354 research outputs found


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    Intisari, Persaingan bisnis yang semakin kompetitif menuntut setiap perusahaan bekerja secara produktif dan bermutu dalam meningkatkan produktivitas agar dapat survive dan berkembang. Namun bertolak belakang dengan permasalahan ZComp yang menunjukkan bahwa kondisi kerja yang kurang efektif khususnya pada ruang service dan gudang, sehingga ZComp membutuhkan adanya penerapan metode 5S. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan observasi secara langsung dan wawancara yang dilakukan saat mendatangi lokasi dan juga lewat komunikasi handphone dengan pihak yang terkait. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis kualitatif. Hasil dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) pada seiri, perbaikan dilakukan dengan adanya penyortiran barang-barang yang masih terpakai dan tidak terpakai dengan dikelompokkan menggunakan tali raffia; (2) pada seiton, perbaikan dilakukan dengan menyiapkan tempat penyimpanan accessories komputer pada rak serta pemberian tanda visual atau label; (3) pada seiso, perbaikan dilakukan dengan penambahan dan penyediaan tempat sampah maupun alat kebersihan serta melakukan jadwal kebersihan; (4) pada seiketsu, perbaikan dilakukan dengan menggunakan media visual berupa poster berisi informasi ajakan untuk membudayakan 5S; (5) pada shitsuke, perbaikan dilakukan dengan membiasakan dan menciptakan disiplin yang tinggi serta membuat adanya SOP pada masing-masing bagian. Kata Kunci: Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke Abstract, In an increasingly competitive business competition, requires every company to work productively and quality in improving productivity in order to survive and thrive. However, in contrast to the problems ZComp which shows that working conditions are less effective, especially in the service room and warehouse, thus ZComp requires the implementation of the 5S method. This study aimed to describe the design of 5s in service and warehouse space zcomp in Surabaya. Collecting data in this study conducted by direct observation and interviews conducted when went to the location and also via mobile communication with relevant parties. Technique analyze data using qualitative analysis. The results in this study show that: (1) on seiri, repairs carried out with the sorting items that are still used and unused by classified using raffia rope; (2) on seiton, repairs done by setting up storage space on the shelves of computer accessories as well as giving visual sign or label; (3) on seiso, repairs carried out with additions and improvements were made to the provision of bins and hygiene tools and conduct hygiene schedule; (4) on seiketsu, repairs done by using visual media such as posters containing information about the call to cultivate 5S; (5) on shitsuke, improvements were made to familiarize and creating high discipline and make the SOP on each section. Keywords: Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuk


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    Intisari, Persaingan bisnis yang semakin kompetitif menuntut setiap perusahaan bekerja secara produktif dan bermutu dalam meningkatkan produktivitas agar dapat survive dan berkembang. Namun bertolak belakang dengan permasalahan ZComp yang menunjukkan bahwa kondisi kerja yang kurang efektif khususnya pada ruang service dan gudang, sehingga ZComp membutuhkan adanya penerapan metode 5S. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan observasi secara langsung dan wawancara yang dilakukan saat mendatangi lokasi dan juga lewat komunikasi handphone dengan pihak yang terkait. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis kualitatif. Hasil dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) pada seiri, perbaikan dilakukan dengan adanya penyortiran barang-barang yang masih terpakai dan tidak terpakai dengan dikelompokkan menggunakan tali raffia; (2) pada seiton, perbaikan dilakukan dengan menyiapkan tempat penyimpanan accessories komputer pada rak serta pemberian tanda visual atau label; (3) pada seiso, perbaikan dilakukan dengan penambahan dan penyediaan tempat sampah maupun alat kebersihan serta melakukan jadwal kebersihan; (4) pada seiketsu, perbaikan dilakukan dengan menggunakan media visual berupa poster berisi informasi ajakan untuk membudayakan 5S; (5) pada shitsuke, perbaikan dilakukan dengan membiasakan dan menciptakan disiplin yang tinggi serta membuat adanya SOP pada masing-masing bagian. Kata Kunci: Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke Abstract, In an increasingly competitive business competition, requires every company to work productively and quality in improving productivity in order to survive and thrive. However, in contrast to the problems ZComp which shows that working conditions are less effective, especially in the service room and warehouse, thus ZComp requires the implementation of the 5S method. This study aimed to describe the design of 5s in service and warehouse space zcomp in Surabaya. Collecting data in this study conducted by direct observation and interviews conducted when went to the location and also via mobile communication with relevant parties. Technique analyze data using qualitative analysis. The results in this study show that: (1) on seiri, repairs carried out with the sorting items that are still used and unused by classified using raffia rope; (2) on seiton, repairs done by setting up storage space on the shelves of computer accessories as well as giving visual sign or label; (3) on seiso, repairs carried out with additions and improvements were made to the provision of bins and hygiene tools and conduct hygiene schedule; (4) on seiketsu, repairs done by using visual media such as posters containing information about the call to cultivate 5S; (5) on shitsuke, improvements were made to familiarize and creating high discipline and make the SOP on each section. Keywords: Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuk


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    Intisari, Persaingan bisnis yang semakin kompetitif menuntut setiap perusahaan bekerja secara produktif dan bermutu dalam meningkatkan produktivitas agar dapat survive dan berkembang. Namun bertolak belakang dengan permasalahan ZComp yang menunjukkan bahwa kondisi kerja yang kurang efektif khususnya pada ruang service dan gudang, sehingga ZComp membutuhkan adanya penerapan metode 5S. Pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan observasi secara langsung dan wawancara yang dilakukan saat mendatangi lokasi dan juga lewat komunikasi handphone dengan pihak yang terkait. Teknik analisis data dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis kualitatif. Hasil dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa: (1) pada seiri, perbaikan dilakukan dengan adanya penyortiran barang-barang yang masih terpakai dan tidak terpakai dengan dikelompokkan menggunakan tali raffia; (2) pada seiton, perbaikan dilakukan dengan menyiapkan tempat penyimpanan accessories komputer pada rak serta pemberian tanda visual atau label; (3) pada seiso, perbaikan dilakukan dengan penambahan dan penyediaan tempat sampah maupun alat kebersihan serta melakukan jadwal kebersihan; (4) pada seiketsu, perbaikan dilakukan dengan menggunakan media visual berupa poster berisi informasi ajakan untuk membudayakan 5S; (5) pada shitsuke, perbaikan dilakukan dengan membiasakan dan menciptakan disiplin yang tinggi serta membuat adanya SOP pada masing-masing bagian. Kata Kunci: Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke Abstract, In an increasingly competitive business competition, requires every company to work productively and quality in improving productivity in order to survive and thrive. However, in contrast to the problems ZComp which shows that working conditions are less effective, especially in the service room and warehouse, thus ZComp requires the implementation of the 5S method. This study aimed to describe the design of 5s in service and warehouse space zcomp in Surabaya. Collecting data in this study conducted by direct observation and interviews conducted when went to the location and also via mobile communication with relevant parties. Technique analyze data using qualitative analysis. The results in this study show that: (1) on seiri, repairs carried out with the sorting items that are still used and unused by classified using raffia rope; (2) on seiton, repairs done by setting up storage space on the shelves of computer accessories as well as giving visual sign or label; (3) on seiso, repairs carried out with additions and improvements were made to the provision of bins and hygiene tools and conduct hygiene schedule; (4) on seiketsu, repairs done by using visual media such as posters containing information about the call to cultivate 5S; (5) on shitsuke, improvements were made to familiarize and creating high discipline and make the SOP on each section. Keywords: Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuk

    Hambatan Komunikasi Downward Dan Upward Pada Divisi Sales & Marketing Bukit Darmo Golf Surabaya

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    Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimanakah hambatan komunikasi downward dan upward pada divisi sales & marketing di Bukit Darmo Golf Surabaya. Dalam penelitiannya, peneliti menggunakan jenis deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif dengan menggunakan metode studi kasus dalam melakukan analisis serta menggunakan teknik observasi dan wawancara mendalam untuk memperoleh informasi secara mendalam dari para informan yang telah ditentukan. Hambatan komunikasi downward dan upward yang diteliti oleh peneliti adalah meliputi hambatan perilaku, hambatan struktur, hambatan bahasa, hambatan latar belakang, hambatan teknis dan hambatan jarak.Peneliti menemukan bahwa dalam divisi sales & marketing Bukit Darmo Golf terjadi hambatan komunikasi yang dilakukan dari atasan ke bawahan maupun dari bawahan ke atasan. Dimana antara atasan dengan bawahan kurang adanya kedekatan sehingga hubungan yang terjalin pun kurang harmonis dan komunikasi pun menjadi tidak efektif. Tidak adanya meeting antara atasan dengan bawahan sehingga bawahan tidak dapat memberikan umpan Balik / masukan berupa kritik dan saran. Atasan hanya berkomunikasi dengan bawahan jika ada pekerjaan yang ingin diberikan kepada bawahan

    An Empirical Investigation of Capital Structure in US Corporate Spinoffs

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    This article aims to examine the leverage choice in a corporate spin-off with those of counterparts. The factors that determine the choice of leverage in a spin-off differ from those that influence leverage ratios in firms those were not subject of spin-off. The sample used in this study consists of completed spin-offs announced between 1992 and 2016 in USA. The two competing capital structure theories-trade-off and pecking order are tested for the above-mentioned sample in this study. The results in this article are consistent with the predictions of the trade-off theory and indicate that firms weigh the costs and benefits of debt when they make capital structure decisions. Empirical studies using year-end debt ratios of firms therefore distort the impact of the factors influencing leverage choice. This study avoids the problem faced by researchers when firms deviate from target leverage ratio by investigating the capital structure of a divested subsidiary in a spin-off. Keywords: Spin-off, capital structure theories DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/10-13-02 Publication date:July 31st 201

    Cost effectiveness of treatments for wet age-related macular degeneration

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    Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is a leading cause of blindness in people aged >= 50 years. Wet AMD in particular has a major impact on patient quality of life and imposes substantial burdens on healthcare systems. This systematic review examined the cost-effectiveness data for current therapeutic options for wet AMD. PubMed and EMBASE databases were searched for all articles reporting original cost-effectiveness analyses of wet AMD treatments. The Centre for Reviews and Dissemination and Cochrane Library databases were searched for all wet AMD health technology assessments (HTAs). Overall, 44 publications were evaluated in full and included in this review. A broad range of cost-effectiveness analyses were identified for the most commonly used therapies for wet AMD (pegaptanib, ranibizumab and photodynamic therapy [PDT] with verteporfin). Three studies evaluated the cost effectiveness of bevacizumab in wet AMD. A small number of analyses of other treatments, such as laser photocoagulation and antioxidant vitamins, were also found. Ranibizumab was consistently shown to be cost effective for wet AMD in comparison with all the approved wet AMD therapies (four of the five studies identified showed ranibizumab was cost effective vs usual care, PDT or pegaptanib); however, there was considerable variation in the methodology for cost-effectiveness modelling between studies. Findings from the HTAs supported those from the PubMed and EM BASE searches; of the seven HTAs that included ranibizumab, six (including HTAs for Australia, Canada and the UK) concluded that ranibizumab was cost effective for the treatment of wet AMD; most compared ranibizumab with PDT and/or pegaptanib. By contrast, HTAs at best generally recommended pegaptanib or PDT for restricted use in subsets of patients with wet AMD. In the literature analyses, pegaptanib was found to be cost effective versus usual/best supportive care (including PDT) or no treatment in one of five studies; the other four studies found pegaptanib was of borderline cost effectiveness depending on the stage of disease and time horizon. PDT was shown to be cost effective versus usual/best supportive care or no treatment in five of nine studies; two studies showed that PDT was of borderline cost effectiveness depending on baseline visual acuity, and two showed that PDT was not cost effective. We identified no robust studies that properly evaluated the cost effectiveness of bevacizumab in wet AMD

    Comparative Analysis of SME Policy: The Takeaway for Bangladesh

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    Small and Medium Enterprises has been in attention of researchers for their potential in accelerating economic growth. Hence, SME policy is vital in ensuring the economic development of any country. Comparing the SME policy in different parts of the world can shed light on issues related to SME development. Bangladesh is trying to emphasize on SME growth and enhancement. Therefore this study aims to compare different SME policies and uncover the areas where Bangladesh needs improvement. Keywords: Small and Medium Enterprises (SME), Policy Analysis DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/11-21-03 Publication date:July 31st 201


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    Objectives: Better understanding dyspepsia in Parkinson’s disease (PD) in order to improve patients quality of life.Methods: 27 patients (17 men,10 women, mean age=68,11± 12,62 years) diagnosed with PD (Hoehn-Yars scale), treated with levodopa or dopamine agonists, with gastrointestinal autonomic disorders and disturbances of gastric motility assessed by ultrasound approach undertook a trial consisting of a treatment with Trimebutine 300 mg/day for 3 months. We have assessed digestive severity symptoms scores before and after therapy: no symptoms=0, mild=1, medium=2, severe=3, comparing also to gastric motility curves.Results: Before therapy 15 patients showed delayed of the gastric emptying (55,56%), 7 normal motility (25,92%) and 5 patients rapid emptying (18,51%).Symptoms severity scores before therapy were: 8 patients (29,52%) mild ,14 patients (51,85%) medium and 5 patients (18,51%).severe. Mean dyspepsia severity index in patients with gastric motility disorders before therapy was 2,20±0,52.After therapy the same index decreased to 1,50±0,69(p=0,0009).Gastric motility curves showed an improving after therapy more important in those with delaying emptying varying with 23,45%±14,03 versus 15%±5,87% in patients with rapid emptying (either p<0,001).Conclusions An important range of patients with PD, with nausea and vomiting presented gastric motility disorders (74,07%), most of them having delay of the emptying and a satisfactory response to the treatment with Trimebutine with improving of symptom severity index and also gastric motility
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