130 research outputs found

    Dynamic separation on a pitching and surging airfoil as a model for flow over vertical axis wind turbine blades

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    Vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT) blades undergo dynamic separation due to the large angle of attack variation they experience during a turbine rotation. The flow over a single blade was modeled using a sinusoidally pitching and surging airfoil in a constant free stream flow at a mean chord Reynolds number of 10^5. Two-dimensional, time resolved velocity fields were acquired using particle image velocimetry (PIV). Vorticity contours were used to visualize shear layer and vortex activity. A low order model of dynamic separation was developed using Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD). A primary and secondary dynamic separation mode were identified as the critical drivers for the unsteady flow field

    Organomineral phosphorus fertilization in the production of corn, soybean and bean cultivated in succession.

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    The use of organic waste in agriculture has been used aiming at greater productivity, decrease in the cost of production and sustainable use of resources. The present study aimed at evaluating the effect of phosphate fertilization with the maintenance of organomineral fertilizers, combining poultry manure and soluble or reactive phosphate, in the production of grains in corn culture and the residual effect for subsequent crops of beans and soybeans. The experiment was conducted in Sete Lagoas, MG, in 2015, using three fertilizers with sources of different phosphorus sources (triple super phosphate?STP, organomineral with STP and organomineral with Bayovar phosphate) applied at the doses of 65, 130, 195 and 260 kg∙ha−1 of P2O5 total, and compared to the control without phosphate fertilization. We evaluated the contents of foliar P, P accumulation in the grains, yields of corn grains, beans and soy, accumulated productivity and export of accumulated P of the three cultures. The three cultures assessed presented higher productivity when compared to the average of the factorial treatments that received phosphate fertilization relative to the control. Organomineral fertilizers increased grain production, obtaining average productivity equal to or greater than those obtained with the exclusive use of STP

    Mudanças no diagnóstico pré-natal cromossómico: indicações clínicas, amostras biológicas, metodologias e cromossomopatias

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    Introdução: As mudanças no diagnóstico pré-natal de anomalias cromossómicas (DPN) nos últimos 10-15 anos foram contínuas e significativas. Objetivos: Propômo-nos analisar essa evolução: mudanças nas indicações clínicas; introdução das biópsias de vilosidades coriónicas (BVC); utilização do diagnóstico rápido de aneuploidias (DRA); estudos por microarray; alterações cromossómicas encontradas. Metodologia: Fez-se a avaliação retrospetiva nas gestações com amostras estudadas nos triénios 2004-2006 e 2014-2016. Analisaram-se os parâmetros indicação clínica, tipo de amostra, metodologias utilizadas e resultados. Resultados: Identificaram-se 68 fetos com cariotipo anormal em 2210 cariotipos (3,1%) em 2004-2006 e 208 fetos com cariotipo anormal em 2315 cariotipos (9,0%) em 2014-2016. A maior frequência de anomalias encontrou-se nos casos de rastreios ecográficos e combinados indicativos de risco acrescido de anomalia numérica e de progenitores portadores de alterações cromossómicas. As BVC permitiram respostas precoces nas gestações com anomalias numéricas e, adicionalmente, um aumento desses cariotipos (7.5% das amostras). O DRA permitiu ter uma resposta rápida nas anomalias numéricas mais frequentes (2 dias). As anomalias estruturais foram menos preponderantes nos cariotipos anormais (32,4% em 2004-2006 e 14.4% em 2014-2016). Discussão e conclusões: O DRA reduziu o tempo de resposta e das decisões sobre o futuro das gestações. O microarray permitiu identificar alterações sindromáticas em situações não resolúveis por outras metodologias. A utilização de BVC permite estabelecer uma melhor correlação fenotipo-genotipo em menores idades gestacionais. No entanto, as gestações com anomalias numéricas têm algum risco de perda fetal no primeiro e início do segundo trimestres. Assim, algumas BVC com cariotipos anormais resultariam em perdas espontâneas, o que poderia disponibilizar outros casos para DPN. Por outro lado, o menor número de anomalias estruturais equilibradas encontrado pode reduzir o conhecimento da variação genética nas famílias e na população. Um novo paradigma resulta da implementação dos testes não invasivos no DPN, para os quais ainda não conhecemos todas as limitações e repercussões.N/

    Interstitial deletion on chromosome 14q in prenatal diagnosis

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    A limited number of prenatal diagnosis (PND) cases have reported interstitial deletions of the long arm of chromosome 14 involving the 14q31-32 region. Those cases presented cardiac anomalies, urogenital anomalies, congenital diaphragmatic hernia, and mild pyelectasis. We report the PND of a 33-year-old pregnant woman, who underwent chorionic villus sampling at 12 weeks of gestation after a positive combined 1st trimester screen. The karyotype revealed a 14q interstitial deletion. Amniocentesis was performed at 18 weeks of gestation to confirm the deletion and to exclude a confined placental mosaicism and a microarray analysis was performed in order to accurately define the deletion breakpoints. Cytogenetics analysis revealed a karyotype 46,XY,del(14)(q31q32.2)dn. Microarray analysis allowed to redefined the breakpoints accurate localization and the identification of a ~21Mb deletion (arr[hg19] 14q31.1q32.31(79917376_101568230)x1). At 18 weeks of gestation the fetus presented abnormal fetal biometric parameters (occipitofrontal diameter, cephalic perimeter and abdominal circumference) on ultrasound. After counseling the couple opted for pregnancy termination. The postmorten analysis presented decreased biometry, low weight and low fetal size, facial dysmorphism, clinodactyly, club foot, overlapping fingers and short penis. In internal habitus he presented thymus hypoplasia, bladder hypoplasia, and horseshoe kidneys. The genotype-phenotype correlation in PND pure del(14q) cases is not well established. Furthermore, to our knowledge, del(14q) had not been reported so early in the gestation yet. In this case the positive 1st trimester screen was related to the inverted ductus venosus and low PAPP-A value. The urogenital anomalies (as horseshoe kidneys) and biometry anomalies are described in the literature. However, to our knowledge, some features of the present case were not seen in other reported cases, for instance clinodactyly, club foot, overlapping fingers, thymus hypoplasia and bladder hypoplasia. Other reports described cardiac and cerebral anomalies, diaphragmatic hernia, and also UPD(14)like phenotypes, which are possibly liked to the 14q32 imprinted region. The establishment of a phenotype-genotype correlation is difficult given the size of the deletion, which includes a large number of genes in distinct regions. Nevertheless, this work contributes to a better identification of additional features associated to del(14q) that can be present in PND.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Prevalência de Obstrução numa População Exposta ao Fumo do Tabaco - Projecto PNEUMOBIL

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    A espirometria não atingiu ainda a divulgação que se justificaria em patologia respiratória, ou indivíduos que se encontram em risco relativamente a esta patologia, cujo diagnóstico é insuficiente, havendo um escasso conhecimento, e consequente controlo, dos custos atribuíveis a estas doenças, com destaque para a doença pulmonar obstrutiva crónica (DPOC). O PNEUMOBIL, iniciativa que visa esta divulgação entre fumadores e ex -fumadores, foi reactivado, após 10 anos de aplicação em Portugal, revelando agora, numa amostra de 5324 indivíduos, em que cerca de 50% ainda mantêm os hábitos tabágicos, sejam do sexo masculino ou feminino, que houve uma elevada prevalência de obstrução detectada por espirometria (30% e 25%, respectivamente) nas pessoas rastreadas perto de centros de saúde (grupo público) e em empresas (grupo privado). Este risco não se explica em regra por exposição ocupacional, nem se relaciona com a maioria dos sintomas respiratórios, muito frequentes nos rastreados. Apenas a dispneia (OR=1,28; p=0,02) e os episódios frequentes de expectoração (OR=1,21; p=0,008) ou de bronquite aguda (OR=1,31; p=0,05) revelam alguma relação com a obstrução. O reconhecimento prévio da DPOC é muito reduzido e a presença de obstrução não se correlaciona (p=0,204) com o assumir da condição de portador

    The ancestry of eastern paraguay: A typical south american profile with a unique pattern of admixture

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    Immigrants from diverse origins have arrived in Paraguay and produced important demographic changes in a territory initially inhabited by indigenous Guarani. Few studies have been performed to estimate the proportion of Native ancestry that is still preserved in Paraguay and the role of females and males in admixture processes. Therefore, 548 individuals from eastern Paraguay were genotyped for three marker sets: mtDNA, Y-SNPs and autosomal AIM-InDels. A genetic homogeneity was found between departments for each set of markers, supported by the demographic data collected, which showed that only 43% of the individuals have the same birthplace as their parents. The results show a sex-biased intermarriage, with higher maternal than paternal Native American ancestry. Within the native mtDNA lineages in Paraguay (87.2% of the total), most haplogroups have a broad distribution across the subcontinent, and only few are concentrated around the Paraná River basin. The frequency distribution of the European paternal lineages in Paraguay (92.2% of the total) showed a major contribution from the Iberian region. In addition to the remaining legacy of the colonial period, the joint analysis of the different types of markers included in this study revealed the impact of post-war migrations on the current genetic background of Paraguay.Funding: F.S. and L.G. were supported by Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Rio de Janeiro–FAPERJ, Brazil (process E-26/202.275/2019 and CNE-2018). L.G. was supported by Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico–CNPq, Brazil (ref. 306342/2019-7). V.G. is supported by FCT under the program contract provided in Decree-Law no.57/2016 of August 29

    Surface crystallization of ionic liquid crystals

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    The evidence for surface crystallization in ionic liquids is scarce. The existing reports seem to be contradictory as for its driving forces, since in the two compounds investigated in the literature, the contribution of coloumbic and van der Waals forces is very different. In this work 1-dodecyl-3- methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate was studied and its surface crystallization characterized by surface tension, ellipsometry and optical microscopy. The results obtained seem to reconcile previous observations, and it was further shown, using the same techniques, that this phenomenon is prevalent in other ionic liquids. MD simulation results illustrate the different possibilities of organization, providing reasonable models to rationalize the experimental observations.This work was developed with the scope of the project CICECO – Aveiro Institute of Materials, UID/CTM/50011/2019, Associate Laboratory LSRE-LCM, UID/EQU/50020/2019, and of Instituto de Telecomunicaço˜es/IT (UID/EEA/50008/2013) – funded by national funds through FCT/MCTES (PIDDAC). M. A. R. M. acknowledges financial support from NORTE-01-0145-FEDER- 000006 – funded by NORTE2020 through PT2020 and ERDF, and P. J. C. acknowledges the FCT for the contract IF/00758/2015. A. R. Bastos from UA is acknowledged for help in the ellipsometry measurements. M. C. C. aknowledges FAPESP (2012/05027-1) and CNPq (310272/2017) for financial support.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    COPD profiles and treatable traits using minimal resources: identification, decision tree and longitudinal stability

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    Introduction: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is highly heterogeneous and complex. Hence, personalising assessments and treatments to this population across different settings and available resources imposes challenges and debate. Research efforts have been made to identify clinical phenotypes or profiles for prognostic and therapeutic purposes. Nevertheless, such profiles often do not describe treatable traits, focus on complex physiological/ pulmonary measures which are frequently not available across settings, lack validation and/or their stability over time is unknown. Objectives: To identify profiles and their treatable traits based on simple and meaningful measures; to develop and validate a profile decision tree; and to explore profiles’ stability over time in people with COPD. Methods: An observational, prospective study was conducted with people with COPD. Clinical characteristics, lung function, symptoms, impact of the disease (COPD assessment test–CAT), healthrelated quality of life, physical activity, lower-limb muscle strength and functional status were collected cross-sectionally and a subsample was followed-up monthly over six months. A principal component analysis and a clustering procedure with k-medoids were applied to identify profiles. Pulmonary and extrapulmonary (i.e., physical, symptoms and health status, and behavioural/life-style risk factors) treatable traits were identified in each profile based on the established cut-offs for each measure available in the literature. The decision tree was developed with 70% and validated with 30% of the sample, cross-sectionally. Agreement between the profile predicted by the decision tree and the profile defined by the clustering procedure was determined using Cohen’s Kappa. Stability was explored over time with a stability score defined as the percentage ratio between the number of timepoints that a participant was classified in the same profile (most frequent profile for that participant) and the total number of timepoints (i.e., 6). Results: 352 people with COPD (67.4 ± 9.9 years; 78.1% male; FEV1 = 56.2 ± 20.6% predicted) participated and 90 (67.6 ± 8.9 years; 85.6% male; FEV1 = 52.1 ± 19.9% predicted) were followedup. Four profiles were identified with distinct treatable traits. The decision tree was composed by the CAT, age and FEV1% predicted and had an agreement of 71.7% (Cohen’s Kappa = 0.62, p < 0.001) with the actual profiles. 48.9% of participants remained in the same profile whilst 51.1% moved between two (47.8%) and three (3.3%) profiles over time. The overall stability of profiles was 86.8 ± 15%. Conclusions: Profiles and treatable traits can be identified in people with COPD with simple and meaningful measures possibly available even in minimal-resource settings. Regular assessments are recommended as people with COPD may change profile over time and hence their needs of personalised treatment.publishe
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