4,612 research outputs found

    Transient Astrophysical Pulses and Quantum Gravity

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    Searches for transient astrophysical pulses could open an exciting new window into the fundamental physics of quantum gravity. In particular, an evaporating primordial black hole in the presence of an extra dimension can produce a detectable transient pulse. Observations of such a phenomenon can in principle explore the electroweak energy scale, indicating that astrophysical probes of quantum gravity can successfully complement the exciting new physics expected to be discovered in the near future at the Large Hadron Collider.Comment: 7 pages, This essay received an honorable mention in the Gravity Research Foundation Essay Competition, 200

    Online Learning with Ensembles

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    Supervised online learning with an ensemble of students randomized by the choice of initial conditions is analyzed. For the case of the perceptron learning rule, asymptotically the same improvement in the generalization error of the ensemble compared to the performance of a single student is found as in Gibbs learning. For more optimized learning rules, however, using an ensemble yields no improvement. This is explained by showing that for any learning rule ff a transform f~\tilde{f} exists, such that a single student using f~\tilde{f} has the same generalization behaviour as an ensemble of ff-students.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figure. Submitted to J.Phys.

    Occupation and working outcomes during the Coronavirus Pandemic

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    Using data from the first wave of the SHARE COVID-19 Survey and additional information collected from the previous waves of SHARE (Survey of Health Ageing and Retirement in Europe), we explore the effects of job characteristics on two outcomes: (i) the probability of work interruptions and (ii) the length of such interruptions during the first phase of the Coronavirus Pandemic. In order to assess the relationship between job features and labour market outcomes, we define two indexes proxying the pre-COVID-19 technical remote work feasibility as well as the level of social interaction with other people while working. Moreover, we use an indicator that classifies ISCO-08 3-digit job titles based on the essential nature of the good or service provided. We find that job characteristics have been major determinants of the probability of undergoing work interruptions and their duration. In addition, we show that women have been negatively affected by the Pandemic to a much larger extent than men, suggesting the relevance of the intrinsic characteristics of jobs they are mainly involved in, and the role of gender selection into specific activities. Not only females were more likely to have undergone work interruptions but they also exhibited larger probabilities of longer work breaks. A similar impact is seen for self-employed and less-educated workers

    Intraluminal recanalization of long infrainguinal chronic total occlusions using the Crosser system

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    Purpose: To assess the safety and efficacy of a device for vibrational angioplasty in the percutaneous intraluminal recanalization of long infrainguinal chronic total occlusions (CTO). Technique: The Crosser CTO Recanalization System is a mechanical recanalization device that uses high-frequency vibrational energy to disrupt and channel through fibrocalcific plaque without harming the vessel wall, thus assisting in the recanalization of an occluded artery. In 12 diabetic patients (7 men; median age 71 years, range 58–80) with critical limb ischemia owing to long (median length 26 cm, range 21–32) infrainguinal CTOs resistant to conventional guidewire techniques, the Crosser CTO Recanalization System was successful in intraluminally crossing the occlusion in 9 (75%) patients in ,5 minutes (mean 4:03 minutes). The safety endpoint (distal lumen guidewire position with no vessel perforation or dissection) was achieved in all successful cases. Conclusion: In our preliminary experience, the Crosser CTO Recanalization Catheter decreased crossing time, was safe, and achieved a high rate of intraluminal recanalization of long infrainguinal CTOs. J Endovasc Ther. 2009;16:23–27 Key words: critical limb ischemia, chronic total occlusion, percutaneous interventions, infrainguinal occlusion, intraluminal recanalization, vibrational energ

    optimized low pressure solar dec with zeolite based adsorption

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    Abstract This paper presents a new concept of hybrid/natural air conditioning system with a high level of architectural integration. A solar DEC (Desiccant Evaporative Cooling) open cycle with very low pressure drops, drastically reduces the electricity consumption for driving fans. The supply air is dehumidified by an innovative zeolite coated adsorption bed and cooled indirectly by an evaporative cooler, through a low pressure drop heat exchanger. The adsorption bed is a finned coil heat exchanger coated with a SAPO-34 zeolite layer realizing both heat and mass transfer in one component. Low thermal grade heat is used to regenerate the adsorbent material, showing high compatibility with low temperature solar systems such as flat plate or evacuated tubes solar collectors. Experimental data have been used for validating a CFD model of the coated coil. The possibility to remove the adsorption heat during dehumidification reduces the air temperature with a positive effect on cooling power

    Cryptography based on neural networks - analytical results

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    Mutual learning process between two parity feed-forward networks with discrete and continuous weights is studied analytically, and we find that the number of steps required to achieve full synchronization between the two networks in the case of discrete weights is finite. The synchronization process is shown to be non-self-averaging and the analytical solution is based on random auxiliary variables. The learning time of an attacker that is trying to imitate one of the networks is examined analytically and is found to be much longer than the synchronization time. Analytical results are found to be in agreement with simulations

    Statistical mechanics of mutual information maximization

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    An unsupervised learning procedure based on maximizing the mutual information between the outputs of two networks receiving different but statistically dependent inputs is analyzed (Becker S. and Hinton G., Nature, 355 (1992) 161). By exploiting a formal analogy to supervised learning in parity machines, the theory of zero-temperature Gibbs learning for the unsupervised procedure is presented for the case that the networks are perceptrons and for the case of fully connected committees

    Noncontact Laser Ultrasonic Inspection of Ceramic Matrix Composites (CMCs)

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    Ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) are poised to revolutionize jet engine technology by enabling operation temperatures well beyond those possible with current superalloys, while reducing active cooling requirements and engine weight. Manufacturing of parts formed by silicon-carbide (SiC) fibers in a SiC matrix is now well advanced, with the first non-structural static components entering service in 2017 with the CFM Leap® engine that features SiC/SiC turbine shrouds. In order to expand the scope of application of CMCs to rotating parts, such as turbine blades, much work is being conducted to understand and characterize the modes of failure of these materials at temperatures beyond 1,000 °C. In this context, the ability of nondestructively monitoring the formation and progression of damage in CMCs specimens during high-temperature mechanical testing is critical. However, the elevated temperature precludes the possibility of using sensors placed in direct contact with the specimen and therefore severely restricts the range of available NDE techniques. This paper provides the first experimental assessment of the feasibility of noncontact laser ultrasonic inspection of SiC/SiC flat coupons. An Nd:Yag laser is used to excite ultrasonic waves on one side of the specimen while a Michelson interferometer detects the signals emerging on the other side at the epicenter position. The lasers are mounted on synchronized linear stages to form C-scans as in conventional immersion ultrasonics while ablation damage to the surface of the specimen is prevented by operating the lasers at low power density. Despite the complex microstructure of the SiC/SiC material it is found that the measured waveforms are remarkably similar to those observed when conducting the same tests in aluminum specimens. Moreover, it is shown that it is possible to: a) image interlaminar defects caused by impacts, and b) monitor crack opening under tensile load. Finally, very good signal stability is observed when temperature is increased from 25 to 1,250 °C which confirms the feasibility of laser monitoring at high temperature and is consistent with the excellent thermal stability of CMC mechanical properties
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