136 research outputs found

    Targeting SNARE proteins and the trafficking of sodium channels in inflammatory pain

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    NEETs civic and political participation in outermost islands: The mediating roles of sense of community and agency

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    Our aim is to test the associations between collectivism, social support, sense of community, as well as agency with civic and political participation levels of NEETs living in The Azores, a group of islands forming a small and outermost archipelago. We surveyed 332 participants (M = 26.78; 69.30% women). We found that all factors, except for social support, were associated with higher participation levels among NEETs. We also found that stronger sense of community and agency mediated the connection between stronger collectivism and higher levels of participation. Therefore, we conclude that setting emotional bonds with the community and being involved in local traditions and causes are necessary conditions to translate dominant local values into NEETs civic and political participation in outermost islands. We further discuss how these results can be translated into more effective, person-centred policies to support NEETs inclusion

    Structural and Functional Evolution of Glucose Transporter 4 (GLUT4): A Look at GLUT4 in Fish

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    The insulin-responsive glucose transporter GLUT4 was first described in 1988 as a result of studies on the regulation of glucose metabolism by insulin [1]. Soon after the discovery of GLUT4, several groups cloned GLUT4 in the human [2], rat [3,4] and mouse [5]. Since its discovery, GLUT4 has received, together with GLUT1, more experimental attention than any other single membrane transport protein. Structurally, GLUT4 follows the predicted model for class I glucose transporters. GLUT4 has a high affinity for glucose, with a Km of approximately 5 mM [6], and also transports mannose, galactose, dehydroascorbic acid and glucosamine [7-10]. In mammals, GLUT4 is mainly expressed in cardiac and skeletal muscle, brown and white adipose tissue, and brain [6,11,12]. GLUT4 plays a pivotal role in whole body glucose homeostasis, mediating the uptake of glucose regulated by insulin [13,14]. GLUT4 is responsible for the reduction in the postprandial rise in plasma glucose levels [6]. Insulin acts by stimulating the translocation of specific GLUT4-containing vesicles from intracellular stores to the plasma membrane (PM) resulting in an immediate increase in glucose transport [6,15]. The disruption of GLUT4 expression has been extensively associated with pathologies of impaired glucose uptake and insulin resistance such as type 2 diabetes and obesity [13,16-18]..

    Influence of temperature, strain-rate and aging on the mechanical behaviour of an Al-Mg-Si alloy

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    Ce travail vise à analyser l'influence de la température, de la vitesse de déformation et de la durée de vieillissement sur le comportement mécanique de l'alliage EN AW 6016-T4, vieilli naturellement. Cet alliage a été sélectionné car il est couramment utilisé dans l'industrie automobile. Les essais mécaniques de traction ont été réalisés pour une gamme de température comprise entre la température ambiante et 300°C, pour différentes vitesses de déformation et à des temps différents après leur production. Les résultats constituent une nouvelle base de données expérimentale qui permettra d'évaluer les applications potentielles de la mise en forme à chaud de cet alliage

    How the quality of urban adaptation plans in Europe has evolved over time: indication of progress? Judgement by way of an assessment framework

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    ABSTRACT: Since the Paris Agreement, there has been an increasing focus on assessing the progress of climate change adaptation across multiple sectors and regions (Lesnikowski et al., 2017; Tompkins et al., 2018; Berrang-Ford et al., 2019). An important question is what ‘progress’ means and how it could be assessed, at the international, national, and local levels. Hitherto, there is a wealth of information on climate responses at sub-national levels (Hale et al., 2021). Cities and urban areas are increasingly recognized as important actors in climate response (Sanchez Rodriguez et al., 2018). In urban adaptation studies, most assessments focus on tracking and analysing policy outputs, such as approved adaptation plans (Castan Broto et al., 2020; Dodman et al., 2022). Analysing plans cannot tell the whole story in terms of actual progress in the collective reduction (or redistribution) of climate risks. However, it can provide information about the quality and relevance of adaptation processes and actions, and help to assess the likelihood that cities’ advance adaptation goals by reducing risks and increasing resilience equitably (Olazabal et al., 2019; Woodruff & Stults, 2016). Scholars have argued that ‘the best method to ensuring robust adaptation is to ensure rigorous adaptation planning processes’ (Preston et al., 2011).N/

    Application of microbial fuel cell technology for vinasse treatment and bioelectricity generation

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    Our study evaluated the performance of different two-chambered microbial fuel cell (MFC) prototypes, operated with variable distance between electrodes and Nafion membrane and specific inoculum concentration, applied for vinasse treatment.Instituto de Pesquisa Tecnológica do Estado de São Paulo/Programa Novos Talentos, through individual Research Grant attributed to Cristiane Angélica Ottoni.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Giant atypical lipoma

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    Liposarcomas correspond to the most common histological subtype of soft tissue sarcomas. They can be subdivided into: well differentiated or atypical lipoma, undifferentiated, myxoid, round, and pleomorphic cells. Atypical lipomas are the most prevalent and usually appear as asymptomatic softened tumors. They are locally aggressive but rarely lead to distant metastases. The diagnosis of this tumor is based on the imaging and histopathologic findings. Treatment consists of excision surgery with complete tumor removal. It has a good prognosis due to the low percentage of distant metastases. We report a rare case of giant atypical lipoma as well as the adopted therapy and evolution.Univ Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Dermatol, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Pathol, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Dermatol, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo UNIFESP, Dept Pathol, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Biotratamento de vinhaça sintética e geração de eletricidade utilizando uma célula a combustível microbiana

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    Avanços Científicos e Tecnológicos em BioprocessosO Brasil é um dos maiores produtores de etanol no mundo, no entanto, durante o processo de obtenção deste combustível, elevadas quantidades de vinhaça são geradas, em média, para cada litro de etanol produzido são gerados 13 litros deste resíduo. A vinhaça possui propriedades físicas e químicas que podem desencadear efeitos nocivos à biota, deste modo, existe um interesse crescente em identificar novas tecnologias para o seu tratamento. A utilização de células a combustível microbianas (CCMs) apresenta um enorme potencial, uma vez que, pode promover simultaneamente o tratamento deste resíduo e a biogeração de energia elétrica, pela conversão da energia química disponível nesses substratos biodegradáveis diretamente em eletricidade, por meio da ação catalítica de bactérias eletrogênicas aderidas ao eletrodo. Neste contexto, o presente estudo avaliou a utilização de uma CCM de câmara dupla no tratamento de vinhaça sintética. Durante a operação deste reator foi detectada uma máxima densidade de potência de 330 mW·m-2 e uma redução na demanda química de oxigênio (DQO) em 58,8% após 28 dias. Diante destes resultados preliminares, a tecnologia CCM pode ser considerada promissora no tratamento da vinhaça, contudo, estudos a respeito da configuração, tipo de inóculo e formas de operação da CCM são necessários para que amplie sua eficiência.Brazil is one of the largest producers of ethanol in the world, however, during the process of obtaining ethanol, high quantities of vinasse are generated, on average, for each liter of ethanol produced, 13 liters of this residue is generated. Vinasse has physical and chemical properties that can trigger harmful effects on biota, so there is a growing interest in identifying new technologies for its treatment. The use of microbial fuel cells (CCMs) presents a very high potential, since it can simultaneously promote the treatment of this residue and the biogeneration of electric energy, by converting the available chemical energy in these biodegradable substrates and directly into electricity, by means of the action of electrogenic bacteria adhered to the electrode. In this context, the present study evaluated the use of a double chamber CCM in the treatment of synthetic vinasse. During the operation of this reactor, a maximum power density of 330 mW m-2 and a reduction in chemical oxygen demand (COD) was detected at 58.8% after 28 days. Considering these preliminary results, CCM technology may be considered promising in the treatment of vinasse, however, studies regarding the configuration, type of inoculum and forms of CCM operation are necessary to increase its efficiency.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    SILENCIO: Introduction of electric propulsion to small inshore fishing boats to reduce their impact in the environment

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    Human activities afects each environment, even the most remote, and the acoustic impact that these activities generate on the marine environment is not an exception. The Silencio project aims to developed innovative and sustainable solutions to reduce the impact of fsheries and shell-fsheries in ecosystems, mainly noise but also carbon footprint, by the assessment of the use of electric propulsion by small inshore fshing boat. Besides, the knowledge about the sources of underwater noise in areas under high fshing pressure will be improved by the characterization of the ambient noise in Rías Baixas. Further, the project will spread the idea of an environmentally sustainable, socially responsible and economically viable extractive sector.Peer Reviewe