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    Tendencias en la vida y el pensamiento alemĂĄn desde 1870

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    Tal com manifestĂ rem en el nĂșmero anterior, volem que la secciĂł d'HistĂČria Intel·lectual de Digithum serveixi per rescatar el llegat d’aquells autors que han estat el nostre suport i amb els quals hem ampliat la nostra perspectiva. En aquesta ocasiĂł oferim una traducciĂł al castellĂ  del text de Georg Simmel “Tendencies in German life and thought since 1870.” La traducciĂł al catalĂ  la seguirĂ  ben aviat.Aquest Ă©s l’Ășnic text de Simmel del qual no tenim la versiĂł original en alemany, que es va extraviar. AixĂ­, avui dia disposem Ășnicament de la versiĂł en l'anglĂšs, a cĂ rrec de  W. D. Briggs, professor de la Western Reserve University d’Ohio. Aquesta versiĂł fou publicada l’any 1902 a la revista The international monthly. A magazine of contemporary thought. Simmel n’era membre del comitĂš assessor en l’area de sociologia.Considerem aquest text una peça valuosĂ­ssima atĂšs que Simmel hi exhibeix la seva agudesa analĂ­tica i el seu marcat relacionisme, en ocupar-se de les diverses formes en les quals es manifestava la vida social alemanya a l’inici del segle XX i combinar-les amb la seva particular lectura d'autors com Kant, Schopenhauer o Nietzsche. A mĂ©s, en el text afloren diversos temes que ocuparen Simmel durant tota la seva trajectĂČria, com ara la filosofia de la cultura, la cultura femenina, la religiĂł o el materialisme histĂČric, entre d’altres.  Esperem que aquest text resulti Ăștil per complementar i relacionar idees d'altres escrits de Simmel que ja han estat traduĂŻts al castellĂ  i que s'ocupen dels mateixos temes.Per acabar, agraĂŻm al professor emĂšrit Otthein Rammstedt, editor de les Obres Completes de Georg Simmel (Georg Simmel Gesamtausgabe), que ens hagi permĂšs la publicaciĂł d'aquesta traducciĂł.Einer Mosquera Acevedo, Universitat d’Antioquia (ColĂČmbia)Co-editor de la revistaAs expressed in our previous issue, we intend this subsection on Intellectual History to advocate the legacy of those authors who have been our support and with whom we have enhanced our perspective. This time, we offer a translation into Spanish of Georg Simmel’s essay “Tendencies in German life and thought since 1870”.The original version in German is lost and currently the only available version is the English one for which Professor W. D. Briggs of the Western Reserve University of Ohio was in charge. That essay was published in 1902 in The international monthly. A magazine of contemporary thought, where Georg Simmel was a member of the advisory board for the sociology section.We consider this an invaluable piece in which Simmel sets forth his analytical acuity and his characteristic relationism when dealing with the diverse forms in which German life in the early 20th century was manifested and when presenting his particular reading of Kant, Schopenhauer and Nietzsche. In addition, a variety of issues which occupied him throughout his intellectual path such as the philosophy of culture, the feminine culture, religion, and historical materialism among others are present. We also expect this text to be useful in order to complement and relate ideas from other similar essays by Simmel already translated into Spanish.To end, we would like to thank Emeritus Professor Otthein Rammstedt, editor of the Georg Simmel Gesamtausgabe, for allowing us to publish this translation.Einer Mosquera (Editor), University of Antioquia (Colombia)Coeditor of Digithum SegĂșn se habĂ­a manifestado en nuestro nĂșmero anterior, queremos que la secciĂłn de Historia Intelectual de Digithum sirva para rescatar el legado de aquellos autores que han sido nuestro apoyo y con los que hemos ampliado nuestra perspectiva. En esta ocasiĂłn ofrecemos una traducciĂłn al castellano del texto de Georg Simmel “Tendencies in German life and thought since 1870”.La versiĂłn original en alemĂĄn del texto se extraviĂł y solo se cuenta actualmente con la versiĂłn al inglĂ©s a cargo de  W. D. Briggs, profesor de la Western Reserve University de Ohio,  publicada en 1902 en la revista The international monthly. A magazine of contemporary thought, de cuyo comitĂ© asesor del ĂĄrea de sociologĂ­a fue miembro el propio Simmel.Consideramos este texto una pieza invaluable dado que Simmel exhibe aquĂ­ su agudeza analĂ­tica y marcado relacionismo, al ocuparse de las diversas formas en las que se manifestaba la vida social alemana a inicios del siglo XX y su particular lectura de autores como Kant, Schopenhauer o Nietzsche; ademĂĄs, se hacen presentes diversidad de temas que a lo largo de su trayectoria lo ocuparon como la filosofĂ­a de la cultura, la cultura femenina, la religiĂłn o el materialismo histĂłrico, entre otros. Igualmente esperamos que este escrito sea Ăștil para complementar y relacionar ideas de otros escritos de Simmel que ya han sido traducidos al castellano y que se ocupan de los mismos temas.Para terminar, agradecemos al profesor emĂ©rito Otthein Rammstedt, editor de las Obras Completas de Georg Simmel (Georg Simmel Gesamtausgabe), que nos haya permitido la publicaciĂłn de esta traducciĂłn. Por Einer Mosquera Acevedo, Universidad de Antioquia (Colombia)Co-editor de la revist

    Numerical solution of the stochastic collection equation: comparison of the linear discrete method and the method of moments

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    The Linear Discrete Method (LDM; SIMMEL 2000; SIMMEL ET AL. 2000) is used to solve the Stochastic Collection Equation (SCE) numerically. Comparisons are made to the Method of Moments (MOM; TzIVION ET AL. 1999) which is suggested as a reference for numerical solutions of the SCE. Simulations for both methods are shown for the GoLOVIN kernel (for which an analytical solution is available) and the hydrodynamic kernel after LONG (1974) as it is used by TZIVION ET AL. (1999). Different bin resolutions are investigated and the simulation times are compared. In addition, LDM simulations using the hydrodynamic kernel after BÖHM (1992b) are presented. The results show that for the GoLOVIN kernel, LDM is slightly closer to the analytic solution than MOM. For the LONG kernel, the low resolution results of LDM and MOM are of similar quality compared to the reference solution. For the BÖHM kernel, only LDM simulations were carried out which show good correspondence between low and high resolution results.Die lineare diskrete Methode (LDM; SIMMEL 2000; SIMMEL ET AL. 2000) wird dazu benutzt, die Gleichung fĂŒr stochastisches Einsammeln (stochastic collection equation, SCE) numerisch zu lösen. Dabei werden Vergleiche gezogen zur Methode der Momente (Method of Moments, MOM; TzIVION ET AL. 1999), die als Referenz fĂŒr numerische Lösungen der SCE vorgeschlagen wurde. Simulationsrechnungen fĂŒr beide Methoden werden fĂŒr die Koaleszenzfunktion nach GoLOVIN (fĂŒr die eine analytische Lösung existiert) und die hydrodynamische Koaleszenzfunktion nach LONG (1974) wie sie von TZIVION ET AL. (1999) verwendet wird, gezeigt. Verschiedene Klassenauflösungen werden untersucht und die Simulationszeiten verglichen. ZusĂ€tzlich werden LDM-Simulationen mit der hydrodynamischen Koaleszenzfunktion nach BÖHM (1992b) gezeigt. Die Ergebnisse fĂŒr die Koaleszenzfunktion nach GoLOVIN zeigen, daß die LDM der analytischen Lösung etwas nĂ€her kommt als MOM. FĂŒr die Koaleszenzfunktion nach LONG sind die Ergebnisse von LDM und MOM mit niedriger Auflösung von Ă€hnlicher QualitĂ€t verglichen mit der Referenzlösung. FĂŒr die Koaleszenzfunktion nach BÖHM wurden nur Simulationen mit der LDM durchgefĂŒhrt, die eine gute Übereinstimmung der Ergebnisse mit niedriger und hoher Auflösung zeigen

    Weber and Simmel’s philosophical and political stances : a dialogue in three acts

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    This article is an imagined dialogue between Weber and Simmel which makes a modest use of some of the resources of theatrical play in order to provide an overall portrait of both thinkers and to bring their thought to bear on our present. The dialogue consists of three acts focused on three central problematics in as many critical moments in Weber and Simmel’s lives: Act I takes place during the preparations for the first conference of the German Sociological Association and thus deals with the constitution of sociology as a socio-cultural science. Act II takes place amidst the First World War and its theme is evidently politics. Finally, Act III, where our two characters correspond instead of maintaining a face-to-face dialogue, is situated towards the end of the war and focuses on the attitude to life and indeed to death, as Simmel’s tragic yet admirable death takes place then. A brief introduction explains how we tried to use the possibilities of the dialogical form to expound Weber’s and Simmel’s thought, to compel them to confront their own blind spots and ‘unthoughts’, as well as to explore new ways of teaching the classics and transmitting their thought

    Characterizing the Activity of Friendship Triads on Facebook

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    Sobre una psicologĂ­a de la vergĂŒenza

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    El text «Zur Psychologie der Scham», que es tradueix aquĂ­ amb el tĂ­tol «Sobre una psicologia de la vergonya», el va escriure Simmel el 1901 per al diari Die Zeit de Viena. TĂ© la peculiaritat de ser un escrit que, a diferĂšncia d’alguns ja coneguts en castellĂ  del pensador berlinĂšs, ressenya i qĂŒestiona explĂ­citament el treball i les recerques d’un altre autor coetani: Havelock Ellis (1859-1939), metge i sexĂČleg les explicacions del qual sobre l’origen del sentiment de vergonya o pudor van suscitar —en aquell moment— un debat a l’entorn d’aquest tema. És, alhora, la resposta i l’aportaciĂł de Simmel a aquesta discussiĂł, qui es va basar per a aixĂČ en una perspectiva que recorre tant a elements psicolĂČgics com sociolĂČgics. Es tracta aixĂ­ d’un treball no circumscrit Ășnicament als lĂ­mits d’una simple ressenya crĂ­tica, fet que el converteix en la contribuciĂł del mateix Simmel a la temĂ tica especĂ­fica de la vergonya; contribuciĂł, per cert, relacionada estretament amb aquella part de la seva obra que s’ocupa de les emocions, els sentiments i els afectes entre els Ă©ssers humans.“Zur Psychologie der Scham”, which translates as “On the Psychology of Shame”, was written by Simmel in 1901 for the Vienna newspaper Die Zeit. Unlike other articles by the German philosopher, in this one he reviews and explicitly questions the work and research of one his contemporaries: Havelock Ellis (1859-1939), the physician and sexologist whose explanations of the origin of the feeling of shame and embarrassment gave rise – at the time – to debate on the matter. It is, in turn, Simmel’s response and contribution to this debate, from a perspective that draws on both psychological and sociological elements. It is thus not confined to a merely critical review, making it Simmel’s own contribution to the specific issue of shame; a contribution which, incidentally, is closely related to the part of his work concerned with emotions, feelings and attachments between humans.El texto «Zur Psychologie der Scham», que se traduce aquĂ­ con el tĂ­tulo «Sobre una psicologĂ­a de la vergĂŒenza», fue escrito por Simmel en 1901 para el periĂłdico Die Zeit de Viena. Tiene la peculiaridad de ser un escrito que, a diferencia de algunos ya conocidos en castellano del pensador berlinĂ©s, reseña y cuestiona explĂ­citamente el trabajo y las investigaciones de otro autor coetĂĄneo: Havelock Ellis (1859-1939), mĂ©dico y sexĂłlogo cuyas explicaciones sobre el origen del sentimiento de vergĂŒenza o pudor suscitaron —en su momento— un debate en torno a dicho tema. Es, a su vez, la respuesta y el aporte de Simmel a tal discusiĂłn, quien se basĂł para ello en una perspectiva que echa mano tanto de elementos psicolĂłgicos como sociolĂłgicos. Se trata asĂ­ de un trabajo no circunscrito Ășnicamente a los lĂ­mites de una mera reseña crĂ­tica, hecho que lo convierte en la contribuciĂłn del mismo Simmel a la temĂĄtica especĂ­fica de la vergĂŒenza; contribuciĂłn, por cierto, estrechamente relacionada con aquella parte de su obra que se ocupa de las emociones, los sentimientos y los afectos entre los seres humanos

    Re-thinking the Legacy 2012: The Olympics as commodity and gift

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    This paper opens discussion about the nature of Olympic ‘legacy’ and articulates a contradiction in the way ‘legacy’ is conceived - between ’gift’ and ’commodity’ (Mauss 1954).The The paper argues that establishing working definitions and parameters for ‘legacy’ is a difficult task. Defining ‘legacy’ is problematic especially if conceived as an entirely predictable or measurable set of objectives. Indeed, the definition of ‘legacy’ is partly constitutive of the legacy itself, a component of achievements that the city might make. Such a ‘legacy definition’ will become a functional term in the complex planning and evolving conceptions underpinning urban change for some time—if successfully negotiated and if governable. As such, ‘legacy’, and the activities and values entailed to it, can come to provide a catalytic ‘vocabulary of motives’ and a legitimating discourse enabling politicians, communities and their individual representatives to justify investments, evolving strategies and activities connected to and connecting developmental gains in a more or less healthy fashion. It is because of this that legacy and its various meanings come to matter

    Den ĂŠstetiske kvantitet

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    Den tyske originaltekst “Die Ă€sthetische QuantitĂ€t” blev bragt i Der Zeitgeist.Beiblatt zum Berliner Tageblatt, mandag d. 30. marts 1903

    Two numerical solutions for the stochastic collection equation

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    Two different methods are used to solve the stochastic collection equation (SCE) numerically. They are called linear discrete method (LDM) and bin shift method (BSM), respectively. Conceptually, both of them are similar to the well-known discrete method (DM) of Kovetz and Olund. For LDM and BSM, their concept is extended to two prognostic moments. Therefore, the \"splitting factors\" (which are constant in time for DM) become time-dependent for LDM and BSM. Simulations are shown for the Golovin kernel (for which an analytical solution is available) and the hydrodynamic kernel after Hall. Different bin resolutions and time steps are investigated. As expected, the results become better with increasing bin resolution. LDM and BSM do not show the anomalous dispersion which is a weakness of DM.Es werden zwei verschiedene Methoden zur numerischen Lösung der \"Gleichung fĂŒr stochastisches Einsammeln\" (stochastic collection equation, SCE) vorgestellt. Sie werden als Lineare Diskrete Methode (LDM) bzw. Bin Shift Methode (BSM) bezeichnet. Konzeptuell sind beide der bekannten Diskreten Methode (DM) von Kovetz und Olund Ă€hnlich. FĂŒr LDM und BSM wird deren Konzept auf zwei prognostische Momente erweitert. FĂŒr LDM und BSM werden die\" Aufteil-Faktoren\" (die fĂŒr DM zeitlich konstant sind) dadurch zeitabhĂ€ngig. Es werden Simulationsrechnungen fĂŒr die Koaleszenzfunktion nach Golovin (fĂŒr die eine analytische Lösung existiert) und die hydrodynamische Koaleszenzfunktion nach Hall gezeigt. Verschiedene Klassenauflösungen und Zeitschritte werden untersucht. Wie erwartet werden die Ergebnisse mit zunehmender Auflösung besser. LDM und BSM zeigen nicht die anomale Dispersion, die eine SchwĂ€che der DM ist

    Die Religion

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