96 research outputs found

    HPLC method development for the simultaneous analysis of amlodipine and valsartan in combined dosage forms and in vitro dissolution studies

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    A simple, rapid and reproducible HPLC method was developed for the simultaneous determination of amlodipine and valsartan in their combined dosage forms, and for drug dissolution studies. A C18 column (ODS 2, 10 μm, 200 x 4.6 mm) and a mobile phase of phosphate buffer (pH 3.6 , 0.01 mol L-1):acetonitrile: methanol (46:44:10 v/v/v) mixture were used for separation and quantification. Analyses were run at a flow-rate of 1 mL min-1 and at ambient temperature. The injection volume was 20 μL and the ultraviolet detector was set at 240 nm. Under these conditions, amlodipine and valsartan were eluted at 7.1 min and 3.4 min, respectively. Total run time was shorter than 9 min. The developed method was validated according to the literature and found to be linear within the range 0.1 - 50 μg mL-1 for amlodipine, and 0.05 - 50 μg mL-1 for valsartan. The developed method was applied successfully for quality control assay of amlodipine and valsartan in their combination drug product and in vitro dissolution studies.Desenvolveu-se método de HPLC rápido e reprodutível para a determinação simultânea de anlodipino e valsartana em suas formas de associação e para os estudos de dissolução dos fármacos. Utilizaram-se coluna C18 (ODS 2, 10 μm, 200 x 4,6 mm) e fase móvel tampão fosfato (pH 3,6, 0,01 mol L-1):acetonitrila: metanol para a separação e a quantificação. As análises foram efetuadas com velocidade de fluxo de 1 mL min-1 e à temparatura ambiente O volume de injeção foi de 20 μL e utilizou-se detector de ultravioleta a 240 nm. Sob essas condições, anlodipino e valsartana foram eluídas a 7,1 min e 3,4 min, respectivamente. O tempo total de corrida foi menor que 9 min. O método desenvolvido foi validado de acordo com a literatura e se mostrou linear na faixa de 0,1-50 μg mL-1 para anlodipino e de 0,05-50 μg mL-1 para valsartana. O método desenvolvido foi aplicado com sucesso para ensaios de controle de qualidade de associações de anlodipino e valsartana e nos estudos de dissolução in vitro

    Rapid Recovery of Visual Acuity after Lumboperitoneal Shunt Operation in Malignant Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension

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    Background. Idiopathic intracranial hypertension can cause rapid deterioration of visual acuity in some severe cases, and these cases are usually thought to have “malignant” form of this disease. Case. In this paper, we report on a 16-year-old girl who is a typical example for malignant idiopathic intracranial hypertension with a rapid recovery of visual acuity after lumboperitoneal shunt operation. Observations and Conclusions. Malignant form of idiopathic intracranial hypertension must be kept in mind in selected patients to avoid irreversible visual loss

    Comparison of intestinal permeability of nebivolol hydrochloride loaded solid lipid nanoparticles with commercial nebivolol tablet

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    WOS: 000458080300013The oral application of drugs is the most popular route for achieving systemic effects, nevertheless, it is limited by difficulties related to physicochemical properties of the drug. Solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) are appealing extensive notice because of showing increased solubility and improved oral bioavailability via different mechanisms. The aim of the study is to compare and peruse the in-situ permeation of nebivolol (NBV) loaded SLN and its commercial tablet formulation used for the treatment of hypertension. For this aim Single-Pass Intestinal Perfusion (SPIP) method was used for in-situ permeation studies. NBV loaded SLNs were prepared and modified with polyethylene glycol (PEG). In order to prepare SLNs by homogenization technique, compritol, lecithin and poloxamer were chosen. Particle sizes of blank and loaded SLN were 213.4 +/- 17.5 and 264.1 +/- 18.8 nm, respectively with polydispersity index values of approximately 0.3 for each. NBV loading resulted in positive electrical charge on SLNs. The encapsulation efficiency was 98.04 +/- 0.2 %. Permeability coefficient values were tripled when NBV was incorporated in SLNs and doubled when pure NBV was given separately with a blank SLN. PEG modified SLN can be used to enhance oral absorption of NBV, and SLNs alone can be used as permeation enhancer in oral drug delivery..TUBITAK [112S292]This study was supported by TUBITAK Project No: 112S292. The authors would like to thank Novartis (Novartis Drug Co., Turkey) for providing metoprolol tartrate. The authors would also like to thank to Ege University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences Research Center (FABAL) for high pressure homogenization facilities

    Neurološki simptomi koji su česti u pacijenata s COVID-19: retrospektivna opservacijska studija

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    In December 2019, a novel coronavirus outbreak spread rapidly all over the world. The virus is known to be neuroinvasive, but much is still unknown. In this study, we aimed to present the main neurologic symptoms in patients who were diagnosed with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The study was conducted retrospectively by phoning 156 patients in Turkey diagnosed with COVID-19 through real-time polymerase chain reaction; only 100 patients could be reached. Data about their demographics, initial symptoms, neurological symptoms, and sleeping habits were collected. During the disease process, 66% had at least one neurological symptom, 55% had central nervous system symptoms, 42% had peripheral nervous system symptoms, and 64% had sleep disturbances and myalgia. Impaired consciousness, smell and taste impairments, and sleep disturbances were significantly higher in patients with positive chest computed tomography imaging (p < 0.05). Neurological symptoms were observed in COVID-19, as in other coronaviruses. Headache in particular was the most common symptom in our population. In patients with respiratory system findings, the detection of certain neurological symptoms such as smell-taste impairments, impaired consciousness, and sleep disorders were more common. We concluded that COVID-19 patients should be approached in a more holistic way, taking the nervous system into account.U prosincu 2019. nova epidemija koronavirusa brzo se proširila cijelim svijetom. Poznato je da je virus neuroinvazivan, ali je pun nepoznanica. U ovoj studiji imali smo za cilj predstaviti glavne neurološke simptome kod pacijenata kojima je dijagnosticirana koronavirusna bolest 2019. (COVID-19). Studija je provedena retrospektivno telefoniranjem 156 pacijenata u Turskoj kojima je dijagnosticiran COVID-19 putem lančane reakcije polimeraze u stvarnom vremenu; moglo se doći do samo 100 bolesnika. Prikupljeni su podaci o njihovim demografskim podacima, početnim simptomima, neurološkim simptomima i navikama spavanja. U procesu bolesti, 66% je imalo barem jedan neurološki simptom, 55% je imalo simptome središnjeg živčanog sustava, 42% imalo je simptome perifernog živčanog sustava, a 64% imalo je poremećaje spavanja i mijalgiju. Poremećaji svijesti, mirisa i okusa te poremećaji spavanja bili su značajno veći u bolesnika s pozitivnim slikanjem računalne tomografije u prsima (p <0,05). Neurološki simptomi primijećeni su u COVID-19, kao što su ostali koronavirusi. Posebno je glavobolja najčešći simptom u našoj populaciji. U bolesnika s nalazima dišnog sustava češće je otkrivanje određenih neuroloških simptoma kao što su smetnje okusa mirisa, oslabljena svijest i spavanje. Zaključili smo da s pacijentima s COVID-19 treba postupati na cjelovitiji način, uzimajući u obzir živčani sustav

    Sosyo Ekonomik Değişkenlerin Öğrencilerin Akademik Başarısı Üzerine Etkileri

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    Öğrencinin akademik başarısını etkileyen pek çok faktör vardır. Anne ve baba eğitimi, ebeveynlerin mesleği, ailenin ekonomik durumu ve ailedeki kardeş sayısı öğrenci başarısını değiştiren faktörlerdendir. Bazı sosyal, kültürel ve ekonomik nedenlerin öğrenci başarısını etkilediği görülmüştür. Bu araştırmanın amacı öğrencilerin akademik başarılarına etki eden cinsiyet, ebeveyn eğitimi ve mesleği, ekonomik durumu ve kardeş sayısı faktörlerinin öğrenci başarısı üzerindeki ilişkisini tespit etmektir. Tarama yöntemiyle yürütülen araştırmada farklı okullardan 691 öğrenciye anket uygulanmıştır. Öğrencilerin akademik başarıları e-okul sistemindeki notlarına göre hesaplanmıştır. Öğrencilerin akademik başarılarını belirleyen not ortalamalarının normallik dağılımını belirlemek için Kolmogorov-Simirnov (K-S) testi uygulanmıştır. Analizler sonucunda verilerin, nanparametrik olduğu anlaşılmıştır. Öğrenci başarısının cinsiyete göre ve anne mesleği değişkenine göre incelemek için Manny-Whitney U Testi uygulanmıştır. Öğrenci başarısını baba eğitimi, mesleği, ailenin ekonomik durumu ve ailedeki kardeş sayısına oranını nasıl etkilediği Kruskal-Wallis Testi uygulanarak belirlenmeye çalışılmıştır. Araştırma sonucu elde edilen bulgulara göre bazı değişkenler açısından anlamlı sonuçlar ortaya çıkmakta iken bazı değişkenlere göre farklılık gözlenmemiştir

    Comparison Of Dissolution Profiles Of Commercially Available Lamivudine Tablets

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of dissolution medium on the in vitro release of lamivudine (100 mg) from four commercially available lamivudine tablets (one reference and three generic). Three different buffer solutions (pH 1.2, 4.5, 6.8) and deaerated water were used as the dissolution media (900 mL), and the paddle rotation speed was kept at 50 rpm with twelve replicates. An RP HPLC method was developed for analysis of lamivudine in samples obtained from dissolution studies. The mobile phase consisted of acetonitrile/water (10:90) pH adjusted to pH 2.5 with o-phosphoric acid, a C-18 column (Ace 250 x 4.60 mm, 5 mu m) was used, and the flow rate was set at 1 mL/min. All the drugs tested were very rapidly dissolving (more than 85% of the labeled amount in 15 min), and the dissolution profiles of the generic tablets were thus considered similar to that of the reference tablet in each of the buffers at pH 1.2, 4.5, and 6.8, and deaerated water. Because of the dissolution results and the high solubility and borderline permeability, a biowaiver can be proposed for lamivudine immediate-release solid oral dosage forms provided that the excipient composition of the test product is the same as or similar to that of the reference product and the excipients that have an effect on bioavailability are qualitatively and quantitatively the same as that of the reference product.WoSScopu