29 research outputs found

    Analisis Dukungan Organisasional Persepsian Dan Employee Engagement Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan: Kepuasan Kerja Sebagai Pemediasi

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    This study aims to analyze the effect of perceived organizational support (POS) and employee engagement on performance and the role of job satisfaction in mediating the effect of perceived organizational support (POS) and employee engagement on performance. The population in this study were permanent employees at PT. Solusi Bangun Indonesia Tbk. The research method used was a survey and a sample size of 185 employees. The research instrument adopted from previous research. Retrieval of data by means of questionnaires and interviews. Validity and reliability tests show all questionnaire items are valid and reliable. To test H1 and H2 with simple regression, H3 and H4 test with Baron and Kenny regression model. The results of hypothesis testing show that: (1) perceived organizational support has a significant effect on employee performance, (2) employee engagement has a significant effect on employee performance, (3) job satisfaction partially mediates the effect of perceived organizational support on employee performance, and (4) job satisfaction does not mediate the effect of Employee engagement on employee performance. &nbsp

    Pengaruh Servant Leadership Terhadap Employee’s Organizational Member Performance (Eomp) Dimediasi Oleh Disiplin Kerja Dan Dukungan Organisasional Persepsian

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : (1) Pengaruh servant leadership terhadap employee’s organizational member performance / EOMP) (H1), (2) pengaruh servant leadership terhadap EOMP  dimediasi oleh dukungan organisasional persepsian (POS) (H2), (3) pengaruh servant leadership terhadap EOMP  dimediasi oleh disiplin kerja (H3). Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh karyawan pada PT. Pos Indonesia Cabang Wates, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta.. Teknik uji hipotesis menggunakan analisis regresi sederhana dan analisis jalur (path analysis).  Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa : (1) Servant Leadership berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap EOMP  (H1terdukung);  (2) dukungan organisasional persepsian  memediasi pengaruh servant leadership terhadap kinerja karyawan.(H2 terdukung); (3) disiplin kerja memediasi pengaruh servant leadership terhadap EOMP  (H3 terdukung). Metode penelitian dengan sensus dan metode pengambilan data dengan kuesioner dan wawancara. Responden adalah semua pegawai tetap di . PT. Pos Indonesia Cabang Wates, Kulon Progo, Yogyakarta,sejumlah 50 orang karyawan. Hasil penelitian ini penting untuk didiskusikan lebih lanjut bagi penelitian selanjutnya,terutama peran servant leadership terhadap peningkatan variabel kunci yang lain dalam organisasi


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan perkembangan sosial siswa slow learner di SD Bakulan, Patalan, Jetis, Bantul, Yogyakarta. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode kualitatif dengan desain studi kasus, subjek penelitian seorang siswa kelas IV di SD Bakulan yang mengalami lamban belajar atau slow learner yang berinisial Rs. Serta sembilan informan yaitu seorang guru kelas, ayah dan ibu Rs, teman-teman Rs yaitu Yn, St, Pj, Sy, At, Ro. Objek penelitian ini adalah perkembangan sosial siswa slow learner. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan yaitu observasi, wawancara mendalam dan dokumentasi. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan yaitu lembar observasi, pedoman wawancara, dan handphone. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan yaitu model alir meliputi reduksi data, display data dan penarikan kesimpulan. Untuk menguji keabsahan data digunakan uji kredibilitas dengan triangulasi teknik dan sumber. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Rs seorang siswa slow learner atau lamban belajar mengalami perkembangan sosial yang relatif rendah. Hal tersebut terlihat dari kurangnya kinerja tiga proses sosial yang dilakukan Rs. Pertama Rs kurang berperilaku sesuai dengan yang diterima mayarakat, dari 9 perilaku yang diteliti 6 diantaranya tidak dilakukan dengan baik, yaitu kurang toleransi, kurang disiplin, kurang menghargai, kurang bersahabat, kurang cinta damai dan kurang bertanggung jawab. Kedua Rs kurang baik dalam memainkan peran sosial sesuai yang diterima mayarakat terutama yag berkaitan dengan sikap toleransi, disiplin, menghargai, bersahabat, cinta damai, dan tanggung jawab. Ketiga Rs kurang mengembangkan sikap sosial antara lain tolong-menolong, peduli, menghargai, bersahabat, dan toleransi. Terlihat dari hubungan Rs dengan orang-orang di sekitarnya relatif kurang baik, dan Rs tidak menyukai aktivitas sosial seperti TPS, hadroh, mengaji, melayat dan membaca asmaul husna yang ada di lingkungannya. Kata Kunci: Perkembangan Sosial, Slow Learne


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    This study aims to improve the performance of the Onafa home industry in environmentally sound work. Onafa is one of the home industries that has various cakes and processed cashew nuts. A household business located in Sribit Hamlet RT 006 RW 013 Kalurahan Sendangtirto, Kapanewon Berbah, Sleman Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region, is the object of this research. The owner and leader of Onafa is Mrs. Fatona Puji Astuti. One of the goals of an established business is to achieve a large sales turnover and high profit. This goal can be achieved if it is supported by a comfortable working environment and sufficient production equipment. This study discusses what environmental aspects can support improving employee performance so that profits are obtained according to the target. Some aspects of a comfortable environment are reviewed from the availability of adequate locations to fulfill parking areas and green open spaces as well as a review of production equipment needs. In addition, the comfort of the work area also greatly affects employee performance. The existence of green open space will produce oxygen to the environment so that the temperature of the work area becomes lower and more comfortable and this has an impact on employees becoming less tired. Likewise, the availability of sufficient parking areas will have an impact on the freedom of vehicle circulation in the Onafa area, both employee and guest vehicles. The comfort of the work area also greatly affects employee performance. The existence of green open space will produce oxygen to the environment so that the temperature of the work area becomes lower and more comfortable and this has an impact on employees becoming less tired. Likewise, the availability of sufficient parking areas will have an impact on the freedom of vehicle circulation in the Onafa area, both employee and guest vehicles. The comfort of the work area also greatly affects employee performance. The existence of green open space will produce oxygen to the environment so that the temperature of the work area becomes lower and more comfortable and this has an impact on employees becoming less tired. Likewise, the availability of sufficient parking areas will have an impact on the freedom of vehicle circulation in the Onafa area, both employee and guest vehicles

    Analisis Kepemimpinan Spiritual, Perilaku Kerja Spiritual, dan Kesadaran Lingkungan Terhadap Environmental Passion

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    From synthesizing theories of leadership, spirituality, and pro-environmental behavior, this research built and tested a theoretical model linking spiritual leadership with employee pro-environmental behavior via one moderating variable. Data were collected from 37 heads of families occupied Winongo Ex Station in the former railway line in Glondong Tirtonirmolo village, Kasihan Bantul, Yogyakarta after The earthquake that occurred on May 26, 2006 in Yogyakarta.The location occupied was the Sultan Ground (SG) land. In the course of time, the residents asked permission from the court to get the right to use the land or called Serat Kekancingan. The Yogyakarta Palace gave the answer that the Permit had been given to someone who in fact never lived, the land also became the object of buying and selling by irresponsible persons, and someone acted on behalf of the palace expert's interest and claimed to be the legitimate heir to the land. We use survey to collected data from 37 respondents and continue use Participatory Rural Appraisal method (PRA) (A. Muhsin, D. S. Hapsoro, and Y. Siswanti,2018) which is packaged in the form of Focus Group Discussion (FGD) in its participatory approach. We found that, spiritual leadership positively affected workplace spirituality (H1 was supported). Workplace spiritually positively affected environmental passion (H2 was supported). Environmental awareness moderated the effect workplace spirituality and environmental passion (H3 was supported)


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    The purpose of this study was to examined the effect of visionary leadership and motivation to organizational performance (H1), the effect of the visionary leadership to organizational performance (H2), and the effect of job motivation to organizational performance (H3). The research method used is descriptive and explanatory survey. Sampling technique used is purposive sampling from 48 respondents (from 12 Batik’s Small and Medium Enterprises/ 12 SME’s in Giriloyo Bantul Yogyakarta). Data collection techniques among other things by distributing a questionnaire (questionnaire), limited interviews, and observation. Data collection tool in the form of questionnaire. Analysis hypothesis using regression analysis. Based on research results, it can be concluded that the effect of visionary leadership and motivation have positive impact and significant with organizational performance. The meaning of a positive relationship here is that if the visionary leadership and job motivation increases, the organizational performance will also increase. Visionary leadership have a positive and significant effect on the organizational performance. Job motivation have a positive and significant effect on the organizational performance. Keywords : visionary leadership, job motivation, organizational performance, SME PENDAHULUAN Latar Belakang Masalah Menghadapi era perubahan seperti saat ini, setiap organisasi dituntut memiliki kemampuan yan

    Ketegaran Upah Nominal untuk Turun: Bukti Empiris Eksperimen

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    This study aims to analyze the downward nominal wage rigidity and the difference in degree of downward nominal wage rigidity between the economy with unemployment benefits and the economy without unemploymentbenefit. An experimental method in the form of nominal wage bargaining between employees and employers was aplied in this study. The subject of the experiment are the alumni of UPN “Veteran†Yogyakarta who havework experience at least 1 year. Panel data regression and t- test was employed to make conclusions from the experiment. Results show that there is evidence of downward nominal wage rigidity. Nominal wages in theeconomy with unemployment benefits was proved to be more rigid to decrease than the nominal wages in the economy without unemployment benefit


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    This study investigated the impact of mediation effect of empowerment to relation among locus of control,organization tenure, education, leadership, and team’s strength of team, belief of team, organizational culture,and Leader Member Exchange to employee performance. The Participants were employees (n=134) from someprivate banks in Jogjakarta with purpossive sampling.We used SEM to test hypotheses. Findings showed that:(1) empowerment had direct effect to employee performance (H1) supported), and (2) empowerment becamepartially mediated variable among locus of control, organization tenure, education, leadership, strength ofteam, belief of team, organizational culture, and Leader Member Exchange (LMX) to employee performance(H2) supported. Locus of control, organization tenure, education, leadership, strength of team, belief of team,organizational culture, and Leader Member Exchange had direct effect to employee performance