186 research outputs found

    Art – Research – Library: Shaping Maps of Knowledge

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    Soon after art history was established as an academic discipline in its own right in the later nineteenth century, the first art libraries were founded to support both education and research. Focusing on libraries outside of a university or museum context, this paper shows how research methods and library concepts converged and diverged. The years after 1900 and prior to World War I, were particularly rich in terms of disputes over the principles of library organization, shelf ordering systems, and appropriate classification for art literature. Furthermore, Aby Warburg contemporaneously conceived his individual library concept based on the insight that ordering literature – in a highly unconventional manner – and gaining knowledge are closely interrelated. All in all, art history and art libraries were subjected to the same dynamics of conceptual development in these decades, in contrast to later times. The question of whether and how modern data technology correlates with the old models of ordering knowledge is briefly discussed at the end.À la fin du xixe siècle, au moment où l’histoire de l’art devient une discipline universitaire à part entière, les premières bibliothèques d’art destinées à l’éducation et à la recherche voient le jour. Cet article s’intéresse aux bibliothèques qui ne sont rattachées ni à un musée, ni à une université, et montre les convergences et divergences entre méthodes de recherche et conception des bibliothèques. La période qui va de 1900 à la Grande Guerre est particulièrement riche en querelles autour des principes d’organisation des bibliothèques, des systèmes de classement des ouvrages et de la catégorisation des textes sur l’art. À la même époque, Aby Warburg conçoit sa bibliothèque personnelle à partir du principe – très peu conventionnel – qu’il existe un lien étroit entre classement des ouvrages et acquisition du savoir. Au cours de ces décennies (et contrairement à ce qui se passera ensuite), l’histoire de l’art et les bibliothèques d’art sont à peu près soumises à une même dynamique d’invention de concepts. En conclusion, l’article s’interroge sur d’éventuelles corrélations entre les anciens modèles d’organisation du savoir et les technologies numériques actuelles

    Exploring supportive relationship provided to newly qualified midwives during transition period in Limpopo province, South Africa

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    Transition from midwifery training to professional practice is enhanced by positive support from experienced colleagues. The study explored experiences of newly qualified midwives regarding existence of supportive relationship during transition. The setting was a maternity unit of a selected hospital from each of the five districts of Limpopo province. Population was all midwives who completed a comprehensive nursing programme (R425 of 19 February 1985, as amended); and qualified as nurses (general, psychiatric and community) and midwives working in selected hospitals. Twenty-five participants selected from maternity units of the five selected hospitals using non-probability, purposive sampling method. In-depth individual interviews conducted until saturation was reached. Data analysed through Tesch’s method. Ethical issues considered. Findings revealed negative unsupportive relationship experienced by participants resulting in poor performance. Graduates expressed dislike experienced from senior colleagues. Establishment and maintenance of positive relationship between experienced and newly qualified midwives should be enhanced to promote effective transition. (Afr J Reprod Health 2021; 25[5]: 105-112)

    Assessment of the Impact of Industrial Wastewater on the Water Quality of Rivers around the Bole Lemi Industrial Park (BLIP), Ethiopia

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    The discharge of industrial waste into water bodies without significant treatment can be a source of water pollution. This study was conducted to assess the impact of industrial wastewater on the water quality in rivers around the Bole Lemi Industrial Park (BLIP). Data were collected from six sampling stations in midstream, downstream, and upstream locations between May and June 2021. In situ (pH, electrical conductivity [EC], total suspended solids [TSS], and temperature) and ex situ (chemical oxygen demand [COD], total nitrogen [TN], total dissolved solids [TDS], total phosphorus [TP], and biological oxygen demand [BOD]) determinations of water quality were conducted. The quality of the water samples was examined using the weighted arithmetic water quality index (WQI) method. A statistical analysis showed that there are significant differences in the water quality parameters among the sampling stations along the river. The results showed different levels of temperature, EC, pH, TSS, TDS, COD, BOD, TN, and TP. The pH values were higher than the pH ranges (6.5-8.5) of USEPA, EU, CES, and WHO at two sampling stations. The results of the WQI showed that the analyzed water samples were in the "unsuitable for consumption" water quality category. These results will be useful for the city administration of Addis Ababa in crafting strategies for the protection and sustainable management of the Bole Lemi River

    Assessment of the Effectiveness of Watershed Management Intervention in Chena Woreda, Kaffa Zone, Southwestern Ethiopia

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    The main purpose of this study was to assess the effectiveness of watershed management intervention in Chena Woreda. The study was conducted in this specific area because of that the experience in Ethiopia in general and Chena Woreda in particular showed that the practice of evaluation of the effectiveness of the project is overlooked. A systematic sampling technique was used to select sample micro watersheds, and random sampling method was used to select individual households from both intervention and non intervention areas. Data was collected through field observation, household questionnaire survey, focused group discussion, in-depth interview and key informant interview. Moreover, physical soil and water conservation structures layout measurement was conducted. Descriptive statistics, t-test, chi-square test and participation index were used for data analyses. The study revealed that the intervention has good achievements in reducing soil erosion, improving water availability and quality, developing tree plantation and diversifying household income sources in the catchment. However, poor community participation, lack of the structures design alignment with standards, inappropriate time of implementation, lack of diversified soil water conservation measures, absence of regular maintenance and management of the structures were some of the major limitation of the intervention. Therefore, this study recommends that the stakeholders should make appropriate correction measures for observed failures and further interdisciplinary study should be conducted to explore the problems. Keywords: Chena Woreda, Effectiveness, Intervention, Standards, Watershed Managemen

    Building Climate Resilience in the Blue Nile/Abay Highlands: A Framework for Action

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    Ethiopia has become warmer over the past century and human induced climate change will bring further warming over the next century at unprecedented rates. On the average, climate models show a tendency for higher mean annual rainfall and for wetter conditions, in particular during October, November and December, but there is much uncertainty about the future amount, distribution, timing and intensity of rainfall. Ethiopia’s low level of economic development, combined with its heavy dependence on agriculture and high population growth rate make the country particularly susceptible to the adverse effects of climate change. Nearly 90% of Ethiopia’s population lives in the Highlands, which include the critical Blue Nile (Abay) Highlands—a region that holds special importance due to its role in domestic agricultural production and international water resources. A five year study of climate vulnerability and adaptation strategies in communities of Choke Mountain, located in the center of the Abay Highlands, has informed a proposed framework for enhancing climate resilience in communities across the region. The framework is motivated by the critical need to enhance capacity to cope with climate change and, subsequently, to advance a carbon neutral and climate resilient economy in Ethiopia. The implicit hypothesis in applying a research framework for this effort is that science-based information, generated through improved understanding of impacts and vulnerabilities of local communities, can contribute to enhanced resilience strategies. We view adaptation to climate change in a wider context of changes, including, among others, market conditions, the political-institutional framework, and population dynamics. From a livelihood perspective, culture, historical settings, the diversity of income generation strategies, knowledge, and education are important factors that contribute to adaptive capacities. This paper reviews key findings of the Choke Mountain study, describes the principles of the climate resilience framework, and proposes an implementation strategy for climate resilient development to be applied in the Abay Highlands, with potential expansion to agricultural communities across the region and beyond

    Sharing the Secrets of a Rare Book Collection: Explore - Describe - Connect

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    Many libraries hold rare book collections and they maintain and explore them with special attention, usually by following international standards. Over time, extensive knowledge has been accumulated about these books. However, the intensity of research on these collections can vary. My library's rare book project presented here is based on the following premises: We do not consider historical books merely as written and pictorial media from past eras, but as objects whose characteristics such as state of preservation, provenance, additions (annotations, owner's notes, ex-libris), and individual features such as binding, edges, printing errors, etc., provide a wealth of historical data. This (codicological) data can be relevant to research questions outside the library domain. It is the noblest task of any library not only to collect this data, but also to make it available for experts without restriction and to secure it for further use. Can digital technology help to go beyond what has already been achieved? For more than ten years, every work in our collection has been subjected to an in-depth analysis. All of the aforementioned codicological data, but also, for example, findings that have emerged in the course of restoration and conservation, are recorded in a database designed specifically for this purpose. In this way, a considerable amount of knowledge has been accumulated over the years. Thus, by digitizing our Rare Book Collection, we have considerably expanded the sector of metadata and are now adding the codicological data. Crucially, all this information is not only displayed, but is also searchable. As next steps, it is prepared to map the codicological data with authority files and thus to achieve a further and higher level of interoperability. The obvious consequence to advance into the LOD system and generate corresponding interoperable entities and identities based on the collected data is being planned

    Determinação de mercúrio total por CV AFS e enxofre via molécula de CS por HR-CS MAS em amostras de coque verde de petróleo: uma abordagem metrológica

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    Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências Físicas e Matemáticas, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Química, 2015.Este trabalho desenvolveu e validou dois métodos analíticos: um para a determinação de mercúrio (Hg) total e outro para enxofre (S), ambos em amostras de coque verde. O Hg também foi determinado na borra oleosa devido a sua adição ao coque verde. Para a determinação de Hg total, as amostras de coque verde foram maceradas e trituradas. Frente a complexidade da matriz, sete diferentes procedimentos de preparos foram avaliados empregando material de referência certificado (CRM) BCR 181 (0,138 ± 0,011 µg g-1): cinco digestões assistidas por micro-ondas, variando-se o meio reacional, e duas extrações: a temperatura ambiente e a 85 °C. O melhor resultado foi de 0,134 ± 0,036 µg g-1 obtido pela digestão assistida por micro-ondas (4 mL HNO3, 1 mL HCl e 0,5 mL HF) e este procedimento então foi empregado para o preparo das amostras de coque verde e CRM, que posteriormente foram utilizadas para a otimização dos reagentes (HCl 3% v/v, SnCl2 3% m/v e KMnO4 0,04% m/v). Com o preparo definido e melhores condições obtidas para os reagentes, determinou-se a concentração de Hg total por CV AFS. Apenas cinco amostras apresentaram concentrações entre 0,110 a 0,201 µg g-1 e outras cinco amostras ficaram abaixo do LD. O preparo de amostra adotado para a borra foi o método EPA 3052 para posterior determinação de Hg total. Duas técnicas foram empregadas: CV AFS e CV AAS. A faixa de concentração de Hg total foi de 42,5 a 376,6 µg g-1 e, das nove amostras analisadas, quatro obtiveram resultados concordantes pelas duas técnicas. Para a determinação de S via molécula de CS, foi empregada a técnica de HR-CS MAS, utilizando a linha do tálio, que corresponde a um comprimento de onda 258,033 nm. As amostras foram primeiramente maceradas e trituradas e posteriormente preparadas na forma de suspensão. O estudo da concentração ácida mostrou que não é necessário a adição de HNO3, porém o uso de Triton X-100 (0,05% v/v) foi importante para estabilizar a suspensão. Foi necessário recobrir a plataforma do forno de grafite com tungstênio (1g L-1 W) e o modificador KOH 1% m/v usado em solução. A programação de temperaturas foi otimizado para: sulfato de amônio, cloreto de L-cisteína e tioureia, NIST 2718 e amostra (Tp: 1100 0C, Tv: 2600 0C), assim como curvas de calibração aquosas foram construídas para os três compostos, com ácido e sem. A tioureia sem adição de HNO3 foi escolhida para a construção da curva de calibração e posterior quantificação. As amostras de coque verde apresentaram S na concentração de 6,2 à 9,4 mg g-1. Os parâmetros de validação examinados, seguindo critérios internacionais para ambos osmétodos, foram: exatidão, precisão, linearidade, limite de detecção e quantificação, sensibilidade, seletividade, robustez (apenas para o enxofre), faixa de trabalho e incerteza de medição. Após avaliação para o uso dos LDs e LQs, o emprego de MMQO foi recomendado para o Hg e MMQP para o S. Para ambos os métodos desenvolvidos, a validação comprovou que os métodos propostos são satisfatórios e adequados.Abstract : This work developed and validated of two analytical methods: one for determination of total mercury and another for sulfur, both in green coke samples. The Hg was also determined in oily sludge due to its addition to the green coke. For the determination of total Hg, the green coke samples were macerated and mashed. Faced the complexity of the sample matrix , seven different preparation procedures were evaluated using certified reference material BCR 181 (0.138 ± 0.011 µg g-1): five digestions assisted by microwave, varying the reaction medium, and two extractions : a room temperature and the other at 85 ° C. The best result was 0.134 ± 0.036 ug g-1 obtained by the digestion assisted by microwave (4 ml HNO3 , 1 ml HCl and 0.5 mL HF ) and adopted to prepare the green coke sample and CRM , which were later used for the optimization of reagents (HCl 3 % v/v , SnCl2 3% m/v and KMnO4 0.04 % m/v). With the defined preparation and better conditions for reagents obtained, it was determined by Hg concentrations CV AFS. Only five samples had concentrations of from 0.110 to 0.201 g-1 g and five samples were below the LD. The sample preparation adopted for the sludge was the EPA 3052 method for subsequent determination of total mercury concentration. Two techniques were employed: CV AFS and CV AAS. The range of total Hg concentration was 376.6 g of the 42.5 g -1, and, the nine samples, four concordant results obtained by the two techniques. For determination of sulfur via the CS molecule, was technique employed CS-HR MAS, using the line of thallium, which corresponds to a wavelength of 258.033 nm. The samples were first crushed and then macerated and prepared in suspension form. The study showed that the concentration of acid is not necessary to add HNO3, but the use of Triton X-100 (0.05 % v/v) was important to stabilize the suspension. It was necessary to coat the graphite furnace platform with tungsten (W 1g L- 1) and KOH modifier 1 % w/v in solution used. A temperature program optimized for ammonium sulfate, chloride L-cysteine, thiourea, NIST 2718 e sample (Tp: 1100 0C, Tv: 2600 0C), as well as aqueous calibration curves were constructed for the three compounds, with and without acid. The thiourea without the addition of HNO3 was chosen for the construction of calibration and quantification curve. The green coke samples had S at a concentration of 6.2 to 9.4 mg g-1. The validation parameters examined, following international criteria for both methods were: accuracy, precision, linearity, detection limit and quantification limit, sensitivity, selectivity, robustness (only sulfur), linear range and measurement uncertainty. Afterevaluation to the use of LDs and LQs, the use of MMQO recommended for Hg and MMQP for S. For both developed methods, validation parameters showed that the proposed methods are satisfactory and adequate
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