10 research outputs found

    Research of Influence of Potassium-rich Diets on the Physical Performance of Students

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    The aim of the work is the scientific substantiation and experimental support of the expedience and use of potassium-cationic water for improving the bread quality and the study of the influence of potassium-rich diets on the physical performance of students. There was studied the influence of potassium cations on the activity of proteolytic enzymes of wheat flour. It was established, that at using potassium-cationic water, the output of wet gluten (35,1 %) essentially increases, at that the output of dry one (8,4 %) decreases to the same extent that is a positive factor in the bakery technology. It was proved that enriching the vital medium of bakery yeast by potassium cations essentially activates their ability to hydrolysis of maltose that favors activation of the process of gassing (Maltase activity – 35,1 min). The process of gassing influences the speed of dough-conduction and ready bread quality, especially volume (357,7, 100 g/ml), porosity (79,1 %) and crumb ability to compression (33,5 c.u.). It was established, that consumption of bread, produced on potassium-cationic water, favors the strengthening of the heart muscle tone, improvement of the general condition of the organism, especially, physical endurance and performance

    The Study of Influence of Aronia Additives on Functional-technological Properties of Wheat Flour

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    The expedience of the use of aronia in technology of short dough products as a source of vitamins, mineral, pectin substances, phenol compounds, easily assimilated sugars, organic acids and so on was substantiated. To study the influence of aronia additives on the main receipt component of short dough (wheat flour) there was elaborated an algorithm of the study that includes theoretical analysis and physical-chemical experiment. The expedience of introduction of aronia as a powder directly into wheat flour was theoretically grounded. The methods of estimation of the content of polyphenol compounds, influence of aronia additives on amylolytic and proteolytic activity of wheat flour, its sugar-creating ability, were selected. The methods of experiment planning and mathematical processing of experimental data were realized using computer program MS Excel 97 2003.In was established, that the aronia additive weakens the gluten of wheat flour and prevents the swelling of gluten proteins. It positively influences the process of short dough formation and provides a possibility of its storage during the long time until baking. The use of aronia additives in technology of short dough products allows not only raise their food value but also improve the quality of short dough

    Investigation of the Application of a New Method of Extraction Intensification of Pectin Substances From a Beet Pulp

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    The aim of research is studying a new method for intensifying extraction of pectin substances during acid extraction of pectin-containing raw materials. The description of the experimental setup and the procedure for processing the results of the investigation of the application of a new method for intensifying the beet pulp extraction are described. The results of experimental studies on the application of a new combined mixing element for intensifying the extraction of pectin-containing raw materials (beet pulp) and its effect on quantitative and qualitative output characteristics are presented. Mathematical models are constructed on the basis of regression equations of the full factorial experiment with the use of a new method of intensifying the extraction process to select input technological parameters for the extraction of pectin substances from pectin-containing raw materials. The rational operating parameters of the process of extraction of pectin substances with the use of a new combinable stirring element are determined. Such working parameters are: the process duration is 1 ... 1.1, the temperature of the working medium is 60 ... 70 ºС, and the hydromodule is 8 ... 10. The research results can be used to study other technological parameters of the extraction process of pectin substances, as well as to develop a technological line for the production of pectin products

    Substantiation of Feasibility of Using Black Chokeberry in the Technology of Products From Shortcake Dough

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    The feasibility of using black chokeberry fruit in processing the products from shortcake dough was theoretically substantiated and experimentally proved. The influence of black chokeberry additive on the basic formulation component of shortcake dough – wheat flour – was investigated. It was found that the black chokeberry additive not only contributes to enhancing the nutritive value of shortcake dough, but also makes it possible to improve the quality of shortcake dough.The influence of physiologically active compounds of BCA on the quality of wheat flour gluten was explored. BCA in the form of powder and its water extract weakens flour gluten, which is a positive factor for the formation of shortcake dough. The gluten capability to stretch increases by 9…23 %, and dough becomes more plastic and does not require any addition of starch, which is often added to formulations with the aim of enhancing plasticity of the formulation mixture.Polyphenol substances of BCA were found to prevent gluten proteins of wheat flour from swelling due to a decrease in its water-retaining capacity, which provides the possibility of its storing for a long time before baking.We established a higher degree of inhibition of amylases in wheat flour by the extract of black chokeberry fruit or its juice compared to the powder from dry fruit. Water-soluble phenolic compounds of black chokeberry in reaction mixture interact with metal cations, existing there, and bind them in strong complexes. The obtained experimental data allow us not only to control hydrolytic processes in the dough semi-finished product, but also to extend the possibility of using wheat flour of lower grades after neutralizing the harmful action of enzymes in it


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    The expedience of the use of aronia in technology of short dough products as a source of vitamins, mineral, pectin substances, phenol compounds, easily assimilated sugars, organic acids and so on was substantiated. To study the influence of aronia additives on the main receipt component of short dough (wheat flour) there was elaborated an algorithm of the study that includes theoretical analysis and physical-chemical experiment. The expedience of introduction of aronia as a powder directly into wheat flour was theoretically grounded. The methods of estimation of the content of polyphenol compounds, influence of aronia additives on amylolytic and proteolytic activity of wheat flour, its sugar-creating ability, were selected. The methods of experiment planning and mathematical processing of experimental data were realized using computer program MS Excel 97 2003.In was established, that the aronia additive weakens the gluten of wheat flour and prevents the swelling of gluten proteins. It positively influences the process of short dough formation and provides a possibility of its storage during the long time until baking. The use of aronia additives in technology of short dough products allows not only raise their food value but also improve the quality of short dough

    Improving Pastille Manufacturing TECHNOLOGY Using the Developed Multicomponent Fruit and Berry Paste

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    A method for manufacturing multicomponent fruit and berry paste based on apples, cranberries, hawthorn with a high content of pectin substances has been improved. A special feature of the technique is the concentration in a rotary film apparatus until a dry matter content of 28... 30 % under a mild mode during 25...50 s provided that the puree is preheated to 50 °C. The limiting shear stress for each type of raw material and the effective viscosity index for the samples of the formulations of the studied pastes have been established. It was found that the best properties are demonstrated by composition with the following formulation ratio of components: apple – 50 %; cranberries – 40 %; hawthorn – 10 %. That makes it possible to obtain pastes with the best chemical composition (the higher content of pectin substances, organic acids, ascorbic acid, etc.). The rational amount of adding 75 % of fruit and berry paste to replace apple puree has been determined and substantiated. That makes it possible to manufacture pastille with a high degree of structure formation, which is confirmed by the viscosity index of 616 Pa∙s, compared with control – 354 Pa∙s. A decrease in the mass fraction of dry substances by 5.0 %, an increase in acidity and reducing substances are ensured, which meets the requirements set by regulatory documents. This amount of paste provides for excellent organoleptic properties, i.e. it gives the products an even red color, pleasant taste, and smell. The developed technology expands the range of "healthy food" by partially replacing raw materials with a low content of physiologically functional components with a multicomponent composition, as well as provides for an increase in the pastille nutritional value. The use of sparing modes of concentration makes it possible to intensify the process of manufacturing a multicomponent paste, which indicates energy and resource-saving technolog

    Examining a Possibility of Using Purple Amaranth in the Technology for Products Made of Yeast Dough

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    It was experimentally found that additives of purple amaranth (APA) have high enzyme activity, which is proved by high activity of the amylase complex: maltose number of 5 % water extract from dry foliage of purple amaranth is 12.31±0.36 %, with addition of CaCl2 (Са2+=0.01 g/l), it is 16.0±0.35 %. The obtained results indicate the prospects of using APA for enhancing baking properties of wheat flour.We determined the required concentration of the additive of flour from dry foliage of purple amaranth to wheat flour (1 %) for the fortification with biologically active substances, enhancing baking properties of flour and retaining organoleptic parameters. The impact of different concentrations of APA on the content of the basic biologically active substances in wheat flour, gluten running, the indicators of whiteness and a color shade of wheat flour was explored.It was experimentally found that APA enhance baking properties of top grade wheat flour. High amylolytic activity of flour with APA was established: maltose number of 5 % water extract (tap water) from dry PA foliage is 9.42±0.34 %, from amaranth malt, it is 10.53±0.38 %. There is an increase of sugar forming, and, as a consequence, gas forming capability of wheat flour. APA demonstrates considerable proteolytic activity: flour from dry PA foliage – (ηrel=1.09), from amaranth malt – (ηrel=1.13), comparable with the activity of barley malt. Application of the enzyme preparation accelerates the process of hydration of gluten proteins of wheat flour (one-hour lying of dough is not required), gluten elasticity is also improved. Thus, the expedience of the use of APA in the technology of products from yeast dough was substantiated

    Influence of Microbial Polysaccharides on the Formation of Structure of Protein-free and Gluten-free Flour-based Products

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    The formation of a structure of certain dietary bakery products and flour confectionery products made without wheat flour is difficult due to the absence of gluten. There is a constant search for effective structure-forming agents to replace gluten proteins. We investigated an influence of microbial polysaccharides (MPS) of xanthan, enposan, and gellan on the formation of a structure of gluten-free and protein-free bread and gluten-free muffins in the study.The ability of a model protein-free system based on corn starch was studied to form dough with addition of xanthan, enposan, and gellan in the amount of 0.1...0.5 % by weight at Brabender farinograph. It was found that presence of the investigated microbial polysaccharides in the amount of 0.3...0.5 % enabled the formation of dough with indicators that ensured formation of the necessary structure of dough without gluten.We investigated an influence of MPS on resilient-elastic and plastic-viscous properties of gluten-free dough. It was found that reopex properties disappeared in protein-free dough due to addition of xanthan. Viscosity of protein-free dough with addition of 0.3...0.5 % of xanthan by the mass of starch reached the values, which are characteristic for wheat bread dough. The amount of MPS of 0.1 % by weight of finished products is sufficient in gluten-free confectionery dough for muffins. Effective viscosity increased by 2...3 times for all investigated MPS and provided the desired consistency of dough for formation by the sedimentation method in this case.We studied quality indicators of baked products with addition of the investigated MPS. It was shhown that their use in certain quantities leads to an increase in the specific volume and to ensuring of the porous structure of baked products. Crumbling of products decreased during storage, which indicated a slowdown of hardening processes in gluten-free systems with xanthan, enposan, and gellan.All studied MPS exhibited the same nature of influence on certain indicators, but xanthan had the greatest effect, and gellan ‒ the least on