249 research outputs found

    Ten minutes ergometer rowing exercise increases pressure pain thresholds in high performance rowers

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    Background: Mechanical hypoalgesia has been demonstrated following bouts of acute exercise. The pain relieving properties of exercise thus have the potential to be utilised to help manage painful musculoskeletal conditions, such as osteoarthritis. The mechanisms that underlie this exercise - induced hypoalgesia are poorly understood; as is the type of exercise, the duration and the intensity required to produce hypoalgesia. A complete knowledge of these factors is required before therapeutic exercise programs for pain management can be implemented on an evidence basis in the clinical setting. This research provides a clearly defined exercise protocol which induces hypoalgesia. Hypothesis: Ten minutes ergometer rowing increases pressure pain thresholds in high performance rowers. Study design: Laboratory Study, within - group repeated measures Methods: 20 high performance rowers (13M:7F; mean age: 20.8 years ± 1.74) had pressure pain threshold measurements performed at three anatomical sites (2 local, 1 remote) before and immediately following 10 minutes ergometer rowing at 50-80% estimated VO2max. Results: Pressure pain thresholds were significantly increased (P < 0.05) at all anatomical locations post - exercise compared to pre - exercise. Conclusions: High intensity ergometer rowing induces statistically and clinically significant mechanical hypoalgesia at both local and remote sites in high performance rowers. Clinical relevance: Ergometer rowing is a low impact activity that may prove beneficial in the management of painful joint and muscle conditions, such as osteoarthritis

    Around the tangent cone theorem

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    A cornerstone of the theory of cohomology jump loci is the Tangent Cone theorem, which relates the behavior around the origin of the characteristic and resonance varieties of a space. We revisit this theorem, in both the algebraic setting provided by cdga models, and in the topological setting provided by fundamental groups and cohomology rings. The general theory is illustrated with several classes of examples from geometry and topology: smooth quasi-projective varieties, complex hyperplane arrangements and their Milnor fibers, configuration spaces, and elliptic arrangements.Comment: 39 pages; to appear in the proceedings of the Configurations Spaces Conference (Cortona 2014), Springer INdAM serie

    Air quality assessment for Portugal

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    According to the Air Quality Framework Directive, air pollutant concentration levels have to be assessed and reported annually by each European Union member state, taking into consideration European air quality standards. Plans and programmes should be implemented in zones and agglomerations where pollutant concentrations exceed the limit and target values. The main objective of this study is to perform a long-term air quality simulation for Portugal, using the CHIMERE chemistry-transport model, applied over Portugal, for the year 2001. The model performance was evaluated by comparing its results to air quality data from the regional monitoring networks and to data from a diffusive sampling experimental campaign. The results obtained show a modelling system able to reproduce the pollutant concentrations' temporal evolution and spatial distribution observed at the regional networks of air quality monitoring. As far as the fulfilment of the air quality targets is concerned, there are excessive values for nitrogen and sulfur dioxides, ozone also being a critical gaseous pollutant in what concerns hourly concentrations and AOT40 (Accumulated Over Threshold 40 ppb) values

    Shape-optimization of 2D hydrofoils using an isogeometric BEM solver

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    In this paper, an optimization procedure, based on an Isogeometric BEM solver for the potential flow, is developed and used for the shape optimization of hydrofoils. The formulation of the exterior potential-flow problem reduces to a Boundary-Integral Equation (BIE) for the associated velocity potential exploiting the null-pressure jump Kutta condition at the trailing edge. The numerical solution of the BIE is performed by an Isogeometric Boundary-Element Method (BEM) combining a generic B-splines parametric modeler for generating hydrofoil shapes, using a set of eight parameters, the very same basis of the geometric representation for representing the velocity potential and collocation at the Greville abscissas of the knot vector of the hydrofoil's B-splines representation. Furthermore, the optimization environment is developed based on the geometric parametric modeler for the hydrofoil, the Isogeometric BEM solver and an optimizer employing a controlled elitist genetic algorithm. Multi-objective hydrofoil shape optimization examples are demonstrated with respect to the criteria (i) maximum lift coefficient and (ii) minimum deviation of the hydrofoil area from a reference area

    Planck scale effects in neutrino physics

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    We study the phenomenology and cosmology of the Majoron (flavon) models of three active and one inert neutrino paying special attention to the possible (almost) conserved generalization of the Zeldovich-Konopinski-Mahmoud lepton charge. Using Planck scale physics effects which provide the breaking of the lepton charge, we show how in this picture one can incorporate the solutions to some of the central issues in neutrino physics such as the solar and atmospheric neutrino puzzles, dark matter and a 17 keV neutrino. These gravitational effects induce tiny Majorana mass terms for neutrinos and considerable masses for flavons. The cosmological demand for the sufficiently fast decay of flavons implies a lower limit on the electron neutrino mass in the range of 0.1-1 eV.Comment: 24 pages, 1 figure (not included but available upon request), LaTex, IC/92/196, SISSA-140/92/EP, LMU-09/9

    Plasma gut hormone levels in 37 patients with pheochromocytomas

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    Pheochromocytomas are usually recognized by the effects of overproduction of catecholamines, but there are clinical features that cannot be ascribed to catecholamine excess that may be due to vasoactive peptides. We, therefore, measured blood levels of vasoactive intestinal peptides (VIP), substance P, somatostatin (SS), and motilin in 50 instances in 37 patients with pheochromocytomas-21 malignant, 10 benign intra-adrenal, and 6 ectopic (5 paracardial and 1 perirenal). Hormone levels were considered raised if the level was more than 3 S.D. above the mean value found in 52 healthy subjects. Of the 37 patients, 20 (54%) had an abnormality in 1 or more gut hormone levels. The most common abnormality was a raised SS in 9/37 (24%). In addition to these, however, 3 (8%) others had raised VIP, 5 (13.5%) raised motilin, and 3 (8%) raised substance P. Patients with benign adrenal adenomas had raised levels of SS and substance P. Ectopic pheochromocytomas produced only SS in addition to catecholamines, but malignant pheochromocytomas could secrete all 4 peptides, and more than 1 in the same patient. We conclude that pheochromocytomas may secrete multiple vasoactive peptides, and they are more likely to do so if malignant. Somatostatin is the most commonly secreted peptide and is found with benign adrenal and ectopic (paracardiac) tumors. If the level of more than 1 peptide is elevated, the likelihood of malignancy is significantly increased . Les phéochromocytomes sont généralement déceléspar les effets dûs à la surproduction de catécholamines, mais certains troubles ne peuvent être attribués à ce phénomène et relèvent peut être de l'action de peptides vasoactifs. Les auteurs se sont donc attachés à doser dans le sang le VIP, la substance P, la somatostatine (SS), et la motiline. Ces dosages furent pratiqués 50 fois chez 37 malades porteurs de phéochromocytomes: 21 malins, 10 bénins et 6 ectopiques (5 paracardiaque et 1 péri-rénal). Les taux des hormones furent considérés comme élevés lorsque leur niveau fut supérieur à plus de 3 fois le taux de 52 sujets sains. Sur les 37 malades 20 (54%) présentaient un excès d'une ou de plusieurs hormones digestives. L'anomalie constatée la plus fréquente fut l'élévation de la SS (9 fois sur 37 soit 24%). Ajoutée à ce fait fut l'élévation de la VIP chez 3 sujets (8%), de la motiline chez 5 (13.5%) et de la substance P chez 3 (8%). Les phéochromocytomes bénins surrénaliens présentaient à la fois une élévation du taux de la SS et de la substance P. Les phéochromocytomes ectopiques en revanche présentaient seulement une élévation de la SS. Les phéochromocytomes malins pouvaient sécréter les 4 peptides ou plus d'un chez le même malade. En conclusion les phéochromocytomes peuvent secréter de multiples peptides vasoactifs et plus particulièrement lorsqu'ils sont malins. La SS est la substance qui est la plus souvent secrétée et elle est trouvée dans les tumeurs bénignes surrénaliennes ou ectopiques. Si plus d'une de ces substances est produite en excès les risques de malignité de la tumeur sont significativement plus importants. Los feocromocitomas generalmente son diagnosticados por los efectos del exceso de producción de catecolaminas pero hay características clínicas que no pueden ser atribuidas al exceso de catecolaminas y que pueden ser más bien manifestación de péptidos vasoactivos. Hemos establecido los niveles sanguíneos del péptido intestinal vasoactivo (VIP), de la sustancia P, de la somatostatina (SS), y de la motilina en 50 determinaciones en 37 pacientes con feocromocitomas; 21 malignos, 10 benignos intra-adrenales, y 6 ectópicos (5 paracardiales y 1 perirrenal). Se consideró que los niveles hormonales estaban elevados cuando el nivel era de más de 3 de desviación estandar sobre el valor promedio en 52 individuos normales. De 37 pacientes, 20 (54%) presentaron un valor anormal en 1 o más determinaciones del nivel de hormonas intestinales. La anormalidad más común fue la elevación de la SS en 9/37 (24%). Además de esto, sinembargo, otros 3 (8%) presentaban elevación de VIP, 5 (13.5%) elevación de sustancia P. Los adenomas suprarrenales benignos exhibieron niveles elevados de SS y de sustancia P. Los feocromocitomas ectópicos demostraron producción sólo de SS además de catecolaminas, pero los feocromocitomas malignos demostraron ser capaces de secretar todos los 4 péptidos, y más de 1 en el mismo paciente. Hemos llegado a la conclusión de que los feocromocitomas pueden secretar múltiples peptidos vasoactivos y que ésto tiende a ocurrir cuando son malignos. La SS es el péptido más frecuentemente secretado y se lo encuentra en los tumores suprarrenales benigno y ectópico (paracardiacos). Si se encuentran niveles elevados de más de 1 péptido, la posibilidad de malignidad aparece significativamente aumentada.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/41274/1/268_2005_Article_BF01655534.pd

    The global atmospheric electrical circuit and climate

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    Evidence is emerging for physical links among clouds, global temperatures, the global atmospheric electrical circuit and cosmic ray ionisation. The global circuit extends throughout the atmosphere from the planetary surface to the lower layers of the ionosphere. Cosmic rays are the principal source of atmospheric ions away from the continental boundary layer: the ions formed permit a vertical conduction current to flow in the fair weather part of the global circuit. Through the (inverse) solar modulation of cosmic rays, the resulting columnar ionisation changes may allow the global circuit to convey a solar influence to meteorological phenomena of the lower atmosphere. Electrical effects on non-thunderstorm clouds have been proposed to occur via the ion-assisted formation of ultra-fine aerosol, which can grow to sizes able to act as cloud condensation nuclei, or through the increased ice nucleation capability of charged aerosols. Even small atmospheric electrical modulations on the aerosol size distribution can affect cloud properties and modify the radiative balance of the atmosphere, through changes communicated globally by the atmospheric electrical circuit. Despite a long history of work in related areas of geophysics, the direct and inverse relationships between the global circuit and global climate remain largely quantitatively unexplored. From reviewing atmospheric electrical measurements made over two centuries and possible paleoclimate proxies, global atmospheric electrical circuit variability should be expected on many timescale