312 research outputs found

    Characterization of noncontact piezoelectric transducer with conically shaped piezoelement

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    The characterization of a dynamic surface displacement transducer (IQI Model 501) by a noncontact method is presented. The transducer is designed for ultrasonic as well as acoustic emission measurements and, according to the manufacturer, its characteristic features include a flat frequency response range which is from 50 to 1000 kHz and a quality factor Q of less than unity. The characterization is based on the behavior of the transducer as a receiver and involves exciting the transducer directly by transient pulse input stress signals of quasi-electrostatic origin and observing its response in a digital storage oscilloscope. Theoretical models for studying the response of the transducer to pulse input stress signals and for generating pulse stress signals are presented. The characteristic features of the transducer which include the central frequency f sub o, quality factor Q, and flat frequency response range are obtained by this noncontact characterization technique and they compare favorably with those obtained by a tone burst method which are also presented

    Development of cancer biomarker assays from dna in various bodily fluids

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    Abstract DNA from cancer cells can enter surrounding fluid after apoptosis or necrosis. This DNA can be identified by sampling and sequencing the fluid looking for the mutations that gave rise to the cancer, referred to as a liquid biopsy. We have developed several liquid biopsies for the purpose of diagnosis and treatment selection through the use of targeted PCR and high throughput sequencing. We used the SafeSeqS methodology, a molecular barcoding technology previously developed in this lab, to further reduce sequencing errors to aid us in finding these rare mutations. We developed assays that identified genetic mutations from saliva, blood plasma, and pancreatic cysts. We investigating head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) from the oral cavity, oropharynx, hypopharynx, and larynx in 93 patients using a combination of saliva and plasma. We first identified either the E7 gene of HPV 16 or a primary mutation in the tumor and then tried to detect their presence in saliva and plasma. We collected saliva from every patient, while we only had plasma samples from 43 patients. We found that saliva performed best in oral cavity cancers detecting 100% of those patients, while plasma performed similarly across all sites detecting 87% of HNSCC patients. We detected mutations in 96% of patients when both saliva and plasma were available. Pancreatic cyst fluid was used to aid clinicians in the classification of pancreatic cysts. We created an 8 gene panel to look for mutations as well as additional tests for loss of heterozygosity and aneuploidy. We used DNA from fluid captured through endoscopic aspiration as well as from surgically resected cysts. When combined with the typical clinical features we were able to accurately predict which cysts needed surgery with a sensitivity and specificity of 89% and 69% respectively. Each of these projects began as an attempt to aid clinicians in dealing with these various diseases. Our results illustrate that liquid biopsies can be developed into an effective tool for the fight against cancer

    Factors affecting biofilm formation as seed transmission mechanism of cowpea bacteria blight induced by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv vignicola (Burkholder) Dye

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    Bacteria are carried in/on seeds by biofilm formation.  However relatively few studies have been focused on the factors affecting biofilm formation ability of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. vignicola (Xav) as a mechanism of transmission. Knowing the factors that enabling plant-pathogenic bacteria to form biofilm as a means to move and establish on/in  the hosts provides the necessary basis to set up appropriate management approach. The study was conducted to determine factors affecting biofilm formation as mechanisms of seed transmission of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. vignicola by growing bacterial  cells in  maize, millet, sorghum, Ife brown, Sampea7 extracts and extracts of Ife brown  + 0.5 g  nutrient glucose agar (NGA) in a 96 microlitre wells.  The seeds extract were prepared by soaking one hundred seeds each of Ife brown, Sampea7, millet, sorghum and maize in a 250 ml flask containing 100 ml SDW and  for 20 h. Bacterial suspension adjusted to ca. 4.5 x 107 cfu/ml was suspended in each of the extracts and the media and filled twelve wells each of the treatment. These were incubated for 72 h, 96 h and 120 h. afterwards, the wells were emptied and the wells were stained with 1 % crystal violet (CV) solution in 33 % (V/V) acetic acid for approximately 20 minutes. Excess CV was washed with SDW. The bound CV to the wells were solubilized with 200 µl of 33 % acetic acid or acetone – ethanol and quantified spectrophotometrically using Well Reader (GF 3000 microplate Reader –Bran scientific and Instrument Company England). Specific Biofilm formations (SBF) was calculated. The experiment was replicated two times and repeated 3 times. There was statistical difference between the biofilm formation induced by the different extracts and NGA.  All the seeds extract induces biofilm formation and the level of biofilm formation varies with time and the nutrient status of the media or medium

    One-dimensional wave propagation in rods of variable cross section: A WKBJ solution

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    As an important step in the characterization of a particular dynamic surface displacement transducer (IQI Model 501), a one-dimensional wave propagation in isotropic nonpiezoelectric and piezoelectric rods of variable cross section are presented. With the use of the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin-Jeffreys (WKBJ) approximate solution technique, an approximate formula, which relates the ratio of the amplitudes of a propagating wave observed at any two locations along the rod to the ratio of the cross sectional radii at these respective locations, is derived. The domains of frequency for which the approximate solution is valid are discussed for piezoelectric and nonpiezoelectric materials

    Glasses and glass-ceramics in the CaO–MgO–SiO2 system: diopside containing compositions - a brief review

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    Among different silicate systems, CaO−MgO−SiO2 is the one of the most promising due to abundance of reagents, easier fabrication, improved performance, and wide range of application. Analysis of the current literature sources denotes that phase diagram of CaO−MgO−SiO2 system is regularly used by researchers worldwide as constitutive model for synthesis glass-ceramic materials (GCs) possessing an adequate combination of high chemical durability, mechanical and electrical properties. In recent years, materials from this system attracted extra interest for applications in bone tissue repair owing to their ability to induce hydroxyapatite formation in contact with body fluids and to be resorbed in controllable degradation rate. In this brief review diopside containing compositions are specifically discussed. The main goal is to provide critical analysis of the experimental trials directed on synthesis of GC materials in the CaO−MgO−SiO2 system. Glass compositions were analysed through the standpoint of their location in the relevant region, or phase field, within a phase diagram to guide GC production and to make educated choices of compositions and processing parameters. Apart from Introduction and Conclusions this review comprises five consecutive parts. In the first part, constitution of phase diagram of CaO−MgO−SiO2 system is comprehensively discussed with connection to melts’ crystallization path and crystalline phase formation. In the second part, special attentiveness is drawn towards diopside- containing GCs produced from wastes and non-expensive natural raw materials. In this regard and taking into consideration presence of Al2O3 in the majority types of wastes, cross sections of CaO−MgO−SiO2−Al2O3 system with 10, 15 and 20% of Al2O3 are suggested to utilize when anticipating ultimate crystalline phase(s) formation. The following parts of this review are mostly addressed to recent advancement in producing optimized diopside-containing glass–ceramic biomaterials for bone repair as well as innovative sealants for solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC). Likewise, some other active areas of research and application for diopside containing GC compositions are briefly discussed.publishe

    Trace and major elements distribution in coastal sediment cores from Lagos Lagoon,Nigeria

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    Heavymetalscontaminationinaquaticecosystemshasbeena majorconcern,however,noinformationisavailableaboutthe concentrations, depthdistributionsandecologicalrisksofheavy metals insedimentscoresfrommicrotidallagoonalecosystemin Lagos, Nigeria.Foursedimentcoreswerecollectedusinga 50 cm × 3.5 cmWildco®handcorer.Elementaldeterminations werecarriedoutusingtheMicrowavePlasmaAtomicEmission Spectrometry (4200MP-AES)afterextraction.Theconcentrations of heavymetalsinthesedimentcoresindicatedenhanceddegree of contaminationinfluenced byanthropogenicdischargesespe- cially industrialeffluents. Verticaldepthdistributionsindicated varieddepositionalperiodslargelycontrolledbyincreasing anthropogenicland-basedactivities.Theremarkablemetalpollu- tion ofcoresedimentsraisestheconcernpotentialsourcesof metals tothelagoonalecosystemandecologicalriskstothebiota, humans, andtheenvironment.Theresultsofelementalcon- centrations shouldbeconsideredasbaselinedataforheavymetals in sedimentsintheregion

    Radio network as a strategic medium of education and awareness creation in Nigeria during the COVID-19 pandemic era: a historical perspective (1956-2020)

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    The radio network in Nigeria, no doubt, rendered credible services to Nigerians during the Covid-19 pandemic era. Through the services of the radio, Nigeria‟s populations of listeners received the relevant awareness messages required to escape the lethal infections of the Corona virus, code-named the Covid-19. Through the services of various radio stations, fellow citizens got sensitized about the dangers, patterns of spread, preventive measures and other related healthcare strategies that could curb the spread of the virus. Through the agency of the radio too, the country‟s school children received periodic school lessons from the comfort of their own homes during the lockdown era when all school closed down. These highlight the great roles played by the radio in Nigeria during the Covid-19 pandemic era, all with the intentions of keeping the populations of listeners safe and alive. It is the primary target of this paper to discuss some of the key roles played by the country‟s radio networks in tackling the spread of Covid-19 among Nigerians during the pandemic era

    African traditional abdominal massage in pregnancy resulting in antepartum uterine rupture, abruptio placenta and foetal demise – a case report

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    The practice of abdominal massage dates to years ago and associated with foetal and maternal morbidity and mortality when undertaken by untrained traditional birth attendants in our setting. We present a 30-year old G3P2+0 with uterine rupture and intra-uterine foetal death following abdominal massage. She was resuscitated and had emergency exploratory laparotomy and repair of uterine rupture

    Teacher of Christian Religion Education, Quality of Education and the Future of the Morality of the Nation of the First

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    This paper aims to provide an understanding that Christian Education teachers have a significant role in improving the quality of education and the future of national morality. The development of globalization and modernization makes teachers must be ready and contribute in preparing the nation's young generation in entering the era of globalization and modernization. At least there are two roles that must be possessed by the Christian Religious Education teacher, namely participating in realizing quality education and maintaining the nation's morality. With this writing, it is expected that every Christian Education teacher will become more aware and more enthusiastic in carrying out his duties and vocation as a teacher of Christian Religious Education

    The Anecdotal Use of Fungicides in the Management of Cowpea Bacterial Blight Xanthomonas Axonopodis pv. Vignicola

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    The control measure of most seed-borne diseases can be improved by seed treatment with an antibiotic or fungicides.However, the unwittingly use of fungicides on any perceived disease, makes their use economically risky proposition. The objective of this research was to investigate the effectiveness of some fungicides in the management of Xanthomonasaxonopodispvvignicola, the incitant of bacterial blight of cowpea. Seven cowpea genotypes (Ife-brown, SAMPEA-7, Local Wusasa, Local Sabon-Gari, Local Samaru, IT86D-714A and IT98-503-1) were obtained from seed companies, research institutes, and open markets within Zaria area. The different fungicides used by the seed companies were Apron-star, Dress and Team and the same were used to treat other seed lots. Seeds were inoculated by soaking hundred seeds in 100 ml of bacteria suspension adjusted ca.4.7 x 107cfu/ml for 4 h before fungicide treatment.There was general reflection of susceptibility of SAMPEA-7 to Xav as observed in the various parts of all the seedlings (Root, cotyledon, stem and leaf). Fungicides used in the seed treatment did not have significant effect on the pathogen attached to the seeds. Most fungicides do not control bacterial pathogens and most will not control all types of fungal diseases. Anecdotal use of chemical pesticides should be discouraged and farmers are advised to seek for proper diagnosis of pest problems as well as appropriate protection products from plant protectionists. Without proper identification of disease and the disease causing agent, disease control measure can be a waste of time and money and can lead to further plant losses
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