80 research outputs found

    Chapter Gli spazi della conservazione del vino: studio e rilievo delle bodegas spagnole

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    The 43rd UID conference, held in Genova, takes up the theme of ‘Dialogues’ as practice and debate on many fundamental topics in our social life, especially in these complex and not yet resolved times. The city of Genova offers the opportunity to ponder on the value of comparison and on the possibilities for the community, naturally focused on the aspects that concern us, as professors, researchers, disseminators of knowledge, or on all the possibile meanings of the discipline of representation and its dialogue with ‘others’, which we have broadly catalogued in three macro areas: History, Semiotics, Science / Technology. Therefore, “dialogue” as a profitable exchange based on a common language, without which it is impossible to comprehend and understand one another; and the graphic sign that connotes the conference is the precise transcription of this concept: the title ‘translated’ into signs, derived from the visual alphabet designed for the visual identity of the UID since 2017. There are many topics which refer to three macro sessions: - Witnessing (signs and history) - Communicating (signs and semiotics) - Experimenting (signs and sciences) Thanks to the different points of view, an exceptional resource of our disciplinary area, we want to try to outline the prevailing theoretical-operational synergies, the collaborative lines of an instrumental nature, the recent updates of the repertoires of images that attest and nourish the relations among representation, history, semiotics, sciences

    The knowledge of the architectural heritage in HBIM systems from the discrete model to the parametric model

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    The application of BIM architectural heritage and therefore the parameterization of its elements present certain complexity, because the historical built environment must be subject to systematic readings, in order to detect an information system based on elements ontologically defined, which must be associated with data able to document their material, historical and constructive peculiarities. Referring to a case study, the paper presents some theoretical implications and operational procedures concerning the transition from discrete three-dimensional model of point clouds to a parametric model


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    The object of this paper is one of the most ancient palaces of Naples, Palazzo Penne, a fourteenth-century residential building located on a small high ground which originally was in the outer fringe of the built up area in a privileged position enabling to enjoy the landscape and gulf beauty. This building, which today is in the heart of the historical center, was the subject of an extensive analysis and documentary research, as well as of metric laser scanner survey carried out by the group researchers working at the Interdepartmental Centre of Research Urban Eco of the University of Naples Federico II. Starting from scan to bim systems the creation of a parametric model of the current state of the building is completed, by bringing the point cloud elements back to objects to which historical and construction data can be associated. Moreover starting from acquired data, the 3D model shows the reconstructive hypothesis of the original structure and the virtual reconstruction of the building based on traces found on-site and on the comparison with coeval creations allowing to properly hypothesize the design of point features

    Letture geometriche delle architetture ecclesiali: fruizione virtuale attraverso la documentazione H-BIM

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    This contribution presents a research experience that deals with the geometric interpretation of the ovalshaped churches of the city of Naples starting from three-dimensional surveys, in order to implement projects of knowledge and communication with digital systems that favor the virtual fruition of the architectural heritage.Gli attuali strumenti dell’ICT (Infomation and Communication Technology) per la digitalizzazione del patrimonio costruito, offrono notevoli opportunità utili alla conoscenza e alla comunicazione dello stesso e delle sue specificità. La trasposizione della realtà in ambiente digitale, attraverso la costruzione di modelli mimetici, oltre che metricamente coerenti, consente di indagarla e rappresentarla secondo più punti di vista e con diversi livelli di approfondimento. L'ambiente digitale, infatti, permette di elaborare immagini con la possibilità di derivare informazioni che molto spesso vanno oltre la realtà, rendendo visibili aspetti non immediatamente percepibili nella fruizione diretta. Il presente contributo fa riferimento alle metodologie ed alle procedure legate all’utilizzo di tecnologie di ultima generazione per l'acquisizione dei dati, al fine di realizzare sistemi di comunicazione digitale che, sfruttando l'immediatezza e la sintesi del dato visivo, siano in grado di fornire dati informativi di diversa natura sulla conoscenza del bene. In particolare, si intende presentare un'esperienza di ricerca condotta sul patrimonio architettonico della città di Napoli finalizzata alla realizzazione di un progetto di conoscenza e di comunicazione delle chiese a pianta ovata con riferimento ad alcuni campioni esemplificativi. Le operazioni di rilievo, basate su tecnologie no-contact, e di analisi della documentazione esistente, hanno consentito di rinvenire la configurazione spaziale dei temi di studio e di individuarne e verificarne le matrici geometriche. La nuvola di punti, ottenuta mediante rilievi image-based e range-based, è stata opportunamente processata ed elaborata per un’adeguata gestione dei file nelle fasi di restituzione del dato rilevato. Queste operazioni hanno consentito di visualizzare la nuvola secondo differenti layout, dando luogo a modelli informativi omologohi al reale. Nella reinterpretazione dei dati è stata operata una modellazione in ambiente BIM (Building Information Modeling), conformando un modello Heritage- BIM, al cui interno sono confluite tutte le informazioni inerenti il manufatto e predisponendo un sistema info-grafico fondamentale per la rappresentazione e la comunicazione del dato reale. La versatilità del modello H-BIM ha consentito di rielaborare le informazioni rispetto agli obiettivi e alle finalità della comunicazione, oltre che al target di utenti. Sulla base di tale rielaborazione, integrata con rilievi fotografici ed opportuni approfondimente, è possibile fruire ed esplorare virtualmente lo spazio, indagandone le specificità attraverso la consultazione di un archivio digitale interattivo.Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanism


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    This paper presents the developments of research related to the integration of digital survey methodologies with reference to image-based and range-based technologies. Starting from the processing of point clouds, the data were processed for both the geometric interpretation of the space as well as production of three-dimensional models that describe the constitutive and morphological relationships. The subject of the study was the church of San Carlo all'Arena in Naples (Italy), with a HBIM model being produced that is semantically consistent with the real building. Starting from the data acquired, a visualization system was created for the virtual exploration of the building


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    The scientific community is confirming the advantages of using BIM in the processes of conservation, management, and intervention over architectural-historical heritage. However, many difficulties remain in the transcription process of elements of the built environment, especially when the objective of the model is to support decision-making processes in restoration operations. Even for apparently simple elements, the procedures are not trivial; the need to define the most adequate operational strategies remains. In the context of this study, a possible approach concerning the documentation of a coffered ceiling has been proposed, a case study which takes into consideration the need to discretize information (to make it effective, transmissible, and understandable) and the potential offered by the combined use of further software automatization

    Homophobia and transphobia in a sample of Movement Sciences students: Implications for physical education teachers and coaches

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    Gender and sexual stereotypes and prejudices are pervasive in sport contexts and used to preserve male superiority, relegating what is not masculine to a lower status. These stereotypes and biases are firmly rooted in sport also because they are constantly renewed and reinforced by athletic trainers, who may teach, along with sports practice, the underpinning heteronormative ideologies and values as well. The current study was aimed at exploring knowledge, opinions, and attitudes on gender and sexual diversity in sport among 181 Movement Sciences university students compared to 169 university students attending Psychology, Medicine, and Sociology. Participants answered questions related to gender and sexual diversity, homophobia, and transphobia and data were analyzed through student’s t-tests and linear regressions. Results indicated that Movement Sciences university students had a lower level of knowledge about sexual and gender diversity, and this was associated with higher levels of homophobic and transphobic attitudes. The results suggest the need to introduce specific training in degree courses to deconstruct stereotypes and prejudices around sexual and gender diversity

    Physical Exercise Moderates the Effects of Disability on Depression in People with Multiple Sclerosis during the COVID-19 Outbreak

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    Physical disability impacts psychosocial wellbeing in people with multiple sclerosis. However, the role of physical activity in this context is still debated. By taking advantage of a previous survey, conducted online from 22 April to 7 May 2020, we performed a post-hoc analysis with the aim to assess the associations between disability, physical exercise, and mental health in multiple sclerosis. We retrieved the following data: (i) sociodemographic information, (ii) changes in lifestyle (including exercise), (iii) physical disability, as measured with the Patient-Determined Disease Steps scale, and (iv) anxiety feelings and depressive symptoms assessed via the items included in the Quality of Life in Neurological Disorders measurement system. Examination of the interaction plot showed that the effect of disability on depression, but not on anxious symptoms, was significant for all levels of physical exercise (low: b = 1.22, 95% C.I. 0.85, 1.58, p < 0.001; moderate: b = 0.95, 95% C.I. 0.66, 1.24, p < 0.001; and high: b = 0.68, 95% C.I. 0.24, 1.13, p = 0.003). Based on these data, we can conclude that disability significantly impacted depression during the COVID-19 pandemic, with physical activity playing a moderating role. Our results suggest that favoring exercise in multiple sclerosis (MS) would ameliorate psychological wellbeing regardless of the level of physical disability

    Shape grammar libraries of European classical architectural elements for historic BIM

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    This paper proposes a design for libraries of European Classical architectural elements based on shape grammars. This design is based on a workflow which develops library objects from 3D CAD primitives using architectural rules to construct parametric representations of architectural elements. In the case of Classical architecture, the design and detail for the parametric objects are based on manuscripts rangingfromVitruviustoPalladiotothearchitecturalpatternbooksoftheeighteenthcentury. The generation of 3D objects for virtual reconstruction necessitates the application of computer algorithms and rules introduced by the user to generate objects, buildings and spaces from a grammar and vocabulary of shapes. Both the use of graphicly constructed and coded parametric libraries in formal and open-source platforms will be considered here