498 research outputs found

    Nganggung as a Local Wisdom in Andrea Hirata’s Dwilogi Padang Bulan

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    This study aims to analyze how local wisdom values and symbolic meaning of nganggung as the slogan of sepintu sedulang, which reflects the nature of mutual cooperation, exist. Nganggung or sepintu sedulang is a local wisdom that reflect a social life of a society in Belitong based on gotong-royong. Nganggung tradition can hopefully represent the reflection of society nowadays as a role value and norm to solve all the problem faced. The analysis is based on the theory of local wisdom by Rahyono (2010) and Sibarani (2014) which describe that local wisdom is the genuine knowledge and intelligence of human come from the culture and the experience to manage the sosial life of society. Using descriptive qualitative analysis by objective approach of Sarjono (2011), the findings shows that nganggung tradition has local wisdom values such as religious, gotong-royong, responsible, appreciative, submissive, and independent. Symbolic meaning of the features of nganggung tradition which is tudung saji is the preservation of plants of the custon which is wild pandanus. Its form like a parabolic antenna signs that nganggung tradition is the protector of all society. The use of red colour for tudung saji signs bravery and high work performance. The straps on tudung saji signs to bond the diversity by the sense of belongings. The shape of dulang which is round signs the dynamic manner of the society.   Keywords: nganggung, tradition, local wisdom, tudung saj

    Activity Budget of Ex-captive Sumatran Orangutan Post Release in Sumatran Orangutan Reintroduction Centre in Jambi

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    Excaptive orangutans were not have a proportional activity budget for their suitable food, so that many individuals have been failed to adapt.Assessment daily activity budget should to have for excaptive orangutans to determine successful adaptation to independent life. Our reserachconducted on 13 individuals who were divided into two groups according to behavioral characteristic were seven individuals tame and six individualssemiwild. We recorded their activities for 9-10 days (7.290–8.100 minutes) after their released via instantaneous sampling method with a sampleinterval for 2 minutes. The results showed that group of semiwild spent duration on feeding (43%) higher than tame (28%), whereas tame spent onresting (55%) higher than semiwild (38%). Results of analysis on daily activities of two groups showed significant differences in resting, feeding andother activities among the two groups (n1=70; n2=56) have probability value of Mann Whitney Test resting: p=0,000<0,05; feeding:p=0,000<0,05; other activities: p=0,009<0,05. Only moving activity showed no significant difference results (n1= 70, n2=56; p=0,507>0,05).Semiwild group has activity budget similar to wild orangutans in natural habitat

    Chemically-Induced Colitis Models in Animal

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    Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammation that can affect the distal part of the colon, submucosa and rectal mucosa, and can affect the entire colon even to the terminal ileum. There are several factors that can cause this disease, such as genetics, environment, intestinal microbiota and the presence of enteric infectious agents. Chemical induction in experimental animals for research on gastrointestinal inflammation has been frequently used due to the similarity of the anatomical and physiological structures of experimental animals with the human digestive tract. This review focuses on recent understanding of the chemicals that used as induction agents in animal

    Relationship Between Farm Scale and Broilers Farmers Income Based on the Partnership System in Maros Regency

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    The study aimed to determine the relationship between scale of business and income of broiler breeders involved in partnerships. This study was carried out from April to December 2013 in Maros Regency, South Sulawesi Province. This research was descriptive quantitative using primary and secondary data obtained through observation and interviews. The population of the study was all the breeders who involved in partnership in Maros Regency, totaling 73 breeders. Forty two samples were withdrawn from the population and were grouped according to the business scale, namely 6500 birds per farmer, respectively. Data were analyzed descriptively using the formula π = TR - TC , in which π = Net income (IDR/period). Results of study showed that the scale of business did not affect the income of broiler breeders who do partnerships. To increase the income of farmers, the partner company should pay attention to other factors rather than just the besides scale of the broiler farmers

    Pembangunan Aplikasi Berbasis Web untuk Peramalan Harga Saham dengan Metode Moving Average, Exponential Smoothing, dan Artificial Neural Network

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    Saham merupakan salah satu media untuk melakukan investasi pada suatu Perusahaan dan juga dapat diperjual-belikan. Harga saham merupakan salah satu indikator dalam jual-beli saham yang digunakan investor untuk menentukan keputusan. Keputusan yang akan diambil mengenai saham mana yang akan dibeli atau disimpan sehingga dapat menghasilkan keuntungan. Peramalan atau prediksi harga saham secara kuantitatif dapat dilakukan berdasarkan data historis dan dengan menggunakan model matematis. Data historis pergerakan harga saham dapat dianalisa untuk menemukan pola pergerakan yang terjadi. Analisa pola pergerakan dapat dilakukan dengan menggunakan beberapa metode peramalan seperti moving average, exponential smoothing, artificial neural network, dan lain-lain. Metode Moving Average merupakan metode peramalan yang menggunakan nilai rerata beberapa periode dari data historis yang ada. Moving Average baik digunakan untuk data yang relatif stabil. Metode Exponential Smoothing merupakan metode peramalan dengan menambahkan bobot untuk data historis periode sebelumnya dengan nilai peramalan periode sebelumnya, menentukan tren yang terjadi, dan menentukan nilai musiman dari data historis. Metode Artificial Neural Network merupakan jaringan yang terdiri atas sekelompok unit pemroses yang dimodelkan hampir seperti jaringan saraf manusia. Dengan melakukan pembenaran pada weight dan bias berdasarkan error yang terjadi. Setelah itu akan didapat Neural Network yang baik dan siap untuk melakukan proses yang berulang-ulang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menciptakan sarana informasi mengenai peramalan harga saham dengan beberapa metode peramalan untuk dapat saling dibandingkan pada teknologi aplikasi berbasis web

    Analisis Structure, Conduct, Dan Performance (Scp) Industri Tekstil Dan Produk Tekstil Di Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze structure, conduct, and performance of textile and garment industry in Indonesia with an annual 2006-2013 and data totaled 2 subsector in TPT industry in group ISIC code 2 digit. The type data at this research is secondary data which is collection from Badan Pusat Statistik (BPS) and literature related to this study. The method used Structure-Conduct-Performance (SCP) analysis and panel data analysis with Random Effect Model (REM). The data process by using software Microsoft Office Excel 7 and E-views 7 program.The result of SCP analysis found that the industrial structure of TPT industry in Indonesia is a loose oligopoly structure, with an average value of CR4 of 12,02 percent. The average value MES of 4,98 percent show an opportunity for the entry of the new firms in to industry. Analysis of conduct of TPT industry seen strategy of product, price, and promotion. In terms of performance can be seen from PCM, efficiency (XEF), and growth.The estimation result of panel data indicate that by parsial, variable that have the greatest effect and significant performance increased (PCM) is efficiency (XEF). CR4 variable no significant negative effect to PCM. While MES and growth no significant positive effect to PCM of TPT industry in Indonesia. And by simultan, CR4, MES, efficiency (XEF), and growth have effect on PCM
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