79 research outputs found

    Adoption par les consommateurs de produits innovants : le cas des « yaourts » au soja

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    As part of a research on substitutions between plant-based and animal-based food products, we study consumer adoption of soy yoghurt. We first show that after 30 years of existence, so yoghurt represents only 2% of the global yoghurt market. This small market share can be partly explained by prices that are still higher than the prices of cow milk yogurts. This market is still dominated by national brands, particularly because of their large number of varieties (aromas). It can also be explained by a low adoption of soy yogurts by consumers. Indeed, in one year, less than 1% of households buy only soy yogurt while almost 90% of households do not consume soy yogurt at all. In addition, most households that buy soy yogurts also buy yogurt made with cow milk. The probability of adoption of so products is higher for urban households. Conversely, the existence of children in the household significantly decreases the probability of purchase. Income level plays a role even if its impact remains relatively low

    Adoption par les consommateurs de produits innovants : le cas des « yaourts » au soja

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    As part of a research on substitutions between plant-based and animal-based food products, we study consumer adoption of soy yoghurt. We first show that after 30 years of existence, so yoghurt represents only 2% of the global yoghurt market. This small market share can be partly explained by prices that are still higher than the prices of cow milk yogurts. This market is still dominated by national brands, particularly because of their large number of varieties (aromas). It can also be explained by a low adoption of soy yogurts by consumers. Indeed, in one year, less than 1% of households buy only soy yogurt while almost 90% of households do not consume soy yogurt at all. In addition, most households that buy soy yogurts also buy yogurt made with cow milk. The probability of adoption of so products is higher for urban households. Conversely, the existence of children in the household significantly decreases the probability of purchase. Income level plays a role even if its impact remains relatively low

    Adoption par les consommateurs de produits innovants : le cas des « yaourts » au soja

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    Dans le cadre d’une recherche sur les substitutions entre produits vĂ©gĂ©taux et produits animaux, nous Ă©tudions l’adoption par les consommateurs des « yaourts » au soja. Nous montrons tout d’abord qu’aprĂšs 30 ans d’existence, les yaourts au soja ne reprĂ©sentent que 2% du marchĂ© global des yaourts. Cette faible part de marchĂ© peut s’expliquer en partie par des prix qui restent supĂ©rieurs aux prix des yaourts au lait de vache. Ce marchĂ© reste dominĂ© par quelques marques nationales notamment en raison de leur offre importante de variĂ©tĂ©s (aromes). Elle peut Ă©galement s’expliquer par la faible adoption des yaourts au soja par les consommateurs. Ainsi, au cours d’une annĂ©e, moins de 1% des mĂ©nages achĂštent uniquement des yaourts au soja alors que prĂšs de 90% des mĂ©nages ne consomment pas du tout de yaourts au soja. De plus, la plupart des mĂ©nages qui achĂštent des yaourts au soja achĂštent Ă©galement des yaourts au lait de vache. La probabilitĂ© d’adoption des produits au soja est plus forte pour les mĂ©nages urbains. Inversement la prĂ©sence d’enfants dans le mĂ©nage diminue significativement la probabilitĂ© d’achat. Le niveau de revenu joue un rĂŽle mais relativement faible

    Surface-based protein domains retrieval methods from a SHREC2021 challenge

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    publication dans une revue suite à la communication hal-03467479 (SHREC 2021: surface-based protein domains retrieval)International audienceProteins are essential to nearly all cellular mechanism and the effectors of the cells activities. As such, they often interact through their surface with other proteins or other cellular ligands such as ions or organic molecules. The evolution generates plenty of different proteins, with unique abilities, but also proteins with related functions hence similar 3D surface properties (shape, physico-chemical properties, 
). The protein surfaces are therefore of primary importance for their activity. In the present work, we assess the ability of different methods to detect such similarities based on the geometry of the protein surfaces (described as 3D meshes), using either their shape only, or their shape and the electrostatic potential (a biologically relevant property of proteins surface). Five different groups participated in this contest using the shape-only dataset, and one group extended its pre-existing method to handle the electrostatic potential. Our comparative study reveals both the ability of the methods to detect related proteins and their difficulties to distinguish between highly related proteins. Our study allows also to analyze the putative influence of electrostatic information in addition to the one of protein shapes alone. Finally, the discussion permits to expose the results with respect to ones obtained in the previous contests for the extended method. The source codes of each presented method have been made available online

    SHREC 2018 - Protein Shape Retrieval

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    Proteins are macromolecules central to biological processes that display a dynamic and complex surface. They display multiple conformations differing by local (residue side-chain) or global (loop or domain) structural changes which can impact drastically their global and local shape. Since the structure of proteins is linked to their function and the disruption of their interactions can lead to a disease state, it is of major importance to characterize their shape. In the present work, we report the performance in enrichment of six shape-retrieval methods (3D-FusionNet, GSGW, HAPT, DEM, SIWKS and WKS) on a 2 267 protein structures dataset generated for this protein shape retrieval track of SHREC’18

    Conception et dĂ©veloppement d’une mĂ©thode de comparaison de surfaces appliquĂ©e aux protĂ©ines

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    Protein interactions play a crucial role in the living processes such as cell communication, immunity, cell growth, proliferation and death. These interactions occur through the surface of proteins and the disruption of their interactions is the start of many disease processes. It is therefore necessary to understand and characterize the surface of proteins and their interactions to better understand living processes. Different methods of protein surfaces comparison have been developed in the recent years but none are powerful enough to handle all the structures currently available in databases. The PhD project is to develop rapid methods of surface comparison and apply them to the surface of macromolecules.Les interactions entre protĂ©ines jouent un rĂŽle crucial dans les processus du vivant comme la communication cellulaire, l’immunitĂ©, la croissance, prolifĂ©ration et la mort cellulaires. Ces interactions se font via leur surface et la perturbation des interactions entre protĂ©ines est Ă  la base de nombreux processus pathologiques. Il est donc nĂ©cessaire de bien comprendre et caractĂ©riser la surface des protĂ©ines et leurs interactions mutuelles de maniĂšre Ă  mieux comprendre les processus du vivant. DiffĂ©rentes mĂ©thodes de comparaison de la surface des protĂ©ines ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©es ces derniĂšres annĂ©es mais aucune n’est assez puissante pour traiter l’ensemble des structures disponibles dans les diffĂ©rentes bases de donnĂ©es. Le projet de thĂšse est donc de dĂ©velopper des mĂ©thodes rapides de comparaison de surface et de les appliquer Ă  la surface des macromolĂ©cules

    Design and development of a surface comparison method applied to proteins

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    Les interactions entre protĂ©ines jouent un rĂŽle crucial dans les processus du vivant comme la communication cellulaire, l’immunitĂ©, la croissance, prolifĂ©ration et la mort cellulaires. Ces interactions se font via leur surface et la perturbation des interactions entre protĂ©ines est Ă  la base de nombreux processus pathologiques. Il est donc nĂ©cessaire de bien comprendre et caractĂ©riser la surface des protĂ©ines et leurs interactions mutuelles de maniĂšre Ă  mieux comprendre les processus du vivant. DiffĂ©rentes mĂ©thodes de comparaison de la surface des protĂ©ines ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©es ces derniĂšres annĂ©es mais aucune n’est assez puissante pour traiter l’ensemble des structures disponibles dans les diffĂ©rentes bases de donnĂ©es. Le projet de thĂšse est donc de dĂ©velopper des mĂ©thodes rapides de comparaison de surface et de les appliquer Ă  la surface des macromolĂ©cules.Protein interactions play a crucial role in the living processes such as cell communication, immunity, cell growth, proliferation and death. These interactions occur through the surface of proteins and the disruption of their interactions is the start of many disease processes. It is therefore necessary to understand and characterize the surface of proteins and their interactions to better understand living processes. Different methods of protein surfaces comparison have been developed in the recent years but none are powerful enough to handle all the structures currently available in databases. The PhD project is to develop rapid methods of surface comparison and apply them to the surface of macromolecules
