164 research outputs found

    Scardinius knezevici Bianco & Kottelat, 2005 and Alburnus scoranza Bonaparte, 1845: New species of ichthyofauna of Serbia and the Danube basin

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    Research into the ichthyofauna of the Vlasina Lake reservoir in south Serbia, which is part of the Danube basin, was carried out in 1993, 40 years after its formation. The results of the research reveal the presence of several species of fish belonging to the Adriatic and Aegean basin, such as Alburnus albidus, Rutilus basak, Scardinius graecus and Pachychilon macedonicus. These findings are of great importance from the aspect of conservation, because the species Scardinius graecus and Alburnus albidus are on the European list of endangered fish species. In the latest study of the Vlasina Lake reservoir ichthyofauna (70 years after its formation), the above-mentioned species were not found. However, the presence of naturalized populations of two species from the Adriatic basin were confirmed: Scardinius knezevici and Alburnus scoranza. These findings represent the first known areal expansion of these species, which are new to the ichthyofauna of Serbia, from the Adriatic into the Danube (Black Sea) basin.[Acknowledgments. The present work was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia (Projects No. 43002 and 173025).

    On the possibility of using biological toxicity tests to monitor the work of wastewater treatment plants

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    The aim of this study was to ascertain the possibility of using biological toxicity tests to monitor influent and effluent wastewaters of wastewater treatment plants. The information obtained through these tests is used to prevent toxic pollutants from entering wastewater treatment plants and discharge of toxic pollutants into the recipient. Samples of wastewaters from the wastewater treatment plants of Kragujevac and Gornji Milanovac, as well as from the Lepenica and Despotovica Rivers immediately before and after the influx of wastewaters from the plants, were collected between October 2004 and June 2005. Used as the test organism in these tests was the zebrafish Brachydanio rerio Hamilton - Buchanon (Cyprinidae). The acute toxicity test of 96/h duration showed that the tested samples had a slight acutely toxic effect on B. rerio, except for the sample of influent wastewater into the Cvetojevac wastewater treatment plant, which had moderately acute toxicity, indicating that such water should be prevented from entering the system in order to eliminate its detrimental effect on the purification process

    Scardinius Knezevici Bianco & Kottelat, 2005 and Alburnus scoranza Bonaparte, 1845: New species of ichthyofauna of Serbia and the Danube basin

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    Research into the ichthyofauna of the Vlasina Lake reservoir in south Serbia, which is part of the Danube basin, was carried out in 1993, 40 years after its formation. The results of the research reveal the presence of several species of fish belonging to the Adriatic and Aegean basin, such as Alburnus albidus, Rutilus basak, Scardinius graecus and Pachychilon macedonicus. These findings are of great importance from the aspect of conservation, because the species Scardinius graecus and Alburnus albidus are on the European list of endangered fish species. In the latest study of the Vlasina Lake reservoir ichthyofauna (70 years after its formation), the above-mentioned species were not found. However, the presence of naturalized populations of two species from the Adriatic basin were confirmed: Scardinius knezevici and Alburnus scoranza. These findings represent the first known areal expansion of these species, which are new to the ichthyofauna of Serbia, from the Adriatic into the Danube (Black Sea) basin

    Poremećaji hranjenja kao nova pandemija mladih

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    U današnjem svijetu sve je više onih koji svojim prehrambenim navikama odstupaju od onoga što se smatra zdravim i normalnim. Takva su odstupanja pokazatelji da se u većini slučajeva radi o određenom psihičkom problemu koji se skupno naziva poremećajem hranjenja. Najpoznatiji od njih su anoreksija nervoza, bulimija nervoza te poremećaj prejedanja. Pokazano je kako postoji velika povezanost obolijevanja od tih poremećaja s korištenjem društvenih mreža. Najranjivija od svih skupina su djeca i adolescenti jer upravo oni provode najviše vremena na društvenim mrežama, koristeći ih pretežno na pasivan način. Iako ova podskupina poremećaja pogađa i žene i muškarce, opaženo je kako je prevalencija ipak veća kod ženskog spola. Jedna od teorija koja to objašnjava jest teorija o objektifikaciji tijela koja je usmjerena u najvećoj mjeri prema ženama. Postoji niz mogućih objašnjenja zašto nastaju poremećaji hranjenja, međutim, znanost još nije usuglašena oko toga. Ono što je pokazano jest da je oboljelima potrebna stručna pomoć koja se najčešće daje kroz psihoterapiju, točnije posebno usmjerenje KBT-E. Cilj je ovog rada ukazati na povećanu prevalenciju poremećaja hranjenja, posebice kod adolescenata i mladih. Također, rad se osvrće i na odnos spola i kulture s obolijevanjem od ove vrste poremećaja. Kroz čitav rad provlači se pitanje odnosa društvenih mreža s pojavljivanjem poremećaja te je pokazano kako poveznica između tih pojmova postoji

    Scardinius knezevici Bianco & Kottelat, 2005 and Alburnus scoranza Bonaparte, 1845: New species of ichthyofauna of Serbia and the Danube basin

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    Research into the ichthyofauna of the Vlasina Lake reservoir in south Serbia, which is part of the Danube basin, was carried out in 1993, 40 years after its formation. The results of the research reveal the presence of several species of fish belonging to the Adriatic and Aegean basin, such as Alburnus albidus, Rutilus basak, Scardinius graecus and Pachychilon macedonicus. These findings are of great importance from the aspect of conservation, because the species Scardinius graecus and Alburnus albidus are on the European list of endangered fish species. In the latest study of the Vlasina Lake reservoir ichthyofauna (70 years after its formation), the above-mentioned species were not found. However, the presence of naturalized populations of two species from the Adriatic basin were confirmed: Scardinius knezevici and Alburnus scoranza. These findings represent the first known areal expansion of these species, which are new to the ichthyofauna of Serbia, from the Adriatic into the Danube (Black Sea) basin.Projekat ministarstva br. 43002 i br. 17302

    Soziale Dis tanz der kroatischen Mittelschüler zu den ethnischen und religiösen Gruppen

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    Hrvatski obrazovni sustav je tijekom proteklih desetak godina doživio brojne promjene u cijeloj svojoj ver tikali (Bolonjski proces, Državna matura, Strategija razvoja sustava strukovnog obrazovanja, Nacionalni okvirni kurikulum, Hrvatski nacionalni obrazovni standard itd.). Spomenute obrazovne reforme su kao neke od svojih ključnih prioriteta prepoznale i uvrstile interkulturni odgoj, europsku dimenziju obrazovanja, socijalnu i građansku kompetenciju, kulturnu svijest i izražavanje, ali su istodobno posvetile i izraženiju pozornost obrazovanju nacionalnih manjina kao primarnom simbolu hrvatske multikulturnosti. Međutim, dosad nije istraženo jesu li brojne navedene reforme, ali i sam vremenski odmak doveli i do promjena stavova hrvatskih srednjoškolaca. Naime, još od ranih godina hrvatske samostalnosti, 1993. i 1998., nisu provedena dalja istraživanja socijalne distance hrvatskih učenika prema etničkim i vjerskim skupinama. Upravo su stoga prikupljeni podaci iz 27 hrvatskih srednjih škola kako bi se na temelju Bogardusove skale izmjerila socijalna distanca prema određenim etničkim i vjerskim skupinama te utvrdilo je li ona smanjena u odnosu spram rezultata prethodnih istraživanja. Rezultati jednostavne analize varijance, uz dodatni Scheffe-ov test, su pokazali da su negativnom mišljenju skloniji ispitanici muškog spola, polaznici nižih razreda, najčešće ispitanici iz osječke regije, ispitanici hrvatske narodnosti te katoličke vjeroispovijesti.Th e Croatian system of education has undergone numerous paradigmatic changes in the last ten years (including the Bologna Process, the State Graduation Exam, the Development Strategy of the Vocational Education System, National Framework Curriculum, Croatian National Educational Standard, and so on). These reforms have recognised and included issues such as intercultural education, European dimension of education, social and civic competence, cultural awareness and expression as some of their key priorities, but at the same time have paid closer attention to the education of national minorities as the primary symbol of Croatian multiculturality. However, so far it has not been established whether the said reforms, as well as the time span involved, have infl uenced a change in the attitude of Croatian secondary education students. Th ere have been no further surveys of the social distance of Croatian students towards ethnic and religious minorities since the early period of Croatian independence in 1993 and 1998. For this reason data has now been gathered across twenty-seven Croatian secondary schools in order to measure, according to Bogardus Social Distance Scale, the social distance assumed towards certain ethnic and religious groups and to establish whether the level of such a distance has been lowered in comparison to previous surveys. Th e results of a simple analysis of variance with an additional Scheffe’s test have shown that negative responses are more likely to be found among male students, students attending lower grades, mostly students from the region of Osijek, and those of Croatian ethnicity and Catholic religion.Das kroatische Bildungssystem erlebte in den vergangenen zehn Jahten viele Veränderungen in seiner ganzen Vertikale (Bologner Prozess, Staatsabitur, Entwicklungsstrategie des berufl ichen Bildungssystems, das nationale Rahmencurriculum, der nationale Bildungsstandard usw.). Die erwähnten Bildungsreformen haben als einige von ihren grundlegenden Prioritäten auch die interkulturelle Erziehung, europäische Bildungsdimension, soziale und bürgerliche Kompetenz, kulturelles Bewusstsein und dessen Äusserung erkannt und implementiert. Zugleich widmeten sie aber eine grössere Aufmerksamkeit der Bildung von ethnischen Minderheiten als dem primären Symbol der kroatischen Multikulturalität. Bisher wurde jedoch nicht erforscht, ob die angeführten zahlreichen Reformen, aber auch der zeitliche Abstand auch Veränderungen in den Einstellungen der kroatischen Mittelschüler nach sich gezogen haben. Es wurde nämlich noch seit den Anfängen der kroatischen Selbständigkeit, den Jahren 1993 und 1998 keine weiteren Erforschungen der sozialen Distanz der kroatischen Mittelschüler zu den ethnischen und religiösen Gruppen durchgeführt. Eben aus diesem Grund wurden Daten aus 27 kroatischen Mittelschulen gesammelt, um auf Grund der Bogardus-Skala die soziale Distanz zu den einzelnen ethnischen und religiösen Gruppen zu messen und feststellen zu können, ob ihr Ausmaß im Hinblick auf die Ergebnisse der früheren Untersuchungen verringert wurde. Die Ergebnisse der einfachen Varianzanalyse mit dem zusätzlichen Scheffe-Test zeigten auf, dass die Befragten männlichen Geschlechts sowie Schüler der niedrigeren Klassen, am häufi gsten die Befragten aus der Region Osijek, kroatischer Nationalität und katholischen Bekenntnisses mehr zu einer negativen Einstellung neigen

    Ekološki indeks kao instrument adaptacije Beograda na klimatske promene

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    Izgradnja u Beogradu značajno je intenzivirana poslednjih godina: od 2016. do 2020. godine broj godišnje izgrađenih stanova porastao je za 70%, godišnja vrednost izvedenih građevinskih radova porasla je 105%, a broj godišnje izgrađenih metara kvadratnih visokogradnje porastao je za čak 350%. Najintenzivnije se gradi u teritorijalno najmanjim, centralnim gradskim opštinama: na Vračaru, Savskom vencu i Starom gradu, gde je postojeća gusina izgradnje velika, a gde su zelene površine nedovoljno zastupljene i neravnomerno raspoređene, te je ranjivost na posledice klimatskih promena značajna. Kao odgovor na ovaj izazov predlaže se razmatranje ekološkog indeksa - složenog urbanističkog pokazatelja, čija se zadata vrednost postiže kombinacijom različitih ekoloških urbanističkih parametara (kao što su površine zelenila u direktnom kontaktu sa tlom, poluporozne površine, raznolikost vegetacije, broj i kvalitet posađenog drveća, površine ozelenjenog krova ili ozelenjenog zida...), od kojih svaki ima svoju “vrednost” (utvrđen težinski faktor). Planiranjem, projektovanjem i izvođenjem ovakvih površina, odnosno elemenata zelene infrastrukture na nivou parcele, značajno se doprinosi ekološkom i termalnom komforu pri svakoj novoj izgradnji. Zato je važno razmotriti kojim mehanizmima se ekološki indeks može uvesti u proces planiranja, odnosno kako bi se mogao bliže odrediti i upotrebiti u Generalnom Urbanističkom Planu Beograda do 2041. godine, te u Planu Generalne Regulacije građevinskog područja Beograda