149 research outputs found


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    SITI MUSTIKA: Fenomena gaya mengajar klasik guru sampai saat ini masih banyak digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran. Gaya mengajar guru juga merupakan salah satu faktor penting terhadap minat belajar siswa. Dalam proses belajar mengajar yang sedang berlangsung peran siswa cenderung pasif, akan tetapi gaya mengajar guru seperti ini juga tidak disalahkan ketika kondisi kelas mayoritas siswanya pasif. Hal tersebut disebabkan para guru IPS SMP berasal dari satu disiplin ilmu sosial sehingga menyulitkan guru tersebut untuk dapat langsung menguasai materi ajar IPS yang notabene adalah IPS terpadu. Dengan demikian kita dapat melihat seberapa besar hubungan antara gaya mengajar guru terhadap minat belajar siswa di SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Kota Cirebon. Dengan penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui seberapa baik gaya mengajar klasik guru dan seberapa tinggi minat belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran IPS. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa kuat hubungan antara gaya mengajar guru terhadap minat belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran IPS. Dengan mengamati gaya mengajar klasik guru dan faktor yang mempengaruhi minat belajar siswa diantaranya oleh gaya mengajar klasik guru, diharapkan dapat diketahui seberapa besar hubungan antara gaya mengajar guru dengan minat belajar siswa di SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Kota Cirebon. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data utamanya yaitu angket , sedangkan observasi, wawacara, dan dokumentasi merupakan teknik pengumpulan data penunjang. Teknis analisis yang digunakan yaitu rumus korelasi Spearmen Brown. Studi penelitian dilakukan pada siswa di SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Kota Cirebon. Hasil penelitian menunjukan adanya hubungan gaya mengajar klasik guru dengan minat belajar siswa di SMP Muhammadiyah 1 Kota Cirebon. Hal tersebut terbukti dikatakan ada korelasi yang sedang sebesar 0,362 antara variabel X (hubungan gaya mengajar klasik) dengan variabel Y (minat belajar siswa). Kata Kunci : Gaya Mengajar Klasik Guru,Minat Belajar Sisw


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    MUSTIKA SITI NURHAYATI, The Correlation Beetween Work Stress With Turnover Intention at PT. Fast Food Tbk (KFC) Employee, Karawang Branch, Skripsi. Jakarta: Study program of commerce education, Department of Economic and Administration, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta, Juni 2012. The aim of this research is to determine the correlation beetween work stress with turnover intention employee PT. Fast Food Tbk (KFC) Karawang Branch, by using empirical data and facts are valid, valid and reliable. This research conducted at the PT. Fast Food Tbk (KFC) Karawang Branch, during the three months from March to June 2012. The research method used is survey method with the correlational approach. The population in this study is PT. Fast Food Tbk (KFC) employees, Karawang Branch as many as 35 people. The sample used as many as 35 people. The sampling technique in this study is simple random technique. This instrument used to obtain data of variable X (Work Stress) used to 35 point statement and Y (Turnover Intention) used to 33 point statement the form of a questionnaire in Likert Scale. Content validity test was conducted before using the instrument, and the result obtained for variable X was 32 points and 3 points drop invalid. Continued for X was 0,919. Thus, the reliability of the variable X can be said to be high. The result of validity test obtained for variable Y was 31 points and 2 points drop invalid. Continued with the reliability test by using formula of Alpa Cronbach, and the result obtained for variable Y was 0,937. Thus, the reliabilty of the variable Y can be said to be high. Analysis of condition test, which is normally error test for regression approximates of X on Y with Lilifors test, result in Lcount = 0,068, while Ltable = 0,14976, because Lcount Ftable is 16,2406 > 4,13, it is mean that the regression equation is significant. Testing linearity of regression produces Fcount < Ftable is 0,28 < 2,90 thus conclude using the formula of Pearson Product Moment generating rxy = 0,574, then significance of product moment correlation is the tested with t test which yield tcount = 4,029 and ttable = 1,697 at significance level of 0,05, it can be result that product moment correlation rxy = 0,574 is significant. The coefficient of determination obtained for 32,98% turnover intention is determined by work stress

    Effect of labor and number of micro and small enterprises (MSEs) on poverty rate in Indonesia

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    The study aims to analyze the poverty and micro and small enterprises in 34 provinces in Indonesia, and to analyze the effect of labor and the number of micro and small enterprises on poverty levels in Indonesia. The results indicate that Papua Province has the highest poverty rate and the DKI Jakarta Province has the lowest poverty rate. Central Java Province has the largest number of micro-enterprises, and West Papua Province has the lowest number of micro-enterprises. For small enterprises, Central Java Province has the highest number and West Papua Province has the lowest number. Meanwhile, Central Java Province as the largest number of micro-business workers, and West Papua Province has the lowest number workers. For small business workers, Central Java Province has the largest number and West Papua Province has the lowest number. The results of panel data regression show that some variables, such as small-enterprise worker and the number of micro enterprises, have a significantly negative effect on the poverty rate. On the other hand, micro-enterprise worker and the number of small enterprises have a positive and significant effect on poverty rate


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    This article illustrates the humanism side of an author Tere Liye in the Rembulan sinking novel in Your Face which aims to provide motivation, message, and how to take the time. This study uses descriptive method, which aims to describe the results of research from samples in the form of quotations. Tere Liye reveals a variety of high humanity from responsibility, regret, despair, brotherhood, and compassion so that this novel contains moral values that we can learn and learn. The side of humanism in this article is motivated by the life story that occurs in the community. As human beings we must be able to respond to what happens in life not only see a single point of view, but must see the other side of the invisible. Tere Liye also reminds us that everything we do or do will turn to ourselves. The results of the analysis show that the figure of Tere Liye in the novel is a person who motivates us to live our lives, we must be realistic


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    This study aims to determine the ability to correct affix word and particle writing errors in students' discourse which is obtained by correcting the affixed word and particle writing errors in the discourse. Writing affixed words is limited to writing di- and ke- prefixes, while particle writing is limited to writing per and pun. This study uses a descriptive method because it aims to describe the ability of students to correct errors in writing affix words and particles in discourse by junior high school students. The research sample was 24 junior high school students who were taken randomly from 246 students. To obtain data on the ability to correct writing errors with affix words and particles, it can be seen from the accuracy of writing affix words and particles obtained from the research instrument in the form of a discourse test in which the writing in-, ke-, and also in it is writing that is not following spelling. The results showed that the overall percentage of correcting the writing error of affix words reached 77.86%. For the aspect of correcting the writing error of the prefix, the percentage was 79.76%, while for the accuracy of correcting the writing error of the prefix, the percentage was 64.58%


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    This article illustrates the humanism side of an author Tere Liye in the Rembulan sinking novel in Your Face which aims to provide motivation, message, and how to take the time. This study uses descriptive method, which aims to describe the results of research from samples in the form of quotations. Tere Liye reveals a variety of high humanity from responsibility, regret, despair, brotherhood, and compassion so that this novel contains moral values that we can learn and learn. The side of humanism in this article is motivated by the life story that occurs in the community. As human beings we must be able to respond to what happens in life not only see a single point of view, but must see the other side of the invisible. Tere Liye also reminds us that everything we do or do will turn to ourselves. The results of the analysis show that the figure of Tere Liye in the novel is a person who motivates us to live our lives, we must be realistic

    Peningkatan Kreativitas Mahasiswa Menggunakan Model Project Based Learning dalam Pembuatan Media IPA Berbentuk Pop Up Book

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    Penelitian ini berdasarkan pada hasil pengamatan pada proses pembelajaran yang menemukan bahwa masih rendahnya kreativitas mahasiswa dalam merancang media pembelajaran IPA. Penelitian ini merupakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan peningkatan kreativitas mahasiswa menggunakan model project based learning dalam pembuatan media ipa berbentuk pop up book. Metode yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dan kuantitatif yang mana data yang didapat berupa persentase untuk kemudian dideskripsikan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya peningkatan kreativitas mahasiswa yang ditinjau dari aktivitas dan produk yang dihasilkan. Dari segi aktivitas pada siklus I diperoleh nilai rata-rata untuk keseluruhan aspek kreativitas adalah 70% dan meningkat pada siklus II menjadi 83%, sedangkan dari segi produk pada siklus I diperoleh nilai rata-rata 72% meningkat pada siklus II menjadi 82%. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa telah terjadi peningkatan kreativitas mahasiswa dalam pembuatan media IPA berbentuk pop up book dengan menggunakan model project based learning


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    Career maturity is one of the most important aspects in adolescent development, especially high school students (SMA) are in the exploration stage, namely the search for identity to make mature career decisions. However, there are still many high school students who do not have good career maturity. Therefore, guidance and counseling teachers are expected to guide students in determining their careers, one of which is group guidance usingtechniques self-management. This study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. The data collection techniques used were observation and interviews. The results showed that the condition of the student's career maturity began to grow, due to the handling provided by the counseling teacher through a series of services, one of which was group guidance services with self-management techniques


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    Forest in the area of IUPHHK (Timber Forest Product Utilization Permit) PT. Kalimantan Satya Kencana is one of the forest where located in the Melawi district that has high enough of flora diversity. The medicinal plants that is part of the biological germplasm. The purpose of this study this to determine the diversity of medicinal plants in secondary forest (slash ex 2008) at the area of IUPHHK PT. Kalimantan Satya Kencana Melawi District. This study used quadrant method with multiple plots. Purposive sampling it has chosen by observation in according to the local communities most numerous types of medical plants. There was 71 medicinal plants outside the plots founded in the observations. The dominance index (C) of the tree level = 0.108. Tree level (C) of = 0.238. Saplings (C) of = 0.83. Plant Nursery and Lower level (C) of = 0.042. Species Diversity Index (H) to the level of the tree = 1.017, for the level of the pole (H) at = 0.629, sapling level (H) at = 1.084 and lower levels, and Plant Nursery (H) at = 1.455. Wealth index type (d) at tree level of = 6.695. Pole at = 2.590 level. Of = 10,204 saplings, seedlings and undergrowth for 20,325. Abundance index type (e) at the tree level of = 0.937. Tree level index (e) of = 0.924. Saplings (e) = 0.968 for seedlings and understory plants (e) of = 0.887. can be seen that the dominance index (C) which is highest at the Stake level, the value of Species Diversity Index (H) Rate of Seedling and Understory Plants and Index Property Type (d) which is highest at the level of the Seedling  and Understory Plants, while the highest for the Abundance Index type (e) find at tree level. Keywords: Medicinal plants diversity, secondary forest, timber forest product utilizatio

    Carbon Ink Characterization from Banana and Cassava Peels by Carbonization Method

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    Banana and cassava plants are the most growing plants in the world. The use of both plant's peel is usually for animal feed. This research is intended to utilize banana and cassava peel as a raw material of whiteboard ink markers by varying concentration of the carbons to see its effect on the characteristics of the ink.  The carbon concentration variations are 25 g, 30 g, 35 g, 40 g, and 45 g, which is dissolved in 100 ml of the solution. The steps of this research include the carbonization of banana or cassava peel, and then its carbon powder is sifted by 200 mesh. The powder will be dissolved in 50 ml of Arabic gum 10%, 15 ml of PEG-7, and 35 ml of alcohol 70%, then the solution stirred until homogeneous. The result showed that the addition of the Banana or cassava peels carbon concentration effect on the value of density, viscosity, pH, and pigment ink. The characteristic whiteboard ink markers from the banana peel that accordance with the commercial ink. It is consists of 30% Banana peel carbon concentration with a density value of 1.0077 g/cm3, viscosity value of 6.2049 cP, pH value of 10.55, and the ink pigment are close enough with the commercial refill ink. While the characteristic from cassava consists of 35% cassava peel carbon concentration with a density value of 1.0893 g/cm3, viscosity value of 15,2427 cP, pH value of 8,75, and the ink pigment are close enough with the commercial in
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