504 research outputs found

    Musikkens virkning på demente sykehjemspasienter

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    I dag har over 66 000 personer diagnosen demens, og tallene vil komme til å få en enorm økning i årene som kommer. Det antas at tallet på demente personer i år 2030 vil ha økt til hele 130 000. Demens er en ressurskrevende sykdom og det stilles krav til god planlegging og tilrettelegging av tjenestetilbudet til hver enkel pasient. En bør allerede nå begynne å tenke ut et bedre behandlingstilbud til denne pasientgruppen, og i den forbindelse har jeg sett på musikk som et alternativt behandlingstiltak. Hensikten med denne undersøkelsen var å se på hvordan musikk kunne skape trivsel blant demente sykehjemspasienter, slik at både jeg og andre sykepleiere kan vektlegge det som et viktig sykepleietiltak. Jeg har foretatt en litteraturstudie ettersom det var et krav i denne studieoppgaven. De forskningsartiklene jeg undersøkte tok for seg bruken av musikk under ulike sitasjoner, der de demente pasientene normalt var urolige og atagerende. Funnene i undersøkelsen viste at musikk bidrar til å redusere agiterende adferd og uro, samt at musikken øker det sosiale samværet og trivselen til pasientene. I tillegg har musikken også en positiv virkning på personalet, ved at de bruker mer tid i lag med pasientene og kommuniserte mer med dem

    Leonardo da Vinci in Raphael\u27s School of Athens

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    At the center of the School of Athens, Raphael painted Plato with a face similar to that of Leonardo da Vinci. In this article I argue that the likeness was intentional, and that Raphael’s fresco contains a set of references to the book De Divina Proportione, to which Leonardo contributed with drawings of polyhedrons. De Divina Proportione was written by Leonardo’s friend and teacher of mathematics, Luca Pacioli, and contains arguments for raising the status of the art of painting, similar to the arguments found in Leonardo’s Paragone. Pacioli and Leonardo thought painting should be regarded as a liberal art, due to the painters\u27 use of mathematical principles. In the article, I show how Plato with the face of Leonardo is part of a set of allusions to these arguments found in The School of Athens

    The challenge of transboundary coordination: The case of the Norwegian police and military

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    Under embargo until: 2022-02-13This article examines how the transboundary coordination capacity between the military and the police has changed since the terrorist attacks in Norway in 2011. We address changes in the arrangements that regulate how the police can ask for assistance from the military during a crisis and how the military and the police cooperate to implement the regulations designed to protect important public buildings and facilities. The processes and the outcome are analyzed from a hierarchical perspective, a negotiation perspective and an institutional perspective. A main finding is that there are many transboundary coordination challenges, which can mainly be explained from a negotiation and a cultural perspective. Both path dependencies and negotiations constrained the process and led to incremental changes.acceptedVersio

    Tick Size and Price Reversal after Order Imbalance

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    : It is well known that intraday returns tend to reverse the following intraday period, conditional on excess buying pressure on the bid or ask side. This suggests that liquidity providers “overreact” to order imbalance (OIB) by initially altering quotes so much that a negative autocorrelation is seen in mid-price returns. We investigate under which circumstances this behavior is most common. Specifically, it seems the tick size augments “OIB-reversal”. However, if the tick size is binding for much of the trading day, it has the opposite effect of censoring such reversals. In addition, if market liquidity is high, the reversal becomes more frequent

    Leveraging Return Prediction Approaches for Improved Value-at-Risk Estimation

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    Value at risk is a statistic used to anticipate the largest possible losses over a specific time frame and within some level of confidence, usually 95% or 99%. For risk management and regulators, it offers a solution for trustworthy quantitative risk management tools. VaR has become the most widely used and accepted indicator of downside risk. Today, commercial banks and financial institutions utilize it as a tool to estimate the size and probability of upcoming losses in portfolios and, as a result, to estimate and manage the degree of risk exposure. The goal is to obtain the average number of VaR “failures” or “breaches” (losses that are more than the VaR) as near to the target rate as possible. It is also desired that the losses be evenly distributed as possible. VaR can be modeled in a variety of ways. The simplest method is to estimate volatility based on prior returns according to the assumption that volatility is constant. Otherwise, the volatility process can be modeled using the GARCH model. Machine learning techniques have been used in recent years to carry out stock market forecasts based on historical time series. A machine learning system is often trained on an in-sample dataset, where it can adjust and improve specific hyperparameters in accordance with the underlying metric. The trained model is tested on an out-of-sample dataset. We compared the baselines for the VaR estimation of a day (d) according to different metrics (i) to their respective variants that included stock return forecast information of d and stock return data of the days before d and (ii) to a GARCH model that included return prediction information of d and stock return data of the days before d. Various strategies such as ARIMA and a proposed ensemble of regressors have been employed to predict stock returns. We observed that the versions of the univariate techniques and GARCH integrated with return predictions outperformed the baselines in four different marketplaces

    Forsvarets bistand til politiet. Endringer i bistandsinstruksen etter 22. juli 2011

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    Denne studien tar for seg endringene i bistandsinstruksen etter terrorhandlingene den 22. juli 2011, og frem til vedtaket av den nåværende instruksen i juni 2017. Det har skjedd tre endringer på instruksen siden den 22. juli, først i 2012, deretter ble Forsvarets bistand til politiet lovfestet i politilovens §27 a i 2015, før en ny bistandsinstruks ble vedtatt i 2017. Beslutningsprosessene knyttet til disse endringene er hovedfokuset i denne studien. De er delt inn i fem faser; initiativfasen, utredningsfasen, høringsfasen, policyformuleringsfasen og vedtaksfasen. Det er undersøkt hvordan deltakelsesmønsteret var organisert, og hvilke ulike problem- og løsningsoppfatninger aktørene har hatt. Bistandsinstruksen er det sentrale regelverket som regulerer samarbeidet mellom Forsvaret og politiet. Formålet med instruksen er å gi retningslinjer til ledere i politiet og Forsvaret for prosedyrer og samhandling når politiet anmoder Forsvaret om bistand. Etter 22. juli har det blitt rettet mye oppmerksomhet mot hvordan samarbeidet mellom Politiet og Forsvaret kan forbedres. I denne sammenheng har særlig bistandsinstruksen fått en økt oppmerksomhet. Studien viser at beslutningsprosessene knyttet til endringene har vært preget av en hierarkisk organisering, samt interessemotsetninger og institusjonsforsvar som har gitt seg utslag i ulike problem- og løsningsoppfatninger mellom forsvarssektoren og justissektoren. Beslutningsprosessene har vært preget av en tydelig uenighet mellom Forsvarsdepartementet og Justisdepartementet rundt hvordan instruksen bør formuleres.Masteroppgave i administrasjon og organisasjonsvitenskapAORG350MASV-AOR

    La filosofía de la liberación como filosofía y praxis: una mirada desde la praxis bolivariana

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    Treball final de Màster Universitari en Estudis internacionals de Pau, Conflictes i Desenvolupament. Codi: SAA074. Curs acadèmic 2014-2015En el presente trabajo se hace una revisión de la filosofía de la liberación de Enrique Dussel, para ponerla en diálogo con la filosofía para la paz y observar algunas prácticas de liberación en la Revolución Bolivariana. Revisamos conceptos claves como la exterioridad, la alienación así como la crítica a la modernidad eurocéntrica, y la propuesta dusseliana de la transmodernidad. Las categorías más abstractas se concretizan en la categoría política del pueblo, que también representa el momento donde la revelación del Otro (Otra), cara-a-cara , reconstruye otros proyectos descolonizadoras desde la afirmación de la vida. Desde la praxis bolivariana observamos cómo la filosofía de la liberación se vincula con prácticas concretizadas en la Revolución Bolivariana. Éstas practicas se concretizan en el proceso del pueblo de la concientización y la praxis liberadora ante el poder fetichizado como también en el proceso Constituyente, el Poder Popular, y el ALBA. Observaremos que las prácticas observadas cumplen con tanto el criterio material, como el criterio formal de Enrique Dussel. La política liberadora tiene que cumplir con el criterio de la vida, pero asimismo con el ejercicio de la democracia, aunque esta debe ser reconceptualizada y descolonizada, para poder ser una democracia transmoderna a servicio del pueblo. Para la filosofía de la liberación, hay un momento pre-discursivo, de la solidaridad originaria. Ésta solidaridad intersubjetiva y la experiencia concreta de la praxis, es la base para que el pueblo puede construir una alianza y fortalecerse como pueblo, como el bloque social de los oprimidos y excluidos. El Otro y la Otra, desde la exterioridad y con sus potencias transmodernas, se conforman como una hiperpotentia en el poder. Como bloque solidario y consolidado, pueden entrar en la comunidad de comunicación en mayor simetría. De ésta manera no serán meramente incluidos e incluidas a participar en una Democracia Cosmopolita, definida por un ser masculino, occidental. Para reconocernos como interlocutores validos en el debate, hace falta entrar en la comunidad de comunicación en mayor simetría. Las propuestas universales tienen que descolonizarse desde la alteridad del Otro y la Otra, para dialogar con la modernidad y crear un proyecto transmoderno, que quizás podríamos denominar una Democracia Transmoderna Pluriversal. De lo abstracto a lo concreto, podamos observar que existen propuestas transmodernas descolonizadoras, que desde su exterioridad, construyen políticas-otras, proyectos-otros

    The challenge of administrative capacity and transboundary coordination. The case of the Norwegian police and military

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    This paper examines how the relationships between the military and the police has changed after the terrorist attacks in Norway in 2011 by focusing on transboundary coordination capacity. We address the change of the regulatory arrangements of how the police can ask for assistance from the military during a crisis and how the military and the police cooperated to implement the regulations on how to protect important public buildings and facilities. The processes and outcome is analyzed from a hierarchical perspective, a negotiation perspective and an institutional approach focusing on the cultural features and administrative traditions. A main finding is that there is a lot of coordination and collaboration challenges which mainly can be explained from a negotiation and a cultural perspective