32 research outputs found

    Research & Reviews: Journal of Pure and Applied Physics Arc Plasma using a Liquid Metal Current-Limiting Device

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    ABSTRACT Current limiters are used to limit the maximum amplitude of a short circuit current in order to reduce the thermal and mechanical stress produced by the current. The liquid metal current limiters comprise of four principal elements: a liquid metal (GaInSn), an enclosure, an insulating wall, and two metal electrodes. The cavity of the enclosure is filled with galinstan. Liquid metal current limiters based on plasma technology are becoming popular due to their small volume, self healing properties, simple design, and lack of moving parts. Liquid metal current-limiting device involving arc plasma is based on pinch effect. In such a device the arc ignites due to selfpinch effect and start from free surface liquid metal which develops in the form of gas cavities. After arc ignition, it is concluded that the arc plasma should be a mixture of metal vapor & air. This article aims to describe the effect of metal vapor arc on electrode erosion

    Kajian Potensi Energi Arus Laut Sebagai Energi Alternatif Untuk Pembangkit Listrik Di Perarian Selat Lembeh, Sulawesi Utara

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    Kebutuhan akan energi listrik terus mengalami peningkatan dan sumber energi utamanya adalah energi konvensional yang ketersediannya terbatas di alam, untuk itu diperlukan adanya pencarian sumber energi lain yang terbarukan. Selat Lembeh merupakan wilayah perairan sempit yang berada di antara Laut Maluku yang dipengaruhi oleh massa air dari Pasifik dan Laut Sulawesi yang dipengaruhi oleh massa air dari Hindia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik arus laut serta mengetahui potensi arus laut sebagai sumber energi alternatif pembangkit listrik. Pengolahan data terdiri dari analisa data arus dan pasang surut, pemodelan numerik, dan menghitung estimasi rapat daya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan penentuan lokasi dengan sampling area. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, rapat daya terbesar yang dihasilkan yaitu pada musim barat, sebesar 120,02 kW/m2

    Design of a Hybrid Grease Trap for Reduced Energy Consumption and Improved Fog Retention in Hot Wastewater

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    The present research focuses on heat recovery from hot kitchen wastewater to fulfil the dual objective of reducing energy consumption and CO2 emissions, while simultaneously improving the fat, oil and grease (FOG) removal efficiency of the grease trap (GT). A GT was retrofitted with a novel heat exchanger design (termed as a hybrid GT device) to enhance wastewater thermal recovery and FOG removal capabilities. Hot wastewater containing FOG was assessed in a full-scale experimental GT. The governing parameters of temperature, mass flow rate and FOG content were monitored. Results indicate that the hybrid GT improves FOG removal performance by lowering the temperature of GT hot wastewater by approximately 25%. The hybrid GT enables improvement in energy efficiency and cost savings for commercial kitchens/wastewater generators, lowering the carbon footprint and cost of food preparation

    Wastewater Problems Analysis and Their Treatment Using Eco-friendly Techniques: An Overview

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    In the current changing environment where almost all activities involve the use of clean water, waste water is discharged in a huge amount, which not only pollutes the environment but also causes many diseases in human as well as in animal. The scarcity of the most limited natural resource, "clean water" for daily use is decreasing day by day. So, the present study was done to assess various harmful effects of wastewater and techniques to overcome these effects through different plant-based wastewater treatment methods. There are few researches conducted to overcome the problem of wastewater biologically, the researchers used different plans to treat wastewater which absorb toxic substances up to a greater extent and clean the water efficiently. In the current study, some environmentally friendly wastewater treatment techniques—such as seaweed-based flocculants, mangrove plants, phyto-accumulation, Phyto remediation etc.—are discussed in order to better understand how they work and to advocate for their widespread use

    Effective Management of Hypothyroidism by Using Ayurvedic Interventions: A Case Report

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    Hypothyroidism is an endocrine disorder that mainly occurs due to insufficient thyroid gland stimulation or primary gland failure by the pituitary or hypothalamus gland. Symptoms of hypothyroidism include fatigue, gastric trouble, face puffiness with edematous eyelids, retarded nail growth, weight gain, hoarseness of voice, decreased libido, pallor, dry skin, dry hair, alopecia, constipation, abnormal menstrual cycle, muscle cramps, myalgia etc. A 30-year-old married Hindu, non-alcoholic, non-smoking male patient visited OPD of Shuddhi Ayurveda Clinic, Jeena Sikho Lifecare Pvt. Ltd. Noida on 18 November 2020 with known case of subclinical hypothyroidism. On the basis of clinical diagnosis and laboratory investigations, ayurvedic medicines having action on thyroid gland and digestion improvement were prescribed for over a period of six months. After this ayurvedic medicinal treatment for four months i.e. from November 2020 to February 2021, significant results were noted in terms of reduction in level of increased TSH. TSH level was significantly reduced from 181µIU/ml to 0.11 µIU/ml within two months of ayurvedic treatment. Then, there was a mild increase in the TSH level when patient was tested for TFT after four months i.e. on 21st of June 2021, investigated level of TSH was 5.59 µIU/ml. Overall, a satisfactory result was observed in patient clinical conditions proving significant efficacy of ayurvedic treatment

    Management of Polycystic Ovarian Disease/Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOD/PCOS), Fatty Liver and Cholelithiasis in Female Patient by Using Ayurvedic Interventions: A Case Report

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    Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease (PCOD), Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD) and cholelithiasis are the major female health issues in the modern times having significant potential to increase the chances of infertility. The allopathic treatment of these conditions relies on suppressing the symptoms only and are also not afforded by all. But in Ayurveda a holistic approach to disease is followed. An effective management of all three conditions with Ayurveda is well described with the present case study. A 40 years old Hindu non-smoking, non-alcoholic female residing Noida presented to the OPD of Shuddhi Ayurveda Clinic, Jeena Sikho Lifecare Pvt. Ltd. Noida on 12 September, 2020. The patient was presented with her previous ultasonographic reports which indicated the worst condition of her liver along with polycystic ovary and gall bladder stone. After Ayurvedic treatment for the duration of almost 10 months, a remarkable change in the liver was observed with reduced values of liver parameters. The ultrasonic reports of after treatment showed negligible presence of ovarian cyst and bladder stone showing effectiveness of Ayurvedic treatment in the management of these diseases without any side effect

    Effective Management of Chronic Kidney Disease by Using Ayurvedic Interventions: A Case Report

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    Renal failure causes a significant rise in the creatinine level, urea nitrogen, fluctuation in serum potassium and high sodium level in the blood. In 2017, 1.2 million deaths of CKD were reported world widely. Kidney transplant, peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis are some modern methods used to treat renal failure in allopathy. These therapies and treatment are very expensive and unaffordable by the people of low income and middle-income countries. In India, Ayurveda is a conventional practice which is used since ancient times to treat number of disorders without any side effects. A case report of renal failure patient using Ayurvedic treatment is well defined here. A 53-year-old married Sikh, non-alcoholic, nonsmoking male diagnosed with renal failure presented in the Divya Upchar Sansthan, Chandigarh on October 2020. The patient was clinically assessed by Jeebha pariksha (tongue examination) and Naadi pariksha (pulse examination). Patient was administered with Ayurvedic medicines for the duration of six month of treatment. Patient was investigated for the functioning of kidney and hemoglobin before and after initiating Ayurvedic treatment which indicated an improvement in urea, creatinine and uric acid level. From this case study it is shown that chronic kidney disease can be managed by using Ayurvedic treatment without the need of hemodialysis

    Heterotypic interactions regulate cell shape and density during color pattern formation in zebrafish

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    The conspicuous striped coloration of zebrafish is produced by cell-cell interactions among three different types of chromatophores: black melanophores, orange/yellow xanthophores and silvery/blue iridophores. During color pattern formation xanthophores undergo dramatic cell shape transitions and acquire different densities, leading to compact and orange xanthophores at high density in the light stripes, and stellate, faintly pigmented xanthophores at low density in the dark stripes. Here, we investigate the mechanistic basis of these cell behaviors in vivo, and show that local, heterotypic interactions with dense iridophores regulate xanthophore cell shape transition and density. Genetic analysis reveals a cell-autonomous requirement of gap junctions composed of Cx41.8 and Cx39.4 in xanthophores for their iridophore-dependent cell shape transition and increase in density in light-stripe regions. Initial melanophore-xanthophore interactions are independent of these gap junctions; however, subsequently they are also required to induce the acquisition of stellate shapes in xanthophores of the dark stripes. In summary, we conclude that, whereas homotypic interactions regulate xanthophore coverage in the skin, their cell shape transitions and density is regulated by gap junction-mediated, heterotypic interactions with iridophores and melanophores