897 research outputs found

    Measuring Turbulent Dissipation Using a Tethered ADCP

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    The structure function method for estimating the dissipation rate of turbulent kinetic energy, previously validated for measurements from seabed fixed mounts, is applied to data from 1.2-MHz acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) instruments operating in pulse�pulse coherent mode and mounted in midwater below a tethered buoy. Movements of the buoy introduce additional relative velocity components, but it is hypothesized that these flow components should not seriously interfere with the turbulence information because (i) horizontal or vertical translation induces the same flow component in all cells of an ADCP beam and (ii) any rotation of the instrument about its center induces flow components that are normal to the beam direction, and thus neither affect the structure function. This hypothesis is tested by comparing a series of dissipation measurements from a moored ADCP with those from a free-falling Vertical Microstructure Profiler (VMP) shear probe deployed from a nearby research vessel. The results indicate generally good conformity in both mean and variability over almost two decades of dissipation rates. The noise level of the structure function estimates with the pulse�pulse coherent ADCP is close to that of the VMP at ~3 � 10�10 W kg�1. This approach offers the prospect of long time series measurements of dissipation rate from moorings, albeit with restricted vertical range of a few meters

    Dissipation and mixing during the onset of stratification in a temperate lake, Windermere

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    Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers and chains of temperature sensors were used to observe the spring transition to stable stratification over a 55 day period in a temperate lake. Observations of the flow structure were complemented by measurements of dissipation, based on the Structure Function method, near the lake bed and in the upper part of the water column. During complete vertical mixing, wind-driven motions had horizontally isotropic velocities with roughly equal barotropic and baroclinic kinetic energy. Dissipation was closely correlated with the wind-speed cubed, indicating law of the wall scaling, and had peak values of ~1 x 10-5.5 W kg-1 at 10 m depth during maximum wind forcing (W~ 15 m s-1). As stratification developed, the flow evolved into a predominantly baroclinic regime dominated by the first mode internal seiche, with root mean square (rms) axial flow speeds of ~2-3 cm-1; ~ 2.5-times the transverse component. At 2.8 m above the bed, most of the dissipation occurred in a number of strong maxima coinciding with peaks of near-bed flow. In the pycnocline, dissipation was low most of the time, but with pronounced maxima (reaching ~1 x 10-5 W kg-1) closely related to the local velocity shear. The downward diffusive heat flux across the pycnocline over 27.5 days accounted for ~ 70% of the temperature rise in the water column below. Total lake kinetic energy increased by a factor of 3 between mixed and stratified regimes, in spite of reduced wind forcing, indicating less efficient damping in stable conditions

    Future variability of solute transport in a macrotidal estuary

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    AbstractThe physical controls on salt distribution and river-sourced conservative solutes, including the potential implications of climate change, are investigated referring to model simulations of a macrotidal estuary. In the UK, such estuaries typically react rapidly to rainfall events and, as such, are often in a state of non-equilibrium in terms of solute transport; hence are particularly sensitive to climate extremes. Sea levels are projected to rise over the 21st century, extending the salinity maximum upstream in estuaries, which will also affect downstream solute transport, promoting estuarine trapping and reducing offshore dispersal of material. Predicted ‘drier summers’ and ‘wetter winters’ in the UK will influence solute transport further still; we found that projected river flow climate changes were more influential than sea-level rise, especially for low flow conditions. Our simulations show that projected climate change for the UK is likely to increase variability in estuarine solute transport and, specifically, increase the likelihood of estuarine trapping during summer, mainly due to drier weather conditions. Future changes in solute transport were less certain during winter, since increased river flow will to some extent counter-act the effects of sea-level rise. Our results have important implications for non-conservative nutrient transport, water quality, coastal management and ecosystem resilience


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    Rich and Poor in New Zealand: A Critique of Class, Politics and Ideology, Social Policy and the Welfare State in New Zealand, The Framework of Industrial Law in New Zealand, Industrial Society: Class Clevage and Control, The Control of Work, The Workless State: Studies in Umemployment, A Professional Union: the Evolution of the Institution of Professional Civil Servants, Strike

    The role of discharge variability in determining alluvial stratigraphy

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    We illustrate the potential for using physics-based modeling to link alluvial stratigraphy to large river morphology and dynamics. Model simulations, validated using ground penetrating radar data from the Río Paraná, Argentina, demonstrate a strong relationship between bar-scale set thickness and channel depth, which applies across a wide range of river patterns and bar types. We show that hydrologic regime, indexed by discharge variability and flood duration, exerts a first-order influence on morphodynamics and hence bar set thickness, and that planform morphology alone may be a misleading variable for interpreting deposits. Indeed, our results illustrate that rivers evolving under contrasting hydrologic regimes may have very similar morphology, yet be characterized by marked differences in stratigraphy. This realization represents an important limitation on the application of established theory that links river topography to alluvial deposits, and highlights the need to obtain field evidence of discharge variability when developing paleoenvironmental reconstructions. Model simulations demonstrate the potential for deriving such evidence using metrics of paleocurrent variance

    A Computation of the Maximal Order Type of the Term Ordering on Finite Multisets

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    We give a sharpening of a recent result of Aschenbrenner and Pong about the maximal order type of the term ordering on the finite multisets over a wpo. Moreover we discuss an approach to compute maximal order types of well-partial orders which are related to tree embeddings

    Bulk experimental evidence of half-metallic ferromagnetism in doped manganites

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    We report precise measurements and quantitative data analysis on the low-temperature resistivity of several ferromagnetic manganite films. We clearly show that there exists a T^{4.5} term in low-temperature resistivity, and that this term is in quantitative agreement with the quantum theory of two-magnon scattering for half metallic ferromagnets. Our present results provide the first bulk experimental evidence of half-metallic ferromagnetism in doped manganites.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Noradrenaline release from permeabilized synaptosomes is inhibited by the light chain of tetanus toxin

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    Noradrenaline release from rat brain cortical synaptosomes permeabilized with streptolysin O can be triggered by μM concentrations of free Ca2+. This process was inhibited within minutes by tetanus toxin and its isolated light chain, but not by its heavy chain. The data demonstrate that the effect of tetanus toxin on NA release from purified synaptosomes is caused by the intraterminal action of its light chain