142 research outputs found

    Renal tubular absorption of β2 microglobulin

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    Renal tubular absorption of β2 microglobulin. 125Iodinated human β2 microglobulin (β2m, 5 to 30 mg) was administered to anesthetized rats. Clearance studies showed a low threshold of excretion of injected β2m and a high Tm of 400 to 600 µg · min-1 · kg-1. A glomerular sieving coefficient of 0.97 was calculated as the slope of the curve: β2m excretion rate = F (plasma β2m × glomerular filtration rate) for values above saturation. Electrophoresis analysis of proteinuria in agarose gel and sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel showed that injection of saturating doses of β2m induced the excretion of proteins of similar size but different charge and that of other proteins of different size. Among the latter, some were excreted transiently in association with β2m, whereas others had a delayed excretion suggesting existence of a complex mechanism of reabsorption whose steps remain to be elucidated.Absorption tubulaire rénale de la β2 microglobuline. De 5 à30 mg de β2 microglobuline (β2m) humaine marquée à l'Iode 125 ont été injectés à des rats anesthésiés. Des études de clairance ont montré un seuil d'excrétion bas et un Tm élevé de 400 à 600 µg · min-1 · kg-1. Un coefficient de tamisage de 0,97 a été mesuré à partir de la pente de la courbe: excretion de β2m = F (concentration plasmatique de β2m × filtration glomérulaire) pour les points au-dessus de la saturation. L'analyse de la protéinurie par électrophorèse sur gel d'agarose et sur gel de polyacrylamide avec dodecyl-sulfate de sodium a montré que l'injection de doses saturantes de β2m provoque l'excretion de protéines de même taille mais de charge différente, ainsi que de protéines de taille différente. Parmi ces dernières, certaines sont excrétées de manière transitoire et en même temps que la β2m, tandis que d'autres ont une excrétion retardée suggérant l'existence d'un mécanisme de réabsorption complexe dont les étapes restent à étudier

    Activity dependent feedback inhibition may maintain head direction signals in mouse presubiculum

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    Orientation in space is represented in specialized brain circuits. Persistent head direction signals are transmitted from anterior thalamus to the presubiculum, but the identity of the presubicular target neurons, their connectivity and function in local microcircuits are unknown. Here, we examine how thalamic afferents recruit presubicular principal neurons and Martinotti interneurons, and the ensuing synaptic interactions between these cells. Pyramidal neuron activation of Martinotti cells in superficial layers is strongly facilitating such that high-frequency head directional stimulation efficiently unmutes synaptic excitation. Martinotti-cell feedback plays a dual role: precisely timed spikes may not inhibit the firing of in-tune head direction cells, while exerting lateral inhibition. Autonomous attractor dynamics emerge from a modelled network implementing wiring motifs and timing sensitive synaptic interactions in the pyramidal - Martinotti-cell feedback loop. This inhibitory microcircuit is therefore tuned to refine and maintain head direction information in the presubiculum

    Brainstem Steering of Locomotor Activity in the Newborn Rat

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    International audienceControl of locomotion relies on motor loops conveying modulatory signals between brainstem and spinal motor circuits. We investigated the steering control of the brainstem reticular formation over the spinal locomotor networks using isolated brainstem-spinal cord preparations of male and female neonatal rats. First, we performed patch-clamp recordings of identified reticulospinal cells during episodes of fictive locomotion. This revealed that a spinal ascending phasic modulation of reticulospinal cell activity is already present at birth. Half of the cells exhibited tonic firing during locomotion, while the other half emitted phasic discharges of action potentials phase locked to ongoing activity. We next showed that mimicking the phasic activity of reticulospinal neurons by applying patterned electrical stimulation bilaterally at the ventral caudal medulla level triggered fictive locomotion efficiently. Moreover, the brainstem stimuli-induced locomotor rhythm was entrained in a one-to-one coupling over a range of cycle periods (2-6 s). Additionally, we induced turning like motor outputs by either increasing or decreasing the relative duration of the stimulation trains on one side of the brainstem compared to the other. The ability of the patterned descending command to control the locomotor output depended on the functional integrity of ventral reticulospinal pathways and the involvement of local spinal central pattern generator circuitry. Altogether, this study provides a mechanism by which brainstem reticulospinal neurons relay steering and speed commands to the spinal locomotor networks

    Le silex du Flysch de Montgaillard et son exploitation sur les ateliers du Paléolithique supérieur à Hibarette (Hautes-Pyrénées)

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    Les auteurs présentent les résultats d’une étude portant sur le silex du flysch de Montgaillard et sur les ateliers de plein air paléolithiques de Hibarette (Hautes-Pyrénées) où il a été exploité. L’acquisition des données s’est faite par le biais d’une prospection systématique étalée sur une vingtaine d’années. La matière première a fait l’objet d’une caractérisation pétrographique et le contexte géomorphologique des gîtes exploités a pu être précisé.Les ateliers de taille ont fonctionné à toutes les périodes de la Préhistoire : Paléolithique moyen, supérieur et Néolithique. L’exploitation du silex au Paléolithique supérieur semble se placer surtout à l’Aurignacien, au Solutréen et au Magdalénien (ancien, moyen/supérieur). Néanmoins, il existe quelques indices de passages au Châtelperronien, au Gravettien ainsi qu’à l’Epipaléolithique. De par la qualité du silex, la masse de matière première qui a été débitée sur les ateliers de taille, et sa diffusion dans toutes les Pyrénées, le silex de Montgaillard/Hibarette tient une place de choix dans l’économie des matières siliceuses des Pyrénées centrales et les gîtes/ateliers de Hibarette sont certainement parmi les plus importants de cette région.The authors present the results of a study about both the flint of the Montagaillard flysch, but also about the Palaeolithic open air workshops in Hibarette (Hautes-Pyrénées) where the results have been analyzed. Data have been provided thanks to systematic surveys over twenty years. Raw material has been analyzed through a petrographical characterization and the geomorphological profile of the studied locations has been described as well. Knapping workshops have been used all though Prehistory time, that is to say Middle and Upper Palaeolithic, but also Neolithic.Flint production at Upper Palaeolithic time seems to correlate with Aurignacian, Solutrean and Magdalenian (Old, Middle and Upper). However, there are some pieces of evidence for an adequation with Chatelperronian, Gravettian and Epipalaeolithic.Thanks to the flint quality, the quantity of raw material removed in knapping workshops, and its presence overall in the Pyrénées, Montgaillard/Hirabette flint is very well positionned among siliceous materials trade of Central Pyrénées; flint workshops of Hirabette are certainly part of the most important ones in this area

    Simulation of a viscous fluid spreading by a bidimensional shallow water model

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    In this paper we propose a numerical method to solve the Cauchy problem based on the viscous shallow water equations in an horizontally moving domain. More precisely, we are interested in a flooding and drying model, used to modelize the overflow of a river or the intrusion of a tsunami on ground. We use a non conservative form of the two-dimensional shallow water equations, in eight velocity formulation and we build a numerical approximation, based on the Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian formulation, in order to compute the solution in the moving domain

    Pyk2 modulates hippocampal excitatory synapses and contributes to cognitive deficits in a Huntington's disease model.

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    The structure and function of spines and excitatory synapses are under the dynamic control of multiple signalling networks. Although tyrosine phosphorylation is involved, its regulation and importance are not well understood. Here we study the role of Pyk2, a non-receptor calcium-dependent protein-tyrosine kinase highly expressed in the hippocampus. Hippocampal-related learning and CA1 long-term potentiation are severely impaired in Pyk2-deficient mice and are associated with alterations in NMDA receptors, PSD-95 and dendritic spines. In cultured hippocampal neurons, Pyk2 has autophosphorylation-dependent and -independent roles in determining PSD-95 enrichment and spines density. Pyk2 levels are decreased in the hippocampus of individuals with Huntington and in the R6/1 mouse model of the disease. Normalizing Pyk2 levels in the hippocampus of R6/1 mice rescues memory deficits, spines pathology and PSD-95 localization. Our results reveal a role for Pyk2 in spine structure and synaptic function, and suggest that its deficit contributes to Huntington's disease cognitive impairments

    Increasing the effectiveness of intracerebral injections in adult and neonatal mice: a neurosurgical point of view

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    International audienceIntracerebral injections of tracers or viral constructs in rodents are now commonly used in the neurosciences and must be executed perfectly. The purpose of this article is to update existing protocols for intracerebral injections in adult and neonatal mice. Our procedure for stereotaxic injections in adult mice allows the investigator to improve the effectiveness and safety, and save time. Furthermore, for the first time, we describe a two-handed procedure for intracerebral injections in neonatal mice that can be performed by a single operator in a very short time. Our technique using the stereotaxic arm allows a higher precision than freehand techniques previously described. Stereotaxic injections in adult mice can be performed in 20 min and have >90% efficacy in targeting the injection site. Injections in neonatal mice can be performed in 5 min. Efficacy depends on the difficulty of precisely localizing the injection sites, due to the small size of the animal. We describe an innovative, effortless, and reproducible surgical protocol for intracerebral injections in adult and neonatal mice

    Echinococcus vogeli Infection in a Hunter, French Guiana

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    Echinococcus vogeli infection in a hunter from the rain forest of French Guiana was confirmed by imaging and mitochondrial DNA sequence analysis. Serologic examination showed typical patterns for both alveolar and cystic echinococcosis. Polycystic echinococcis caused by E. vogeli may be an emerging parasitic disease in Central and South America