238 research outputs found


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    Perdarahan saat hamil merupakan kondisi yang cukup sering terjadi pada trimester awal kehamilan. Perdarahan tersebut bisa menjadi ancaman bagi kesejahteraan serta keselamatan ibu. Menurut Profil Kesehatan Dharmasraya, AKI di Dharmasraya tahun 2021 merupakan tahun dengan jumlah AKI tertinggi dari 5 tahun terakhir. Jumlah kematian ibu menurut Penyebab di Kabupaten Dharmasraya yaitu akibat perdarahan 3 kasus.Penelitian ini dilakukan bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengetahuan ibu hamil sebelum dan sesudah diberikan penyuluhan tentang perdarahan saat kehamilan. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian komparatif dengan rancangan desain yang digunakan adalah one groub pretest-posttest design artinya kegiatan penelitian yang memberikan tes awal (pretest) sebelum diberikan perlakuan,setelah diberikan perlakuan barulah memberikan tes akhir (posttest). Penelitian ini dilakukan pada bulan 2- 16 Maret tahun 2023 dengan sampel sebanyak 20 orang responden. Penelitian ini dengan melakukan uji Wilcoxon dikarenakan kategori berpasangan dan lebih dari dua kategori.Hasil uji univariat sebelum diberikan penyuluhan dari 20 responden didapatkan sebagian besar pengetahuan ibu hamil yang cukup tentang perdarahan saat kehamilan sebanyak 13 orang (65%), hasil uji univariat sesudah diberikan penyuluhan dari 20 responden terdapat hampir seluruhnya pengetahuan ibu hamil baik tentang perdarahan saat kehamilan sebanyak 19 orang (95%) dan hasil uji bivariat didapatkan test statistic menunjukkan hasil uji wilcoxon. dengan uji Wilcoxon diperoleh nilai signifikan 0,00 dengan demikian diperoleh nilai p-value 0.000 0,005 dengan demikian disimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna pengetahuan sebelum dan sesudah diberikan penyuluhan tentang perdarahan saat kehamilan disarankan untuk lebih meningkatkan program promosi dan edukasi kepada ibu hami

    The distribution of dividend on the shareholders’ wealth: an analysis between Government Linked Companies and family based companies (2004 – 2013) / Siti Hafizah Harun

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    The purpose of the study is to examine the distribution of dividend policy on shareholders wealth. To be more details, this research wants to compare between Government Linked Companies (GLCs) and Family Based Companies (FBCs) in terms of the impact of dividend distribution to each type of companies. Ten companies that were listed in Bursa Malaysia were selected based on their rankings in terms of operating turnover for the year 2013. All data were derived from the OSIRIS database, Data Stream, Bursa Malaysia and annual reports; consists of five GLCs and five FBCs. This research is also meant to investigate the relationship between the three independent variables namely retained earnings (RE), dividend per share (DPS) and earnings per share (EPS) with the market price per share (MPS). The findings show that there is different factor that can influence the level of MPS for both GLCs and FBCs. For Government Linked Companies only dividend per share that has a significant relationship with share price and for Family Based Companies only earning per share has a significant relationship with share price. Furthermore, Dummy variables is used to measured the differences in each group between GLCs and FBCs. Based on the above result, it shows p-value of this variable is 0.402 which at 5% significant level. In other words, there is no evidence to show whether GLCs is getting higher earnings as compared to the FBCs. Due to such evidence, the second model can be used to analysed the differences in terms of their earnings

    Tsunami Motion

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    This report is prepared in response to the Final Year Project required for undergraduate students. The project is entitle "Tsunami Motion". Tsunami phenomenon and its impacts on human life have attracted considerable attention after the latest Tsunami on December 2004 hits Indonesia and neighboring ocean countries. Little knowledge is available among civil engineers while they are the ones who should deal with major consequences. The objective of this project is to develop a simple mathematical model in order to determine tsunamis speed and height. A phrase has quoted "Scientists can predict when a tsunami will arrive since the speed of the waves varies with the square root of the water depth". Tsunami waves in the deep ocean can travel at high speeds for long periods of time for distances of thousands of kilometres and lose very little energy in the process. The deeper the water, the greater the speed of tsunami waves will be. The height of a tsunami also depends upon the water depth. A tsunami that is just a meter in height in the deep ocean can grow to tens of meters at the shoreline. Other features which influence the size of a tsunami along the coast are the shoreline and bathymetric configuration, the velocity of the sea floor deformation, the slope of the basin and the efficiency which energy is transferred from the earth's crust to the water column

    Psychosocial factors and gender influencing the level of Islamic financial literacy

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    The purpose of this study is to assess the level of Islamic financial literacy among the undergraduate students of Islamic finance and banking in Universiti Utara Malaysia. It aims to examine the influence of psychosocial factors which are hopelessness, religiosity and financial satisfaction as well as gender towards Islamic financial literacy. Hypothesized relationships are tested using survey response from a sample of 200 respondents. The result of this study shows that the level of Islamic financial literacy of the respondents is high. A significant difference in Islamic financial literacy is found between the respondents according to the gender and the respondents‟ year of study. Specifically, male have a higher level of Islamic financial literacy compared to female. Meanwhile, the third year‟s students have a higher level of Islamic financial literacy compared to first year and second year students. Additionally, the result indicates that there is a significant relationship between psychosocial factors and Islamic financial literacy. Moreover, it is found that the religiosity, hopelessness and gender have a significant influence towards Islamic financial literacy. Thus, this study suggests that it is important for the community, university administrators, government and financial advisor to increase the level of Islamic financial literacy by implementing various Islamic financial education programmes. Lastly, this study is considered as one of the studies that have contributed to the literature by developing understanding of Islamic financial literacy. More research related to Islamic financial literacy is suggested to be conducted for future research


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    ABSTRAK Siti Hafizah, (2022): Konsep Guru Profesional di Era Digital dalam Buku Pendidikan Islam di Era Milenial Karya Abuddin Nata. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana Konsep Guru Profesional di Era Digital dalam Buku Pendidikan Islam di Era Milenial karya Abuddin Nata. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian kepustakaan/ (library research). Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan studi dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis isi/ (content analysis) yang berhubungan dengan isi yang terkandung dalam buku Pendidikan Islam di Era Milenial (Konsep Guru Profesional di Era Milenial) karya Abuddin Nata. Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan Guru professional di era digital yaitu guru yang melakukan kegiatan belajar mengajar, pengelolaan administrasi, penugasan, penyampaian informasi, dan evaluasi dengan mengunakan teknologi digital sebagai alat bantu. Sesuai perkembangan zaman, guru profesional dituntut untuk melek terhadap teknologi digital agar maksimal dalam mengajar secara kreatif dan inovasi untuk mengembangkan bahan ajar melalui aplikasi untuk pendidikan. Kata Kunci: Guru Profesional, Era Digital, Pendidikan Islam di Era Milenial Karya Abuddin Nat

    A first record of Fissimentum Cranston & Nolte (Diptera: Chironomidae) in Peninsular Malaysia

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    A new record of Fissimentum Cranston & Nolte (Diptera: Chironomidae), Fissimentum sp by its immature stage has been recorded from upstream of Tampik River Pahang, Malaysia for the first time and been described at larval stage. This genus is distinguished from others by having a mentum with a distinct cleft mid, with 6 segmented antenna, in combination with louterborn organs at the apex of segment 2 or 3. Mandible remarks with large seta subdentalis and lacking of pecten mandibularis and seta interna. Descriptions, diagnosis and line drawings of larva material are provided. A brief note on the ecology of the genus is also given

    Awareness of social business in social media in Malaysia / Siti Hafizah Daud and Khatijah Othman.

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    The social enterprise movement in Malaysia is gathering its momentum. An increasing number of social entrepreneurs are taking an interest in this field of activity. Indirectly, this scenario increases the awareness of its significance and, in a range of viewpoints, promotes the social business experience in Malaysia. This article is an explanatory study which indicates the awareness of social business in Malaysia. The literature review was conducted from library research and website sources. It is divided into three sections: (i) definitions of social business, (ii) operating models for social enterprise in Malaysia, and (iii) definitions of social media and its development, and the awareness of young people on social business in relationship with social media in general. The first section begins with various definitions and interpretations of the term ‘social enterprise’, while the second part provides an operating model for social enterprises that are active in Malaysia as well as in relation to the market and potential beneficiaries. The third part is a discussion on social media by looking at definitions and the development of social business in Malaysia in general. With this explanation, it is hoped that the awareness of using social media in social business can be highlighted in better perspectives

    Sikap Sosial Budaya Mahasiswa STKIP Ahlussunah di Saat Pandemi Covid-19

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menggambarkan sikap sosial budaya mahasiswa STKIP Ahlussunnah Bukittinggi. Penggunaan metode dilaksanakan dengan studi kepustakaan dengan membandingkan metode dan hasil Penelitian dari Penelitian yang mempunyai topik yang sama. Kemudian hasil Penelitian relevan tersebut diklasifikasikan dan dikelompokkan sesuai dengan tema kajiannya. Hasil Penelitian diperoleh bahwa Sikap sosial budaya terjadi demorasilasi disebabkan oleh penyebaran virus covid-19 yang menimbulkan Perubahan pada proses pembelajaran dan sikap sosial budaya mahasiswa STKIP Ahlussunnah Bukittinggi. Gejala Perubahan sikap sosial budaya dapat ditanggulangi dengan bimbingan dan arahan dosen mata kuliah ISBD sebagai bentuk penguatan karakter terhadap sikap sosial dan budaya mahasiswa STKIP Ahlussunnah Bukittingg

    Tsunami Motion

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    This report is prepared in response to the Final Year Project required for undergraduate students. The project is entitle "Tsunami Motion". Tsunami phenomenon and its impacts on human life have attracted considerable attention after the latest Tsunami on December 2004 hits Indonesia and neighboring ocean countries. Little knowledge is available among civil engineers while they are the ones who should deal with major consequences. The objective of this project is to develop a simple mathematical model in order to determine tsunamis speed and height. A phrase has quoted "Scientists can predict when a tsunami will arrive since the speed of the waves varies with the square root of the water depth". Tsunami waves in the deep ocean can travel at high speeds for long periods of time for distances of thousands of kilometres and lose very little energy in the process. The deeper the water, the greater the speed of tsunami waves will be. The height of a tsunami also depends upon the water depth. A tsunami that is just a meter in height in the deep ocean can grow to tens of meters at the shoreline. Other features which influence the size of a tsunami along the coast are the shoreline and bathymetric configuration, the velocity of the sea floor deformation, the slope of the basin and the efficiency which energy is transferred from the earth's crust to the water column
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