya hakim) yang mengabaikan nilai-nilai moralitas. Meskipun para pelaku profesional (hakim) sudah memilki kode etik profesi sebagai standar moral, ternyata belum memberikan dampak yang positif terutama belum bisa merubah image negatif masyarakat terhadap wajah. Salah satu jalan untuk menegakkan supremasi hukum adalah dengan cara menegakkan etika, profesionalisme, dan disiplin. Kode etik profesi hakim pada prinsipnya mengandung nilai-nilai moral yang mendasari kepribadian secara profesional, yaitu kebebasan, keadilan dan kejujuran. Etika profesi hakim dan hukum merupakan satu kesatuan yang secara inheren terdapat nilai-nilai etika Islam yang landasannya merupakan pemahaman dari Alquran, sehingga pada dasarnya kode etik profesi hakim sejalan dengan nilai-nilai dalam sistem etika Islam. Etika hukum Islam dibangun di atas empat nilai dasar yaitu yaitu nilai-nilai kebenaran, keadilan, kehendak bebas dan pertanggung jawaban

    Kinetic study of adsorption process using chitosan, activated carbon, and rice husk for monoethanolamine (mea) wastewater treatment via batch process

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    In petrochemical industry, monoethanolamine (MEA) is a common solvent used as absorption medium to remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from the gaseous stream. In the absorber, the reaction between CO2 and MEA will generate some salt and increased the amount of the suspended solids in an absorber due to direct contact between gas and liquid (two fluid phases). This phenomenon can cause a sudden foaming where will decreasing the absorption efficiency, increasing amine loses, reduced quality of product gas, and the MEA sometimes is not appropriate to feed back into the stripper because of the properties deterioration and gives difficulties in optimizing the absorption processes and it has been removed as wastewater. This study had been conducted to examine the best method of treating the MEA wastewater. Adsorption method had been chosen in this treatment with here different adsorbents that are activated carbon, chitosan and rice husk. Three different variables that are adsorbent dosage, mixing time and mixing speed were varied to examine the effect of residue oil and MEA concentration. Then, the kinetic model of adsorption of residue oil had been obtained. The analysis of the oil and grease and amine concentration was followed by APHA methods. The result showed activated carbon which is showed the highest adsorption value of residue oil in absorbent dosage (32.14%), mixing time (62.32%), and mixing speed (64.29%) compared to chitosan adsorption value of residue oil in absorbent dosage (28.13%), mixing time (46.43%), and mixing speed (53.57%) and rice husk adsorption value of residue oil in absorbent dosage (21.43%), mixing time (37.71%), and mixing speed (44.64%). The MEA concentration in all adsorbent used in this study does not affected by the adsorption treatment based on three parameter that was been tested. The kinetic model of activated carbon and rice husks followed first order pseudo (normally expressed in the range of reaction only) while chitosan followed second order pseudo (obtain a two step linear relationship) and this model agree with chemisorptions being rate controlling. As conclusion, the adsorption technique using activated carbon (powder), chitosan (powder), and rice husk (powder) can be of the selected adsorbents because they do not affected with MEA concentratio

    An Experimental Study on Relationship between Performance and Energy Consumption of Serial and Parallel Text Searching Algorithm.

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    The world data is growing vigorously intersecting of large ordered sets and it is a common problem in the evaluation of data queries to a search engine. Thus, text retrieval systems have become a popular way in providing support for text databases. However this becomes a major question among us like how much energy is consumed? How to reduce execution time in searching large amount of data? In this paper, text searching algorithm is using to study the relationship between performance of computer and amount of energy produced in serial and parallel text searching algorithm. The amount of energy produced should be reduced along with the execution time to increase performance in data searching. Based on data recorded from the series of experiments, Serial Text Searching Algorithm is saving energy and reducing power usage. However, their performance is reducing as a smaller processor speed is using. In contrast to Parallel Text Searching Algorithm, there are larger amount of energy consumed from this experiment. However, it is approved that the performance of parallel experiment is far better than a single node performance


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    Baby strollers are essential piece of equipment for family life. They help parents get on with what need to do when children carmot be keeping up with. Each product in the market, including foldable strollers, single seat or twin seat strollers are made with some sort of braking system, but guardian sometimes forget to put them on or do not put them on appropriately causing a child in a stroller rolling towards dangerous obstacles. Motivated by the high number of children treated each year for stroller-related injuries, an improved braking system is developed as a resolution to decrease the child's risk of injury. The system is disclosed whereby when the stroller is at rest and not being pushed by a guardian, the wheels of the stroller are automatically locked to prevent accidental propulsion or any unforeseen stroller movement, particularly when stopped on an inclined surface. In accordance with the invention, the system uses a handheld unit, carry on by the guardian, wirelessly connected to the brake levers associated with the rear wheels of the stroller. Split by more than two meters range cause the wireless connection to disconnect. In the occurrence of failure signals propagation due to ineffective range of frequency, alarm will be triggered and simultaneously the self- braking system is put in motion to preclude the wheels from rotation. It is designed to easily retrofit to existing strollers with the aim to prevent any unintentional rolling movement

    Efektivitas Pendampingan Belajar Siswa Dalam Mengatasi Kesulitan Orang Tua Masa Pandemi Covid-19

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    The policy of studying at home or studying online is a new problem in the field of education. The difference is very clearly seen due to the lack of readiness of parents in assisting children, the limited facilities provided by parents to children, and the lack of material explanations given by teachers to students. For this reason, UNSIQ Thematic KPM 2021 students participate in community life by providing direction and learning assistance for students in Lipursari Village both online and face-to-face.This research focuses on identifying the role and function of learning assistance in increasing the enthusiasm for learning of students in Lipursari Village during the Covid-19 pandemic. The data were collected from the impressions and messages given by the students participating in the learning mentoring until the learning mentoring process ended. Then the data is analyzed and then narrated. The existence of learning assistance carried out by UNSIQ 2021 Thematic KPM students can have a positive influence on students. This learning assistance can help students who have difficulty studying at home both in understanding learning materials and adding other knowledge and also provide good results for the student learning process


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    ABSTRACTIntroduction There are many reasons why a child is in conflict w'itñ th e law, including problems related to his mindset and self-concept so that the child takes deviant actions or the child has a low self-concept. BRSAMPK Handayani, East Jakarta, as tñ e Technical lmplementation Unit of the Indonesian Ministry ofsocial Affairs which serves social rehabilitation, including children in conflict with the law, provides psychosocial therapy, one of which is cognitive therapy. With cognitive therapy, children will be given understanding and education so the t they can change the mindset and perspective of children. The purpose of this study is to describe the evaluation of cognitive therapy for children facing the law at BRSAMPK Handayani. Methods This study uses a qualitative approach with o descriptive type of research. The data collection techniques used were observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation studies. Meanwhile, tñ e informants in this study were social workers and children in confiict with the law who became perpetrators and victims. Results The result of this study is that cognitive therapy conducted at BRSAMPK Handayani, East Jakarta has been well achieved in accordance with the objectives to be achieved. Likewise with the existence of professional staff and infrastructure that support the implementation of cognitive therapy. It can also be seen that there is a change in mindset or a change in negative though ts into positive ones, resulting in changes in children’s behavior. Kata Kunci : Cognitive therapy, children, Law ABSTRAK Pendahuluan Banyak penyebab mengapa seorang anak berhadapan dengan hukum, salah satunya adalah masalah pola pikir dan konsep diri sehingga anak melakukan tindakan yang menyimpang ataupun anak memiliki konsep diri yang rendah. BRSAMPK Handayani Jakarta Timur sebagai unit pelaksana t eknis Kementerian Sosial Republik Indonesia yang melayani rehabilitasi sosial termasuk anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum memberikan terapi psikososial yang salah satunya adalah terapi kognitif. Dengan terapi kognitif anak akan diberikan pemahaman dan edukasi sehingga dapat merubah pola pikir dan cara pandang anak. Tujuan dari peneliuan ini adalah mendeskripsikan evaluasi terapi kognitif pada anak berhadapan hukum di BRSAMPK Handayani. Metode Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara mendalam, dan studi dokumentasi. Sedangkan informan dalam penelitian ini adalah pekerja sosial dan anak berhadapan hukum yang menjadi pelaku dan korban. Hasil penelitian ini adalah terapi kognitif yang dilakukan di BRSAMPK Handayani Jakarta Timur sudah tercapai dengan baik sesuai dengan tujuan yang ingin dicapai. Begitu juga dengan adanya staf yang profesional dan sarana prasarana yang menunjang pelaksanaan terapi &nbsp

    Keanekaragaman Jenis Kupu-Kupu (Rhopalocera: Papilionoidea dan Hesperioidea) di Kawasan Cagar Alam Gunung Sigogor Kecamatan Ngebel, Kabupaten Ponorogo

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    Penelitian mengenai keanekaragaman jenis kupu-kupu memang telah banyak dilakukan di Indonesia terutama di wilayah Jawa Timur, namun belum mancangkupi seluruh daerah khususnya pada kawasan Cagar Alam Gunung Sigogor, Kecamatan Ngebel, Kabupaten Ponorogo yang merupakan kawasan konservasi. Penelitian dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi dan mengetahui keanekaragaman jenis kupu-kupu. Pemilihan lokasi penelitian disesuaikan dengan perbedaan komposisi vegetasi, habitat, posisi aliran air dan kemudahan akses. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian yaitu Visual Encounter Survey dan dianalisis menggunakan Indeks Shannon-Wiener. Jumlah spesies yang didapat sebanyak 45 spesies dari 5 famili 321 individu dengan nilai H’ = 2.42 sehingga dapat mendeskripsikan  kualitas lingkungan pada kawasan Cagar Alam Gunung Sigogo

    Wacana Stigmatisasi Perempuan Berpendidikan Tinggi yang Terefleksikan Melalui Media Sosial YouTube

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    Verbal stigmatization is part of the linguistic phenomenon. The effects of stigmatization can be felt in the near term and the future. However, stigmatization can negatively impact victims, so this phenomenon must be ended immediately. This study attempts to dissect the stigmatizing speech of highly educated women using Fairclough's AWK framework. The results of this study at the textual level found three types of speech: regulating, degrading, and cornering. The lingual form of stigmatization is found in the speech form ah, free, what, if, just, only, and only. In addition, it was also found that lingual expressions reflect stigmatization, namely in free speech “percuma dong” and “sayang banget”. The function of using the lingual form, based on the context of stigmatizing speech above, is to bring down mentally, influence negative thoughts, limit progress, and prohibit certain things. Furthermore, at the level of discursive practice from the five data above, there is an intertextuality between the discourse from the views of patriarchal and non-patriarchal societies. It shows that the stigmatization of highly educated women reflects patriarchal cultural thinking