21 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan Dan Disiplin Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada PT. Mattel Indonesia Bagian Material Handler Di Jababeka

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    This study aimed to determine the influence of leadership and work discipline on employee performance at PT. Mattel Indonesia in the material handler section at Jababeka. This study employed a questionnaire with a Likert scale. The total sample was 51 respondents. The research method was quantitative with a sampling technique using a proportional random sampling technique. The data were analyzed using the classical assumption test, multiple linear regression, t-test and f-test, and the coefficient of determination. The hypothesis was processed using SPSS for Windows version. The study’s results showed that leadership positively and significantly influenced employee performance with sig 0,009 and t value 2,702. Work discipline had a positive and significant effect on employee performance at PT. Mattel Indonesia in the material handler section at Jababeka with sig 0,000 and t value 4,942. Leadership simultaneously positively and significantly influenced employee performance up to 13,0% and work discipline simultaneously had a positive and significant on employee performance up to 33,3% at PT. Mattel Indonesia in the material handler section at Jababeka with sig 0,000 and f value 12,053. Leadership and work discipline are able explain employee performance variable up to 33.4% and 66.6%, was explained by other factors not included in this study

    Efektivitas Program Fortifikasi Minyak Goreng dengan Vitamin A terhadap Status Gizi Anak Sekolah di Kota Makasar

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    Vitamin A deficiency (VAD) remains as one of significant public health problems in Indonesia. Around 50% of under five children are suffering from subclinical VAD. Deficiency of vitamin A will affect several important role in the body, such as immune system, vision, reproductive system and cell differentiation. Therefore, guarding Indonesian children to be free from VAD is crucial for their quality as Human Resources. We assessed the impact of the consumption of vitamin A fortified cooking oil on the improvement of vitamin A and hemoglobin status among school children in urban slum area in Makassar City. The study was an intervention design Before-After. Healthy school children 7-10 years were selected from schools and de-wormed before the intervention. Serum retinol and hemoglobin was measured at baseline and at 3 months after. Fortified oil was made available through distribution at shops and accompanied with social marketing. Eventhough overall there was no change in VAD prevalence, the VAD prevalence is lower among children who consumedfortified oil ³12 weeks (26.6%) compared to those who consumed <12 weeks (42%). Prevalence of anemia decreased from 21.8% to 11.6%. We recommended that fortified oil is made mandatory

    Effects of Micronutrient Fortification, Baking Temperature, and Baking Time on Sensory Acceptance of Butter Cookies

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    This research aims to evaluate the effect of multiple-micronutrient fortification, baking temperature, and baking time on the sensory acceptance of butter cookies. Unfortified and fortified cookies with 3.2% (w/w) multiple-micronutrient mix were baked with different treatments: 170°C for 15 minutes and 190 °C for 9 minutes. Untrained adult female panelists (n=50) did a sensory test using a 9-point hedonic scale. Interaction between treatments significantly affected texture and aroma (p<0.05). Cookies fortified with micronutrients baked at 190°C had a lower mean hedonic score for texture (5.90±1.91) and aroma (6.54±1.61) among other treatments (p<0.05). These findings indicate that micronutrient fortification and baking profile affect the aroma and texture acceptance of butter cookies

    Nutrient Profiling of Snack Bars According to Indonesian Healthier Choice Criteria

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    This study aims to evaluate the nutrient profiling profile of snack bars according to Indonesian healthier choice criteria for healthier choice. Snack bars were purchased and classified into soy-, cereal-, and other -based snack bars. Nutritional information were was compared with the healthier choice criteria. Soy-based snack bars had the highest protein content (20.94±6.12 g/100 g) compared to others-based snack bars (11.21±5.13 g/100 g) and cereal-based snack bars (8.36±3.55 g/100 g) with p<0.001. Others-based snack bars (15.30±5.54 g/100 g) had the highest dietary fiber content compared to soy-based (8.91±2.11 g/100 g) and cereal-based snack bars (7.06±3.26 g/100 g) with p<0.001. Only two snack bars passed the criteria as “healthier choice” while others need to be reformulated to pass the criteria

    Analisis Makna Idiomatik Pada Kumpulan Puisi Perjalanan Penyair Sajak-Sajak Kegelisahan Hidup Karya Putu Oka Sukanta Sebagai Alternatif Pembelajaran SMA Kelas X

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    This research have three aims. (1) To describe the form of idiomatic meaning A group of poems Perjalanan Sajak-sajak Kegelisahan Hidup from Putu Oka Sukanta as an alternative learning at Senior High School Tenth Grade students, (2) to explain idiomatic meaning, (3) to explain the implication of idiomatic meaning. The research used qualitative research. The research start from 1 February until July. The data of the research is idiomatic meaning taken from A group of Poems Perjalanan Penyair Sajak-sajak Kegelisahan Hidup from Putu Oka Sukanta. The technique of collecting data used ‘simak-catat’. Technique of analyze data used ‘agih method’, while the technique of validity data used triangulation method. The result of the research there are three are three, first, the form of idiomatic menaing A group of Poems Perjalanan Penyair Sajak-sajak Kegelisahan Hidup from Putu Oka Sukanta three two form are full idiomatic meaning and a part idiomatic meaning. Second, the result of the research on idiomatic meaning become reference the impertinent analyze meaning on poetry at Senior High School tenth grade students at Curriculum 2013, KD.3.16 Identify the ambience, theme, and meaning of some poems contained in the anthology of poetry that is played or read.third, the result of the research can be the impertinent Indonesian language at Senior High School tenth grade students

    Body Image, Dietary Intake, and Nutrition Knowledge in Relation to Body Composition in Ballerinas

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    Body composition in relation to body image, dietary intake, and nutrition knowledge among ballerinas were assessed in this study. This cross-sectional study collected data from ballet schools in Jakarta and Bekasi using anthropometric measurements and interviews. Among participants aged 8‒39 years, more than 50% had normal range body composition, 65.4% had self-perceived negative body image, more than 71% had normal dietary intake; however, 67.3% had low nutrition knowledge score. Overweight ballerinas had significantly higher body fat, fat-free mass, fat-free mass index and muscle mass index, except for total-body-water (p<0.05). There is correlation between body composition and body image among ballerinas resided in Jakarta and Bekasi

    Vitamin D status and its association with parathyroid hormone concentrations in women of child-bearing age living in Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur.

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    Objective:To describe the vitamin D status of women living in two Asian cities, – Jakarta (6°S) and Kuala-Lumpur (2°N), to examine the association between plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D and parathyroid hormone (PTH) concentrations, and to determine a threshold for plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D above which there is no further suppression of PTH. Also, to determine whether dietary calcium intake influences the relationship between PTH and 25-hydroxyvitamin D.Design:Cross-sectional.Setting:Jakarta, Indonesia and Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.Participants:A convenience sample of 504 non-pregnant women 18–40 years.Main measures:Plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D and PTH.Results:The mean 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration was 48 nmol/l. Less than 1% of women had a 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration indicative of vitamin D deficiency (<17.5 nmol/l); whereas, over 60% of women had a 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration indicative of insufficiency (<50 nmol/l). We estimate that 52 nmol/l was the threshold concentration for plasma 25-hydroxyvitamin D above which no further suppression of PTH occurred. Below and above this concentration the slopes of the regression lines were −0.18 (different from 0; P=0.003) and −0.01 (P=0.775), respectively. The relation between vitamin D status and parathyroid hormone concentration did not differ between women with low, medium or high calcium intakes (P=0.611); however, even in the highest tertile of calcium intake, mean calcium intake was only 657 mg/d.Conclusion:On the basis of maximal suppression of PTH we estimate an optimal 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentration of ∼ 50 nmol/l. Many women had a 25-hydroxyvitamin D below this concentration and may benefit from improved vitamin D status