19 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Geolistrik pada Pemetaan Daerah Intrusi Air Laut di Pantai Candidasa

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    To know the magnitude of sea water intrusion that occurred in Candidasa area need to be mapping by using Geo-electric Method. Geo-electric method is one Geophysical method that works by injecting an electric current into the ground and then measured the potential difference it generates. Based on the data of electric current and potential difference, resistivity will be obtained in the research area. The result of sea water intrusion mapping in Candi Dasa beach area indicates that sea water intrusion has occurred but not yet on the status of conspiracy. If groundwater extraction is not restricted, the level of intrusion will continue to increase. Contour resistivity indicates that there has been a sea water intrusion in the Candidasa Tourism Area in a mild status in the southeast area at a depth of 5-10 m. The measured rock resistivity values in the study sites ranged from 0.35 to 1800 ohm.m, the seawater intrusion criteria occurred at a resistivity of 0.5 - 30 ohm.m. The results of the study are expected to give policyholders input on sea water intrusion in Candidasa Tourism area so that appropriate policy steps can be taken

    Aquifer porosity prediction base on resistivity data and water conductivity

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    The research of aquifer porosity prediction based on resistivity data and water conductivity was conducted. The research was a case of study that conducted at Desa Bugbug, Karangasem Regency in Bali. Resistivity data were taken by geoelectric tools set off. Water conductivity data was obtained by directly measuring the water conductivity of the wells drilled based on geoelectric data. In regard the measurement results was obtained 26.5 ohm.m of resistivity aquifer and the water conductivity was 0.02 s/m so that the aquifer porosity based on the calculation was 39.9%. The implications of this calculation were to obtain data that serves as a soil porosity aquifer, e.g. as the soil porosity at existing wells site, it was enough conducted resistivity measurements on the spot and measure the conductivity of wells water. Thus the process was expected to be more practical

    Estimation of the position and potential of aquifers using geo-electrical methods in the framework of drill wells in volcanic areas

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    Water sources in volcanic areas are rather difficult to obtain. For this reason, a method is needed to determine the existence of a water source. One of them is the Geoelectric method. In this study, the obtained resistivity physical quantities are used to determine the position and calculate the aquifer potential. In this study, three groups of rocks were found, namely, the rock group with resistivity values of 174 Ω.m – 400 Ω.m, this group is thought to have no water, not suitable for drilling. The rock group by resistivity 115 Ω.m - 174 Ω.m, this group is suspected of having water but little, not suitable for drilling. Rock group by the resistivity of 115 Ω.m below, namely at position 115-155 this area is the position of the aquifer, suitable for drilling, in this area, it is suspected that there is an aquifer with an average depth monitored by the tool 16.5 - 42.5 m or a thickness of 26 m. The transmissivity value obtained was 15.47 (m2/day)

    Discovering ditch buried volcanic materials: geoelectric method assistance to minimize hazard loss

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    The current study is aimed at discovering ditch buried volcanic materials: geoelectric method assistance to minimize hazard loss. The research has been conducted at Bugbug Karangasem Bali. This covered by volcanic material from the eruption of Mount Agung in 1963 and before. Of course, there is a ditch as a land boundary. Based on the measurement results of the geoelectric method, it was found that there was a low resistivity area of 26.5 ?.m at a depth of about 7 m area A and 23.5 m (area B). Based on the excavation at several points, the thickness of the volcanic material layer in the study area is around 7 m. The landowners have claimed that their land is restricted by a ditch, which when Mount Agung erupted in 1963, had been covered with volcanic material; a ditch was made, but between the trenches made with the low-resistivity area A sideways again 11 m. The low resistivity is thought to be a buried ditch. As it is connected to the two cases above, namely the case of the results of geoelectric measurements and cases of landowners' suitability. The ditch that has been buried by volcanic material can be detected by geoelectric methods assistance

    Menentukan Posisi Pengeboran Untuk Mendapatkan Air Yang Berkualitas Di Jalan Tunjung I Denpasar Barat Dengan Metode Geolistrik

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    Investigation has been conducted on drilling point position to get clean water at Jalan Tunjung 1 Denpasar Barat. The investigation was carried out by geoelectric method using the Wenner configuration. The measurement data is processed by using Res2dev Software. From the resistivity data processing results obtained that the best position to get quality water is at position 8º33'43,76 "LS and 115º21'00,06" BT. The position of the aquifer lies at a depth of 16.25 meters. Laboratory test results for several parameters relating to water quality show values that meet the quality standard threshold in accordance with the provisions of Bali's Governor Regulation no. 8 Year 2007

    Aquifers selection based on geoelectric method data in the framework of drilling wells: A case study on international hospital project in Nyitdah Tabanan Bali

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    The selection of aquifers based on Geoelectric Method data in constructing drilling wells was discussed in the present study. The research was conducted at the International Hospital Project in Nyitdah Tabanan Bali. The research position was around 8,5736 LS 115,1215 LE. Before the study was conducted, a well drill (well 1) has been made. The results showed that there were two types of aquifers, namely unconfined aquifers and unconfined aquifers. Related to this study, well 1 took water in the unconfined aquifers of 4 m depth. If the water kept taken for a long period, the quality and quantity of the water would be worse since well 1 was unconfined aquifers that took surface water. This would adversely affect the hospital building being built. The land around the building would be hollow due to the water loss, and the building would become unstable. Another drill well (well 2), based on geoelectricity data, can be made on 5,25 m - 18,75 m. In-depth 23 m, it was suspected that unconfined aquifers would have been found in well 2. After being drilled, aquifers were found in 23 m depth. Drilling was kept doing to 55 m depth

    Selection of High Oil Yielding Trees of Millettia pinnata (L.) Panigrahi, Vegetative Propagation and Growth in the Field

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    Millettia pinnata (L.) Panigrahi is a potential legume tree that produces seed oil for biodiesel feedstock. The initial step for raising a large-scale plantation of the species is selection of high oil yielding trees from the natural habitat. This is followed by vegetative propagation of the selected trees and then testing the growth of the clone in the field.  The aim of the present study was to select high-oil yielding trees of M. pinnata, to propagate the selected trees by budding and to evaluate the survival and growth of budded plants in the field. Pods were collected from 30 trees in Lovina Beach, Buleleng Regency, Bali. Oil was extracted from seeds using soxhlet with hexane as a solvent.  The high oil yielding trees were propagated by budding using root stocks grown from M. pinnata seeds.  Scions were taken from young branches of selected trees. Incision was made on rootstock and the same size of cut was made on a scion containing a single bud.  The scion was inserted to the incision of rootstock then closed tightly using plastic strips.   The plastic was removed when the scion grew into a little green shoot. One month after plastic removal, the scion union grew into a single shoot and then the budded plants were removed to polybags. Budded plants were planted in the field of Bukit Jimbaran, Badung Regency, Bali with 4 × 4 spacing. Results showed all budded plants successfully grow new shoots. Two months after planting the survival of budded plants was 100%. Plant height increased by 22.13 cm, stem diameter increased by 2.43 mm and the number of compound leaf increased by 2.08.  It can be concluded that four high oil yielding trees were selected from Lovina Beach and successfully propagated by budding. Survival of budded plants was 100% with vigorous growth

    Aquifers selection to aid geoelectrical methods on drilled well building near the beach

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    The aquifer was a rock form wherein the water was collected and as well as able to release water economically. The aquifers near the beach were susceptible to intruded sea water, especially areas that have a lot of groundwater taking, therefore, if building a well, should be chosen aquifer that had not been intruded sea water. It was needed a way thus, the water taken is not salt water or brackish water. This study has a long-term goal of finding a way to choose aquifer by geoelectric method aid. In order to build a drilled well, for getting the right aquifer. The research had been conducted in Candidasa Karangasem Bali with the geoelectric method. The results showed that there were two aquifers types, i.e. free aquifer with resistivity was 33.9 ohm.m and distressed aquifer with a resistivity was 70 ohm.m. Taking into account the two resistivity magnitudes, then, the free aquifer was thought to have been intruded by the sea water, while the distressed aquifer was thought to have not been intruded by sea water