107 research outputs found

    NaturhĂ€nsyn i skogsbruket – avgörande hĂ€ndelser och viktiga personer bakom utvecklingen

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    Idag Ă€r det en normal Ă„tgĂ€rd att skogsĂ€gare tar olika typer av naturhĂ€nsyn i sitt skogsbruk. Mest pĂ„taglig Ă€r den hĂ€nsyn som tas i samband med föryngringsavverkningar dĂ„ det lĂ€mnas trĂ€dgrupper, kantzoner och hĂ€nsynskrĂ€vande biotoper. En annan typ av hĂ€nsyn Ă€r nĂ€r markĂ€garna avsĂ€tter hela skogsbestĂ„nd för att bevara eller öka naturvĂ€rdena, vilka benĂ€mns ”frivilliga avsĂ€ttningar”.Jag har tidigare studerat skogsdebatten och identifierat övergripande drivkrafter och efterföljande Ă„tgĂ€rder som ledde till den stora förĂ€ndringen av ökad naturhĂ€nsynen i skogsbruket under 1990-talet (Simonsson m fl. 2015). Detta gjorde jag genom att studera skriftligt material i tvĂ„ tidskrifter. Det övergripande syftet med denna nya studie Ă€r att pĂ„ ett djupare plan förstĂ„ hur det gick till nĂ€r naturhĂ€nsynen började tillĂ€mpas i stor skala, och dessutom att trĂ€nga bakom de övergripande drivkrafterna och Ă„tgĂ€rderna. Jag vill identifiera och beskriva betydelsefulla hĂ€ndelser, beslut och personer som lĂ„g bakom denna förĂ€ndring och beskriva interaktioner mellan de olika intressenterna. Det har jag gjort genom kvalitativa intervjuer med 21 personer som var viktiga i denna process. Informanterna kommer frĂ„n de fyra olika sektorerna forskning, myndigheter, ideella naturvĂ„rden och det aktiva skogsbruket.Utvecklingen av naturhĂ€nsynen var en process under lĂ„ng tid dĂ€r olika hĂ€ndelser ”kuggade i” varandra och drev utvecklingen framĂ„t i olika hastighet. Avgörande var om dessa intrĂ€ffade vid ”rĂ€tt tid” för att det skulle leda till en förĂ€ndring. Om inte tiden varit mogen för en förĂ€ndring sĂ„ skulle troligen flera hĂ€ndelser inte ha inneburit nĂ„got speciellt. Bakom hĂ€ndelserna lĂ„g det naturligtvis en eller flera personer. Det handlade ofta om att ”rĂ€tt” personer trĂ€ffades vid ”rĂ€tt” tillfĂ€lle pĂ„ ”rĂ€tt” plats för att nĂ„got betydelsefullt skulle intrĂ€ffa. Jag bedömer att personernas förmĂ„ga att tĂ€nka ”utanför boxen”, att tĂ€nka strategiskt och inte minst personliga egenskaper och engagemang mĂ„nga gĂ„nger varit betydelsefulla.Rödlistan har varit en av de viktigaste övergripande drivkrafterna för utvecklingen av naturhĂ€nsynen. HĂ€ndelserna och personerna bakom denna har dĂ€rför varit avgörande. Mycket viktigt var dĂ€rför att Ingemar AhlĂ©n, Torleif Ingelög och Bengt Ehnström trĂ€ffades pĂ„ Skogshögskolan i början pĂ„ 1970-talet och började samarbeta i ”Arbetsgruppen för hotade och missgynnade arter”. Deras arbete resulterade i att ”Databanken för hotade arter” bildades som en försöksverksamhet 1984, för att sedan permanentas 1990. Framför allt var det Torleif Ingelögs strategiska arbete som ledde till Databankens framgĂ„ngar. Genom arbetsgruppens arbete skiftades fokus i skogsdebatten till att successivt framför allt handla om hotade arter. Deras arbete resulterade i flera handböcker i fauna- och floravĂ„rd som gavs ut av Skogsstyrelsen och som följdes av omfattande utbildningar. Det var dĂ€rför en viktig hĂ€ndelse nĂ€r Skogsstyrelsen ovĂ€ntat tog sig an utgivningen av böckerna och detta var troligen ett strategiskt beslut av Skogsstyrelsens ledning. Det var betydelsefullt att arbetet med rödlistan skedde pĂ„ Skogshögskolan/SLU och att handböckerna gavs ut av Skogsstyrelsen eftersom detta var skogsbrukets lĂ€rosĂ€te och myndighet.Av handböckerna var ”FloravĂ„rd i skogsbruket – Artdel” som kom 1984 sĂ€rskilt viktig. Boken gav förutsĂ€ttningar för ett artinriktat naturvĂ„rdsarbete genom att hĂ€r redovisades de rödlistade arterna med hotkategorier, deras utbredning, hotfaktorer och vilka Ă„tgĂ€rder som krĂ€vdes för att arterna skulle bevaras. Nu kunde man frĂ„n ideella naturvĂ„rden starkt argumentera för skydd av skogsomrĂ„den dĂ€r olika hotade arter förekom och skogsföretagen var tvungna att sjĂ€lva bygga upp en egen kompetens runt detta. Boken var ocksĂ„ en förutsĂ€ttning för Mats Karströms utveckling av inventeringsmetodiken ”Steget Före” som blev spridd i stora delar av landet. Mats Karströms roll har varit betydande eftersom han i stor skala introducerade rödlistade arter som ett ”verktyg” i naturvĂ„rdsarbetet, vilket senare blev nĂ„got av en norm.ArbetssĂ€ttet att fokusera pĂ„ livsmiljöer för hotade arter utvecklades av Johan Nitare inom ramen för Skogsstyrelsens nyckelbiotopsinventering. Nyckelbiotoperna blev en mycket vĂ€sentlig del i naturvĂ„rdsarbetet genom att begreppet införlivades i certifieringsstandarderna. En viktig anledning till att den landsomfattande nyckelbiotopsinventeringen genomfördes var att generaldirektör Hans Ekelund pĂ„ Skogsstyrelsen var mĂ„n om att behĂ„lla planeringspersonal som annars skulle blivit arbetslösa nĂ€r ÖSI-inventeringarna skulle upphöra.Björn HĂ€gglund har i sina tidigare roller, bĂ„de som generaldirektör för Skogsstyrelsen och som VD för STORA Skog, Ă„tskilliga gĂ„nger ”brutit isen” inom skogssektorn och dĂ€rför varit en betydelsefull person. Han tog som generaldirektör för Skogsstyrelsen 1985 tydlig stĂ€llning för att skogsbruket mĂ„ste Ă€ndra attityd i skogsdebatten och lyssna pĂ„ vad kritikerna sa. Det var ganska radikalt och gick emot den tidigare gemensamma hĂ„llningen frĂ„n skogsbruket dĂ€r man till stor del förnekade att det fanns miljöproblem. Björn HĂ€gglund anstĂ€llde Skogsstyrelsens första naturvĂ„rdsbiolog, Börje Pettersson, som han senare ocksĂ„ anstĂ€llde som den första bolagsekologen pĂ„ STORA. Viktigt var ocksĂ„ nĂ€r Björn HĂ€gglund fattade beslut om att STORA inte skulle avverka i de fjĂ€llnĂ€ra skogarna vilket satte press pĂ„ de andra bolagen att göra detsamma. Börje Pettersson var i sin roll som ”naturvĂ„rdspionjĂ€r”, bĂ„de pĂ„ Skogsstyrelsen och STORA, betydelsefull i utvecklingen av naturhĂ€nsynen bĂ„de inom myndigheten och inom företagsvĂ€rlden.Certifieringen har varit en viktig drivkraft och den utvecklades som en följd av krav pĂ„ mer hĂ€nsyn frĂ„n utlĂ€ndska köpare. Karin Lindahl var en viktig person för att utveckla och koordinera ett köpartryck pĂ„ de svenska skogsföretagen. Flera köparföretag var aktiva i kraven pĂ„ ett certifierat skogsbruk men Tetra Pak framstĂ„r som den tyngsta aktören med tydliga krav pĂ„ de företag som tillverkade vĂ€tskekartong. Det var dĂ€rför naturligt att skogsdirektörerna Roger AsserstĂ„hl, AssidomĂ€n och Björn HĂ€gglund, STORA var positiva till FSC, eftersom företagen var stora leverantörer Ă„t TetraPak.Naturskyddsföreningen har under hela den studerade tidsperioden varit en granskare och kritiker av skogsbruket och föreningens betydelse har varit vĂ€sentlig. Roger Olsson var en nyckelperson genom att under lĂ„ng tid medverka i utvecklingen av föreningens olika skogspolicys och var författare till flera olika upplagor av deras bok ”Levande skog”. Naturskyddsföreningens arbete med politisk lobbyism initierades av Per Wramner under 1980-talet och föreningen radikaliserades betydligt frĂ„n mitten pĂ„ 1980-talet till början pĂ„ 1990-talet. Föreningen har haft en vĂ€sentlig roll i det frivilliga skyddet av de fjĂ€llnĂ€ra skogarna. Den naturvĂ„rdsgrĂ€ns som föreningen föreslog 1988 införlivades i FSC-standarden, enligt en klassificering som Olof Johansson, AssidomĂ€n utvecklade. Det innebar att flera hundra tusen hektar fjĂ€llnĂ€ra skog blev avsatta som ”frivilligt skyddade”.FörĂ€ndringen till en dialog mellan skogsbruket och miljörörelsen som kom i slutet pĂ„ 1980-talet var till stor del en följd av ett generationsskifte, dĂ„ Ă€ldre tongivande jĂ€gmĂ€stare gick i pension. JĂ€gmĂ€starkĂ„ren var en manlig sluten krets, dĂ€r det framstĂ„r som att ett fĂ„tal personer var vĂ€ldigt tongivande och att flertalet andra inte vĂ„gade ha en annan uppfattning

    Conservation measures in Swedish forests

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    In Sweden, a multi-scaled model for conservation of biodiversity in forests has been developed since the early 1990s. This model can be divided conceptually into three different levels; (i) retention forestry in the production forests; (ii) voluntary forest set-asides; and (iii) formally protected forests. This thesis explores the debate, implementation and outcomes in the forest of these conservation measures. From being absent from public debate, forestry became heavily criticised during the early 1970s due to aerial spraying of herbicides to control deciduous trees on clear-cuts. The criticism of forestry and increased awareness of the problems concerned with forestry from a conservation perspective put strong pressure on the forestry sector. As a result, Swedish forestry and conservation policy was changed fundamentally during the 1990s and many new conservation measures were implemented. I have identified a number of driving forces behind this development which include the compilation of Red Lists, demands from foreign customers and forest certification. I present, in a paper from 1997, management options which mimic natural forest disturbance regimes better than traditional forestry and I reflect on the implementation of these ideas. One important outcome of the new ideas during the 1990s is the practical application of retention forestry in Sweden. My results clearly show that young forests have become structurally richer since the introduction of the retention approach. The number of retention trees and amount of dead wood in young stands increased between 1997 and 2007. I also compared the area extent, structural diversity of importance to biodiversity and stand characteristics between voluntary set-asides, formally state-protected nature reserves and managed production forests. My analysis shows that voluntary set-asides are an important complement to traditional reserves in terms of geographical location, size and structural factors important to biodiversity. In conclusion a combination of historical perspective and landscape-level data give us the opportunity both to understand complex developments and to develop tools for future successful conservation measures in the Swedish forests

    Investigation of late-cycle soot oxidation using laser extinction and in-cylinder gas sampling at varying inlet oxygen concentrations in diesel engines

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    [EN] This study focuses on the relative importance of O-2 and OH as oxidizers of soot during the late cycle in diesel engines, where the soot oxidation is characterized in an optically accessible engine using laser extinction measurements. These are combined with in-cylinder gas sampling data from a single cylinder engine fitted with a fast gas-sampling valve. Both measurements confirm that the in-cylinder soot oxidation slows down when the inlet concentration of O-2 is reduced. A 38% decrease in intake O-2 concentration reduces the soot oxidation rate by 83%, a non-linearity suggesting that O-2 in itself is not the main soot oxidizing species. Chemical kinetics simulations of OH concentrations in the oxidation zone and estimates of the OH-soot oxidation rates point towards OH being the dominant oxidizer.The authors gratefully acknowledge the Swedish Energy Agency, the Competence Center for Combustion Processes KCFP (Project number 22485-3), and the competence center METALUND funded by FORTE for financially supporting this research. The authors acknowledge Volvo AB for providing the gas-sampling valve and personally Jan Eismark (Volvo AB) and Mats Bengtsson (Lund University) for their technical support.Gallo, Y.; Malmborg, VB.; Simonsson, J.; Svensson, E.; Shen, M.; Bengtsson, P.; Pagels, J.... (2017). Investigation of late-cycle soot oxidation using laser extinction and in-cylinder gas sampling at varying inlet oxygen concentrations in diesel engines. Fuel. 193:308-314. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fuel.2016.12.013S30831419

    RIFEL - Ripple and Electromagnetic Fields in Electric Vehicles

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    The electrical system in an electrified vehicle consists of high voltage (HV) components interacting in a complex way. The switching interaction in the power electronics results in ripple causing electromagnetic fields, disturbing other electronics and degradation of components. An overview of this can first be obtained when a physical system is built which could lead to unintentional over- or under dimensioning of HV components. This lack of information within the electrical system can lead to late verifications in the project causing substantial cost if changes are needed. This project aims at improving early evaluation of new concepts, create tools and build the necessary competence for a virtual system model that includes the key HV components: battery, electrical motor and power electronics, a simple load along with cable and connectors. This virtual model shall be able to simulate voltage and current ripple generated by the power electronics, initially in a frequency range up to 100 kHz. Results from the simulations shall be presented both in time and frequency domain as well as be expressed in RMS values for easier comparison to measured results. Some of the more important findings are briefly summarised below;For the high voltage battery, the electrical characteristics up to a frequency of roughly 1000 Hz was well determined using an impedance spectroscopy instrument at cell level and then multiplied by the numbers of cells.\ua0 However for finding the impedance behaviour for frequencies above 1000 Hz, the determination must be done on the battery pack level since bus bars and other component in the complete battery pack will be dominating in this frequency range. From measurements of differential mode impedance in high voltage cables it is found that it is important that the mutual inductance between the centre conductor and shield is included in the model to describe cable impedance below 10 kHz properly.The control of the inverter is very important for the overall behaviour and in this project SVM was used which has been shown to give the lowest current and voltage ripple of the traditional switching schemes. And for the machine model, the temperature variations must be taken into account since the machine parameters has been found to vary with ~20 % over the specified temperature range.The system model is found to agree well with rig measurements well up to 1 MHz with regards to both currents and voltages at the DC and AC sides. Furthermore, measurements in a real car match those in the rig. For time domain simulations, it was decided to use Ansys Simplorer since it can handle the inverter and the electrical machine simulations very well and for frequency domain simulations, it was decided to use LTspice since it is freeware, has support for AC-sweeps, improved switching compared to other SPICE-simulators, and is easy to use.Magnetic field simulations have been calculated and compared to measurements in the driveline rig at Chalmers. It was a good match across the investigated frequency range 10 Hz to 100 kHz.In this project, only internally developed component models were considered. To expand the functionality of the system modelling tool, international interface standards such as the Functional Mockup Interface (FMI) need to be investigated. Consequently, it would be a good idea to include additional automotive OEMs as well as suppliers and software vendors in future research collaborations

    Estimated Time for Occurrence of Smoking-Related Consequences among Pregnant and Non-Pregnant Women

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    Objectives: To study time estimates by women smokers for when smoking-related consequences will occur given continuing or quitting smoking. The relationship of these estimates to pregnancy and intent to quit smoking was also investigated. Methods: Over a two-week period, eighty women, selected to constitute four subgroups formed by pregnant vs. non-pregnant and trying vs. not trying to quit smoking, rated times at which they would expect smoking-related consequences to occur given continuing or quitting smoking. Results: Somatic health consequences were estimated to occur later than consequences related to mood and social relations. All consequences were estimated to occur later given quitting smoking. Pregnancy had an effect on the estimated time that consequences would occur, with pregnant women estimating earlier occurrence of consequences related to mood and social relations than non-pregnant women did. Conclusion: Health messages should stress consequences for somatic health in quitting smoking, since outcomes later in time might have too low a value to exert a positive effect on decisions to quit smoking

    Ackreditering av laboratorium stÀller krav pÄ dess prestanda

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    Bidrag till familjens ekonomiska historia : Inflytande över konsumtionen inom svenska hushÄll under 1900-talet

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    This dissertation deals with consumption in Swedish households between 1913 and 2001. More specifically, it asks whose resources matter most in determining consumption patterns. As a second question, the dissertation also attempts to establish whether the fact that simple covariance between a spouse’s background variables implies that the spouse has any influence at all over the household’s consumption decisions. The theoretical background is mostly drawn from literature regarding intra-household allocations: on the one hand cooperative game theory and on the other hand sociological theory. Cooperative game theory establishes influence, say or power within the household as a function of the marriage’s or cohabitation’s alternative cost, i.e., the difference between the utility level for a married or cohabiting person as opposed to a single person. Sociological theory considers the contribution one makes to the total level of utility in the household, whether in the form of monetary income, household work or as something else. This is in part conceptualized as a difference between exit and voice. The dissertation’s statistical analysis uses three surveys of household expenditure conducted in 1913, 1952 and 1999-2001. They give us an excellent picture of what they actually purchased during that year. The sample sizes are 552, 596 and 3,501, respectively. The dissertation’s main result is that human capital is a previously underestimated determinant of influence in consumption decisions. As the female stock of human capital increases, so does her influence over the household’s consumption decisions. In an attempt to determine the level of democracy within households, the dissertation uses a complementary data source: a questionnaire called “The Swedish People 1955”. Here, one of the questions directed to females was whether they checked with their husbands before deciding on a purchase, as a measure of intra-household democracy. This was then regressed upon the female share of total income, ideological position and two forms of human capital, one general and one for household work. Both forms of human capital lead to democratic households, which is taken to mean that human capital is important not only because it increases labor opportunities in the event of divorce (exit) but also because it increases female voice

    Bas för arbete med att ta fram beslutsgrÀnser vid leversjukdom

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