825 research outputs found

    Neurocognitive Effects of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation in Adolescents with Major Depressive Disorder

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    Objectives: It is estimated that 30–40% of adolescents with major depressive disorder (MDD) do not receive full benefit from current antidepressant therapies. Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) is a novel therapy approved by the US Food and Drug Administration to treat adults with MDD. Research suggests rTMS is not associated with adverse neurocognitive effects in adult populations; however, there is no documentation of its neurocognitive effects in adolescents. This is a secondary post hoc analysis of neurocognitive outcome in adolescents who were treated with open-label rTMS in two separate studies. Methods: Eighteen patients (mean age, 16.2 ± 1.1 years; 11 females, 7 males) with MDD who failed to adequately respond to at least one antidepressant agent were enrolled in the study. Fourteen patients completed all 30 rTMS treatments (5 days/week, 120% of motor threshold, 10 Hz, 3,000 stimulations per session) applied to the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Depression was rated using the Children’s Depression Rating Scale-Revised. Neurocognitive evaluation was performed at baseline and after completion of 30 rTMS treatments with the Children’s Auditory Verbal Learning Test (CAVLT) and Delis–Kaplan Executive Function System Trail Making Test. Results: Over the course of 30 rTMS treatments, adolescents showed a substantial decrease in depression severity. Commensurate with improvement in depressive symptoms was a statistically significant improvement in memory and delayed verbal recall. Other learning and memory indices and executive function remained intact. Neither participants nor their family members reported clinically meaningful changes in neurocognitive function. Conclusion: These preliminary findings suggest rTMS does not adversely impact neurocognitive functioning in adolescents and may provide subtle enhancement of verbal memory as measured by the CAVLT. Further controlled investigations with larger sample sizes and rigorous trial designs are warranted to confirm and extend these findings

    Adaptação do inventário parental “Language Use Inventory (LUI)” para crianças entre 18 e 47 meses para o português europeu : estudo piloto

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    Language acquisition and development takes in account the child’s interaction with the surrounding environment. Daily social interactions with people and communication with others allow the child to acquire language being pragmatics considered a system of rules that support the communicative use of language. Identification and assessment of children at risk for language disorders are crucial in order to carry out an effective early intervention. This study was carried out taking into account first, the relevance of pragmatics as a component of language, and second the lack of assessment tools in Portugal to assess these abilities. Therefore, the aim of this study consists on the translation, adaptation and validation of the inventory “Language Use Inventory” (LUI), to European Portuguese. The LUI is a standardized parent report measure designed to assess pragmatic language development in children within 18- to 47-month-old.Objetivo: A aquisição e o desenvolvimento da linguagem resultam da interação da criança com o meio ambiente. As interações sociais cotidianas com as pessoas e a comunicação com outros permitem que a criança adquira linguagem, sendo a pragmática o sistema de regras que suporta o uso comunicativo da linguagem. A identificação e a avaliação de crianças em risco de desenvolverem transtornos de linguagem são cruciais, tendo em vista a intervenção precoce eficaz. Tendo em vista a relevância da pragmática como componente da linguagem e a escassez, em Portugal, de instrumentos de avaliação da linguagem validados para idades precoces, a finalidade deste estudo consistiu na tradução, adaptação e validação do instrumento Language Use Inventory (LUI), para o português europeu. O LUI é um inventário parental que avalia o desenvolvimento da pragmática entre os 18 e os 47 meses. Métodos: Foram adotados todos os procedimentos recomendados pelas diretrizes internacionais sobre a adaptação de testes, culminando em estudo piloto com uma amostra de 120 inventários, respondidos pelos pais/cuidadores de crianças portuguesas da referida faixa etária. Resultados: Os coeficientes de consistência interna (Alfa de Cronbach) para a versão portuguesa do LUI situaram-se em 0,97 para a escala total e entre 0,71 e 0,96 para as subescalas. Conclusão: Os resultados preliminares dos estudos de adaptação e de validação do LUI-Pt para crianças portuguesas são promissores e asseguram a validade interna desta escala em termos da sua dimensionalidade e consistência interna

    A global view of the oncogenic landscape in nasopharyngeal carcinoma : an integrated analysis at the genetic and expression levels

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    Previous studies have reported that the tumour cells of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) exhibit recurrent chromosome abnormalities. These genetic changes are broadly assumed to lead to changes in gene expression which are important for the pathogenesis of this tumour. However, this assumption has yet to be formally tested at a global level. Therefore a genome wide analysis of chromosome copy number and gene expression was performed in tumour cells micro-dissected from the same NPC biopsies. Cellular tumour suppressor and tumour-promoting genes (TSG, TPG) and Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV)-encoded oncogenes were examined. The EBV-encoded genome maintenance protein EBNA1, along with the putative oncogenes LMP1, LMP2 and BARF1 were expressed in the majority of NPCs that were analysed. Significant downregulation of expression in an average of 76 cellular TSGs per tumour was found, whilst a per-tumour average of 88 significantly upregulated, TPGs occurred. The expression of around 60% of putative TPGs and TSGs was both up-and down-regulated in different types of cancer, suggesting that the simplistic classification of genes as TSGs or TPGs may not be entirely appropriate and that the concept of context-dependent onco-suppressors may be more extensive than previously recognised. No significant enrichment of TPGs within regions of frequent genomic gain was seen but TSGs were significantly enriched within regions of frequent genomic loss. It is suggested that loss of the FHIT gene may be a driver of NPC tumourigenesis. Notwithstanding the association of TSGs with regions of genomic loss, on a gene by gene basis and excepting homozygous deletions and high-level amplification, there is very little correlation between chromosomal copy number aberrations and expression levels of TSGs and TPGs in NPC

    LHC Luminosity and energy upgrade: A Feasibility Study

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    We discuss a possible staged upgrade of the LHC and of its injectors, with a view to increasing the luminosity from the nominal 10**34 cm**-2s**-1 to 10**35 cm**-2s**-1 in each of the two high-luminosity experiments. We also consider possible scenarios for an upgrade to a proton beam energy of about 14 TeV. Starting from beam dynamics considerations and fundamental limitations of the hardware subsystems, we derive realistic requirements for the major components, such as superconducting magnets, cryogenic and RF systems, beam dump and vacuum. We also discuss a novel approach to the optimization of the collider performance, compatible with the beam-beam limit for high intensity proton bunches or long "super-bunches", and sketch a new design of the interaction regions, including an alternative beam crossing scheme. Finally we identify further studies required for an LHC performance upgrade and propose an R&D programm

    Electron Cloud Effects in the CERN SPS and LHC

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    Electron cloud effects have been recently observed in the CERN SPS in the presence of LHC type proton beams with 25 ns bunch spacing. Above a threshold intensity of about 4 X 10^12 protons in 81 consecutive bunches, corresponding to half of the nomina

    Human surfactant protein D alters oxidative stress and HMGA1 expression to induce p53 apoptotic pathway in eosinophil leukemic cell line

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    This article is made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund. Copyright: © 2013 Mahajan et al. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Surfactant protein D (SP-D), an innate immune molecule, has an indispensable role in host defense and regulation of inflammation. Immune related functions regulated by SP-D include agglutination of pathogens, phagocytosis, oxidative burst, antigen presentation, T lymphocyte proliferation, cytokine secretion, induction of apoptosis and clearance of apoptotic cells. The present study unravels a novel ability of SP-D to reduce the viability of leukemic cells (eosinophilic leukemic cell line, AML14.3D10; acute myeloid leukemia cell line, THP-1; acute lymphoid leukemia cell lines, Jurkat, Raji; and human breast epithelial cell line, MCF-7), and explains the underlying mechanisms. SP-D and a recombinant fragment of human SP-D (rhSP-D) induced G2/M phase cell cycle arrest, and dose and timedependent apoptosis in the AML14.3D10 eosinophilic leukemia cell line. Levels of various apoptotic markers viz. activated p53, cleaved caspase-9 and PARP, along with G2/M checkpoints (p21 and Tyr15 phosphorylation of cdc2) showed significant increase in these cells. We further attempted to elucidate the underlying mechanisms of rhSP-D induced apoptosis using proteomic analysis. This approach identified large scale molecular changes initiated by SPD in a human cell for the first time. Among others, the proteomics analysis highlighted a decreased expression of survival related proteins such as HMGA1, overexpression of proteins to protect the cells from oxidative burst, while a drastic decrease in mitochondrial antioxidant defense system. rhSP-D mediated enhanced oxidative burst in AML14.3D10 cells was confirmed, while antioxidant, N-acetyl-L-cysteine, abrogated the rhSP-D induced apoptosis. The rhSP-D mediated reduced viability was specific to the cancer cell lines and viability of human PBMCs from healthy controls was not affected. The study suggests involvement of SP-D in host’s immunosurveillance and therapeutic potential of rhSP-D in the eosinophilic leukemia and cancers of other origins.Department of Biotechnology, Indi

    Recent developments in frailty identification, management, risk factors and prevention : A narrative review of leading journals in geriatrics and gerontology

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    Funding The Frailty Epidemiology Research Network (EPI-FRAIL) is an international collaborative project aimed at filling knowledge gaps in the field of frailty epidemiology. The network was established as part of a NWO/ZonMw Veni fellowship awarded to E.O. Hoogendijk (Grant no. 91618067). P. Hanlon is funded through a Clinical Research Training Fellowship from the Medical Research Council (Grant reference: MR/S021949/1). Z. Liu was supported by the Soft Science Research Program of Zhejiang Province (2023KXCX-KT011). J. Jylhävä has received grant support from the Swedish Research Council (grant no. 2018-02077), the Academy of Finland (grant no. 349335), the Sigrid Jusélius Foundation, the Yrjö Jahnsson Foundation and the Instrumentarium Science Foundation. M. Sim is supported by a Royal Perth Hospital Research Foundation Career Advancement Fellowship and an Emerging Leader Fellowship from the Future Health Research and Innovation Fund (Department of Health, Western Australia). R. Ambagtsheer receives funding from the Australian Medical Research Future Fund (grant #MRF2016140). D. L. Vetrano receives financial support from the Swedish Research Council (2021-03324). S. Shi reports funding from the National Institute of Aging, R03AG078894-01. None of the funding agencies had any role in the conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, or interpretation of the data; or preparation, review, or approval of the manuscript.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Obstacles to researching the researchers: A case study of the ethical challenges of undertaking methodological research investigating the reporting of randomised controlled trials

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Recent cohort studies of randomised controlled trials have provided evidence of within-study selective reporting bias; where statistically significant outcomes are more likely to be more completely reported compared to non-significant outcomes. Bias resulting from selective reporting can impact on meta-analyses, influencing the conclusions of systematic reviews, and in turn, evidence based clinical practice guidelines.</p> <p>In 2006 we received funding to investigate if there was evidence of within-study selective reporting in a cohort of RCTs submitted to New Zealand Regional Ethics Committees in 1998/99. This research involved accessing ethics applications, their amendments and annual reports, and comparing these with corresponding publications. We did not plan to obtain informed consent from trialists to view their ethics applications for practical and scientific reasons.</p> <p>In November 2006 we sought ethical approval to undertake the research from our institutional ethics committee. The Committee declined our application on the grounds that we were not obtaining informed consent from the trialists to view their ethics application. This initiated a seventeen month process to obtain ethical approval. This publication outlines what we planned to do, the issues we encountered, discusses the legal and ethical issues, and presents some potential solutions.</p> <p>Discussion and conclusion</p> <p>Methodological research such as this has the potential for public benefit and there is little or no harm for the participants (trialists) in undertaking it. Further, in New Zealand, there is freedom of information legislation, which in this circumstance, unambiguously provided rights of access and use of the information in the ethics applications. The decision of our institutional ethics committee defeated this right and did not recognise the nature of this observational research.</p> <p>Methodological research, such as this, can be used to develop processes to improve quality in research reporting. Recognition of the potential benefit of this research in the broader research community, and those who sit on ethics committees, is perhaps needed. In addition, changes to the ethical review process which involve separation between those who review proposals to undertake methodological research using ethics applications, and those with responsibility for reviewing ethics applications for trials, should be considered. Finally, we contend that the research community could benefit from quality improvement approaches used in allied sectors.</p

    Structural and Atropisomeric Factors Governing the Selectivity of Pyrimido-benzodiazipinones as Inhibitors of Kinases and Bromodomains

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from American Chemical Society via the DOI in this recordBromodomains have been pursued intensively over the past several years as emerging targets for the devel-opment of anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory agents. It has recently been shown that some kinase inhibitors are able to potently inhibit the bromodomains of BRD4. The clinical activities of PLK inhibitor BI-2536 and JAK2-FLT3 inhibitor TG101348 have been attributed to this unexpected poly-pharmacology, indicating that dual-kinase/bromodomain activity may be advantageous in a therapeutic context. However, for target validation and biological investigation, a more selec-tive target profile is desired. Here we report that benzo[e]pyrimido-[5,4-b]diazepine-6(11H)-ones, versatile ATP-site di-rected kinase pharmacophores utilized in the development of inhibitors of multiple kinases including a number of previ-ously reported kinase chemical probes, are also capable of exhibiting potent BRD4-dependent pharmacology. Using a dual kinase-bromodomain inhibitor of the kinase domains of ERK5 and LRRK2, and the bromodomain of BRD4 as a case study, we define the structure-activity relationships required to achieve dual kinase/BRD4 activity as well as how to di-rect selectivity towards inhibition of either ERK5 or BRD4. This effort resulted in identification of one of the first report-ed kinase-selective chemical probes for ERK5 (JWG-071), a BET selective inhibitor with 1 μM BRD4 IC50 (JWG-115), and additional inhibitors with rationally designed polypharmacology (JWG-047, JWG-069). Co-crystallography of seven representative inhibitors with the first bromodomain of BRD4 demonstrate that distinct atropisomeric conformers rec-ognize the kinase ATP-site and the BRD4 acetyl lysine binding site, conformational preferences supported by rigid dock-ing studies.This work was supported by NIH (Grant No. U54HL127365, to N.S.G. and J.W.; No. NIH P50 GM107618, to X.X. and S.C.B.; Nos. NIH U54 HD093540 and P01 CA066996, to J.Q.), the Medical Research Council (No. MC_UU_12016/2, to D.R.A.), the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (MINECO) (Grant No. SAF2015-60268R, to J.M.L.), and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) funds (to J.M.L.). D.L.B. was supported as a Merck Fellow of Damon Runyon Cancer Research Foundation (No. DRG-2196-14)