9,558 research outputs found

    Uncertainty and the politics of employment protection

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    This paper investigates the social preferences over labor market exibility, in a general equilibrium model of dynamic labor demand. We demonstrate that how the economy responds to productivity shocks depends on the power of labor to extract rents and on the status quo level of the firing cost. In particular, we show that when the firing cost is initially relatively low, a transition to a rigid labor market is favored by all the employed workers with idiosyncratic productivity below some threshold value. Conversely, when the status quo level of the firing cost is relatively high, the preservation of a rigid labor market is favored by the employed with intermediate productivity, whereas all other workers favor more exibility. A more volatile environment, and a lower rate of productivity growth, i.e., "bad times," increase the political support for more labor market rigidity only where labor appropriates of relatively large rents. The coming of better economic conditions not necessarily favors the demise of high firing costs in rigid high-rents economies, because "good times" cut down the support for flexibility among the least productive employed workers. The model described provides some new insights on the comparative dynamics of labor market institutions in the U.S. and in Europe over the last few decades, shedding some new light both on the reasons for the original build-up of "Eurosclerosis," and for its relative persistence until the present day

    Be vicarious: the challenge for project management in the service economy

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    Purpose. The paper aims to answer to the following questions: which are the critical dynamic capabilities to survive in the rubber landscape of service economy? Does it exist in service economy a dynamic capabilities provider? Methodology. The paper combines the literature review on dynamic capability perspective and that on vicariance to the Project Management professional services. Findings. Firstly, the paper identifies vicariance as an intriguing dynamic capability, crucial to survive in the rubber landscape of service economy. Secondly, the paper sheds light on Project Management (PM) as a vicarious that provides vicariance. Practical implications. For each critical organizational dimension, the paper identifies the links among the service economy challenges and the vicariance typology required to the project manager to face those challenge. Originality/value.The approach to conceive the PM as a vicarious that provides vicariance is original and leads to new insights on the professional services management. In fact, on one hand, dynamic capabilities cannot easily be bought through a market transaction; on the other hand, they must be built. This building can be achieved internally, by the organization itself (i.e. hierarchy), or through a partnership (i.e. hybrid form among hierarchy and market). PM professional services enrich organizations with additional information variety according to a hybrid (i.e. non- market) coordination model

    The PMBOK standard evolution: leading the rising complexity

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    The aim of this work is to enlighten how the Standard for Project Management (part II of PMBOK® Guide) has evolved over the last 30 years as it has introjected the perspective of complexity. The several contexts (private firms, public institutions etc.) in which Project Management is applied become more and more complex (i.e. uncertain and characterized by unpredictable feedbacks among their own variables and their environments). This needs an enrichment (and perhaps a new conceptualization) of the endowment of information variety provided by the Standard for Project Management with respect to the specific requisite variety asked at a local level (i.e. the specific organizational contexts), to lead a project with efficiency, effectiveness and sustainability. The traditional Standard for Project Management can no longer be considered as a “comfort zone” (i.e. a set of established and “familiar” frameworks, rules and tools aiming to ensure certain and predictable results). On the contrary, the Standard for Project Management should shift towards an open standard, that is able to consistently co-evolve with the increasingly complex contexts that even more ask for new tools, creative solutions and original combinations between exploitative and explorative knowledge

    The human side of leadership: Inspirational leadership effects on follower characteristics and happiness at work (HAW)

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    Leadership has received significant attention over the past years. Now is the time to refine how leaders impact on followers and their attitudes. This study examines how inspirational leaders influence follower characteristics (FC), and in turn, their happiness at work. In this study, the mediating effect of follower characteristics in the relationship between inspirational leadership and happiness at work was specifically examined. Data was gathered from 389 frontline banking employees working in Italian and Spanish banks. A confirmatory factor analysis revealed a positive partial mediating role of follower characteristics in the relationship between inspirational leadership and happiness at work. Results showed that inspirational leadership exerts a more positive influence on followers' happiness at work when follower characteristics are more positive. Our discussion highlights the importance of understanding the role of the follower characteristics that are involved in the effectiveness of inspirational leadership

    Numerical and experimental study of the effects of noise on the permutation entropy

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    We analyze the effects of noise on the permutation entropy of dynamical systems. We take as numerical examples the logistic map and the R\"ossler system. Upon varying the noise strengthfaster, we find a transition from an almost-deterministic regime, where the permutation entropy grows slower than linearly with the pattern dimension, to a noise-dominated regime, where the permutation entropy grows faster than linearly with the pattern dimension. We perform the same analysis on experimental time-series by considering the stochastic spiking output of a semiconductor laser with optical feedback. Because of the experimental conditions, the dynamics is found to be always in the noise-dominated regime. Nevertheless, the analysis allows to detect regularities of the underlying dynamics. By comparing the results of these three different examples, we discuss the possibility of determining from a time series whether the underlying dynamics is dominated by noise or not

    An annotation database for multimodal scientific data

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    Cristina Bogdanschi, Simone Santini, "An annotation database for multimodal scientific data", Proc. SPIE 7255, Multimedia Content Access: Algorithms and Systems III, 72550G (2009). Copyright 2009 Society of Photo‑Optical Instrumentation Engineers. One print or electronic copy may be made for personal use only. Systematic reproduction and distribution, duplication of any material in this paper for a fee or for commercial purposes, or modification of the content of the paper are prohibited.In many collaborative research environments novel tools and techniques allow researchers to generate data from experiments and observations at a staggering rate. Researchers in these areas are now facing the strong need for querying, sharing and exchanging these data in a uniform and transparent fashion. However, due to the nature of the various types of heterogeneous data and lack of local and global database structures, standard data integration approaches fail or are not applicable. A viable solution to this problem is the extensive use of metadata. In this paper we present the model of an annotation management system suitable for such research environments, and discuss some aspects of its implementation. Annotations provide rich linkage structure between data and between themselves that translates in a complex graph structure of which annotations and data are the nodes. We show how annotations are managed and used for data retrieval and outline some of the query techniques used in the system

    Lagrangian particle tracking for the assessment of the flushing efficiency of harbor structures: the case of the Port of the Bay of Algeciras, Strait of Gibraltar

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    The Bay of Algeciras, an inlet of about 9 x 11 km located at the eastern margin of the Strait of Gibraltar, opens to the south, where the Atlantic jet leaves the Strait and starts spreading into the Alboran Sea. In its western side, the Bay hosts one of the main ports in Europe, neuralgic base of the major traffic load from Europe to Africa and from Europa to the rest of the oversea countries. The massive transport of liquid and solid bulk or bunkering activity, daily carried out in the Bay, combined with the harsh weather conditions that often lash the zone, give the ideal scenario for an incipient ecological disaster. This high environmental risk motivates the interest for a deeper understanding of the small scale dynamics of the Bay and the role played by the port structures in case of oil spill or other surface contaminations. A series of Lagrangian particles tracking (LPT) experiments were carried out to investigate the flushing patterns of the Bay and 8 different docks inside the local port, under a representative variety of external conditions, such as tide phase and strength, and winds. A 2D LPT algorithm has been adapted to fully exploit the outputs of a very high resolution (∼30m) three-domain-nested hydrodynamic model, with the aim of resolving the complex circulation within the structures of the harbor. Winds are a clearly dominant factor, with westerlies featuring e-folding times one order of magnitude lower than easterlies. Fortnightly tidal modulation presents a counter-intuitive effect, with spring tides that, despite promoting higher ventilation in a first instance, end up providing higher accumulation of particles inside the docks and higher e-folding times than neap tides. Tide phase affects the current direction at the entrance of the docks during the first few hours of simulation and its effect is progressively masked throughout the experiment. In the 45% of the experiments, a significant quantity of particles flow out to the Alboran Sea (55% in the whole Bay experiment), confirming the importance of the Bay on the exportation of pollutant/properties to the nearby basin.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional del Mar, CEIMAR. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    The measure of effectiveness of a short-term 2-week intensive Cardiac Rehabilitation program in decreasing levels of anxiety and depression

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    Research on heart disease have found a strong and consistent evidence of association between some psychosocial risk factors, including depression, anxiety, self-efficacy, lack of social support and outcome of disease. Depression increases the risk of cardiac death and is highly predictive of reduced adherence to recommended treatments; anxiety appears to be linked to adverse cardiac outcomes. It was demonstrated that Cardiac Rehabilitation (CR) leads to substantial improvements and positive outcomes because combines the prescription of physical activity with the modification of risk factors and aims to reduce symptoms related to the disease and the risk of new cardiovascular events. The main objective of this study is to determine if a short and intense CR program can produce a positive impact on anxious and depressive symptoms revealed in cardiac patients, confirming results of previous researches. The protocol was proposed to all patients referred for an outpatient CR after an acute event who attended the short 2-week intensive rehabilitation program. A total of 157 patients recruited at the operating unit of Cardiology, in the Hospital of Cittadella (Italy), was included in the analysis. The Beck Depression Inventory-II and the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-Y were administered to the patients. SPSS 17.0 was used for statistical analysis. T-tests for paired samples were used to evaluate differences between the beginning and the end of the CR program. There was a statistically significant difference between the beginning and the end of the CR program. Results for paired samples showed significant differences in all factors of the BDI-II and in the total score. In addition, a statistically significant difference was found even in the state - anxiety subscale. No significant difference was detected for the trait anxiety. According to recent studies, this research shows that the CR program has a significant impact on levels of anxiety and depression, because all activities focus their commitment on changing the patient’s personal beliefs and perception of illness, promoting the exchange of information and sharing of concerns and fears, increasing the patient’s resilience with the aim of enabling him/her to reorganize positively his/her personal, family and professional sphere

    Memory NK cell features exploitable in anticancer immunotherapy

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    Besides their innate ability to rapidly produce effector cytokines and kill virus-infected or transformed cells, natural killer (NK) cells display a strong capability to adapt to environmental modifications and to differentiate into long-lived, hyperfunctional populations, dubbed memory or memory-like NK cells. Despite significant progress in the field of NK cell-based immunotherapies, some factors including their short life span and the occurrence of a tumor-dependent functional exhaustion have limited their clinical efficacy so that strategies aimed at overcoming these limitations represent one of the main current challenges in the field. In this scenario, the exploitation of NK cell memory may have a considerable potential. This article summarizes recent evidence in the literature on the peculiar features that render memory NK cells an attractive tool for antitumor immunotherapy, including their long-term survival and in vivo persistence, the resistance to tumor-dependent immunosuppressive microenvironment, the amplified functional responses to IgG-opsonized tumor cells, and in vitro expansion capability. Along with highlighting these issues, we speculate that memory NK cell-based adoptive immunotherapy settings would greatly take advantage from the combination with tumor-targeting therapeutic antibodies (mAbs), as a strategy to fully unleash their clinical efficacy