691 research outputs found

    Effects of the Chronic Use of Acetaminophen on Pregnant Rats

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    Purpose: to evaluate the effects of acetaminophen on the pregnancy of female albino rats. Methods: forty pregnant rats were separated into four groups. All the animals received daily by gavage 1 ml of acetaminophen solution from the first day (day zero) until the 20th day of pregnancy: group I - only distilled water (control); groups II, III and IV, respectively, 125, 500 and 1,500 mg/kg body weight of acetaminophen dissolved in distilled water. The animals were weighed on days 0, 7, 15 and 20 of pregnancy. Results: our results showed that the rats that received the medication presented a reduction in weight when compared to the control group. The incidence of reabsorption of the embryos was 2.0, 3.5 and 7.0 times higher than in the control, in groups II, III and IV, respectively. Groups GII and GIV showed a clear reduction in the weight of the concepts. In GIV there was a 50% reduction in weight increase of fetuses and placentas when compared to the control, and 15.7% of external malformations were also found. Conclusions: the continuous use of acetaminophen should be avoided at doses higher than 70 mg/kg per during pregnancy.Objetivos: estudar a ação do acetaminofeno administrado durante toda a prenhez da rata albina. Métodos: 40 ratas albinas prenhes foram distribuídas ao acaso em quatro grupos numericamente iguais: GI - recebeu diariamente 1 ml de água destilada por gavagem (controle); GII, GIII e GIV foram tratadas, respectivamente, com 125, 500 e 1.500 mg/kg de peso corporal de acetaminofeno, dose única, diária, por gavagem, sempre diluído em 1 ml de água destilada, desde o dia zero até o 20º dia de prenhez. O ganho de peso das matrizes foi avaliado nos dias 0, 7, 15 e 20 de prenhez, sendo que no 20º dia todos os animais foram sacrificados. Resultados: nossos achados mostraram sempre menor peso entre as matrizes que receberam o medicamento, quando comparadas com o controle. A incidência de reabsorção dos embriões foi da ordem de 2,0, 3,5 e 7,0 vezes maior que no controle, considerando-se, respectivamente, os grupos GII, GIII e GIV. Os grupos GIII e GIV tiveram redução do peso dos conceptos. No GIV, houve redução de 50% no crescimento de fetos e placentas com relação ao controle; aqui, também foram encontradas 15,7% de malformações externas. Conclusões: deve ser evitado o uso contínuo do acetominofeno em altas doses, superiores a 70 mg/kg por dia, durante o período gestacional.UNISA Faculdade de Medicina de Santo AmaroUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Departamento de TocoginecologiaUNIFESP, EPM, Depto. de TocoginecologiaSciEL

    An intermunicipal integrated analytical territorial intelligence platform

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    Simões, P., de Castro Neto, M., Sarmento, P., & Barriguinha, A. (2023). Oeste smart region: An intermunicipal integrated analytical territorial intelligence platform. Mapping, 32(211), 50-61. [5]. https://doi.org/10.59192/mapping.395---This work was funded by the European Union under the European Regional Development Fund through the financing programs Compete 2020 and Portugal 2020.Smart regions are described as an instrument to achieve sustainable planning at the regional level, promoting knowledge-based development through learning as an integral part of the development of regional resources that solves challenges through the knowledgeable application of new technologies, the organization of processes and reasonable and future-proof decision-making. With this work we intend to present a territorial intelligence platform, in particular the spatial data infrastructure that supports it. Based on the potential of multiple sources and formats of data available (Big Data), from the systems of twelve Portuguese municipalities. Along with the Internet of Things and collective intelligence the developed model, sets out as an ambition to take advantage of the potential of data science and artificial intelligence, to promote a regional model of governance based on the management of information capable of leveraging the creation of a territorial intelligence center constituting a new paradigm of territorial planning and management based on facts. ___ Las regiones inteligentes se describen como un instrumento para lograr una planificación sostenible a nivel regional, promoviendo el desarrollo basado en el conocimiento a través del aprendizaje continuo como parte integral del desarrollo de los recursos regionales que resuelve los desafíos a través de la aplicación con conocimiento de las nuevas tecnologías, la organización de procesos y toma de decisiones razonables y preparadas para el futuro. Con este trabajo pretendemos presentar una plataforma de inteligencia territorial, en particular la infraestructura de datos espaciales que la soporta. Basado en el potencial de múltiples fuentes y formatos de datos disponibles (Big Data), de los sistemas de doce municipios portugueses. Junto con el Internet de las Cosas y la inteligencia colectiva, el modelo desarrollado se plantea como una ambición de aprovechar el potencial de la ciencia de datos y la inteligencia artificial, para impulsar un modelo regional de gobernanza basado en la gestión de la información capaz de impulsar la creación de un centro de inteligencia territorial que constituye un nuevo paradigma de planificación y gestión territorial basada en hechos.publishersversionpublishe

    Coronary-artery spasm after coronary artery bypass graft surgery without extracorporeal circulation: Diagnostic and management

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    O espasmo de artérias coronárias no perioperatório de cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio é uma complicação grave, com elevada mortalidade. Paciente de 51 anos submetido à cirurgia de revascularização do miocárdio sem circulação extracorpórea. Apresentou no 1ºdia de pós-operatório (PO) alteração enzimática e supradesnivelamento do segmento ST, evoluindo, em seguida, em fibrilação ventricular, com reanimação cardiopulmonar com sucesso. Cateterismo cardíaco demonstrou espasmo importante de todas as artérias coronárias e da anastomose entre artéria torácica interna esquerda com artéria interventricular anterior. Utilizados vasodilatadores intracoronarianos e intra-enxerto, com restabelecimento de seus calibres usuais, imediata melhora clínica e estabilidade hemodinâmica. Com evolução satisfatória, o paciente recebeu alta hospitalar no 13º PO.Coronary artery spasm in perioperative of coronary artery bypass graft surgery is a serious complication, with high rate mortality. Patient 51 years-old submitted to coronary artery bypass graft surgery without Extracorporeal Circulation. The patient evolved in 1st post operative (PO) day with enzymatic alteration and ST-elevation, developing soon afterwards in ventricular fibrillation, defibrillation with success. Cardiac catheterization showed important spasm of all coronary arteries and anastomosis between the left internal thoracic artery and the left anterior interventricular artery. Intracoronary Vasodilators and intra-graft, with re-establishment of their usual and immediate calibers to improve clinic and Hemodynamic stability was used. Satisfactory evolution, discharged at 13rd PO day

    Effects of isoflavones on the skin of postmenopausal women: a pilot study

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    OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of isoflavones on the skin of postmenopausal women. DESIGN: A prospective study was performed with 30 postmenopausal women before and immediately after the end of treatment with 100 mg/day of an isoflavones-rich, concentrated soy extract for six months. A skin punch was performed in the gluteal region for sample collection before and immediately after the treatment program. Morphometric determination of epidermal thickness, the papillary index (wrinkling), and the amount of dermal elastic and collagen fibers was assessed. In addition, the number of blood vessels in the sample was also evaluated. The paired Student's t-test was used for statistical analysis (P < 0.05). RESULTS: Isoflavone treatment resulted in a 9.46% increase in the thickness of the epidermis in 23 patients. In addition, the papillary index was reduced in 21 women. The papillary index was inversely proportional to skin wrinkling, i.e., there were a large number of papillae after treatment. The amount of collagen in the dermis was increased in 25 women (86.2%). In 22 women (75.8%) we observed that the number of elastic fibers increased. The number of dermal blood vessels was significantly increased in 21 women. CONCLUSION: Our data show that the use of a concentrated, isoflavone-rich soy extract during six consecutive months caused significant increases in epithelial thickness, the number of elastic and collagen fibers, as well as the blood vessels.Federal University of São Paulo Gynecology DepartmentFederal University of São Paulo Morphology DepartmentUniversidade de São Paulo Faculdade de Medicina Laboratório de Ginecologia Estrutural e MolecularUniversidade de São Paulo Faculdade de Medicina Departamento de Obstetrícia e GinecologiaUNIFESP, Gynecology DepartmentUNIFESP, Morphology DepartmentSciEL

    Produto Educacional E-book: Educação Física na Prática da Educação Ambiental

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    The educational product in the format of an e-book was built through an action research carried out by the professional master's program in education at the Regional University of Cariri, based on a continuous training in service with physical education teachers from the state school network. teaching schools full time in the city of Juazeiro do Norte - Ceará - Brazil. The training sought to bring together the references of environmental education to reframe the pedagogical practices of teachers, as well as the collective construction of new practices for environmental education through physical education at school. The e-book presents ten proposals for elective courses, linking new social demands, especially environmental education, linking to physical education content, as a way of integration, training and awareness of socio-environmental issues in the contemporary world, as well as for a understanding of human relationships and actions on the environment.O produto educacional no formato de um e-book foi construído através de uma pesquisa-ação realizada pelo programa de mestrado profissional em educação na Universidade Regional do Cariri, a partir de uma formação continuada em serviço com os professores de educação física da rede estadual de ensino das escolas em tempo integral na cidade de Juazeiro do Norte – Ceará – Brasil. A formação buscou a aproximação dos referencias da educação ambiental para ressignificar as práticas pedagógicas dos professores, bem como a construção coletiva de novas práticas para a educação ambiental através da educação física escolar.  O e-book apresenta dez propostas de disciplinas eletivas, ligando as novas demandas sociais, em especial a educação ambiental, ligando aos conteúdos da educação física, como forma de integração, formação e sensibilização para as questões socioambientais do mundo contemporâneo, bem como para um entendimento das relação e ações do ser humano sobre no meio ambiente

    Ultrastructural aspects of the remodeling process of the Corpus albicans in the recent postmenopausal period

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    To study the cytophysiology of the Corpus albicans in the recent postmenopausal period, the authors analyzed the ovarian ultrastructure of ten patients submitted to oophorectomy due to non-malignant gynecological diseases. Evidence of a remodeling process with connective tissue substitution of the corpora albicantia was observed. The remodeling process appears to depend on the activity of three essential cell types: the fibroblasts, which provide collagen synthesis; the macrophages, which phagocytize the flaky material; and the myofibroblasts, mainly located in the peripheral region of the corpora albicantia, which may have a retracting action on the remodeling site of the Corpus albicans.Os autores analisam a ultra-estrutura dos ovários de dez pacientes na pós menopausa recente submetidas a ooforectomia devido a doenças ginecológicas benignas e descrevem o processo de remodelação do corpo albicante, ou seja, de sua substituição por tecido conjuntivo. Referem que tal processo depende basicamente da atividade de três tipos de células: os fibroblastos, que estariam envolvidos com a síntese das fibras colágenas; os macrófagos, que fagocitariam o material floculento presente nos corpos albicantes, e os miofibroblastos, localizados principalmente na região periférica dos corpos albicantes, e que estariam relacionados com a retração do sítio remodelatório do corpo albicante. Referem ainda que o processo de remodelação dos corpos albicantes do ovário depende dos níveis hormonais vigentes.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Department of Obstetrics and GynecologyUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de Medicina Department of MorphologyUNIFESP, EPM, Department of Obstetrics and GynecologyUNIFESP, EPM, Department of MorphologySciEL

    O Uso de Situações-Problema como Estratégia Didática para o Ensino de Ciências no Nível Fundamental

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    Este estudo procurou investigar como a estratégia didática da resolução de situações-problema pode auxiliar no aprendizado de conceitos pelos alunos da 8ª série/ 9º ano do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola da rede Estadual de Calumbi, Pernambuco. Para isso, a partir das indicações propostas porMerieu (1998), foi elaborada, uma Situação-problema, que teve sua temática ligada ao efeito estufa. A obtenção dos dados foi feita usando, entre outros instrumentos, questionário impresso e entrevista semiestruturada (gravada em áudio) com o professor de ciências, e um questionário aplicado a dez alunos,após a intervenção em sala de aula. A atividade realizada permitiu ao docente uma reflexão acerca do uso de situações-problema como estratégia didática, além de alguns aportes teóricos que fundamentam a abordagem de uso destas. As respostas dos alunos mostraram que houve de forma significativa a construção do conhecimento em algum grau, como mostram os dados obtidos depois de analisadosadequadament

    Solid Waste Generated by Amazon and Tapajós River Vessels: An Environmental Education Activity

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    Given the lack of research on solid waste generated by vessels and often incorrectly discarded, it became clear the need for a new methodological approach focusing on the knowledge of this theme. Thus this study was conducted focusing on the process of awareness of users of a vessel that made the route that traveled the Amazon River and Tapajós, using an environmental awareness activity, with results and immediate observations. From this, the waste was quantified before and after the interventions, which occurred from the clarification of the environment, solid waste generation, natural resources, water, among others. The research took place aboard a vessel that connects Manaus-AM to Alenquer-PA, evaluating the before and after the intervention. Given this, it is verified that the evaluation process achieved positive results in the minimization of solid waste generated, ensuring that the study has immediate effect, but the intervention measures need time for consolidation, given the responsibility of environmental education, which needs different approaches, under different eyes and with depth of knowledge, even if it requires a long-term process. Therefore, the importance of this type of activity is verified, aiming at the correct destination of the solid waste generated, in any circumstance, mainly in vessels, in different rivers, considering the condition of this natural resource. In addition, user awareness and education through environmental education is mandatory to better understand the impacts caused by different changes over time and needs to be an effective tool to ensure the success of habit transformation processes and quality improvement of life


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    Dentre os desafios oriundos da construção e sistematização dos dados para o Portal do Agronegócio, encontra-se o mapeamento dos principais cultivos do Estado através do uso de séries históricas de imagens de satélite processadas em nuvem por meio de algoritmos de linguagem de máquina (Deng, 2011)