34 research outputs found

    Carbon Capture and Storage

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    Emissions of carbon dioxide, the most important long-lived anthropogenic greenhouse gas, can be reduced by Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). CCS involves the integration of four elements: CO 2 capture, compression of the CO2 from a gas to a liquid or a denser gas, transportation of pressurized CO 2 from the point of capture to the storage location, and isolation from the atmosphere by storage in deep underground rock formations. Considering full life-cycle emissions, CCS technology can reduce 65–85% of CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion from stationary sources, although greater reductions may be possible if low emission technologies are applied to activities beyond the plant boundary, such as fuel transportation. CCS is applicable to many stationary CO2 sources, including the power generation, refining, building materials, and the industrial sector. The recent emphasis on the use of CCS primarily to reduce emissions from coal-fired electricity production is too narrow a vision for CCS. Interest in CCS is growing rapidly around the world. Over the past decade there has been a remarkable increase in interest and investment in CCS. Whereas a decade ago, there was only one operating CCS project and little industry or government investment in R&D, and no financial incentives to promote CCS. In 2010, numerous projects of various sizes are active, including at least five large-scale full CCS projects. In 2015, it is expected that 15 large-scale, full-chain CCS projects will be running. Governments and industry have committed over USD 26 billion for R&D, scale-up and deployment. The technology for CCS is available today, but significant improvements are needed to support widespread deployment. Technology advances are needed primarily to reduce the cost of capture and increase confidence in storage security. Demonstration projects are needed to address issues of process integration between CO2 capture and product generation, for instance in power, cement and steel production, obtain cost and performance data, and for industry where capture is more mature to gain needed operational experience. Large-scale storage projects in saline aquifers are needed to address issues of site characterization and site selection, capacity assessment, risk management and monitoring. Successful experiences from five ongoing projects demonstrate that, at least on this limited scale, CCS can be safe and effective for reducing emissions. Five commercial-scale CCS projects are operational today with over 35 million tonnes of CO2 captured and stored since 1996. Observations from commercial storage projects, commercial enhanced oil recovery projects, engineered and natural analogues as well as theoretical considerations, models, and laboratory experiments suggest that appropriately selected and managed geological storage reservoirs are very likely to retain nearly all the injected CO2 for very long times, more than long enough to provide benefits for the intended purpose of CCS. Significant scale-up compared to existing CCS activities will be needed to achieve large reductions in CO2 emissions. A 5- to 10-fold scale-up in the size of individual projects is needed to capture and store emissions from a typical coal-fired power plant (500 to 1000 MW). A thousand fold scale-up in size of today’s CCS enterprise would be needed to reduce emissions by billions of tonnes per year (Gt/yr). The technical potential of CCS on a global level is promising, but on a regional level is differentiated. The primary technical limitation for CCS is storage capacity. Much more work needs to be done to realistically assess storage capacity on a worldwide, regional basis and sub-regional basis. Worldwide storage capacity estimation is improving but more experience is needed. Estimates for oil and gas reservoirs are about 1000 GtCO2, saline aquifers are estimated to have a capacity ranging from about 4000 to 23,000 GtCO2. However, there is still considerable debate about how much storage capacity actually exists, particularly in saline aquifers. Research, geological assessments and, most importantly, commercial-scale demonstration projects will be needed to improve confidence in capacity estimates. Costs and energy requirements for capture are high. Estimated costs for CCS vary widely, depending on the application (e.g. gas clean-up vs. electricity generation), the type of fuel, capture technology, and assumptions about the baseline technology. For example, with today’s technology, CCS would increase cost of generating electricity by 50–100%. In this case, capital costs and parasitic energy requirements of 15–30% are the major cost drivers. Research is underway to lower costs and energy requirements. Early demonstration projects are likely to cost more. The combination of high cost and low or absent incentives for large-scale deployment are a major factor limiting the widespread use of CCS. Due to high costs, CCS will not take place without strong incentives to limit CO2 emissions. Certainty about the policy and regulatory regimes will be crucial for obtaining access to capital to build these multi-billion dollar projects. Environmental risks of CCS appear manageable, but regulations are needed. Regulation needs to ensure due diligence over the lifecycle of the project, but should, most importantly, also govern site selection, operating guidelines, monitoring and closure of a storage facility. Experience so far has shown that local resistance to CO2 storage projects may appear and can lead to cancellation of planned CCS projects. Inhabitants of the areas around geological storage sites often have concerns about the safety and effectiveness of CCS. More CCS projects are needed to establish a convincing safety record. Early engagement of communities in project design and site selection as well as credible communication can help ease resistance. Environmental organisations sometimes see CCS as a distraction from a sustainable energy future. Social, economic, policy and political factors may limit deployment of CCS if not adequately addressed. Critical issues include ownership of underground pore space (primarily an issue in the US); long-term liability and stewardship; GHG accounting approaches and ve rification; and regulatory oversight regimes. Governments and the private sector are making significant progress on all of these issues. Government support to lower barriers for early deployments is needed to encourage private sector adoption. Developing countries will need support for technology access, lowering the cost of CCS, developing workforce capacity and training regulators for permitting, monitoring and oversight. CCS combined with biomass can lead to negative emissions . Such technologies are likely to be needed to achieve atmospheric stabilization of CO2 and may provide an additional incentive for CCS adoption

    Exploring the evolution and epidemiology of European CC1-MRSA-IV: tracking a multidrug-resistant community-associated meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus clone

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    This study investigated the evolution and epidemiology of the community-associated and multidrug-resistant Staphylococcus aureus clone European CC1-MRSA-IV. Whole-genome sequences were obtained for 194 European CC1-MRSA-IV isolates (189 of human and 5 of animal origin) from 12 countries, and 10 meticillin-susceptible precursors (from North-Eastern Romania; all of human origin) of the clone. Phylogenetic analysis was performed using a maximum-likelihood approach, a time-measured phylogeny was reconstructed using Bayesian analysis, and in silico microarray genotyping was performed to identify resistance, virulence-associated and SCCmec (staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec) genes. Isolates were typically sequence type 1 (190/204) and spa type t127 (183/204). Bayesian analysis indicated that European CC1-MRSA-IV emerged in approximately 1995 before undergoing rapid expansion in the late 1990s and 2000s, while spreading throughout Europe and into the Middle East. Phylogenetic analysis revealed an unstructured meticillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) population, lacking significant geographical or temporal clusters. The MRSA were genotypically multidrug-resistant, consistently encoded seh, and intermittently (34/194) encoded an undisrupted hlb gene with concomitant absence of the lysogenic phage-encoded genes sak and scn. All MRSA also harboured a characteristic ~5350 nt insertion in SCCmec adjacent to orfX. Detailed demographic data from Denmark showed that there, the clone is typically (25/35) found in the community, and often (10/35) among individuals with links to South-Eastern Europe. This study elucidated the evolution and epidemiology of European CC1-MRSA-IV, which emerged from a meticillin-susceptible lineage prevalent in North-Eastern Romania before disseminating rapidly throughout Europe

    Tuning the electrical conductance of metalloporphyrin supramolecular wires

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    In contrast with conventional single-molecule junctions, in which the current flows parallel to the long axis or plane of a molecule, we investigate the transport properties of M(II)-5,15-diphenylporphyrin (M-DPP) single-molecule junctions (M=Co, Ni, Cu, or Zn divalent metal ions), in which the current flows perpendicular to the plane of the porphyrin. Novel STM-based conductance measurements combined with quantum transport calculations demonstrate that current-perpendicular-to-the-plane (CPP) junctions have three-orders-of-magnitude higher electrical conductanc than their current in-plane (CIP) counterparts, ranging from 2.10−2 G0 for Ni-DPP up to 8.10−2 G0 for Zn-DPP. The metal ion in the center of the DPP skeletons is strongly coordinated with the nitrogens of the pyridyl coated electrodes, with a binding energy that is sensitive to the choice of metal ion. We find that the binding energies of Zn-DPP and Co-DPP are significantly higher than those of Ni-DPP and Cu-DPP. Therefore when combined with its higher conductance, we identify Zn-DPP as the favoured candidate for high conductance CPP single-molecule devices

    The Future of Combustion Turbine Technology for Industrial and Utility Power Generation

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    Low capital cost and ample low-cost natural gas supplies will make natural gas-fired combustion turbine systems the power generation technology of choice over the next decade. Against the background of earlier use by electric utilities, this paper examines the status, economic outlook, and future directions of combustion turbine technology for industrial and utility power generation. The discussion takes into account the ongoing deregulation and increasing competition that are shaping the electric power generation business. Included is a comparison between heavy-duty industrial combustion turbines and their rapidly evolving competition, aeroderivative machines, with emphasis on the appropriate application of each. The prospects for future improvements in the cost and performance of combustion turbines are reviewed, and the likely impact of advanced combustion turbine power generation concepts is considered. Also summarized is the outlook for power generation fuels, including the longer term reemergence of coal and the potential for widespread use of coal gasification-based combustion turbine systems. The paper draws heavily from a technical, economic, and business analysis, Combustion Turbine Power Systems, recently completed by SFA Pacific. The analysis was sponsored by an international group of energy companies that includes utilities, independent power producers (IPPs), and power industry equipment vendors

    Energy at the Crossroads

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    The Truth About Dirty Oil: Is CCS the Answer?

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