11 research outputs found

    Liposomal irinotecan: formulation development and therapeutic assessment in murine xenograft models of colorectal cancer

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    ABSTRACT Purpose: The purpose is to demonstrate whether an appropriately designed liposomal formulation of irinotecan is effective in treating mice with liver-localized colorectal carcinomas. Experimental Design: Irinotecan was encapsulated in 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine/cholesterol (55:45 molar ratio) liposomes using an ionophore (A23187)-generated transmembrane proton gradient. This formulation was evaluated in vivo by measuring plasma elimination of liposomal lipid and drug after i.v. administration. Therapeutic activity was determined in SCID/Rag-2M mice bearing s.c. LS180 tumors or orthotopic LS174T colorectal metastases. Results: Drug elimination from the plasma was significantly reduced when irinotecan was administered in the liposomal formulation. At 1 hour after i.v. administration, circulating levels of the liposomal drug were 100-fold greater than that of irinotecan given at the same dose. High-performance liquid chromatographic analysis of plasma samples indicated that liposomal irinotecan was protected from inactivating hydrolysis to the carboxylate form. This formulation exhibited substantially improved therapeutic effects. For the LS180 solid tumor model, it was shown that after a single injection of liposomal irinotecan at 50 mg/kg, the time to progress to a 400-mg tumor was 34 days (as compared with 22 days for animals treated with free drug at an equivalent dose). In the model of colorectal liver metastases (LS174T), a median survival time of 79 days was observed after treatment with liposomal irinotecan (50 mg/kg, given every 4 days for a total of three doses). Saline and free drug treated mice survived for 34 and 53 days, respectively. Conclusions: These results illustrate that liposomal encapsulation can substantially enhance the therapeutic activity of irinotecan and emphasize the potential for using liposomal irinotecan to treat liver metastases

    Description and Cross-Sectional Analyses of 25,880 Adults and Children in the UK National Registry of Rare Kidney Diseases Cohort

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    Introduction: The National Registry of Rare Kidney Diseases (RaDaR) collects data from people living with rare kidney diseases across the UK, and is the world's largest, rare kidney disease registry. We present the clinical demographics and renal function of 25,880 prevalent patients and sought evidence of bias in recruitment to RaDaR. Methods: RaDaR is linked with the UK Renal Registry (UKRR, with which all UK patients receiving kidney replacement therapy [KRT] are registered). We assessed ethnicity and socioeconomic status in the following: (i) prevalent RaDaR patients receiving KRT compared with patients with eligible rare disease diagnoses receiving KRT in the UKRR, (ii) patients recruited to RaDaR compared with all eligible unrecruited patients at 2 renal centers, and (iii) the age-stratified ethnicity distribution of RaDaR patients with autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) was compared to that of the English census. Results: We found evidence of disparities in ethnicity and social deprivation in recruitment to RaDaR; however, these were not consistent across comparisons. Compared with either adults recruited to RaDaR or the English population, children recruited to RaDaR were more likely to be of Asian ethnicity (17.3% vs. 7.5%, P-value < 0.0001) and live in more socially deprived areas (30.3% vs. 17.3% in the most deprived Index of Multiple Deprivation (IMD) quintile, P-value < 0.0001). Conclusion: We observed no evidence of systematic biases in recruitment of patients into RaDaR; however, the data provide empirical evidence of negative economic and social consequences (across all ethnicities) experienced by families with children affected by rare kidney diseases

    Mapping the Various Meanings of Social Innovation: Towards a Differentiated Understanding of an Emerging Concept

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