991 research outputs found

    A conceptual approach to gene expression analysis enhanced by visual analytics

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    The analysis of gene expression data is a complex task for biologists wishing to understand the role of genes in the formation of diseases such as cancer. Biologists need greater support when trying to discover, and comprehend, new relationships within their data. In this paper, we describe an approach to the analysis of gene expression data where overlapping groupings are generated by Formal Concept Analysis and interactively analyzed in a tool called CUBIST. The CUBIST workflow involves querying a semantic database and converting the result into a formal context, which can be simplified to make it manageable, before it is visualized as a concept lattice and associated charts

    Electronic excited states of benzene in interaction with water clusters : influence of structure and size

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    This work is dedicated to the theoretical investigation of the influence of water clusters' organisation and size on the electronic spectrum of an interacting benzene (Bz) molecule using both TD-DFT and CASPT2 approaches. Two series of geometries, namely GeoIEIGeo_{IEI} and GeoIEDGeo_{IED} were extracted from two Bz-hexagonal ice configurations leading to maximum and minimum ionization energies respectively. An appropriate basis set containing atomic diffuse and polarisation orbitals and describing the Rydberg states of Bz was determined. The TD-DFT approach was carefully benchmarked against CASPT2 results for the smallest systems.Despite some discrepancies, the trends were found to be similar at both levels of theory: the positions and intensities of the main π→π⋆\pi \rightarrow \pi^{\star} transitions were found slightly split due to symmetry breaking. For the smallest systems, our results clearly show the dependence of the electronic transitions on the clusters' structures. Of particular interest, low energy transitions of non negligible oscillator strength from a Bz π\pi orbital to a virtual orbital of Rydberg character, also involving atomic diffuse functions and partially expanded on the water cluster, were found for the GeoIEDGeo_{IED} series. The energies of such transitions were determined to be more than 2\,eV below the ionization potential of Bz. When the cluster's size increases, similar transitions were found for all structures, the virtual orbitals becoming mainly developed on the H atoms of the water molecules at the edge of the cluster. Given their nature and energy, such transitions could play a role in the photochemistry of aromatic species in interaction with water clusters or ice, such processes being of astrophysical interest.Comment: 37 pages, 15 figures, 7 table

    Robust Measurement Feedback Control of an Inclined Cable

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    International audienceConsidering the partial differential equation model of the vibrations of an inclined cable, we are interested in applying robust control technics to stabilize the system with measurement feedback when it is submitted to external disturbances. This paper focuses indeed on the construction of a standard linear infinite dimensional state space system and an H_infinity feedback control of vibrations with partial observation of the state. The control and observation are performed using an active tendon

    PAH chemistry at eV internal energies. 1. H-shifted isomers

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    The PAH family of organic compounds (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons), involved in several fields of chemistry, has received particular attention in astrochemistry, where their vibrational spectroscopy, thermodynamic, dynamic, and fragmentation properties are now abundantly documented. This survey aims at drawing trends for low spin-multiplicity surfaces of PAHs bearing internal energies in the range 1-10 eV. It addresses some typical alternatives to the ground-state regular structures of PAHs, making explicit possible intramolecular rearrangements leading to high-lying minima. These isomerisations should be taken into consideration when addressing PAH processing in astrophysical conditions. The first part of this double-entry study focuses on the hydrogen-shifted forms, which bear both a carbene center and a saturated carbon. It rests upon DFT calculations mainly performed on two emblematic PAH representatives, coronene and pyrene, in their neutral and mono and multi-cationic states. Systematically searched for in neutral species, these H-shifted minima are lying 4-5 eV above the regular all-conjugated forms, and are separated by barriers of about one eV. General hydrogen-shifting is found to be easier for cationic species as the relative energies of their H-shifted minima are 1-1.5 eV lower than those for neutral species. As much as possible, classical knowledge and concepts of organic chemistry such as aromaticity and Clar's rules are invoked for result interpretation.Comment: 35 pages, accepted by Molecular Astrophysic

    PAH chemistry at eV internal energies. 2. Ring alteration and dissociation

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    Recognized as important interstellar constituents, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) have been intensively studied in astrochemistry and their spectroscopy, thermodynamics, dynamics, and fragmentations are now amply documented. There exists typical alternatives to the ground-state regular planar structures of PAHs, as long as they bear internal energies in the range 1-10 eV. Resulting from intramolecular rearrangements, such high-lying minima on the potential- energy surfaces should be taken into consideration in the studies of PAH processing in astrophysical conditions. Resting upon DFT calculations mainly performed on two emblematic PAH representatives, coronene and pyrene, in their neutral and mono and multi-cationic states, this second survey addresses the following alternatives: (1) opened forms containing ethynyl or 2- butynyl groups, (2) vinylidene isomers, in which phenanthrene patterns are reorganized into dibenzofulvene ones, (3) twisted forms, where external CH=CH bonds can be partly twisted, and (4) bicyclobutane forms, in which the latter are integrated in saturated bicyclic forms. A few scenarios for elimination of fragments H, H2, C2H2 and C2H4 are explored. As far as possible, familiar concepts of organic chemistry, such as aromaticity or Clar's rules, are invoked for interpretations.Comment: 65 pages, accepted by Molecular Astrophysic

    Lithium conducting solid electrolyte Li1.3Al0.3Ti1.7(PO4)3 obtained via solution chemistry

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    NaSICON-type lithium conductor Li1.3Al0.3Ti1.7(PO4)3 (LATP) is synthesized with controlled grain size and composition using solution chemistry. After thermal treatment at 850 C, sub-micronic crystallized powders with high purity are obtained. They are converted into ceramic through Spark Plasma Sintering at 850–1000 C. By varying the processing parameters, pellet with conductivities up to 1.6 * 10−4 S/cm with density of 97% of the theoretical density have been obtained. XRD, FEG-SEM, ac-impedance and Vickers indentation were used to characterize the products. The influence of sintering parameters on pellet composition, microstructure and conductivity is discussed in addition to the analysis of the mechanical behavior of the grains interfaces

    Gestion Publique ou PrivĂ©e ? Un benchmarking des services d’eau en France

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    Nous utilisons une mĂ©thode d’Analyse par Enveloppe de DonnĂ©es (DEA) ainsi qu’une mĂ©thode d’Analyse par FrontiĂšre Stochastique (SFA) pour mesurer l’efficacitĂ© relative de 177 services d’eau en France, en 2009. Ces services peuvent ĂȘtre gĂ©rĂ©s directement par les communes (rĂ©gies) ou ĂȘtre dĂ©lĂ©guĂ©s Ă  des opĂ©rateurs privĂ©s. L’utilisation de ces deux outils de benchmarking nous permet de distinguer la part de l’inefficience relative des services provenant de l’inefficience managĂ©riale, du contexte opĂ©rationnel et des bruits statistiques. Nos rĂ©sultats indiquent tout d’abord que les opĂ©rateurs privĂ©s opĂšrent dans des environnements plus difficiles. AprĂšs correction de cet environnement d’exploitation, les services d’eau dĂ©lĂ©guĂ©s demeurent, en moyenne, trĂšs lĂ©gĂšrement moins efficients en comparaison des rĂ©gies. Cependant, cette faible diffĂ©rence se dissipe lorsque les performances relatives sont mesurĂ©es Ă©conomĂ©triquement.This paper uses a Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) and a Stochastic Frontier Analysis (SFA) to assess the relative technical efficiency of 177 decision making units in the water supply sector in France in 2009. Water utilities can be directly managed by the local authorities or contracted out and then managed by a private operator. The use of a three-stage model mixing DEA and SFA enables us to dissociate managerial inefficiencies from the structural inefficiencies and statistical noise. Our results show that private managers face more difficult environment. After having taken into account the environmental variables, private management remains on average slightly less efficient than public management. However, this small difference dissipates when relative performance is econometrically measured

    Hydrogenation of C24_{24} carbon clusters : structural diversity and energetic properties

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    This work aims at exploring the potential energy surfaces of C24_{24}Hn_n{n=0,6,12,18,24} up to 20-25\,eV using the genetic algorithm in combination with the density functional based tight binding (DFTB) potential. The structural diversity of the non fragmented structures was analysed using order parameters which were chosen as the number of 5 or 6 carbon rings and the asphericity constant ÎČ\beta. The most abundant and lowest energy population was found to correspond to a flakes population, constituted of isomers of variable shapes possessing a large number of 5 or 6-carbon rings. This population is characterized by a larger number of spherical isomers when nH/nCn_H/n_C increases. Simultaneously, the fraction of the pretzels population constituted of spherical isomers possessing fewer 5 or 6 carbon ring cycles increases. For all hydrogenation rates, the fraction of cages population remains extremely minor while the branched population is the highest energy population for all nH/nCn_H/n_C ratios. For all C24_{24}Hn_n{n=0,6,12,18,24} clusters, a detailed study of the evolution of the carbon ring size distribution as a function of energy clearly shows that the stability is correlated to the number of 6-carbon rings. A similar study for hybridization spnsp^n (n=1-3) shows that the number of sp1sp^1 carbon atoms increases with energy while globally the number of sp3sp^3 carbon atoms increases with nH/nCn_H/n_C. The average values of the ionization potentials of all populations were found to decrease when nH/nCn_H/n_C increases, ranging from 7.9\,eV down to 6.4\,eV that we correlated to carbon atoms hybridization spnsp^n (n=1-3). These results are of astrophysical interest as they should be taken into account in astrophysical models especially regarding the role of carbonaceous species in the gas ionization.Comment: 37 pages, 13 figure
