130 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja (K3) terhadap Produktivitas Kerja Karyawan

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    penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja terhadap produktivitas kerja karyawan. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 50 orang karyawan bagian produksi pada PT. X di Batam. Variabel yang diamati dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja dengan indikator keadaan tempat lingkungan kerja, pemakaian peralatan kerja, lingkungan kerja secara medis, pemeliharaan kesehatan tenaga kerja. Sedangkan untuk variabel produktivitas kerja indikatornya terdiri dari dimensi sikap kerja, dimensi tingkat ketrampilan, dimensi hubungan antara lingkungan kerja, dimensi manajemen produktivitas. Data dikumpulkan dengan penyebaran kuisioner dan studi pustaka, kuisioner dikembangkan dari indikator-indikator masing-masing variabel yang menjadi pengamatan. Uji data dilakukan dengan validitas dan reliabilitas, sedangkan analisis data menggunakan regresi linier sederhana, dengan uji hipotesis menggunakan koefisien determinasi dan uji parsial. Hasli penelitian ini menunjukkan bawah keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap produktivitas kerja karyawa

    Characterization of The Volcanic Rocks of Mount Sinabung, Simacem Village, Karo Regency, Conducted With XRD, SEM-EDX

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    The study of volcanic rocks characterization of Sinabung Volcano erupted on September 15, 2017. The volcanic rocks crystal system was performed with XRD, elemental analysis and microstructure with SEM-EDX. Volcanic rocks contain: Anorthite phase 87,11 (wt%), Triclinic crystal, lattice constant, a = 8.1742 Ã…, b = 12,844 Ã…, c = 14,204 Ã…; Quartz phase 2.26%, Hexagonal crystals, lattice constants, a = 4,799 Ã…, b = 4,799 Ã…, c = 5,379 Ã…; Cristobalite phase 7.72 (wt%), Tetragonal crystals, lattice constants a = 4,970 Ã…, b = 6,990 Ã…, c = 6,998 Ã…; Alunite phase 2.91 (wt%), Hexagonal crystals, lattice constants, a = 6,990 Ã…, b = 6,990 Ã…, c = 17,282 Ã…

    Potential Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) in Bali

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    OTEC is a method for generating electricity which uses the temperature difference that exist between deep and shallow water with the minimal difference about 20°C. This paper aim to determine the potential and the provision of new and renewable energy in Indonesia.OTEC is very compatible build in Indonesian sea because Indonesia is placed in equator teritory, a lot of island, strain and many difference of topography especially in North Bali Sea. A calculation ocean thermal distribution in Indonesia for OTEC is doing with statistics from ocean thermal surface.The maximum efficiency of carnot engine (ηmax) is obtained in the North Bali Sea by 0.788813. Figures are better than other regions in the Indonesia. OTEC power production is renewable energy that could be a solution to produce electricity, and also can produce fresh water and cold water for agricultural and cooling purposes especially in the tourist area like Bali.  Keywords: OTEC, Bali, Temperature, Renewable Energy&nbsp

    Optimalisasi Suhudan Tekanan terhadap Pengambilan Minyak Biji Kenari (CanariumIndicum) dengan Metode Press Hidrolik (Optimizing Decision Temperature and Pressure on the Canary Seed Oil (CanariumIndicum) Method of Hydraulic Pres)

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    Hydraulics is a branch of science about which examines the flow of liquid through the pipes and vessels covered, as well as in the canals open and rivers, said hydraulic derived from the word "hudor" (the Greek), which means water. The hydraulic system is a system using fluid as the media to move it. To develop the necessary technology in the field of hydraulic analysis with respect to the system. Mengasilkan a product with the best quality and to gain efficiency in the fulfillment of the quality of production. Practical process of extracting the oil from a walnut using a hydraulic press. Canary seed oils analyzed viscosity, density, acid number, saponification numbers and big bath. Viscosity grades consecutive Cp 27.668; Cp 29.304; Cp 30.856; Cp 28.840; CP 26.757, the density 0.907 g / ml; 0.904 g / ml; 0.908 g / ml, 0.908 g / ml, 0.907 g / ml. Walnut nut oil also yield is calculated, the results obtained respectively 28.58%, 32.88%, 42.25%, 34.91%, 28.96%. Figures obtained by the acid in a row to 2.38 mg KOH / g, 2.98 mg KOH / g, 3.58 mg KOH / g, 2.38 mg KOH / g, 1.79 mg KOH / g and the saponification number obtained successively 181.91 mg KOH / g, 178.27 mg KOH / g, 175.85 mg KOH / g, 171 mg KOH / g, 169.78 mg KOH / g. Organoleptic tests on oil produced yellowish color, no taste and smell typical of a walnut. Results of analysis of viscosity, density, acid number, saponification numbers obtained are in accordance with standard oil raw shelled walnut. Large soaking obtained also in accordance with the content of the oil contained in the walnut oil. The results that need further research in order to obtain more accurate results. Keywords: Seeds Walnuts, Hydraulic Press, extractio

    Characterizing Unggaran Geothermal Resource Potential in Central Java : Application of Gedongsongo Manifestations Evaluation

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    Geothermal power is extracted from heat stored in the earth. This paper discusses the use of geothermal energy in our electrical power systems and potential development in Central Java. Gedongsongo surface manifestations of the Ungaran geothermal prospect in Central Java have high temperature properties, (72 to 87) ºC, pH 2 to pH 6 and 770 g/kg of chloride. Geothermal power plant is very compatible built in Gedongsongo. At present, the development of geothermal resources as renewable energy have to be primarily focused on utilization of ground source heat pumps which can make good use of the enormous low temperature geothermal resources. Keywords: Central Java; Geothermal; renewable energ

    Mycotoxin binders potential on histological of ovary mice exposed by zearalenone

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    Aim: This study was conducted to examine the potential of mycotoxin binder in ceasing zearalenone (ZEN) effect on mice reproduction. ZEN mycotoxin can induce reactive oxygen species that may cause damage and cell death. ZEN is estrogenic so that it may affect the reproductive organs failure. Materials and Methods: Mycotoxin binder administration to female mice exposed to ZEN was aimed to count the number of primary follicles, secondary follicles, tertiary follicles, de Graaf's follicles, and the corpus luteum (CL). Negative control group (C) was not exposed to ZEN and without the administration of mycotoxin binders, while positive control group (C+) was exposed to 0.1 mg/mouse/day ZEN and without the provision of mycotoxin binders. Treatment groups (T1, T2, T3) were exposed to 0.1 mg/mouse/day ZEN and mycotoxin binders 0.5; 1; 2 mg/BW/day. Results: ZEN and mycotoxin binders administration was conducted for 10 days. The number of primary follicles, secondary, tertiary, de Graaf's follicles and CL in negative control (C-) was 14.2±1.36, 11.2±0.28, 6.5±0.53, 7.5±0.74, and 2.3±0.35. The number in positive control (C+) group was as follows 7.1±0.12, 3.7±1.17, 3.8±1.21, 1.5±0.62, and 2.3±0.34. Results in treatment 1 (T1) were as follows 6.2±0.16, 5.2±0.16, 3.6±0.16, 2.6±0.19, and 2.6±0.10; in treatment 2 (T2) 7.8±0.28, 5.8±0.53, 3.7±0.26, 2.7±0.26, and 2.5±0.10; and in treatment 3 (T3) 8.4±0.34, 8.4±0.34, 4.6±0.34, 4.5±1.01, and 3.4±0.23. Conclusion: The number of follicles and CL more in line with increasing doses of mycotoxin binders. Required more than 2 mg/mouse/day mycotoxin binders to inhibit the effects of ZEN so that its can maintain the number of primary follicle, secondary follicle, tertiary follicle, the de Graaf's follicle, and the number of CL in the ovary of ZEN-exposed female mice (Mus musculus)

    Study on the Production of Bonded Magnet NdFeB and Polyvinyl Butyral

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    bonded magnet is composite magnet material made by mixing magnetic powder with non-magnetic binder. The process in manufacturing bonded magnet NdFeB made by mixing powder of neodymium iron boron (NdFeB) commercial type MQP-B with a polyvinyl butyral powder using a glass beaker. The comparisons of variation in composing NdFeB magnets powders with a binder of PVB (% weight) are 98:2, 96:4, 94:6 and 93:7 of 8 grams from total mass of the sample. After mixing the powder, it is molded by using a compression molding method with 8 tons pressure for 20 minutes at curing temperature 1600C. The molded samples are conducted by characterizing the physical properties which include measurement of density, microstructure analysis using SEM-EDX and magnetic properties which include measurement of the magnetic field strength using a Gaussmeter and hysteresis curve using VSM. The result of the study shows that the addition of and binder PVB in bonded magnet NdFeB causes a decrease in the density and magnetic field strength. The best result of density and magnetic field in the manufacture of bonded magnets is obtained by the addition of 2 % binder of 5.66 g/cm3 and strong magnetic field of 1862.4 G. the score of Mr = 72.86 emu/g, Ms = 103 emu/gram, Hc = 8.490 KOe and BHmax = 5.1 MGOe was obtained on the addition of PVB 2 %

    Pengaruh Kepribadian, Kemampuan Kerja dan Motivasi Kerja terhadap Kinerja SDM Outsourcing pada PT. Catur Karya Sentosa Medan

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    Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh kepribadian, kemampuan kerja dan motivasi karyawan terhadap kinerja SDM Outsourcing pada PT. Catur Karya Sentosa Medan. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada tahun 2012, objek penelitiannya adalah seluruh karyawan yang berjumlah 42 orang. Variabel yang diamati dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari kepribadian (x1), kemampuan (x2),  motivasi (x3), dan kinerja SDM outsourcing (y). Data penelitian ini diuji dengan pengujian asumsi klasik yang terditi dari (1) uji normalitas, (2) uji multikolinearitas, dan (3) uji heteroskedastisitas, pengujian hipotesis menggunakan uji koefisien determinasi (R2), uji sumultan (uji F) dan uji parsial (uji t), sedangkan analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif kuantitatif dengan regresi linear berganda. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa secara serempak variabel kepribadian, kemampuan, dan motivasi berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan Outsourcing, secara parsial hanya variabel kemampuan yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan Outsourcing, sedangkan variabel kepribadian dan motivasi secara parsial berpengaruh tidak signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan Outsourcing PT. Catur Karya Sentosa Meda

    Pengaruh Ekstrak Etanol Daun Ati-ati (Coleus blumei Benth) Terhadap Kadar Ureum dan Kreatinin Darah Mencit (Mus musculus) yang Diinduksi Aspirin

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    Latar Belakang: Akumulasi asprin menghasilkan senyawa reaktif berupa radikal bebas yang menginduksi terjadinya stres oksidatif sehingga akan mepengaruhi fungsi ginjal. Ekstrak etanol daun C. blumei Benth mengandung senyawa metabolit sekunder golongan alkaloid, flavonoid, saponin, fenol, antrakuinon, tanin, dan steroid yang memiliki kemampuan mencegah pembentukan radikal bebas, antiinflamasi dan memperbaiki fungsi ginjal. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian ekstrak etanol daun ati-ati (C. blumei Benth) terhadap kadar ureum dan kreatinin darah mencit (M. musculus) yang diinduksi aspirin. Metode: Penelitian ini bersifat eksperimental post test only control group design. Sampel penelitian menggunakan 30 ekor mencit (M. musculus) yang dibagi menjadi 6 kelompok, yaitu kelompok kontrol (P0), perlakuan I (P1) yang diberi aspirin 84 mg/kgBB, perlakuan II (P2) diberi aspirin 84 mg/kgBB + silimarin 100 mg/kgBB, perlakuan III (P3) aspirin 84 mg/kgBB + ekstrak etanol daun C. blumei Benth 500 mg/kgBB, perlakuan IV (P4) aspirin 84 mg/kgBB + ekstrak etanol daun C. blumei Benth 1000 mg/kgBB dan perlakuan V (P5) aspirin 84 mg/kgBB + ekstrak etanol daun C. blumei Benth 2000 mg/kgBB. Seluruh kelompok mendapat perlakuan selama 11 hari yang terdiri dari 4 induksi aspirin dan 7 hari pemberian silimarin atau ekstrak. Pada hari ke-12 mencit dilakukan pengambilan darah secara intracardiac untuk dilakukan pemeriksaan kadar ureum dan kreatinin darah. Data analisis dilakukan dengan uji one-way ANOVA dan uji post-hoc Tukey. Hasil: Hasil uji one-way ANOVA menunjukan terdapat perbedaan kadar ureum dan kreatinin darah yang signifikan antar kelompok dengan nilai p yaitu 0,020 dan 0,003. Kelompok P5 mengalami penurunan kadar ureum dan kreatinin yang signifikan dengan nilai p 0,024 dan 0,034, meskipun kelompok P5 tidak sebaik kelompok P0. Kesimpulan: Pemberian ekstrak etanol daun C. blumei Benth dosis bertingkat, yaitu 2000 mg/kgBB mampu menurun kadar ureum dan kreatinin darah mencit yang induksi aspirin secara signifikan.   Kata kunci:  Aspirin, C. blumei Benth, silymarin, ureum, kreatinin
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