519 research outputs found

    Acoustic detection of UHE neutrinos in the Mediterranean sea: Status and perspective

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    In recent years the astro-particle community is involved in the realization of experimental apparatuses for the detection of high energy neutrinos originated in cosmic sources or produced in the interaction of Cosmic Rays with the Cosmic Microwave Background. For neutrino energies in the TeV-PeV range, optical Cherenkov detectors, that have been so far positively exploited by Baikal[1], IceCube[2] and ANTARES[3], are considered optimal. For higher energies, three different experimental techniques are under study: the detection of radio pulses produced by showers induced by a neutrino interaction, the detection of air showers initiated by neutrinos interacting with rocks or deep Earth's atmosphere and the detection of acoustic waves produced by deposition of energy following the interaction of neutrinos in an acoustically transparent medium. The potential of the acoustic detection technique, first proposed by Askaryan[4], to build very large neutrino detectors is appealing, thanks to the optimal properties of media such as water or ice as sound propagator. Though the studies on this technique are still in an early stage, acoustic positioning systems used to locate the optical modules in underwater Cherenkov neutrino detectors, give the possibility to study the ambient noise and provide important information for the future analysis of acoustic data. © 2017 The Authors, published by EDP Sciences

    An ontology-based system to support agent-based simulation of building use

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    The prediction and evaluation of future building response to its intended use and users is a complex task that designers have to face during the design process. As matter of fact, few methods exist that can help designers in such task, despite its importance in the definition of the building quality; norms and regulations, personal designer's experience, post-occupancy evaluation have shown their limit to provide predictive models of the complex phenomenon of human behaviour in built environments. With the increasing of computing power, virtual simulation techniques have been introduced in building design to control, manage and predict complex systems of building performances such as its energy or structural behaviour, but not to representation of buildings while-in-use. The Agent-Based Modelling and Simulation (ABMS) paradigm has been applied in building design to simulation of specific aspects of human behaviour and in specific occurrences (for instance in fire egress simulations), while a more extensive representation of users actions, behaviours, and activities is still missing. In order to overcome this lack, in this paper we propose to support agent-based simulation with a knowledge base, developed by means of ontologies and able to provide a structured system of data about human-building interaction, useful as start hypotheses for Agent-based Simulation. For its development, we rely on the general template of building knowledge management already proposed by the research group (Carrara et al., 2009), extending it to representation of the whole system users-built environment. The proposed general template, configured by the meaning - properties - rules structure, allows the formalization of users/agents entities, whose parameter, attributes and behavioural rules can encode several 'aspects' of real users and their interactions with the other entities (building components, furniture, other people) in a built environment. Currently, a first application has been developed dealing with the virtually testing of a small hospital ward, in order to evaluate the reliability and the potentiality of such approach. COPYRIGHT: © 2012 The authors

    A Simulation Model for Logical and Operative Clash Detection

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    The introduction of the Building Information Modeling (BIM) approach has facilitated the management process of documents produced by different kinds of professionals involved in the design and/or renovation of a building, through identification and subsequent management of geometrical interferences (Clash Detection). The methodology of this research proposes a tool to support Clash Detection, introducing the logical-operative dimension, that may occur with the presence of a construction site within a hospital structure, through the integration of a BIM model within a Game Engine environment, to preserve the continuity of daily hospital activities and trying to reduce negative impacts, times and costs due to construction activities

    Reasoning in Common Data Environments. Re-thinking CDEs to enhance collaboration in BIM processes

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    In BIM processes, the concept of Common Data Environment - CDE - has often been depicted as a key element for successful collaboration and information sharing among different actors but, in current practice, acts as a mere documentation repository ineffective for true collaborative purposes. Therefore, the idea of CDE seems to be overrated on the one hand and unexploited on the other, while effective collaboration is still far from being decisively supported. To overcome this lack, the present research focuses on the definition of a new generation of CDEs, enhanced with an information level for knowledge integration provided by different information carriers such as models and datasets. The paper discusses its development through a graph database platform and dedicated methodologies for data retrieval and query, to verify coherence and consistency of information among different models

    Exploring Archaeological Parks by Playing Games on Mobile Devices

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    Explore! is an m-learning system that combining e-learning and mobile computing allows middle school students to interact with learning materials in different ways while playing a game in an archaeological park. Design is based on user-centred and participatory approaches. The evaluation of Explore! through systematic field studies has shown that it is able to transform the visit to archaeological parks into a more complete and culturally rich experience. Thanks to the generality of the software infrastructure, games to be played in different parks can be easily created; to this aim, an Authoring Tool to be used by history experts and/or teachers has been developed


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    Influencia del estado de desarrollo y parametros ambientales sobre la sensibilidad y respuestas bioquimicas de manzanas cv. Fuji al dano por sol

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    54 p.Durante la temporada 2008/2009, se desarrollaron dos estudios en manzanas cv. Fuji. Para caracterizar las diferencias entre los tratamientos, se midió la fluorescencia (Ensayo 1), el grado de deshidratación de los tejidos, cantidad de pigmentos clorofílicos y antocianinas, concentración de fenoles totales, actividad antioxidante (métodos DPPH y ABTS) y quercetinas en piel (método HPLC). En el primer ensayo se evaluaron los cambios asociadas a estrés térmico sobre frutos en desarrollo; se realizó sobre árboles plantados en 2003 a 4,0 x 2,0 m., injertados sobre patrón EMLA 9; los árboles seleccionados corresponden a los controles del lisímetro de drenaje, ubicado en la Estación Experimental Panguilemo de la Universidad de Talca (35º 23’L.S., 71º 40’L.O., 105 m.s.n.m.). Las mediciones se realizaron en 5 fechas (65, 78, 93,113 y 150 DDPF); en cada medición dos ramas de un árbol fueron sometidas a distintos umbrales de temperatura (35 ºC v/s 45 ºC), y los frutos fueron recolectados una vez terminado el estrés de 5 horas y luego de 24 horas post estrés, de modo de observar la recuperación del fruto. El segundo ensayo, realizado a cosecha (180 DDPF), evaluó el cambio en las concentraciones de compuestos fenólicos, asociados a zonas del fruto con diferentes niveles de daño por sol. Los frutos se recolectaron de árboles ubicados en el huerto San Carlos, comuna de San Clemente (35º 30’ L.S., 71º 28’ L.O., 83 m.s.n.m.) plantados en 1995 a 4,5 x 2,75 m., injertados sobre patrón franco. Para el estudio de los cambios bioquímicos del Ensayo 1, se utilizó piel; mientras que para el Ensayo 2, se utilizó piel y pulpa de fruta con tres niveles de daño por sol. En cuanto a los resultados del Ensayo 1, se observó para todas las fechas una tendencia a disminuir la fluorescencia luego de las 5 horas de exposición térmica para el tratamiento a 45º C. Respecto de los pigmentos, a los 65 DDPF, existe un aumento significativo en las concentraciones de carotenos y clorofila total, para todos los tratamientos en comparación con el control. La cuantificación de fenoles totales a los 78 y 113 DDPF, mostraron diferencias altamente significativas, con aumento en los tratamientos T1 y T2; para los 65 y 150 DDPF, las concentraciones tienden a aumentar con el estrés térmico, para los tratamientos 1 y 2. La actividad antioxidante en las 5 fechas de muestreo, indicó una tendencia a aumentar las concentraciones a medida que el estrés aumenta, la cual fue significativa a los 78 DDPF bajo el método ABTS. Las quercetinas tendieron a aumentar en 3 de las 5 fechas (65, 113 y 150 DDPF), sobre todo en los tratamientos T3 y T4. Para el Ensayo 2, se encontraron diferencias en los porcentajes de deshidratación, fenoles totales y actividad antioxidante, principalmente en los niveles de daño severo y moderado, en zona expuesta y contorno frente a la zona no expuesta. Se observó, en las concentraciones de fenoles totales, un aumento altamente significativo en fruta con niveles de daño severo, moderado y sano, siendo la cara no expuesta la que presentamenores concentraciones. Las quercetinas tienden a aumentar en todos los niveles de daño, siendo el nivel sano el que presenta menores concentraciones; además, se demostraron distintos comportamientos en los niveles severo y moderado, comparado con el nivel sano./ ABSTRACT: During the season 2008/2009 two studies were carried out on apples cv Fuji. To categorize the differences between treatments, fluorescence (Trial 1), tissue dehydration level, amount of chlorophyll and anthocyanin pigments, total phenols concentration, antioxidant activity (DPPH & ABTS methods) and leather quercetin (HPLC method) were measured. In the first trial, changes related with thermal stress on developing fruits were assessed; it was carried out on trees planted in 2003 at 4.0 x 2.0 m., grafted on EMLA 9. The selected trees correspond to the control trees of the drainage lysimeter, located in the Panguilemo Experimental Station of Talca University (35º 23’ S; 71º 40’ W; 105 m.a.s.l.). Measurements were taken on five dates (65, 78, 93,113 y 150 DAFB); in each measurement two tree branches were subjected to different temperature thresholds (35 ºC v/s 45 ºC), and fruits were collected once the 5 hours stress was finished and after 24 hours post stress, in order to observe the fruit recovery. The second trial, carried out to harvest (180 DAFB), was designed to assess changes on the concentration of phenolic compounds related to different levels sunburn on fruit zones. Fruits were collected from trees located on San Carlos orchard, San Clemente County (35º 30’ S; 71º 28’ W; 83 m.a.s.l.) planted in 1995 at 4.5 x 2.75 m., grafted on standard seeding. To study the biochemical changes, the Trial 1 used skin, while Trial 2 used skin and fruit flesh with three levels of sunburn. As for the results of Trial 1, it was observed for all dates evaluated a decreasing tendency of fluorescence after 5 hours of exposure to heat treatment at 45º C. In reference to pigments, at 65 DAFB, a significant increase in carotenoids and total chlorophyll concentrations exists, for all treatments in comparison with the control. Total phenols quantification at 78 and 113 DAFB showed highly significant differences, with increased T1 and T2; for the 65 and 150 DAFB, the concentrations tend to increase with heat stress, for treatments 1 and 2. The antioxidant activity at 5 sampling dates indicated a trend to increasing concentrations as the stress increases, which was significant at 78 DAFB under the ABTS method. The quercetin tended to increase in 3 of the 5 dates (65, 113 and 150 DAFB), especially in T3 and T4. For Trial 2, significant differences in the rates of dehydration, total phenol and antioxidant activity were found, mainly on severe and moderate damage levels, in exposed area and contour versus unexposed area. On total phenols concentration, a highly significant increase was observed in fruit with damage levels of severe, moderate and healthy, being the unexposed side the one with lower concentrations. The quercetin tends to increase in all levels of damage, being the healthy level which has lower concentrations; moreover, showed different behaviors in severe and moderate levels compared to healthy leve

    Do BRAF inhibitors select for populations with different disease progression kinetics?

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    Ipilimumab, an anti-CTLA-4 monoclonal antibody, has been shown to improve overall survival in patients with metastatic melanoma. Preliminary data suggest that patients who fail BRAF inhibitor treatment experience a very rapid progression of disease. Such selectivity for more rapid disease progression may mean these patients do not receive the same benefit from subsequent treatment with ipilimumab as patients without prior BRAF inhibitor treatment. The current challenge is focused on how to identify and approach the two populations of fast and slow progressors and recent hypothesis suggest that treatment choice could be guided by baseline risk factors. However, no data have yet defined which the best sequence is and more research is needed to identify predictors of response in patients with metastatic melanoma to help guide whether a BRAF inhibitor or ipilimumab should be used first in sequential therapy


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    The objective of this research was to analyze the internationalization strategies used by four Brazilian pharmaceutical companies. The methodology used was case study. The literature on corporate internationalization strategies over the last decades can be divided into two distinct approaches: economic and organizational. Considering the strategies adopted by pharmacists, one can see an approximation with the economic model of the eclectic paradigm and the behavioral model of the Uppsala School. It was noticed that the mode of entry into Internationalization, of EUROFARMA, EMS and CRISTÁLIA was by export adopting the process of gradualism of the Uppsala model, and BIOLAB by contract and did not consider the least psychic distance in relation to other laboratories. All focused on R & D, Innovation and are at different stages in their internationalization process, generating an organizational learning that has allowed them to remain competitive in the international market.O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar as estratégias de internacionalização utilizadas por quatro indústrias farmacêuticas brasileiras. A metodologia empregada foi a de estudo de caso. A literatura sobre estratégias de internacionalização das empresas ao longo das últimas décadas pode ser dividida sob dois enfoques distintos: a econômica e sob o enfoque organizacional. Considerando as estratégias adotadas pelas farmacêuticas, nota-se uma aproximação com o modelo econômico do paradigma eclético e com o modelo comportamental da Escola de Uppsala. Percebeu-se que o modo de entrada na Internacionalização, da EUROFARMA, EMS e CRISTÁLIA foi por exportação adotando o processo de gradualismo do modelo Uppsala, e a BIOLAB por via contratual e não considerou   a menor distância psíquica em relação aos demais laboratórios. Todas com foco em P& D, Inovação e encontram-se em estágios diferentes em seu processo de internacionalização, gerando um aprendizado organizacional que lhes tem permitido se manterem competitivas no mercado internacional. 

    Total phenol and quercetin content and antioxidant activity in apples in response to thermal, light stress and to organic management

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    Flavonoids are the most abundant phenol compound group in apples, the concentration of which varies with the cultivars and climatic conditions. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of temperature, solar radiation, sunburn damage of the peel and the state of development of fruit on total phenol concentrations, quercetin glycosides and antioxidant activity. Three assays were conducted during the 2008/09 season to evaluate aforementioned variables on these parameters. The following season, the effect of the state of development on the fruit was evaluated. Sunburn increased phenol concentrations from 5.5 to 8.7 mg CAE* g FW-1. In relation to the state of development of the fruit, phenol concentrations decreased from 14 to 1.3 mg CAE* g FW-1 between 32 DAFB to harvest, respectively.  Fruit that was bagged until one month before harvest had significantly higher concentrations of quercetin rutinoside (28 mg*g-1FW), galactoside (484 mg*g-1FW) and glucoside (54 mg*g-1FW) than fruit that remained bagged until harvest (6, 161 and 21 mg*g-1FW, respectively). Temperature did influence phenol concentrations. This study determined that sunburn, the state of development and bagging the fruit are factors that determine phenol concentration in apples