2,051 research outputs found

    Geometric Limits of Julia Sets of Maps z^n + exp(2πiθ) as n → ∞

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    We show that the geometric limit as n → ∞ of the Julia sets J(Pn,c) for the maps Pn,c(z) = zn + c does not exist for almost every c on the unit circle. Furthermore, we show that there is always a subsequence along which the limit does exist and equals the unit circle

    Surface Characterization of Biomaterials by Immunogold Staining - Quantitative Analysis

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    The labeling of target proteins by immunogold particles has been analyzed based on Einstein\u27s law of Brownian motion. The theory was confirmed from the experiments which employed antifibrinogen gold markers to label fibrinogen molecules adsorbed on the polyethylene surface. The theory predicts that the degree of labeling depends on the concentration of gold markers, temperature, medium viscosity, size of gold markers, and staining time. Of these factors most important is the concentration of immunogold particles. Small change in the marker concentration results in a significant variation in the staining efficiency when other variables are kept constant. The effect of temperature is always accompanied with that of the medium viscosity. There is a linear relationship between the degree of labeling and the temperature when the viscosity effect is combined. The staining of fibrinogen molecules adsorbed on the polyethylene surface at three different temperatures shows a temperature dependence which is in close agreement with the theory. The degree of labeling is inversely related to a square root of the size of gold markers. This analysis makes it possible to maximize the staining sensitivity and to improve the reproducibility of the labeling. Thus, the immunogold staining under a well defined condition allows quantification as well as positive identification and localization of target proteins. This technique has been used to study protein adsorption on biomaterials

    Facile Protocol for Water-Tolerant “Frustrated Lewis Pair”-Catalyzed Hydrogenation

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    Despite rapid advances in the field of metal-free, “frustrated Lewis pair” (FLP)-catalyzed hydrogenation, the need for strictly anhydrous reaction conditions has hampered wide-scale uptake of this methodology. Herein, we report that, despite the generally perceived moisture sensitivity of FLPs, 1,4-dioxane solutions of B(C6F5)3 actually show appreciable moisture tolerance and can catalyze hydrogenation of a range of weakly basic substrates without the need for rigorously inert conditions. In particular, reactions can be performed directly in commercially available nonanhydrous solvents without subsequent drying or use of internal desiccants

    Negative Differential Resistivity and Positive Temperature Coefficient of Resistivity effect in the diffusion limited current of ferroelectric thin film capacitors

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    We present a model for the leakage current in ferroelectric thin- film capacitors which explains two of the observed phenomena that have escaped satisfactory explanation, i.e. the occurrence of either a plateau or negative differential resistivity at low voltages, and the observation of a Positive Temperature Coefficient of Resistivity (PTCR) effect in certain samples in the high-voltage regime. The leakage current is modelled by considering a diffusion-limited current process, which in the high-voltage regime recovers the diffusion-limited Schottky relationship of Simmons already shown to be applicable in these systems

    A complex record of last interglacial sea-level history and paleozoogeography, Santa Rosa Island, Channel Islands National Park, California, USA

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    Studies of marine terraces and their fossils can yield important information about sea level history, tectonic uplift rates, and paleozoogeography, but some aspects of terrace history, particularly with regard to their fossil record, are not clearly understood. Marine terraces are well preserved on Santa Rosa Island, California, and the island is situated near a major marine faunal boundary. Two prominent low-elevation terraces record the ~80 ka (marine isotope stage [MIS] 5a) and ~120 ka (MIS 5e) high-sea stands, based on U-series dating of fossil corals and aminostratigraphic correlation to dated localities elsewhere in California and Baja California. Low uplift rates are implied by an interpretation of these ages, along with their elevations. The fossil assemblage from the ~120 ka (2nd) terrace contains a number of northern, cool-water species, along with several southern, warm-water species, a classic example of what has been called a thermally anomalous fauna. Low uplift rates in the late Pleistocene, combined with glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) processes, could have resulted in reoccupation of the ~120 ka (MIS 5e), 2nd terrace during the ~100 ka (MIS 5c) high-sea stand, explaining the mix of warmwater (~120 ka?) and cool-water (~100 ka?) fossils in the terrace deposits. In addition, however, sea surface temperature (SST) variability during MIS 5e may have been a contributing factor, given that Santa Rosa Island is bathed at times by the cold California Current with its upwelling and at other times is subject to El Ni˜no warm waters, evident in the Holocene SST record. Study of an older, high-elevation marine terrace on the western part of Santa Rosa Island shows more obvious evidence of fossil mixing. Strontium isotope ages span a large range, from ~2.3 Ma to ~0.91 Ma. These analyses indicate an age range of ~500 ka at one locality and ~ 600 ka at another locality, interpreted to be due to terrace reoccupation and fossil reworking. Consideration of elevations and ages here also yield low, long-term uplift rates, which in part explains the potential for terrace reoccupation in the early Pleistocene. In addition, however, early Pleistocene glacial-interglacial cycles were of much shorter duration, linked to the ~41 ka obliquity cycle of orbital forcing, a factor that would also enhance terrace reoccupation in regions of low uplift rate. It is likely that other Pacific Coast marine terrace localities of early Pleistocene age, in areas with low uplift rates, also have evidence of fossil mixing from these processes, an hypothesis that can be tested in future studies

    Coastal tectonics on the eastern margin of the Pacific Rim: late Quaternary sea-level history and uplift rates, Channel Islands National Park, California, USA

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    The Pacific Rim is a region where tectonic processes play a significant role in coastal landscape evolution. Coastal California, on the eastern margin of the Pacific Rim, is very active tectonically and geomorphic expressions of this include uplifted marine terraces. There have been, however, conflicting estimates of the rate of late Quaternary uplift of marine terraces in coastal California, particularly for the northern Channel Islands. In the present study, the terraces on San Miguel Island and Santa Rosa Island were mapped and new age estimates were generated using uranium-series dating of fossil corals and amino acid geochronology of fossil mollusks. Results indicate that the 2nd terrace on both islands is ~120 ka and the 1st terrace on Santa Rosa Island is ~80 ka. These ages correspond to two global high-sea stands of the Last Interglacial complex, marine isotope stages (MIS) 5.5 and 5.1, respectively. The age estimates indicate that San Miguel Island and Santa Rosa Island have been tectonically uplifted at rates of 0.12-0.20 m/ka in the late Quaternary, similar to uplift rates inferred from previous studies on neighboring Santa Cruz Island. The newly estimated uplift rates for the northern Channel Islands are, however, an order of magnitude lower than a recent study that generated uplift rates from an offshore terrace dating to the Last Glacial period. The differences between the estimated uplift rates in the present study and the offshore study are explained by the magnitude of glacial isostatic adjustment (GIA) effects that were not known at the time of the earlier study. Set in the larger context of northeastern Pacific Rim tectonics, Channel Islands uplift rates are higher than those coastal localities on the margin of the East Pacific Rise spreading center, but slightly lower than those of most localities adjacent to the Cascadia subduction zone. The uplift rates reported here for the northern Channel Islands are similar to those reported for most other localities where strike-slip tectonics are dominant, but lower than localities where restraining bends (such as the Big Bend of the San Andreas Fault) result in crustal shortening

    Simple guide to starting a research group

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    Conducting cutting-edge research and scholarship becomes more complicated with each passing year; forming a collaborative research group offers a way to navigate this increasing complexity. Yet many individuals whose work might benefit from the formation of a collaborative team may feel overwhelmed by the prospect of attempting to build and maintain a research group. We propose this simple guide for starting and maintaining such an enterprise

    Ex vivo Platelet Deposition on Fibronectin-Preadsorbed Surfaces

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    Temporal platelet deposition profiles of canine plasma fibronectin (CPFN) adsorbed to different polymers ex vivo and the in vitro characteristics of CPFN adsorption were studied in an attempt to correlate the two. The maximum platelet deposition (pltmax) obtained at a protein preadsorption time of 30 min was greater than that obtained using an adsorption time of 120 min for all surfaces studied. At 30 min of preadsorption, pltmax was 520, 560 and 1230 platelets/1000 μm2 on Biomer, polyethylene (PE) and oxidized PE (OXPE), respectively. In contrast, the platelet deposition at 120 min. of fibronectin preadsorption was about 60-90 platelets/1000 μm2 on all polymers studied. The surface concentrations of adsorbed CPFN measured using 125I-CPFN, were in the order PE\u3e OXPE \u3e Biomer. The adsorbed protein concentration increased with increasing adsorption time. The surface distribution of adsorbed CPFN was visualized with antibody-labelled colloidal gold and scanning electron microscopy. The extent of staining was lowest on PE, greater on Biomer, and highest on OXPE, roughly similar to the order of platelet deposition. Platelet deposition ex vivo appears to correlate with the irnmunogold-stainable-adsorbed protein rather than with the total amount of adsorbed protein

    Radio Polarimetry of the ELAIS N1 Field: Polarized Compact Sources

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    We present deep polarimetric observations at 1420 MHz of the European Large Area ISO Survey North 1 region (ELAIS N1) as part of the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory Planck Deep Fields project. By combining closely spaced aperture synthesis fields, we image a region of 7.43 square degrees to a maximum sensitivity in Stokes Q and U of 78 microJy/beam, and detect 786 compact sources in Stokes I. Of these, 83 exhibit polarized emission. We find that the differential source counts (log N - log p) for polarized sources are nearly constant down to p > 500 microJy, and that these faint polarized radio sources are more highly polarized than the strong source population. The median fractional polarization is (4.8 +/- 0.7)% for polarized sources with Stokes I flux density between 1 and 30 mJy; approximately three times larger than sources with I > 100 mJy. The majority of the polarized sources have been identified with galaxies in the Spitzer Wide Area Infrared Extragalactic Survey (SWIRE) image of ELAIS N1. Most of the galaxies occupy regions in the IRAC 5.8/3.6 micron vs. 8.0/4.5 micron color-color diagram associated with dusty AGNs, or with ellipticals with an aging stellar population. A few host galaxies have colors that suggests significant PAH emission in the near-infrared. A small fraction, 12%, of the polarized sources are not detected in the SWIRE data. None of the polarized sources in our sample appears to be associated with an actively star-forming galaxy.Comment: 28 pages, 8 Figures. Figures 2 and 3 as separate gif images. Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa