872 research outputs found

    Effects of food nutrient content, insect age and stage in the feeding cycle on the FMRFamide immunoreactivity of diffuse endocrine cells in the locust gut

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    We have studied the influence of variations in dietary protein and digestible carbohydrate content, of insect age and of time during the feeding cycle on the endocrine cells of the ampullar region of the midgut in the African migratory locust Locusta migratoria L. Morphometric analysis of FMRFamide-like immunoreactivity was used as an indirect measure of the amount of FMRFamide-related peptides (FaRPs) stored in the gut endocrine cells. There was a highly significant correlation between FaRP content and the nutritional quality of the food, measured relative to the concentrations and ratio of protein to digestible carbohydrate in a nutritionally optimal diet. The direction of the relationship between FaRP content and diet quality varied with age during the fifth stadium. On day 1, FaRP levels increased with the nutritional quality of the food, while on day 4 the opposite relationship was observed. Release of peptide was triggered by the onset of a meal during ad libitum feeding, with cell FaRP levels returning to premeal values within 15 min of the meal ending. The results also suggested that cell contents were released during food deprivation beyond the normal intermeal interval. Locusts switched for a single meal during ad libitum feeding on day 4 from a low- to a high-carbohydrate food did not respond by reducing endocrine cell FaRP content. Our results show a relationship between the diffuse gut endocrine system and feeding and nutrition in locusts. The ampullar endocrine cells are in three-way contact with the midgut luminal contents, with the primary urine from the Malpighian tubules and with the haemolymph. They are thus ideally positioned to play an integrative receptor-secretory function in the regulation of a variety of post-ingestive processes, such as enzyme secretion, absorption, gut motility or nutrient metabolism

    Discovery of a redshift 6.13 quasar in the UKIRT infrared deep sky survey

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    Original article can be found at: http://www.aanda.org/ Copyright The European Southern Observatory (ESO) DOI: 10.1051/0004-6361/200811161Optical and near-infrared (NIR) spectra are presented for ULAS J131911.29+095051.4 (hereafter ULAS J1319+0950), a new redshift z = 6.127 0.004 quasar discovered in the Third Data Release (DR3) of the UKIRT Infrared Deep Sky Survey (UKIDSS). The source has = 19.10 0.03, corresponding to = -27.12, which is comparable to the absolute magnitudes of the z 6 quasars discovered in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). ULAS J1319+0950 was, in fact, registered by SDSS as a faint source with = 20.13 0.12, just below the signal-to-noise ratio limit of the SDSS high-redshift quasar survey. The faint z-band magnitude is a consequence of the weak Ly /N V emission line, which has a rest-frame equivalent width of ~20Å and provides only a small boost to the z-band flux. Nevertheless, there is no evidence of a significant new population of high-redshift quasars with weak emission lines from this UKIDSS-based search. The Ly  optical depth to ULAS J1319+0950 is consistent with that measured towards similarly distant SDSS quasars, implying that results from optical- and NIR-selected quasars may be combined in studies of cosmological reionization. Also presented is a new NIR-spectrum of the previously discovered UKIDSS quasar ULAS J020332.38+001229.2, which reveals the object to be a broad absorption line quasar. The new spectrum shows that the emission line initially identified as Ly  is actually N V, leading to a revised redshift of z = 5.72, rather than z = 5.86 as previously estimatedPeer reviewe

    On the maximal sum of exponents of runs in a string

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    A run is an inclusion maximal occurrence in a string (as a subinterval) of a repetition vv with a period pp such that 2pv2p \le |v|. The exponent of a run is defined as v/p|v|/p and is 2\ge 2. We show new bounds on the maximal sum of exponents of runs in a string of length nn. Our upper bound of 4.1n4.1n is better than the best previously known proven bound of 5.6n5.6n by Crochemore & Ilie (2008). The lower bound of 2.035n2.035n, obtained using a family of binary words, contradicts the conjecture of Kolpakov & Kucherov (1999) that the maximal sum of exponents of runs in a string of length nn is smaller than 2n2nComment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Dietary influences over proliferating cell nuclear antigen expression in the locust midgut

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    We have studied the influence of variations in dietary protein (P) and digestible carbohydrate (C), the quantity of food eaten, and insect age during the fifth instar on the expression of the proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) in the epithelial cells of the midgut (with special reference to the midgut caeca) in the African migratory locust, Locusta migratoria. Densitometric analysis of PCNA-immunostained cells was used as an indirect measure of the levels of expression of PCNA, and a PCNA cellular index (PCNA-I) was obtained. Measurements of the DNA content of the cells have also been carried out by means of microdensitometry of Feulgen-stained, thick sections of midgut. A comparison between the PCNA nuclear level and the DNA content was performed. The PCNA levels were significantly different among the cells of the five regions studied: caeca, anterior ventricle, medial ventricle, posterior ventricle and ampullae of the Malpighian tubules. We have studied in more detail the region with highest PCNA-I, i.e. the caeca. The quality and the quantity of food eaten under ad libitum conditions were highly correlated with both the PCNA and DNA levels in the caeca cells. Locusts fed a diet with a close to optimal P:C content (P 21%, C 21%) showed the highest PCNA and DNA content. In locusts fed a food that also contained a 1:1 ratio of P to C but was diluted three-fold by addition of indigestible cellulose (P 7%, C 7%), a compensatory increase in consumption was critical to maintaining PCNA levels. Our measurements also showed that the nuclear DNA content of the mature and differentiated epithelial cells was several-fold higher than the levels in the undifferentiated stem cells of the regenerative nests. These results, combined with the low number of mitotic figures found in the regenerative nests of the caeca and the marked variation in PCNA levels among groups, suggest that some type of DNA endoreduplication process may be taking place. Our data also indicate that the DNA synthetic activity in the midgut is related to feeding in locusts. The possible dietary and nutritional regulatory mechanisms and the significance of the differences found are discussed

    Solution structure of the Hop TPR2A domain and investigation of target druggability by NMR, biochemical and in silico approaches

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    Heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) is a molecular chaperone that plays an important role in tumour biology by promoting the stabilisation and activity of oncogenic ‘client’ proteins. Inhibition of Hsp90 by small-molecule drugs, acting via its ATP hydrolysis site, has shown promise as a molecularly targeted cancer therapy. Owing to the importance of Hop and other tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR)-containing cochaperones in regulating Hsp90 activity, the Hsp90-TPR domain interface is an alternative site for inhibitors, which could result in effects distinct from ATP site binders. The TPR binding site of Hsp90 cochaperones includes a shallow, positively charged groove that poses a significant challenge for druggability. Herein, we report the apo, solution-state structure of Hop TPR2A which enables this target for NMR-based screening approaches. We have designed prototype TPR ligands that mimic key native ‘carboxylate clamp’ interactions between Hsp90 and its TPR cochaperones and show that they block binding between Hop TPR2A and the Hsp90 C-terminal MEEVD peptide. We confirm direct TPR-binding of these ligands by mapping 1H–15N HSQC chemical shift perturbations to our new NMR structure. Our work provides a novel structure, a thorough assessment of druggability and robust screening approaches that may offer a potential route, albeit difficult, to address the chemically challenging nature of the Hop TPR2A target, with relevance to other TPR domain interactors

    Enzymatic activities and functional interdependencies of Bacillus subtilis lipoteichoic acid synthesis enzymes

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    Lipoteichoic acid (LTA) is an important cell wall polymer in Gram-positive bacteria. The enzyme responsible for polyglycerolphosphate LTA synthesis is LtaS, first described in Staphylococcus aureus. Four LtaS orthologues, LtaSBS, YfnI, YqgS and YvgJ, are present in Bacillus subtilis. Using an in vitro enzyme assay, we determined that all four proteins are Mn2+-dependent metal enzymes that use phosphatidylglycerol as a substrate. We show that LtaSBS, YfnI and YqgS can produce polymers, suggesting that these three proteins are bona-fide LTA synthases while YvgJ functions as an LTA primase, as indicated by the accumulation of a GroP-Glc2-DAG glycolipid. Western blot analysis of LTA produced by ltaSBS, yfnI, yqgS and yvgJ single, triple and the quadruple mutant, showed that LTA production was only abolished in the quadruple and the YvgJ-only expressing mutant. B. subtilis strains expressing YfnI in the absence of LtaSBS produced LTA of retarded mobility, presumably caused by an increase in chain length as suggested by a structural analysis of purified LTA. Taken together, the presented results indicate that the mere presence or absence of LTA cannot account for cell division and sporulation defects observed in the absence of individual enzymes and revealed an unexpected enzymatic interdependency of LtaS-type proteins in B. subtilis

    Diversity and impact of rare variants in genes encoding the platelet G protein-coupled receptors

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    Platelet responses to activating agonists are influenced by common population variants within or near G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) genes that affect receptor activity. However, the impact of rare GPCR gene variants is unknown. We describe the rare single nucleotide variants (SNVs) in the coding and splice regions of 18 GPCR genes in 7,595 exomes from the 1,000-genomes and Exome Sequencing Project databases and in 31 cases with inherited platelet function disorders (IPFDs). In the population databases, the GPCR gene target regions contained 740 SNVs (318 synonymous, 410 missense, 7 stop gain and 6 splice region) of which 70 % had global minor allele frequency (MAF) < 0.05 %. Functional annotation using six computational algorithms, experimental evidence and structural data identified 156/740 (21 %) SNVs as potentially damaging to GPCR function, most commonly in regions encoding the transmembrane and C-terminal intracellular receptor domains. In 31 index cases with IPFDs (Gi-pathway defect n=15; secretion defect n=11; thromboxane pathway defect n=3 and complex defect n=2) there were 256 SNVs in the target regions of 15 stimulatory platelet GPCRs (34 unique; 12 with MAF< 1 % and 22 with MAF≥ 1 %). These included rare variants predicting R122H, P258T and V207A substitutions in the P2Y12 receptor that were annotated as potentially damaging, but only partially explained the platelet function defects in each case. Our data highlight that potentially damaging variants in platelet GPCR genes have low individual frequencies, but are collectively abundant in the population. Potentially damaging variants are also present in pedigrees with IPFDs and may contribute to complex laboratory phenotypes

    Dietary protein supplementation and its consequences for intake, digestion, and physical activity of a carnivorous marsupial, Sminthopsis crassicaudata

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    Diet regulation behavior can mediate the consequences of imbalanced diets for animal well‐being, particularly for captive species that have little dietary choice. Dasyurids (carnivorous marsupials) are of conservation concern in Australia, and many species are in captive breeding programmes. However, their nutrient targets and dietary regulation behaviors are poorly understood, a limitation that may decrease the breeding success and well‐being of captive animals. We tested how dietary protein content influenced the intake and utilization of nutrients, physical activity, and body mass of fat‐tailed dunnarts Sminthopsis crassicaudata. Twelve adult dunnarts from six sibling pairs (one female and one male per pair) were provided ad libitum access to three diets in a repeated measures design: cat food, cat food supplemented with raw lean beef (1:1), and cat food supplemented with cooked lean beef (1:1). Food intake, activity level, and fecal output were measured daily. Dunnarts significantly decreased food intake, increased protein digestion, and physical activity, but body mass was unchanged when on the high‐protein diet compared to the normal cat food diet. These observations suggest a capacity of dunnarts to maintain constant body mass using a dynamic balance of feeding, digestion, and activity. We also found a significant effect of family, with differences between families as large as the difference between the diet treatments, suggesting a genetic component to diet selection. The nutrient regulation responses of dunnarts to high‐protein diets and the strong family effects provide important messages for the management of populations of small carnivores, including the aspects of dietary manipulation and conservation of genetic diversity.Lihong Yuan, Shawn Wilder, David Raubenheimer, Stephen J. Simpson, Michelle Shaw, Bronwyn M. McAlla

    Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of daily all-over-body application of emollient during the first year of life for preventing atopic eczema in high-risk children (The BEEP trial): protocol for a randomised controlled trial.

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    BACKGROUND: Atopic eczema (AE) is a common skin problem that impairs quality of life and is associated with the development of other atopic diseases including asthma, food allergy and allergic rhinitis. AE treatment is a significant cost burden for health care providers. The purpose of the trial is to investigate whether daily application of emollients for the first year of life can prevent AE developing in high-risk infants (first-degree relative with asthma, AE or allergic rhinitis). METHODS: This is a protocol for a pragmatic, two-arm, randomised controlled, multicentre trial. Up to 1400 term infants at high risk of developing AE will be recruited through the community, primary and secondary care in England. Participating families will be randomised in a 1:1 ratio to receive general infant skin-care advice, or general skin-care advice plus emollients with advice to apply daily to the infant for the first year of life. Families will not be blinded to treatment allocation. The primary outcome will be a blinded assessment of AE at 24 months of age using the UK Working Party Diagnostic Criteria for Atopic Eczema. Secondary outcomes are other definitions of AE, time to AE onset, severity of AE (EASI and POEM), presence of other allergic diseases including food allergy, asthma and hay fever, allergic sensitisation, quality of life, cost-effectiveness and safety of the emollients. Subgroup analyses are planned for the primary outcome according to filaggrin genotype and the number of first-degree relatives with AE and other atopic diseases. Families will be followed up by online and postal questionnaire at 3, 6, 12 and 18 months with a face-to-face visit at 24 months. Long-term follow-up until 60 months will be via annual questionnaires. DISCUSSION: This trial will demonstrate whether skin-barrier enhancement through daily emollient for the first year of life can prevent AE from developing in high-risk infants. If effective, this simple and cheap intervention has the potential to result in significant cost savings for health care providers throughout the world by preventing AE and possibly other associated allergic diseases. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ISRCTN registry; ID: ISRCTN21528841 . Registered on 25 July 2014

    Recruitment, consent and retention of participants in randomised controlled trials : a review of trials published in the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Journals Library (1997–2020)

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    Objectives To review the consent, recruitment and retention rates for randomised controlled trials (RCTs) funded by the UK’s National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) and published in the online NIHR Journals Library between January 1997 and December 2020. Design Comprehensive review. Setting RCTs funded by the NIHR and published in the NIHR Journals Library. Data extraction Information relating to the trial characteristics, sample size, recruitment and retention. Primary and secondary outcome measures The primary outcome was the recruitment rate (number of participants recruited per centre per month). Secondary outcomes were the target sample size and whether it was achieved; consent rates (percentage of eligible participants who consented and were randomised) and retention rates (percentage of randomised participants retained and assessed with valid primary outcome data). Results This review identified 388 individual RCTs from 379 reports in the NIHR Journals Library. The final recruitment target sample size was achieved in 63% (245/388) of the RCTs. The original recruitment target was revised in 30% (118/388) of trials (downwards in 67% (79/118)). The median recruitment rate (participants per centre per month) was found to be 0.95 (IQR: 0.42–2.60); the median consent rate was 72% (IQR: 50%–88%) and the median retention rate was estimated at 88% (IQR: 80%–97%). Conclusions There is considerable variation in the consent, recruitment and retention rates in publicly funded RCTs. Although the majority of (6 out of 10) trials in this review achieved their final target sample; 3 out of 10 trials revised their original target sample size (downwards in 7 out of 10 trials). Investigators should bear this in mind at the planning stage of their study and not be overly optimistic about their recruitment projections