105 research outputs found

    Sustainable Sourcing of Global Agricultural Raw Materials: Assessing Gaps in Key Impact and Vulnerability Issues and Indicators.

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    Understanding how to source agricultural raw materials sustainably is challenging in today's globalized food system given the variety of issues to be considered and the multitude of suggested indicators for representing these issues. Furthermore, stakeholders in the global food system both impact these issues and are themselves vulnerable to these issues, an important duality that is often implied but not explicitly described. The attention given to these issues and conceptual frameworks varies greatly--depending largely on the stakeholder perspective--as does the set of indicators developed to measure them. To better structure these complex relationships and assess any gaps, we collate a comprehensive list of sustainability issues and a database of sustainability indicators to represent them. To assure a breadth of inclusion, the issues are pulled from the following three perspectives: major global sustainability assessments, sustainability communications from global food companies, and conceptual frameworks of sustainable livelihoods from academic publications. These terms are integrated across perspectives using a common vocabulary, classified by their relevance to impacts and vulnerabilities, and categorized into groups by economic, environmental, physical, human, social, and political characteristics. These issues are then associated with over 2,000 sustainability indicators gathered from existing sources. A gap analysis is then performed to determine if particular issues and issue groups are over or underrepresented. This process results in 44 "integrated" issues--24 impact issues and 36 vulnerability issues--that are composed of 318 "component" issues. The gap analysis shows that although every integrated issue is mentioned at least 40% of the time across perspectives, no issue is mentioned more than 70% of the time. A few issues infrequently mentioned across perspectives also have relatively few indicators available to fully represent them. Issues in the impact framework generally have fewer gaps than those in the vulnerability framework

    The Neuroanatomical Basis of Two Subcomponents of Rumination: A VBM Study

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    Rumination is a trait that includes two subcomponents, namely brooding and reflective pondering, respectively construed as maladaptive and adaptive response styles to negative experiences. Existing evidence indicates that rumination in general is associated with structural and functional differences in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) and the dorsal lateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). However, conclusive evidence on the specific neural structural basis of each of the two subcomponents is lacking. In this voxel-based morphometry study, we investigated the independent and specific neural structural basis of brooding and reflective pondering in 30 healthy young adults, who belonged to high or low brooding or reflective pondering groups. Consistent with past research, modest but significant positive correlation was found between brooding and reflective pondering. When controlling for reflective pondering, high-brooding group showed increased gray matter volumes in the left DLPFC and ACC. Further analysis on extracted gray matter values showed that gray matter of the same DLPFC and ACC regions also showed significant negative effects of reflective pondering. Taken together, our findings indicate that the two subcomponents of rumination might share some common processes yet also have distinct neural basis. In view of the significant roles of the left DLPFC and ACC in attention and self-related emotional processing/regulation, our findings provide insight into how the potentially shared and distinct cognitive, affective and neural processes of brooding and reflective pondering can be extended to clinical populations to further elucidate the neurobehavioral relationships between rumination and prefrontal abnormality

    The Value of MRI in Distinguishing Subtypes of Lipomatous Extremity Tumors Needs Reassessment in the Era of MDM2 and CDK4 Testing

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    Introduction. Extremity lipomas and well-differentiated liposarcomas (WDLs) are difficult to distinguish on MR imaging. We sought to evaluate the accuracy of MRI interpretation using MDM2 amplification, via fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH), as the gold standard for pathologic diagnosis. Furthermore, we aimed to investigate the utility of a diagnostic formula proposed in the literature. Methods. We retrospectively collected 49 patients with lipomas or WDLs utilizing MDM2 for pathologic diagnosis. Four expert readers interpreted each patient\u27s MRI independently and provided a diagnosis. Additionally, a formula based on imaging characteristics (i.e. tumor depth, diameter, presence of septa, and internal cystic change) was used to predict the pathologic diagnosis. The accuracy and reliability of imaging-based diagnoses were then analyzed in comparison to the MDM2 pathologic diagnoses. Results. The accuracy of MRI readers was 73.5% (95% CI 61-86%) with substantial interobserver agreement (κ = 0.7022). The formula had an accuracy of 71%, which was not significantly different from the readers (p = 0.71). The formula and expert observers had similar sensitivity (83% versus 83%) and specificity (64.5% versus 67.7%; p = 0.659) for detecting WDLs. Conclusion. The accuracy of both our readers and the formula suggests that MRI remains unreliable for distinguishing between lipoma and WDLs

    The Value of MRI in Distinguishing Subtypes of Lipomatous Extremity Tumors Needs Reassessment in the Era of MDM2 and CDK4 Testing

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    Introduction. Extremity lipomas and well-differentiated liposarcomas (WDLs) are difficult to distinguish on MR imaging. We sought to evaluate the accuracy of MRI interpretation using MDM2 amplification, via fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH), as the gold standard for pathologic diagnosis. Furthermore, we aimed to investigate the utility of a diagnostic formula proposed in the literature. Methods. We retrospectively collected 49 patients with lipomas or WDLs utilizing MDM2 for pathologic diagnosis. Four expert readers interpreted each patient’s MRI independently and provided a diagnosis. Additionally, a formula based on imaging characteristics (i.e. tumor depth, diameter, presence of septa, and internal cystic change) was used to predict the pathologic diagnosis. The accuracy and reliability of imaging-based diagnoses were then analyzed in comparison to the MDM2 pathologic diagnoses. Results. The accuracy of MRI readers was 73.5% (95% CI 61–86%) with substantial interobserver agreement (κ=0.7022). The formula had an accuracy of 71%, which was not significantly different from the readers (p=0.71). The formula and expert observers had similar sensitivity (83% versus 83%) and specificity (64.5% versus 67.7%; p=0.659) for detecting WDLs. Conclusion. The accuracy of both our readers and the formula suggests that MRI remains unreliable for distinguishing between lipoma and WDLs

    Beta-amyloid interacts with and activates the longform phosphodiesterase PDE4D5 in neuronal cells to reduce cAMP availability

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    Inhibition of the cyclic-AMP degrading enzyme phosphodiesterase type 4 (PDE4) in the brains of animal models is protective in Alzheimer's disease (AD). We show for the first time that enzymes from the subfamily PDE4D not only colocalize with beta-amyloid (Aβ) plaques in a mouse model of AD but that Aβ directly associates with the catalytic machinery of the enzyme. Peptide mapping suggests that PDE4D is the preferential PDE4 subfamily for Aβ as it possesses a unique binding site. Intriguingly, exogenous addition of Aβ to cells overexpressing the PDE4D5 longform caused PDE4 activation and a decrease in cAMP. We suggest a novel mechanism where PDE4 longforms can be activated by Aβ, resulting in the attenuation of cAMP signalling to promote loss of cognitive function in AD

    Genome wide association study of Preserved Ratio Impaired Spirometry (PRISm)

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    Background: Preserved Ratio Impaired Spirometry (PRISm) is defined as FEV1 &lt;80% predicted, FEV1/FVC ≥0.70. PRISm is associated with respiratory symptoms and co-morbidities. Our objective was to discover novel genetic signals for PRISm and see if they provide insight into the pathogenesis of PRISm and associated co-morbidities.Methods: We undertook a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of PRISm in UK Biobank participants (Stage 1), and selected SNPs reaching genome-wide significance for replication in 13 cohorts (Stage 2). A combined meta-analysis of Stage 1 and Stage 2 was done to determine top SNPs. We used cross-trait Linkage Disequilibrium score regression to estimate genome-wide genetic correlation between PRISM and pulmonary and extra-pulmonary traits. Phenome-wide association studies of top SNPs was performed. Results: 22 signals reached significance in the joint meta-analysis, including four signals novel for lung function. A strong genome-wide genetic correlation (rg) between PRISm and spirometric COPD (rg = 0.62, p-value &lt;0.001) was observed, and genetic correlation with type II diabetes (rg = 0.12, p-value 0.007). PheWAS showed that 18 of 22 signals were associated with diabetic traits and 7 with blood pressure traits.Discussion: This is the first GWAS to successfully identify SNPs associated with PRISm. Four of the signals; rs7652391 (nearest gene MECOM), rs9431040 (HLX), rs62018863 (TMEM114) and rs185937162 (HLA-B) have not been described in association with lung function before, demonstrating the utility of using different lung function phenotypes in GWAS. Genetic factors associated with PRISm are strongly correlated with risk of both other lung diseases and extra-pulmonary co-morbidity.<br/

    Síndrome de Ehrlers-Danlos: Ehrlers-Danlos Syndrome

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    INTRODUÇÃO: A Síndrome de Ehlers-Danlos (SED) refere-se a distúrbios hereditários do tecido conjuntivo e da função do colágeno provocando como manifestações principais a hiperextensibilidade da pele, a hipermobilidade articular e a fragilidade de tecidos. De acordo com a Classificação Internacional de 2017, são reconhecidos 13 diferentes subtipos que caracterizam a sua extensa variabilidade clínica, por conseguinte, seu difícil diagnóstico. Embora apresente rara incidência, possui alta complexidade no tratamento multidisciplinar de suas complicações clínicas, o que motiva maior produção de literatura científica, ainda escassa, principalmente em território nacional. APRESENTAÇÃO DO CASO: M.M.V.R., 30 anos, sexo feminino, raça branca, G2P2, com história familiar positiva para hipermobilidade articular com queixa de dor crônica que piorou há cerca de 15 anos, associado a sintomas gastrointestinais, dermatológicos e vasculares. DISCUSSÃO: Realizou-se o diagnóstico de SED, com base na história clínica e no exame físico, utilizando-se os critérios de Beighton, a paciente foi encaminhada para acompanhamento multidisciplinar, com adesão ao tratamento observou-se melhora na qualidade de vida da paciente. CONCLUSÃO: É de se notar, portanto, que a SED é extremamente complexa desde o diagnóstico ao manejo, porém, este relato evidenciou que o diagnóstico precoce associado a um projeto terapêutico multidisciplinar pode trazer resultados impactantes

    Laceração esplênica: AAST grau IV: Splenic laceration: AAST grade IV

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    Introdução: Em vítimas de trauma abdominal fechado, cerca de 13% das lesões são esplênicas. Devido a importância dessas lesões, algumas mudanças quanto ao tratamento foram realizadas ao longo dos anos. Foi criada uma escala de pontuação que reflete lesões por ordem de gravidade, impactando na conduta terapêutica de escolha, restringindo atuações cirúrgicas apenas a quadros mais severos. Apresentação do caso: Sexo masculino, 29 anos, com relato de trauma contuso em hipocôndrio esquerdo, orientado, verbalizando, palidez cutaneo-mucosa, hipotensão, taquipneia, abdome globoso, rígido e sinal de Kehr positivo. Observada lesão esplênica grau IV em laparotomia exploradora, evoluindo para esplenectomia total e lavagem da cavidade abdominal. Discussão: As lesões esplênicas mais frequentes são as de classificação grau IV. Atualmente o padrão-ouro para trauma esplênico é o tratamento não-operatório, devendo ser realizado junto à angioembolização da artéria esplênica em lesões graves e paciente hemodinamicamente estável. Mas em casos de instabilidade hemodinâmica, adota-se a laparotomia imediata e a esplenectomia. Conclusão: O baço é um órgão com importância significativa no sistema imune e hematopoiético, e por isso foi criada uma escala de pontuação pela Associação Americana de Cirurgia do Trauma (AAST) com a finalidade de determinar a gravidade das lesões esplênicas e evitar condutas cirúrgicas desnecessárias

    Atrasentan and renal events in patients with type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease (SONAR): a double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial

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    Background: Short-term treatment for people with type 2 diabetes using a low dose of the selective endothelin A receptor antagonist atrasentan reduces albuminuria without causing significant sodium retention. We report the long-term effects of treatment with atrasentan on major renal outcomes. Methods: We did this double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled trial at 689 sites in 41 countries. We enrolled adults aged 18–85 years with type 2 diabetes, estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR)25–75 mL/min per 1·73 m 2 of body surface area, and a urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio (UACR)of 300–5000 mg/g who had received maximum labelled or tolerated renin–angiotensin system inhibition for at least 4 weeks. Participants were given atrasentan 0·75 mg orally daily during an enrichment period before random group assignment. Those with a UACR decrease of at least 30% with no substantial fluid retention during the enrichment period (responders)were included in the double-blind treatment period. Responders were randomly assigned to receive either atrasentan 0·75 mg orally daily or placebo. All patients and investigators were masked to treatment assignment. The primary endpoint was a composite of doubling of serum creatinine (sustained for ≥30 days)or end-stage kidney disease (eGFR <15 mL/min per 1·73 m 2 sustained for ≥90 days, chronic dialysis for ≥90 days, kidney transplantation, or death from kidney failure)in the intention-to-treat population of all responders. Safety was assessed in all patients who received at least one dose of their assigned study treatment. The study is registered with ClinicalTrials.gov, number NCT01858532. Findings: Between May 17, 2013, and July 13, 2017, 11 087 patients were screened; 5117 entered the enrichment period, and 4711 completed the enrichment period. Of these, 2648 patients were responders and were randomly assigned to the atrasentan group (n=1325)or placebo group (n=1323). Median follow-up was 2·2 years (IQR 1·4–2·9). 79 (6·0%)of 1325 patients in the atrasentan group and 105 (7·9%)of 1323 in the placebo group had a primary composite renal endpoint event (hazard ratio [HR]0·65 [95% CI 0·49–0·88]; p=0·0047). Fluid retention and anaemia adverse events, which have been previously attributed to endothelin receptor antagonists, were more frequent in the atrasentan group than in the placebo group. Hospital admission for heart failure occurred in 47 (3·5%)of 1325 patients in the atrasentan group and 34 (2·6%)of 1323 patients in the placebo group (HR 1·33 [95% CI 0·85–2·07]; p=0·208). 58 (4·4%)patients in the atrasentan group and 52 (3·9%)in the placebo group died (HR 1·09 [95% CI 0·75–1·59]; p=0·65). Interpretation: Atrasentan reduced the risk of renal events in patients with diabetes and chronic kidney disease who were selected to optimise efficacy and safety. These data support a potential role for selective endothelin receptor antagonists in protecting renal function in patients with type 2 diabetes at high risk of developing end-stage kidney disease. Funding: AbbVie
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