354 research outputs found

    The prolegomenon to Proclus’ Platonic theology : an introduction, translation, and commentary of chapters 1-7 of Book I of the Platonic theology

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    Tableau d'honneur de la Faculté des études supérieures et postdorales, 2014-2015Bien qu’elle représente son opus magnum, la Théologie platonicienne de Proclus a souvent été négligée par les études néoplatoniciennes récentes. Hormis l’importante édition et traduction de cette œuvre dans la Collection des Universités de France (Proclus, Théologie platonicienne, 6 vol., éd. H. D. Saffrey et L. G. Westerink, Paris, 1968-1997), et le Festschrift qui l’a célébrée par la suite (Proclus et la théologie platonicienne, Actes du Colloque International de Louvain [13-16 mai 1998], en l'honneur de H. D. Saffrey et L. G. Westerink (†), éd. A. Ph. Segonds (†) et C. Steel, , Leuven/Paris, 2000), peu de travaux ont été consacrés à la Théologie platonicienne. Le signe le plus révélateur de ce manque criant est sans aucun doute l’absence d’une traduction anglaise digne de foi et d’un commentaire détaillé de cette œuvre, pourtant capitale, de la tradition philosophique occidentale. La présente traduction anglaise des premiers chapitres des prolégomènes de la Théologie platonicienne (chap. 1-7), accompagnée d’une introduction, d’un essai interprétatif et d’un commentaire détaillé, cherche en partie à combler cette lacune, espérant aussi stimuler par-là l’intérêt pour ce dernier grand monument de la philosophie antique tardive.Despite being his magnum opus, Proclus’ Platonic Theology has been largely overlooked by the contemporary revival of Neoplatonic scholarship. Aside the publication of H. D. Saffrey and L. G. Westerink’s edition in the Collection des Universités de France (Proclus, Théologie platonicienne, 6 vol., éd. H. D. Saffrey et L. G. Westerink, Paris, 1968-1997), and a Festschrift dedicated thereto (Proclus et la théologie platonicienne, Actes du Colloque International de Louvain [13-16 mai 1998], en l'honneur de H. D. Saffrey et L. G. Westerink (†), éd. A. Ph. Segonds (†) et C. Steel, Leuven/Paris, 2000), scant work has been done on the Platonic Theology. Perhaps the most telling signs of the neglect from which it has suffered are its lack of at once a reliable English translation and detailed commentary. The present English translation of the opening chapters of the prolegomenon of the Platonic Theology (chap. 1-7), with its accompanying introduction, interpretative essay, and running commentary, is therefore an attempt to give this work some of the attention it so richly deserves

    CHEOPS performance for exomoons: The detectability of exomoons by using optimal decision algorithm

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    Many attempts have already been made for detecting exomoons around transiting exoplanets but the first confirmed discovery is still pending. The experience that have been gathered so far allow us to better optimize future space telescopes for this challenge, already during the development phase. In this paper we focus on the forthcoming CHaraterising ExOPlanet Satellite (CHEOPS),describing an optimized decision algorithm with step-by-step evaluation, and calculating the number of required transits for an exomoon detection for various planet-moon configurations that can be observable by CHEOPS. We explore the most efficient way for such an observation which minimizes the cost in observing time. Our study is based on PTV observations (photocentric transit timing variation, Szab\'o et al. 2006) in simulated CHEOPS data, but the recipe does not depend on the actual detection method, and it can be substituted with e.g. the photodynamical method for later applications. Using the current state-of-the-art level simulation of CHEOPS data we analyzed transit observation sets for different star-planet-moon configurations and performed a bootstrap analysis to determine their detection statistics. We have found that the detection limit is around an Earth-sized moon. In the case of favorable spatial configurations, systems with at least such a large moon and with at least Neptune-sized planet, 80\% detection chance requires at least 5-6 transit observations on average. There is also non-zero chance in the case of smaller moons, but the detection statistics deteriorates rapidly, while the necessary transit measurements increase fast. (abridged)Comment: 32 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    Identification de déterminants impliqués dans la différenciation des cellules souches embryonnaires

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    Les cellules souches ont attiré l’attention du public ces dernières années, grâce non-seulement à leur utilisation comme thérapies visant à s’attaquer à certains types de cancers, mais aussi en relation avec leur potentiel dans le domaine de la médecine regénérative. Il est établi que le destin cellulaire des cellules souches embryonnaires (ESC) est régulé de façon intensive par un groupe de facteur clés agissant sur leur pluripotence. Il est néanmoins envisageable que certains déterminants influençant l’auto-renouvellement et la différenciation de ces cellules soient toujours inconnus. Afin de tester cette hypothèse, nous avons généré, en utilisant une méthode par infections virales, une collection de ESC contenant des délétions chromosomales chevauchantes que nous avons baptisée DelES (Deletion in ES cells). Cette librairie contient plus de 1000 clones indépendants dont les régions délétées couvrent environ 25% du génome murin. À l’aide de cette ressource, nous avons conduit un criblage de formation de corps embryoïdes (EB), démontrant que plusieurs clones délétés avaient un phénotype de différenciation anormal. Nos études de complémentation sur un groupe de clones ont par la suite permis l’identification de Rps14 - un gène codant pour une protéine ribosomale (RP) comme étant haploinsuffisant pour la formation de EB. Dans un deuxième temps, l’analyse approfondie des résultats de notre crible a permis d’identifier un groupe de gènes codants pour des RP qui semblent essentiels pour la différenciation des ESC, mais dispensables pour leur auto-renouvellement. De manière intéressante, les phénotypes anormaux de formation en EB les plus marqués sont associés à des délétions de RP qui se retrouvent au site de sortie des ARN messagers (ARNm) du ribosome, soit Rps5, Rps14 et Rps28. Étonnament, alors qu’un débalancement des RP conduit généralement à une réponse de type p53, l’haploinsuffisance de ces trois gènes ne peut être renversée par une simple réduction des niveaux d’expression de ce gène suppresseur de tumeurs. Finalement, nos études de profilage polysomal et de séquençage à haut-débit montrent une signature spécifique de gènes liés au mésoderme chez un clone hétérozygote pour Rps5, suggérant ainsi une explication au phénotype de différenciation p53-indépendant identifié chez ces ESC. Nos travaux rapportent donc la création d’une ressource intéressante de génomique fonctionnelle qui a permis de mettre à jour le rôle essentiel que jouent les RP dans le processus de formation de EB. Nos résultats permettent aussi de documenter une réponse p53-indépendante suite à un débalancement de RP dans un contexte opposant l’auto-renouvellement et la différenciation des ESC.Stem cells have captured public’s attention in the last years, thanks to their involvement in cancer therapies and also their huge theoretical potential in the regenerative medicine field. In order to translate this new technology to the clinic, a better understanding of their regulatory mechanisms is still needed. It is well established that mouse embryonic stem cell (ESC) fate is highly regulated by core pluripotency factors. However, it is conceivable that novel self-renewal or differentiation regulators are not yet described. To investigate this possibility, we used a viral-based approach to generate a collection of ESC with nested chromosomal deletions called DelES (Deletion in ES cells). This library contains more than a thousand independent ESC clones highly enriched in chromosomal deletions which together cover ~25% of the mouse genome. Using this resource, we conducted an embryoid body (EB) differentiation screen and showed that several clones were having an abnormal EB formation phenotype. Complementation studies later identified Rps14-a ribosomal protein (RP) coding gene- as a novel haploinsufficient gene in EB formation from undifferentiated ESC. Further analyses of our screen results showed a strong bias for a subset of small subunit ribosomal protein genes which are critical for ESC differentiation but not for their self-renewal activity. Interestingly, the most severe differentiation phenotypes were found with ribosomal proteins associated to the ribosome’s mRNA exit site, namely Rps5, Rps14 and Rps28. While RP gene imbalance often leads to a p53 response that can be corrected by p53 suppression, ESC clones with decreased expression of mRNA exit site RP genes were surprisingly insensitive to p53 reduction, but were rescued by BAC or cDNA complementation, thus confirming the causative nature of these genes in the ESC phenotype. Finally, polysomal profiling and RNA-Seq studies showed that Rps5 deleted ESC exhibit an abnormal mesodermal gene signature. Together, our work presents a highly valuable resource for functional genomic studies in ESC and also highlights a novel p53-independent role linked to RP gene imbalance. Our results shed light on the relevance of these subunits for the developmental transition of ESC from a pluripotent to a differentiated state

    La dynamique spatio-temporelle de l’attention en lecture chez les dyslexiques

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    La dyslexie est un trouble neurodéveloppemental nuisant au développement normal de la fluidité en lecture. Certains processus de base à la lecture pourraient être atteints chez les dyslexiques et entraîner des répercussions touchant les représentations de haut niveau des mots en découlant : orthographique, phonologique et sémantique. Un de ces processus de base est le déploiement spatio-temporel de l’attention sur des séquences de stimuli multiples alignés à l’horizontale. L’efficacité de ce déploiement pourrait être étroitement liée à l’expertise en lecture chez les normo-lecteurs, et des irrégularités dans celui-ci pourraient être observées chez des dyslexiques. Malheureusement, la caractérisation de ce déploiement en contexte de reconnaissance de mots écrits, son implication dans la vitesse de lecture et (potentiellement) même dans certaines habiletés langagières demeurent largement sous-spécifiées. Le premier article de cette thèse vise à révéler les divergences du déploiement de l’attention dans le temps et dans l’espace pendant la reconnaissance d’un mot familier chez un groupe d’adultes dyslexiques par rapport à un groupe de normo-lecteurs. Les groupes sont appariés en termes d’âge et de fonctionnement intellectuel. Cet objectif est poursuivi avec la technique de sonde attentionnelle. Les résultats révèlent que les dyslexiques dirigent moins de ressources attentionnelles vers la première lettre d’un mot, ce qui est sous-optimal considérant que la première lettre d’un mot est particulièrement informative sur son identité. Le deuxième article de cette thèse vise à déterminer si les habiletés en lecture de texte et de traitement phonologique chez les dyslexiques peuvent bénéficier d’un entraînement attentionnel court. Un protocole utilisant un entraînement visuo-attentionnel (NeuroTracker) et un entraînement placebo chez une vingtaine d’adultes dyslexiques met en évidence des gains systématiques immédiatement après l’entraînement actif. L’ordre des entraînements (actif puis placebo, ou placebo puis actif) était contrebalancé entre deux groupes. Ces gains s’observent en vitesse de lecture, et même au niveau de la conscience phonologique. Le troisième article de cette thèse apporte finalement une contribution additionnelle significative pour l’évaluation de la vitesse de la lecture chez les adultes universitaires franco-québécois. L’utilisation des phrases-tests d’un outil existant (MNRead) a été intégrée à un protocole de présentation visuelle sérielle rapide pour l’évaluation de la vitesse de lecture. En plus de cet ensemble de phrases-test, quatre autres ensembles de phrases-test ont été normés. L’outil développé permet d’obtenir une mesure de la vitesse de lecture fiable chez un même individu à différentes reprises (Exp. 1) et il satisfait différents standards psychométriques (Exps. 1 et 2), en étant notamment sensible à la présence des difficultés en lecture retrouvées chez les dyslexiques (Exp. 2). En somme, il appert que certains processus visuo-attentionnels sous-tendent l’expertise en lecture et que ceux-ci pourraient présenter des irrégularités chez les dyslexiques. La caractérisation d’un déploiement attentionnel sous-optimal en reconnaissance de mots familiers tout comme les bénéfices obtenus en lecture et en traitement phonologique subséquents à un entraînement attentionnels mettent en lumière l’importance de ces processus de base en lecture.Dyslexia is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects the normal development of reading fluency. Deficits affecting basic reading processes may affect dyslexics and would thus alter high-level word representations: orthographic, phonological, and semantic. One of these basic processes is the attentional mechanism that is involved in the visual processing of horizontal multi-element strings such as words. The effectiveness of this mechanism could be closely related to reading expertise in normal readers and anomalies thereof could be observed in dyslexics. Unfortunately, it remains unclear how attention is deployed during visual word recognition and how it may impact on reading speed and potentially on certain language skills. The first article of this thesis aims to shed light on divergences in the deployment of attention through time and space during the recognition of familiar words in a group of adults with dyslexia in comparison to normal readers. These groups were matched in terms of age and intellectual functioning. This objective is pursued with the attentional probe technique. Results reveal that less attentional resources are directed to the first letter of a word in dyslexics, which is suboptimal considering that the first letter of a word has a higher diagnostic value than any other letter position. The goal of the second article is to determine if reading fluency and phonological awareness in dyslexics may benefit from a short attentional training. The effects of an active training using the NeuroTracker program and a placebo training in adults with dyslexia shows systematic gains immediately after active training. The order of the training (active then placebo, or placebo then active) was counter-balanced across two groups. These gains are observed on reading speed as well as on phonological awareness. The third article of this thesis finally brings a significant additional contribution to the evaluation of reading speed among Quebec university students. The use of test sentences from an existing tool (MNRead) has been incorporated into a rapid visual serial presentation protocol to assess reading speed. In addition to this set of test sentences, four other sets of test sentences have been standardized. The tool is reliable, as reading speed measurements are similar in the same individual at different times (Exp 1). Moreover, it meets different psychometric standards (Exps 1 and 2) while being particularly sensitive to the presence of the reading difficulties found in dyslexics (Exp.2). In sum, it appears that particular visual-attention processes underlie reading expertise and that these show anomalies in dyslexics. The characterization of a suboptimal attention deployment in visual word recognition as well as the benefits obtained in reading and phonological awareness subsequent to an attentional training highlight the importance of these basic processes in reading

    Early multifocal stenosis after coronary artery snaring during off-pump coronary artery bypass in a patient with diabetes

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    AbstractJ Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2001;122:1044-

    Insomnia and daytime cognitive performance : a meta-analysis

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    Objectives : Individuals with insomnia consistently report difficulties pertaining to their cognitive functioning (e.g., memory, concentration). However, objective measurements of their performance on neuropsychological tests have produced inconsistent findings. This meta-analysis was conducted to provide a quantitative summary of evidence regarding the magnitude of differences between individuals with primary insomnia and normal sleepers on a broad range of neuropsychological measures. Methods : Reference databases (PubMed, PsycInfo, Dissertation Abstracts International) were searched for studies comparing adults with primary insomnia to normal sleepers on neuropsychological measures. Dependent variables related to cognitive and psychomotor performance were extracted from each study. Variables were classified independently by two licensed neuropsychologists according to the main cognitive function being measured. Individual effect sizes (Cohen's d) were weighted by variability and combined for each cognitive function using a fixed effects model. Average effect sizes and their 95% confidence intervals were computed for each cognitive function. Results : Twenty-four studies met inclusion criteria, for a total of 639 individuals with insomnia and 558 normal sleepers. Significant impairments (p < 0.05) of small to moderate magnitude were found in individuals with insomnia for tasks assessing episodic memory (ES = −0.51), problem solving (ES = −0.42), manipulation in working memory (ES = −0.42), and retention in working memory (ES = −0.22). No significant group differences were observed for tasks assessing general cognitive function, perceptual and psychomotor processes, procedural learning, verbal functions, different dimensions of attention (alertness, complex reaction time, speed of information processing, selective attention, sustained attention/vigilance) and some aspects of executive functioning (verbal fluency, cognitive flexibility). Conclusion : Individuals with insomnia exhibit performance impairments for several cognitive functions, including working memory, episodic memory and some aspects of executive functioning. While the data suggests that these impairments are of small to moderate magnitude, further research using more ecologically valid measures and normative data are warranted to establish their clinical significance

    Moving beyond the cost–loss ratio : economic assessment of streamflow forecasts for a risk-averse decision maker

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    A large effort has been made over the past 10 years to promote the operational use of probabilistic or ensemble streamflow forecasts. Numerous studies have shown that ensemble forecasts are of higher quality than deterministic ones. Many studies also conclude that decisions based on ensemble rather than deterministic forecasts lead to better decisions in the context of flood mitigation. Hence, it is believed that ensemble forecasts possess a greater economic and social value for both decision makers and the general population. However, the vast majority of, if not all, existing hydro-economic studies rely on a cost–loss ratio framework that assumes a risk-neutral decision maker. To overcome this important flaw, this study borrows from economics and evaluates the economic value of early warning flood systems using the well-known Constant Absolute Risk Aversion (CARA) utility function, which explicitly accounts for the level of risk aversion of the decision maker. This new framework allows for the full exploitation of the information related to a forecasts’ uncertainty, making it especially suited for the economic assessment of ensemble or probabilistic forecasts. Rather than comparing deterministic and ensemble forecasts, this study focuses on comparing different types of ensemble forecasts. There are multiple ways of assessing and representing forecast uncertainty. Consequently, there exist many different means of building an ensemble forecasting system for future streamflow. One such possibility is to dress deterministic forecasts using the statistics of past error forecasts. Such dressing methods are popular among operational agencies because of their simplicity and intuitiveness. Another approach is the use of ensemble meteorological forecasts for precipitation and temperature, which are then provided as inputs to one or many hydrological model(s). In this study, three concurrent ensemble streamflow forecasting systems are compared: simple statistically dressed deterministic forecasts, forecasts based on meteorological ensembles, and a variant of the latter that also includes an estimation of state variable uncertainty. This comparison takes place for the Montmorency River, a small flood-prone watershed in southern central Quebec, Canada. The assessment of forecasts is performed for lead times of 1 to 5 days, both in terms of forecasts’ quality (relative to the corresponding record of observations) and in terms of economic value, using the new proposed framework based on the CARA utility function. It is found that the economic value of a forecast for a risk-averse decision maker is closely linked to the forecast reliability in predicting the upper tail of the streamflow distribution. Hence, post-processing forecasts to avoid overforecasting could help improve both the quality and the value of forecasts

    Unbound exotic nuclei studied by projectile fragmentation

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    We call "projectile fragmentation" of neutron halo nuclei the elastic breakup (diffraction) reaction, when the observable studied is the neutron-core relative energy spectrum. This observable has been measured in relation to the Coulomb breakup on heavy target and recently also on light targets. Such data enlighten the effect of the neutron final state interaction with the core of origin. Projectile fragmentation is studied here by a time dependent model for the excitation of a nucleon from a bound state to a continuum resonant state in a neutron-core complex potential which acts as a final state interaction. The final state is described by an optical model S-matrix so that both resonant and non resonant states of any continuum energy can be studied as well as deeply bound initial states. It turns out that due to the coupling between the initial and final states, the neutron-core free particle phase shifts are modified, in the exit channel, by an additional phase. Some typical numerical calculations for the relevant observables are presented and compared to experimental data. It is suggest that the excitation energy spectra of an unbound nucleus might reflect the structure of the parent nucleus from whose fragmentation they are obtained.Comment: Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Problems in Theoretican Nuclear Physics, Cortona, Italy, 2006. World Scientifi

    Evaluation of the 13N(α,p)16O thermonuclear reaction rate and its impact on the isotopic composition of supernova grains

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    It has been suggested that hydrogen ingestion into the helium shell of massive stars could lead to high 13^{13}C and 15^{15}N excesses when the shock of a core-collapse supernova passes through its helium shell. This prediction questions the origin of extremely high 13^{13}C and 15^{15}N abundances observed in rare presolar SiC grains which is usually attributed to classical novae. In this context 13^{13}N(α\alpha,p)16^{16}O the reaction plays an important role since it is in competition with 13^{13}N β+\beta^+-decay to 13^{13}C. The 13^{13}N(α\alpha,p)16^{16}O reaction rate used in stellar evolution calculations comes from the CF88 compilation with very scarce information on the origin of this rate. The goal of this work is to provide a recommended 13^{13}N(α\alpha,p)16^{16}O reaction rate, based on available experimental data. Unbound nuclear states in the 17^{17}F compound nucleus were studied using the spectroscopic information of the analog states in 17^{17}O nucleus that were measured at the Alto facility using the 13^{13}C(7^7Li,t)17^{17}O alpha-transfer reaction, and spectroscopic factors were derived using a DWBA analysis. This spectroscopic information was used to calculate a recommended 13^{13}N(α\alpha,p)16^{16}O reaction rate with meaningful uncertainty using a Monte Carlo approach. The present 13^{13}N(α\alpha,p)16^{16}O reaction rate is found to be within a factor of two of the previous evaluation, with a typical uncertainty of a factor 2-3. The source of this uncertainty comes from the three resonances at Erc.m.=221E_r^{c.m.} = 221, 741 and 959 keV. This new error estimation translates to an overall uncertainty in the 13^{13}C production of a factor of 50. The main source of uncertainty on the re-evaluated 13^{13}N(α\alpha,p)16^{16}O reaction rate currently comes from the uncertain alpha-width of relevant 17^{17}F states
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