87 research outputs found

    From ”Sapienza” to “Sapienza, State Archives in Rome”. A looping effect bringing back to the original source communication and culture by innovative and low cost 3D surveying, imaging systems and GIS applications

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    Applicazione di tecnologie mensorie integrate Low Cost,web GIS,applicazione di tecniche di Computational photography per la comunicazione e condivisione dei dati, sistemi di Cloud computing.Archiviazione Grandi DatiHigh Quality survey models, realized by multiple Low Cost methods and technologies, as a container to sharing Cultural and Archival Heritage, this is the aim guiding our research, here described in its primary applications. The SAPIENZA building, a XVI century masterpiece that represented the first unified headquarters of University in Rome, plays since year 1936, when the University moved to its newly edified campus, the role of the main venue for the State Archives. By the collaboration of a group of students of the Architecture Faculty, some integrated survey methods were applied on the monument with success. The beginning was the topographic survey, creating a reference on ground and along the monument for the upcoming applications, a GNNS RTK survey followed georeferencing points on the internal courtyard. Dense stereo matching photogrammetry is nowadays an accepted method for generating 3D survey models, accurate and scalable; it often substitutes 3D laser scanning for its low cost, so that it became our choice. Some 360°shots were planned for creating panoramic views of the double portico from the courtyard, plus additional single shots of some lateral spans and of pillars facing the court, as a single operation with a double finality: to create linked panotours with hotspots to web-linked databases, and 3D textured and georeferenced surface models, allowing to study the harmonic proportions of the classical architectural order. The use of free web Gis platforms, to load the work in Google Earth and the realization of low cost 3D prototypes of some representative parts, has been even performed

    Obinutuzumab-mediated high-affinity ligation of FcγRIIIA/CD16 primes NK cells for IFNγ production

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    Natural killer (NK) cell-mediated antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity (ADCC), based on the recognition of IgG-opsonized targets by the low-affinity receptor for IgG FcγRIIIA/CD16, represents one of the main mechanisms by which therapeutic antibodies (mAbs) mediate their antitumor effects. Besides ADCC, CD16 ligation also results in cytokine production, in particular, NK-derived IFNγ is endowed with a well-recognized role in the shaping of adaptive immune responses. Obinutuzumab is a glycoengineered anti-CD20 mAb with a modified crystallizable fragment (Fc) domain designed to increase the affinity for CD16 and consequently the killing of mAb-opsonized targets. However, the impact of CD16 ligation in optimized affinity conditions on NK functional program is not completely understood. Herein, we demonstrate that the interaction of NK cells with obinutuzumab-opsonized cells results in enhanced IFNγ production as compared with parental non-glycoengineered mAb or the reference molecule rituximab. We observed that affinity ligation conditions strictly correlate with the ability to induce CD16 down-modulation and lysosomal targeting of receptor-associated signaling elements. Indeed, a preferential degradation of FcεRIγ chain and Syk kinase was observed upon obinutuzumab stimulation independently from CD16-V158F polymorphism. Although the downregulation of FcεRIγ/Syk module leads to the impairment of cytotoxic function induced by NKp46 and NKp30 receptors, obinutuzumab-experienced cells exhibit an increased ability to produce IFNγ in response to different stimuli. These data highlight a relationship between CD16 aggregation conditions and the ability to promote a degradative pathway of CD16-coupled signaling elements associated to the shift of NK functional progra

    Assessing the resilience and sustainability of a hazelnut farming system in central Italy with a participatory approach

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    European agriculture is facing increasing economic, environmental, institutional, and social challenges, from changes in demographic trends to the effects of climate change. In this context of high instability, the agricultural sector in Europe needs to improve its resilience and sustainability. Local assessments and strategies at the farming system level are needed, and this paper focuses on a hazelnut farming system in central Italy. For the assessment, a participatory approach was used, based on a stakeholder workshop. The results depicted a system with a strong economic and productive role, but which seems to overlook natural resources. This would suggest a relatively low environmental sustainability of the system, although the actual environmental impact of hazelnut farming is controversial. In terms of resilience, we assessed it by looking at the perceived level of three capacities: robustness, adaptability, and transformability. The results portrayed a highly robust system, but with relatively lower adaptability and transformability. Taking the farming system as the focal level was important to consider the role of different actors. While mechanisation has played a central role in enhancing past and present system resilience, future improvements can be achieved through collective strategies and system diversi?cation, and by strengthening the local hazelnut value chain.</p

    Scoring pleurisy in slaughtered pigs using convolutional neural networks

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    Diseases of the respiratory system are known to negatively impact the profitability of the pig industry, worldwide. Considering the relatively short lifespan of pigs, lesions can be still evident at slaughter, where they can be usefully recorded and scored. Therefore, the slaughterhouse represents a key check-point to assess the health status of pigs, providing unique and valuable feedback to the farm, as well as an important source of data for epidemiological studies. Although relevant, scoring lesions in slaughtered pigs represents a very time-consuming and costly activity, thus making difficult their systematic recording. The present study has been carried out to train a convolutional neural network-based system to automatically score pleurisy in slaughtered pigs. The automation of such a process would be extremely helpful to enable a systematic examination of all slaughtered livestock. Overall, our data indicate that the proposed system is well able to differentiate half carcasses affected with pleurisy from healthy ones, with an overall accuracy of 85.5%. The system was better able to recognize severely affected half carcasses as compared with those showing less severe lesions. The training of convolutional neural networks to identify and score pneumonia, on the one hand, and the achievement of trials in large capacity slaughterhouses, on the other, represent the natural pursuance of the present study. As a result, convolutional neural network-based technologies could provide a fast and cheap tool to systematically record lesions in slaughtered pigs, thus supplying an enormous amount of useful data to all stakeholders in the pig industry

    Manajemen sarana dan prasarana podok pesantren: penelitian di Pondok Pesantren Hidayatul Faizien Garut

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    Pondok Pesantren Hidayatul Faizien merupakan lembaga pendidikan non-formal yang terus bergerak mengembangkan pendidikan agama Islam pada masyarakat, upaya memperkuat pemahaman terhadap dasar ilmu agama Islam. Sarana dan prasarana yang kurang memadai menjadi masalah mendasar di Pondok Pesantren pada umumnya, sedangkan dengan sarana dan prasarana yang memadai, kualitas pembelajaran akan lebih baik, maka sangatlah perlu manajemen dalam mengelola sarana dan prasarana yang ada di Pondok Pesantren untuk memaksimalkan penggunaaan sarana dan prasarana sehingga dapat menciptakan proses pembelajaran yang baik dan mencapai tujuan pendidikan dengan efektif dan efisien. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menjelaskan: (1) Perencanaan sarana dan prasarana, (2) Pengadaan sarana dan prasarana, (3) Inventarisasi sarana dan prasarana, (4) Pemeliharaan sarana dan prasarana, dan (5) Penghapusan sarana dan prasarana yang ada di pondok pesantren Hidayatul Faizien. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan metode deskriptif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan, meliputi: (1) Observasi partisipatif, (2) Wawancara, (3) Studi dokumentasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara studi penelitian untuk mendapatkan data-data yang otentik. Langkah-langkah yang dilakukan peneliti adalah menentukan jenis data, menentukan sumber data, menentukan metode dan teknik pengumpulan data. Kemudian data yang dianalisis diuji keabsahan datanya yang disepakati oleh lembaga yang diteliti, penelitian dilakukan di Pondok Pesantren Hidayatul Faizien. Hasil-hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa perencanaan sarana dan prasarana Pondok Pesantren direncanakan setiap tahun ajaran baru dengan menentukan kebutuhan dan mempertimbangkan hasil evaluasi pada tahun sebelumnya, pengadaan sarana dan prasarana Pondok Pesantren yaitu mengadakan saran dan prasarana dengan melaksanakan pengadaan sarana dan prasarana sesuai kebutuhan yang ada, bertujuan memenuhi semua kebutuhan sarana dan prasarana, inventarisasi di Pondok Pesantren ada pengurus yang diberi tugas untuk pencatatan barang yang telah diadakan, pemeliharaan sarana dan prasarana di Pondok Pesantren yaitu semua warga Pondok Pesantren terlibat dalam pemeliharaan dan perawatan sarana dan prasarana yang ada, penghapusan sarana dan prasarana di Pondok Pesantren dilaksanakan dengan hanya menghilangkan sarana dan prasarana yang mengalami kerusakan berat

    State-of-the-art space mission telecommand receivers

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    Since their dawning, space communications have been among the strongest driving applications for the development of error correcting codes. Indeed, space-to-Earth telemetry (TM) links have extensively exploited advanced coding schemes, from convolutional codes to Reed-Solomon codes (also in concatenated form) and, more recently, from turbo codes to low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes. The efficiency of these schemes has been extensively proved in several papers and reports. The situation is a bit different for Earth-to-space telecommand (TC) links. Space TCs must reliably convey control information as well as software patches from Earth control centers to scientific payload instruments and engineering equipment onboard (O/B) spacecraft. The success of a mission may be compromised because of an error corrupting a TC message: a detected error causing no execution or, even worse, an undetected error causing a wrong execution. This imposes strict constraints on the maximum acceptable detected and undetected error rates

    Italian real life experience with ibrutinib: Results of a large observational study on 77 relapsed/refractory mantle cell lymphoma

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    Although sometimes presenting as an indolent lymphoma, mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is an aggressive disease, hardly curable with standard chemo-immunotherapy. Current approaches have greatly improved patients' outcomes, nevertheless the disease is still characterized by high relapse rates. Before approval by EMA, Italian patients with relapsed/refractory MCL were granted ibrutinib early access through a Named Patient Program (NPP). An observational, retrospective, multicenter study was conducted. Seventyseven heavily pretreated patients were enrolled. At the end of therapy there were 14 complete responses and 14 partial responses, leading to an overall response rate of 36.4%. At 40 months overall survival was 37.8% and progression free survival was 30%; disease free survival was 78.6% at 4 years: 11/14 patients are in continuous complete response with a median of 36 months of follow up. Hematological toxicities were manageable, and main extra-hematological toxicities were diarrhea (9.4%) and lung infections (9.0%). Overall, 4 (5.2%) atrial fibrillations and 3 (3.9%) hemorrhagic syndromes occurred. In conclusions, thrombocytopenia, diarrhea and lung infections are the relevant adverse events to be clinically focused on; regarding effectiveness, ibrutinib is confirmed to be a valid option for refractory/relapsed MCL also in a clinical setting mimicking the real world

    Proof Of Concept di una macchina automatica per l'assemblaggio di connettori Luer S2R

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    Lo scopo del lavoro di tesi è stato quello di seguire il processo di Proof Of Concept (POC) di un nuovo asset per l'assemblaggio automatico di connettori Luer S2R, utilizzati nella terapia endovenosa. L'obiettivo del POC è stato quello di valutare e quantificare l'accuratezza dei sistemi di controllo automatici della macchina prototipo. Il progetto si è interamente svolto presso l'azienda Elcam Medical Italy, azienda leader nella produzione di componenti plastici monouso utilizzati in terapia intensiva, anestesia, dialisi ed oncologia

    Impatti economico-ambientali della diffusione di impianti di biomasse, fotovoltaici e minieolici

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    DOCUP Ob.2 Anni 2000-2006 Misura 1.7 Trasferimento dell'innovazione alle PMI, Azione 1.7.1 Reti per il trasferimento tecnologic